The Witch's Heart (The Rise of Orion Book 2)

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The Witch's Heart (The Rise of Orion Book 2) Page 2

by J. M. Davies

  “Let me have a look at your neck.” Marcus twisted his torso and leaned over to reach for her.

  “I would rather you focused on something else.” She smiled, smoothing her hand over her breast and wetting her lips. She watched as the corners of his mouth lifted.

  Marcus pressed his taut and corded chest closer to her body until his mischievous mouth lay inches from her waiting breast. Marcus gave a wide, satisfied smirk as he lowered his head to capture the sensitive nipple between his lips, all the while his smoldering ebony eyes remained on hers.

  Oh God, he knew exactly what she needed and when. As his tongue swirled around her sensitive bud, sucking and pulling, her insides liquefied and the hot throb that started earlier pulsed louder, beckoning. Ella sunk into the mattress, allowing the hot flood of shooting tingles to rise inside her belly. She stroked Marcus’s cheek, loving the friction of his rough whiskers on her hand. Marcus was all male and, breathing in his exotic cardamom and bergamot scent, she relished everything that was him. A moan escaped her mouth as his hand caressed its way down between her legs and pushed her thighs apart to stroke the juncture between them. He pressed his fingers over her silky wet folds and brushed her clit.

  “Does it ache here?” he said with a husky voice.

  Ella stared down at a confident Marcus. The sheer power that oozed from his determined glare was hypnotic, and it stole her breath. At times like this, she couldn’t believe he was hers. Shifting farther down in the bed, she nodded, clutching the mattress with her hand, wanting more. The delicious electrical sparks engulfed her in crushing waves, making her wanton. His finger toyed with her velvet skin and stroked the length of her opening, increasing the moisture and her frustration.

  “Marcus, please.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  Argh, yes, Marcus liked to be in control, and only on a few occasions did Ella challenge that. He knew what she wanted, but Ella knew he liked her saying the words, as if he needed confirmation of her complete and utter need for him.

  “I need more—I need you to touch me here.”

  Instead of words, she pressed his fingers deep inside her throbbing heat and closed her eyes. He buried his finger deep inside her core, connecting them. A flash of white light flooded her mind and Ella froze. She panted as dark images filled her mind. She couldn’t decipher or make any sense of them but an overriding fear for Marcus grabbed her. Ella tried to catch her breath but Marcus mistook her reaction for desire and thrust another finger inside, increasing the tempo. Something was wrong but Ella couldn’t break away as the tidal waves of desire took control. Her tingling orgasm built as Marcus continued his lovemaking. He delved deep inside her core, sweeping his fingers around, and touched her sensitive spot. When he removed his fingers almost all the way out, it made her gasp with fear that he would stop, but he shoved them back inside and she bucked to bring herself closer to his touch. Ella grabbed his hand.


  “Relax, baby. I’ve got you.”

  The overpowering feelings threw her off-balance and she hated feeling out of control. As his masterful strokes touched her in all the right places, adding just the amount of pressure she needed, she let go. The whirling waves of euphoria and pleasure rose higher and higher until she couldn’t help but scream out his name. As her orgasm took her over the edge, a clear picture of Marcus kneeling on the floor, head bent, with a gun pointed at his temple appeared in her mind like a photograph.

  A loud bang sounded and echoed around her.

  The pleasure turned to pain, and Ella jerked her body forward. Thirty minutes later, showered and dressed, Ella paced the unpainted wooden floor boards in the bedroom as she chewed on the tips of her nails. The morning sun shone through the translucent sheers, promising a lovely day, but she couldn’t shake the sinking dread that consumed her inside. Her heart pounded in her ribs, not from the passion of earlier but from raw anger.

  “You’re so damn arrogant, Marcus. If the roles were reversed, would you be so blasé? Would you let me leave? Why won’t you listen to me?” She rubbed her abdomen and stared over at the man who had just walked out of the shower after dismissing her concern about the terrifying vision.

  Marcus sat on the edge of the bed, tugging on his heavy leather boots as he met her look. He sighed, stopped what he was doing for a moment and rubbed his hand across his temple.

  “You are overreacting, Ella—that’s why. And you’re not me. I’m trained for this. I’m used to staring death in the face. I’m coming back, I’ve told you that. I understand you’re worried, and the pregnancy makes you—”

  “Don’t you dare say it, Marcus.”

  She moved to stand in front of him with her hands on her hips. He grabbed his thick black sweater from the bed and pulled it over his wet hair. Facing her, his eyes were so dark Ella couldn’t see the pupils.

  “Okay, I won’t. This baby, this pregnancy, it’s a gift, Ella. One I never imagined I would want. Up until I met you. The past—it’s been fucked up and our baby is a chance for us to have a normal life. I think it’s safer that way. Anyway, what the hell am I supposed to do, tell me? Should I tell Ben that my wife has had a bad dream and wants me to stay home? Let some other poor soul face whatever danger is out there? Or should I tell him the truth? Should I tell him what we are, Ella? I know you worry about the professor and the Elusti, which is why we live here on the compound with the others. Where it’s safe. I can ensure you’re protected here because it’s like a damn military base. It would take an army to infiltrate the high-tech security here.”

  Ella didn’t lose eye contact with him, but she wasn’t convinced. The Elusti had unlimited power. Marcus raked his heads through his wavy, inky-black hair and Ella swallowed.

  His eyes blazed at her like daggers. He was angry but so was she. She sniffed and forced back tears. His nostrils flared as he waited for a response from her, but Ella knew no matter what she said, he wouldn’t budge. Crossing her waist with her arms, she watched as he finished dressing in his dark combat pants. She had never wanted this. She hadn’t wanted to be a mother, and yet, little by little, as the baby developed, an overwhelming awareness changed her. At times, she knew she was being irrational and emotional, but this wasn’t one of them. As the date grew closer, the anticipation and deep-rooted foreboding magnified. The Elusti and Aidan, the professor, were out there. Intuition told her she would never be free of them. Ella knew the professor was waiting for her and the child she carried.

  Since the wedding, the last several months had flown. For a while, they had fallen into a blissful and domestic pattern of sorts. Marcus had continued with his missions taking him all over the world but when it became clear to everyone that Ella was pregnant, she hadn’t been given any option by Marcus or her boss Ben. She had been grounded and reduced to gathering intelligence from the office, working on the computer.

  It just wasn’t her.

  It didn’t take long for boredom to set in, which was worse when Marcus traveled. She couldn’t sleep, and the visions started. Marcus was understanding at first, sympathetic, but now his patience had evaporated. Staring around the large bedroom for a second, he stepped closer and reached his hands out to hold her hips, bringing her closer to his body—as close as the bump would allow. She stared at her protruding belly instead of him. He tilted her chin up and she met his demanding gaze.

  “I know you’re worried, Ella, but I’m good at what I do. You have to trust me. Your job now is to take care of yourself and the baby that’s growing inside you. Do you hear me? You haven’t stopped cleaning and rearranging stuff since we moved in. The nursery is ready and painted. All you need to do now is relax, baby. Please, for me. You have to let go of everything else. I’m only going to be gone for a couple of weeks and then, I’m here, by your side. I think, from what the book says, what you’re experiencing is a normal part of the third trimester—nesting and worrying. But it’s not good for you or the little one, Ella.”

  He moved one
of his strong hands from her hip to stroke her belly in small circles. Like the soothing sound of the ocean, it did relax Ella, a little, but as she sighed, she couldn’t let go of the earlier image of Marcus getting shot. The visions weren’t part of a normal pregnancy. Hell, they weren’t average humans, but that was the problem. Marcus had pushed aside the fact that they were both soul-shifters. He refused to discuss what that would make their child or the implications of being immortal. As the pregnancy progressed, Marcus had reverted to his stubborn old self, not wanting to confront his otherworldly abilities or explore his powers. He was adamant it would be safer for them both to keep their magic a secret. To act as if they were merely humans.

  There were parts of their heritage neither understood, but she couldn’t ignore it. Ella believed they should explore and push their powers to test the boundaries. Were they physically immortal or did it mean that their soul was? Which meant their physical form could die. She sighed. This wasn’t a new conversation; they had been arguing over it for the last several months too.

  She forced a smile. “So you have been reading the pregnancy book?”

  Marcus dipped his head as he kissed her temple. Her smile widened. He was trying to distract her.

  “You’re so beautiful, Ella. I love seeing your belly get bigger—”

  Ella playfully slapped his arm and he laughed. Marcus stood back and held her arms with his, examining her.

  “I read the book because this is all new to me too. You were right. We need to be prepared and I’ve been putting it off, but I’m ready. I cannot wait to meet our little one. But for now, you have to promise me, you will behave. I’m worried about you and the baby. You’re not sleeping at night. You’re restless. None of this is good—”

  Ella pushed his hands away and moved to gain some space. She wasn’t a child and he wasn’t taking what she said seriously. “Don’t say for the baby. It’s all I hear. Marcus, what I’m experiencing isn’t normal. We are not normal parents. We cannot simply forget what we are because you believe it will make things easier. We need to use our gifts to help us. We have lived and died before, and even though we’re immortal, you still get battered and bruised. Did you know you have a gray hair, a sign you are aging? And the visions show you getting shot, for heaven’s sake. I’m terrified I’m going to lose you.”

  The tears came too easily these days. She tried to wipe them away as they fell down her cheeks but Marcus was there in seconds, brushing his thumb over her cheekbone and lifting her chin up to face him.

  “I’m not going anywhere, woman. When I return, I’ll prove to you that having this baby was the best decision you made—well, after marrying me.” He knelt on the floor and kissed her protruding belly.


  Ella wiped the sparkly granite countertop one last time and stared out the large picture window that overlooked the sprawling green lawn that led to the impressive New England manor house. This was Ben Steel’s family homestead, and it nestled along the brutal Atlantic Ocean in Ogunquit, Maine. Every detail of the house was stunning. The several-story high mansion was filled with arched windows, sloping roofs, and weathered gray shingles. There was even a delightful wraparound porch. None of which hinted at the mysterious business conducted inside. The exquisite façade hid the cavernous and covert base that equaled any military facility. The house sat innocently on private and heavily guarded rugged land. There was over six acres of open space, leafy woodland, stables, and a coastline with a secluded pebbly beach.

  Tranquil and idyllic with envious views.

  Ella and Marcus lived in one of the brand-new guest cottages that were built as miniature replicas to the main house, complete with cedar shingles and porches. It was a gilded prison but that was what it was nonetheless.

  “I need to know you’re safe when I’m not here and this is the only place to ensure that. Ben’s property has the best money has to offer with regard to security. It’s built like Fort Knox—no one is getting in or out without his knowledge. There are high-tech surveillance gadgets everywhere, discreet infrared cameras, perimeter wires to detect intruders, enough men for a small army, and an incredible arsenal of weapons. Maybe in time, we can build and secure our own home, but for now, Ella, with the baby coming, there’s no safer place.”

  Marcus had said those words two days after their marriage in January. Four and a half short months ago. Wiping her mouth as she gripped the stainless-steel sink, she flicked her gaze around. The two-story house was modern inside, and full of light. She could even see the ocean from the enclosed porch. A pair of white rockers sat there, facing the ocean view. Even so, she hadn’t unpacked until a month ago, and then she had gone into overdrive with decorating and organizing the nursery. However, she still couldn’t bring herself to imagine their baby here, and setting up home terrified her because it meant putting down roots. Each time in her past lives, the moment she felt safe, something changed and disaster struck.

  Would now be any different?

  Staring back at the beautiful mansion in front, she knew that aside from the many bedrooms, impressive oak paneled dining room, and enormous chef’s kitchen, hidden in the basement was a labyrinth of secret rooms. She did not have access to certain areas, only the main operation room that manned over two dozen agents stationed at computer terminals, watching and tracking the identities and locations of numerous other field agents and their designated targets. Multiple overhead television terminals decorated the space and communication was via headsets and live video feeds. Marcus was right; the compound was the safest place, but she still didn’t feel at home or safe. The dreams wouldn’t stop. The professor’s voice reached into the darkness, taunting her during the dead of night and robbing her of sleep. As she strained her eyes, she watched the interaction between two men outside the main entrance at the base of the steps facing her house. One was dressed in casual clothes and held a pair of gardening shears. The other was dressed in similar fashion but as he shaded his eyes from the sun, he pointed briefly in her direction. She jumped as heavy clomping footsteps caught her by surprise and she swiveled around.

  “Ella, I’ve been ringing that damn bell for ages. Didn’t you hear it? Are you okay?” Jake rushed close to her.

  Jake was Marcus’s best friend, his brother from the Navy, and they shared a long history together. Now, he was her unofficial babysitter and it sucked. When Marcus traveled, Jake was stationed here. Something neither of them liked. Ella gave him the once-over. He was all light in contrast to the darkness of Marcus, but both men were equally trained and deadly if needed. Jake’s steel-gray eyes ran their sweep over Ella from head to foot and she let him take in her disheveled appearance. She knew she was a mess. She stepped away from the counter in bare feet, dressed in tight black leggings and a slouchy black T-shirt.

  “Would you like a coffee?” She stared back over her shoulder at a tense-looking Jake with an unsmiling face. She hadn’t been sleeping and she wasn’t entirely sure whether his being here was real. It was hard to focus and she was having an out-of-body sensation of not quite being here but being somewhere else. It made her light-headed.

  “Ella, are you allowed to drink coffee?”

  She glared at him.

  “Sit down before you fall. I’ll make it. More bad dreams?”

  Damn Marcus to hell. Why did he have to confide in Jake? Sure, he had told him about the dreams, but she doubted little else. He would think she was acting like any typical pregnant woman. She hated this.

  “I can’t sleep when he’s not here, and I can make a cup of bloody coffee, Jake. I’m not useless. Or you can simply go and report back to his high and mighty, now that you’ve seen me. That’s all he wants to know is that I’m still here and that everything is okay. Well, I’m here, but everything is not okay.” She heaved all her frustrations out.

  He held his hands up in surrender. “Whoa, I’m not suggesting you are useless, Ella. I don’t have a death wish. I’m merely here to help.”

  She ha
dn’t meant to snap at Jake. Since Marcus had left two weeks ago, Jake had been good company. No, she wasn’t being fair to him. She was exhausted and being a bitch. Not feeling herself at all, Ella grabbed the countertop with both her hands and bent her head.

  “Ella, are you okay? Are you in pain?” Jake darted to her side and placed his hand on the small of her back.

  She breathed out and shook her head to push her loose hair back over her shoulders. Maybe she should just cut it all off. When the baby came, it might be easier.

  “Ella, if you don’t answer me, I am going to put in a call and you’ll have the flying squad in here in seconds.”

  Hearing his words, she turned her head to the side and shook it. Jake towered over her like Marcus, and his solid frame was equally impressive. His muscles filled his white shirt, displaying a well-toned and powerful build. But with Jake, she wasn’t sure what it was—he didn’t have the dangerous edge that Marcus did. Maybe it was that their relationship was different.

  “I’m sorry, Jake. I’m okay. I mean, I’m obviously not okay, but it’s not the baby. It’s not you either. I’m just frustrated.”

  She looked down her body. She couldn’t see her feet anymore. He rubbed her back and gripped her shoulders, steering her away and leading her to the brown leather couch; he pushed her down until she had no choice but to sit. Easing her awkward body until she was comfortable, she longed for the next several weeks to pass. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

  “Look, Ella, I’m no expert when it comes to pregnant women but aren’t you meant to be at the glowing stage? You look beyond tired. Now, when did you last eat?” Jake asked.

  “Didn’t you just say you didn’t have a death wish?”

  She pressed her hand on the couch to stand up, but he hunkered down so he was the same height. He rubbed his hand over his cleanly shaven chin and eyeballed her. He cocked his head to the side and she studied his cool stare.

  “Ella, you have to rest. You also need to eat. Now, Marcus put his trust in me to make sure you and junior were okay until he’s back. Popping in every day to check you’re okay isn’t hard. But you’re fighting me every inch of the way. This isn’t just about you anymore. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Or, I can move in if you would prefer?” He smiled broadly.


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