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The Witch's Heart (The Rise of Orion Book 2)

Page 17

by J. M. Davies

  In one fluid motion, he rolled and brought her on top of his body, slick with a fine sheen of sweat from the exertion. Holding her hips, he lifted her above his erection. He looked deep into her glazed eyes as she stared down at him; she licked her lips and tilted her pelvis, rubbing the moist tip of his stiff arousal. She moved her hips from side to side, teasing. She leaned over his chest and brought her breasts close to his mouth. Enjoying her playful side, he allowed her to wriggle and taunt him, but after another nudge over his sensitive tip, he held her still and plunged his cock, impaling her and making her cry out loud. Holding her waist, he tilted his hips to thrust upward and she leaned over him, rocking back and forth. Marcus cradled one breast with his hand and rubbed the pebbled bud with his thumb. He grabbed her other nipple in his mouth to suck.

  Ella blinked and panted as he continued his assault everywhere until she lay on his firm chest, out-of-control gyrating and moaning. Marcus let her take over as she rocked her body against his, feeling her pulsing orgasm building and climbing inside. As Ella cried out, holding his shoulders, the waves hit through her body, shaking her. Marcus pushed deep, riding the wave with her to his own release and kissed her tenderly on her forehead as she collapsed on his body.

  Brushing her hair to the side, he saw two neat puncture wounds surrounded by dried blood. On instinct, he flicked his tongue over the area and licked. The marks disappeared, but a thirst like he had never known before made him lick his lips and want more. He closed his eyes and let his breathing settle down to calm his need. He listened to Ella’s breathing; once she was asleep, he removed himself from her embrace and slid out of bed.

  He stood at the edge of the bed and watched her lying on her belly, cradling the soft pillow. What had taken place both shocked and aroused him at the same time. When they had mated months ago, it had been intense, but he hadn’t drunk her blood. He hadn’t fully realized they had mated until Ella explained later. It wasn’t as if he had mated before or received any specific training. Josephine mentioned a few rules but the intensity he was meant to feel didn’t occur until today. They may have started the ritual months ago, but it hadn’t come close to what transpired between them tonight. He felt different inside and out.

  The yearning that had been calling to him withdrew after tasting her blood. He narrowed his eyes and moved his jaw side to side. Opening his mouth, he stuck his fingers inside and touched the sharp canines on top.

  They were new.

  His finger smoothed over the pointed tip that now appeared normal in size. He shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands. Had he imagined it? But as his eyes zeroed in on Ella’s neck once more, he salivated with a hunger that made his heart pound and his beast call for more. Leaving the bedside, he padded over to the window to study the moon outside. It was huge in the night sky. The pale full moon beckoned and its shadow spilled onto the inky ocean. He glanced back at Ella and her emotions pulsed inside him.

  Calm. Fear. Confusion. Desire.

  Lifting his head skyward, he inhaled and his body stiffened with excitement. He needed to know whether what he believed was true, and what the drinking of blood signified. Fast. His heart beat accelerated. As he focused his hearing, there was a second heartbeat. Hers. It echoed inside him. She was inside him. In his blood. There were owls hooting, snakes crawling, mice scurrying around, and a family of deer treading through the forest close by. He could hear them all. A multitude of voices swam in his mind. He couldn’t make out who they belonged to, but he pushed them away until only the thoughts of one remained. Hers. He slid back into bed and touched her skin, kissing her shoulder. She moaned his name and that was all he needed.


  A dream bounced around in Ella’s brain as she tossed and turned. Marcus’s powerful physique, with his ripped muscles, loomed over her and a soft kiss morphed into a raw and savage claiming. Sharp, pointed teeth sank into her neck. She cried out. A stinging pain assailed her. Ella resisted and pushed her hands against his heavy chest, but in seconds the burning sensation rippling through her body turned to a blistering heat of pleasure that touched her everywhere. Sparks of delight crawled from her center to her toes, paralyzing her. The sensations overwhelming her body climbed higher and higher, leaving her wanting more. Desire called. Whatever he was doing, she craved more. Swallowing, she extended her hand across the mattress in search of Marcus, but the space next to her lay empty.

  Where are you?

  Running. I’ll be there now.

  Shock woke Ella immediately with a start.

  Last night wasn’t a dream. They were using telepathy, and Marcus had drunk her blood. Drank her blood! Shit, they had mated. He had completed the ritual to bind them together. Her erratic heart pounded in her ribs and she darted forward, staring at her surroundings as if for the first time. The spacious room lay empty and silent, but she could hear Marcus’s determined heavy footfalls as he ran through the dense woods on the compound. A smell of damp earth greeted her and a picture of Marcus flashed inside her brain. She knew he was seconds away from the house. The warm bedroom with pale gray walls, light drapes, and pastel-colored pictures of the ocean was the same, but last night something incredible happened between them. Slipping out from the black wrought-iron bed, she stared at the window. The curtains were closed, aside from a small gap where the sun peeked through.

  Birds chirped outside. A black-capped chickadee called to his mate. She would see it if she peeked out the window, but she didn’t need to as it appeared in her mind. A light breeze brushed her cheeks as if she stood outside, watching.

  She needed to settle her thoughts. Many questions popped into her mind, but it was Josephine’s funeral today. She turned her head to study the alarm clock. It was still early at seven o’clock. She stretched her arms up in the air and clicked her bones into place, easing the stiff sensation she felt. A zing of awareness coursed through her. Marcus was thinking of her, but more to the point, what he wanted to do to her, which, in turn, made her aroused. She sucked her bottom lip as a nervous thrill raced through her sore body.

  I’m heading for the shower.

  Great. I’ll join you.

  She wanted to test this new connection and butterflies rose from her belly when he answered, but she needed to explain to him what had happened.

  Marcus, we must get ready.

  I’ll be quick.

  There was laughter in his voice as well as open desire. Last night, he didn’t accept her belief that their baby may be alive. It frustrated her, even though she wasn’t a hundred percent certain herself. At least, he had agreed after today to come with her to the building in Waltham that Isabella had located. Visiting that place wasn’t something she wanted to do. She had to go there.

  Ella padded across the wooden floor and into the shower room. Pulling the glass door open, she stepped inside and twisted the faucet on to let the water fall. Ella stood underneath the shower, letting the clear water cascade down over her face and body. She ran her hands over her face and down through her hair as she twisted around to reach for the shampoo. A soft click behind her announced his arrival. Marcus’s hand touched hers as she held the bottle, and a light kiss on her shoulder sent shivers down her spine.

  “Let me wash you.”

  She let her hand slip down and twisted around to face the solid ridges and planes of Marcus. His dark eyes zoned in on hers as he applied a small amount of the cream to her hair, working the shampoo into a lather, and he massaged her head. Ella stared at his strong chest, observing the muscles bunching and flexing as he moved. Her gaze prowled over his well-defined, muscular arms, noting the black swirls from his multiple tats, and trailed down over his tapered waist.

  Her eyes drank in the corded muscles that led down to a V-shape and his bulging arousal that looked—huge! Was it her imagination—was his cock bigger? She snapped her head up to his face and closed her eyes as Marcus continued to apply the creamy mixture over her neck, rubbing the skin there tenderly with his finge
rs. Delightful butterflies clawed inside her as he slid his hand down over her swollen breasts, swirling the foam in circles around her nipples and pressing the sensitive buds.

  She couldn’t stop the moan that left her mouth as she slanted her body closer to his. Her breasts crushed against his smooth chest and Marcus rubbed his hands over her back, trailing down over the cheeks of her pert bottom. A pulsing throb called from her center. Ella reached for his sensitive cock and gripped the length of him in her hands, stroking the tense, bulging muscle. Marcus lifted her bottom and pressed her back against the tiles on the side wall. She arched up as he thrust his cock deep inside her slick channel. The rhythm Marcus set began slow, with tender kisses to her lips, cheeks, and shoulders as he buried himself inside, driving the pace. Ella tilted her head back and caught his ebony eyes studying her intently as if pondering a question. She knew what he wanted.

  Take it.

  This time, she kept her eyes trained on him as he opened his mouth. Her eyes flared wide with panic as she saw his teeth lengthen and sharpen like needles. Anticipating the pain, but knowing a blissful feeling would follow, made her clutch his shoulders. He continued his rocking motion deep inside her core, filling her.


  Mine—you’re joined to me, Ella. I feel everything you feel. This is mating.

  A sharp scratch pierced her skin and she moaned loudly, the pain not as sharp as the first time. The world spun around her as pulses of ecstasy saturated each cell in her body until she clawed at his back like a wild animal. His pace increased and she bucked with him as he slapped against her body. She tightened her legs around his back and the waves of her orgasm consumed her. She lay her head on his shoulder, unable to move. She couldn’t stand and her breathing continued at a fast pace. Marcus groaned and growled as he reached his climax and nuzzled her neck, licking the skin there.

  I can’t stand.

  It’s okay. I’ll carry you to the bed. Are you okay?

  Marcus, we need to talk about what you’re doing.

  I know.

  He pulled out from inside her body and carried her into the bedroom. Marcus lay her on the bed, but the room continued to spin around. She didn’t think she could move at all. A nauseous sensation reached into the back of her throat and she stared at him.

  I’m thirsty.

  She pressed her lips together and lifted her head, needing something. Marcus kneeled on the bed and leaned over her. She switched her gaze to his naked body; there was something in the way he moved sleek like an animal, claiming and marking her. She raised her hand to brush his stern cheek minus the beard, and she smiled. He didn’t return the smile. He pressed his wrist to her mouth. On instinct, she opened and brushed her teeth along his skin there. She didn’t know what to do and panicked.

  Just do it, Ella. Take from me. I think you need it.

  He placed his hand around her neck to steady her as she touched his wrist again with her teeth. An excitement gripped her as a craving built; automatically, her teeth grew and she sank them into his skin, biting down hard. A rush of liquid spilled into her mouth and she bucked.

  Swallow it.

  She followed his command and let the rich taste flow over her tongue. The liquid slipped down her throat, and before she could stop, she sucked more. The sweet taste increased her desire and she gripped Marcus around the waist to pull him closer. He grabbed her hips and pressed her down farther into the mattress. He kissed her shoulder, working his way up her neck, and nudged her thighs apart with his knees. Ella widened her thighs, needing him, and his arousal touched her sensitive folds. In one swift primal motion, he entered her. They clung to each other, moaning and clawing at each other’s body, rocking back and forth until Ella released her hold on Marcus’s wrist. She let go. Her body was weightless in a blissful rapture.

  “Ella, are you all right?”

  His deep voice sounded right by her ear and she opened her eyes. His exotic spicy scent swam around her as he leaned over her with hooded, dark eyes. She brushed her thumb over his tight, pale lips.

  “I’m more than okay. Last night we mated.”

  He nodded. Did you know that we hadn’t?

  Yes. Ariana told me.

  Why didn’t you tell me?

  She sensed his anger rising as he pressed himself deeper inside, stirring the tidal waves of desire that coursed through her until her orgasm exploded into a million tiny fireworks. Marcus slumped over her body as he climaxed. Before she could answer him, he read her thoughts and knew she planned not to explain about the bonding to allow him to leave if he wanted.

  You’re mine. Don’t ever hide from me—I will know. I don’t know what triggered the ritual now, but I suspect it is completed. You belong to me in body and soul and I will never let you go, Ella. Your thoughts fill me. I know what your heart desires. I know where you are when I’m not close. I can hear your heart beat.

  He slipped out of her body and she sat up. Ella touched her neck with her hand pressing her fingers over two tiny marks.

  The wound’s closed but the marks didn’t disappear this time.

  What did you do?

  I licked your skin.

  She grabbed his wrist and stared at the small holes with blood still oozing. She pressed her lips to the skin and swept her tongue over the marks. Marcus groaned and cradled her cheek. The wounds closed and vanished, leaving his skin intact.

  We need to get dressed and get some air. Everyone will be at the house soon.

  Marcus lifted and moved off the bed, striding away with such lithe and poise. Sheer confidence and power exuded from him as he strode away. Ella smiled and nibbled her fingertips as she studied his neat behind.

  I know what you’re thinking, Ella—all the time. He turned his head back to look at her before he walked into the shower. I won’t be long and the reason I didn’t drag you in with me—well, you know why.

  Hurry up.

  Ella gathered the sheets around her body and tucked the corner inside to cover her nakedness. As she slipped downstairs, she hoped Ava was still in her room, asleep. She needed a drink and her stomach rumbled. Walking through the living room, she jumped as the downstairs bathroom door opened and out strolled Ava. She yawned and Ella flicked her eyes over her exotic features. This morning, the woman looked peaky. She was dressed in a low-cut red wraparound dress that displayed all her assets and highlighted her narrow waist.

  “It’s Josephine’s funeral today.” Ella walked over to the fridge.

  “I know. I don’t have anything else to wear. This dress is Steel’s ex-wife’s.”

  Ella frowned. She didn’t know that Steel was divorced. True, his wife didn’t live here, but she had never heard Marcus say he was divorced. She assumed his wife was dead and tilted her head, thinking it odd that she didn’t know.

  Who are you talking to, Ella? Steel’s business is his own affair.

  Geez, he could hear everything. This would drive them both crazy. Was there no filter? No way to block him from knowing her every thought?

  Ella, don’t. I like the way your mind works.

  She groaned. She was always in a state of arousal with him around and he had a voracious sexual appetite. She shook her head, suddenly aware she wasn’t alone. Ella glanced over at Ava, who peered at her intently.

  “Did you sleep all right last night?” Ella said as her cheeks heated. Embarrassment flowed through her and the idea this woman may have heard their lovemaking swamped her.

  You were rather vocal but I like hearing you scream my name.

  Stop it.

  Having a conversation with Marcus like this was distracting and obviously puzzling Ava, whose forehead wrinkled with faint lines as she continued to study her. Ella pulled the milk from the fridge and grabbed some mugs down from the cupboard, holding the sheet with her one hand.

  “I’m making coffee. Would you like some?”

  Ava stepped closer and pressed her hand over her belly. “No. I’ll just have juice if you have any?” />
  Ella watched the woman’s every movement. The way her hand covered her belly told her more than words. She lifted her head and studied the woman’s pale features.

  She’s pregnant.

  A pattering of urgent footsteps caught her attention, but it was too late. The earlier elation vanished and she clutched her own waist, wishing she wasn’t there. Marcus strode into the kitchen and took a quick look at both women before letting his gaze run over Ella covered in the white sheet. He smirked. “Morning, ladies.”

  It’s not mine, Ella. Don’t think that for a minute.

  She raised her eyes to meet his. He waltzed over and slung his arm around her shoulder, drawing her in tight to his strength. Marcus brushed a tender kiss over her lips, and the rising tension withdrew.

  “Jake and the others will be here in an hour. Ava, you’ll ride with them or you can stay here. To be honest, there’s no need for you to come at all.”

  Ella watched as the woman’s eyes widened and her face tightened at his words. An unexplained empathy rose for her. She was alone, frightened, and pregnant, by a man who killed without remorse. She wriggled loose of Marcus.

  “I’d like to come, if you don’t mind?”

  An overriding sense of fear came from the woman across from her.

  “Marcus will fix your juice. I need to get dressed before the pack descends. You’ve seen them—where there’s one, there’s more close behind.” She moved to leave, but doubled back toward the milk and poured the tumbler full, sipping the cold liquid.

  “Milk is good too—instead of coffee.” She stared right at Ava, who nodded at her.


  For the second time in as many months, Marcus stood with Ella, saying good-bye to someone he loved. His head ached with a million thoughts that filtered in and out, making the pressure unbearable. Since leaving the house this morning, his ears burned with the amplified noise that he detected, as if the volume was ramped up. Since last night, all his senses were sharper. He felt stronger, and he knew exactly where Ella was all the time. Although a need to keep her close possessed him and he knew the feeling was mutual.


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