Theory and Reality

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Theory and Reality Page 36

by Peter Godfrey-Smith

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  Ziman, John M. 2ooo. Real Science: What It Is and What It Means. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  Table of Contents


  A Note for Those Teaching with the Book

  1 Introduction

  1.2 The Scope of the Theory

  1.3 What Kind of Theory?

  I.4 Three Answers, or Pieces of an Answer

  r.5 Historical Interlude: A Sketch of the Scientific Revolution

  Further Reading

  2 Logic Plus Empiricism

  z.z The Vienna Circle

  z.3 Central Ideas of Logical Positivism

  2.4 Problems and Changes

  2.5 Logical Empiricism

  z.6 On the Fall of Logical Empiricism

  3 Induction and Confirmation

  3.2 Induction, Deduction, Confirmation, and Explanatory Inference

  3.3 The Ravens Problem

  3.4 Goodman's "New Riddle of Induction"

  4 Popper: Conjecture and Refutation •

  4.3 Popper on Scientific Change

  4.4 Objections to Popper on Falsification

  4.5 Objections to Popper on Confirmation

  4.6 Further Comments on the Demarcation Problem

  5 Kuhn and Normal Science •

  5.2 Paradigms: A Closer Look

  5.3 Normal Science

  5.4 Anomaly and Crisis

  5.5 Wrap-up of Normal Science

  6 Kuhn and Revolutions •

  6.z Revolutions and Their Aftermath

  6.3 Incommensurability, Relativism, and Progress

  6.4 The X-Rated "Chapter X"

  6.5 Final Thoughts on Kuhn

  7 Lakatos, Laudan, Feyerabend, and Frameworks •

  7.z Lakatos and Research Programs

  7.3 Laudan and Research Traditions

  7.4 Anything Goes

  7.5 An Argument from History That Haunts Philosophy

  7.6 Pluralism and the Ramblings of Madmen

  7.7 Taking Stock: Frameworks and Two-Process Theories of Science

  8 The Challenge from Sociology of Science •

  8.3 The Rise of the Strong Program

  8.4 Leviathan and Latour

  9 Feminism and Science Studies •

  9.z The Man of Reason

  9.3 The Case of Primatology

  9.4 Feminist Epistemology

  9.5 Science Studies, the Science Wars, and the Sokal Hoax

  10 Naturalistic Philosophy in Theory and Practice •

  io.z Quine, Dewey, and Others




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