Branding Gemma [Grizzly Pines 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Branding Gemma [Grizzly Pines 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Paige Warren

  Gemma followed Elodie into the living room, where she spilled the whole tale to her. Before she was finished, tears were streaking her cheeks. Elodie comforted her the best she could, but she seemed to be at a loss as to what to do. Before Gemma could pull herself together, Cody walked into the room.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  “She broke up with Synclair and Ryan,” Elodie explained.

  Cody raised an eyebrow. “I’d think that would be cause for celebration. I told you they weren’t right for you. Especially Synclair. It was only a matter of time before it ended.”

  Elodie glared at him. “For someone who is so sweet to me, you really can be insensitive when it comes to other people.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve never hidden my feelings on the matter.” He looked at Gemma again. “What made you break up with them anyway?”

  “It seems Ryan has a little boy.”

  Cody rocked back on his heels. “He never told you he was a daddy?”

  “He didn’t know about it,” Elodie explained. “The boy showed up while Gemma and he were out of town. The mother is dying and she claims Ryan is the father, but he’s denying it.”

  “It sounds like none of this is his fault,” Cody said. “So why did you break up with them?”

  “I can’t be in a ménage relationship with them, not with a little boy under their roof.”

  “So you’re saying there’s something wrong with the relationship we have with Elodie? That our child is going to suffer because he or she will have three daddies?”

  She hadn’t really thought about her cousins’ relationship. Cody did have a point though. If he and her other cousins could raise a baby with Elodie, maybe Ryan could still have a ménage relationship with her. She still felt doubt creeping in though.

  “Your baby will be born into a family like that. This little boy has only had his mother in his life. Won’t it be confusing for him if his uncle and his dad are both with the same woman?”

  “Not if he calls Synclair daddy instead of uncle. No reason the boy can’t have two daddies,” Cody reasoned. He sighed. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with you. I should be thrilled that you won’t be seeing them anymore.”

  “Then why are you helping me?”

  “Because I’ve seen how happy they make you, and I don’t want to watch you mope around his house for the next several months.”

  Elodie squeezed her hand. “Why don’t you go take a nice hot bath? Dinner will be ready in about a half hour.”

  Gemma nodded and headed upstairs. She heard Elodie and Cody talking. Ryan’s name was mentioned, but Gemma was emotionally exhausted and couldn’t handle talking about it anymore. Elodie was right. A hot bath was just what she needed. Maybe the steaming water would help clear her head.

  Chapter Twelve

  Synclair looked up from the front desk when the door opened, relief pouring through him when he saw it was Gemma. He’d thought for sure they’d lost her for good. If she was here, it had to be a good thing, he hoped. Ryan and he had talked quite a bit over the past week, trying to figure out how to convince Gemma to give them another chance. Just because Isaac was part of their lives now didn’t mean they were going to give up on their relationship with the woman of their dreams.

  “I thought you might need some help,” she said as she approached the desk.

  “Are you only here to work?”

  She shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve done some thinking over the past week. I know Ryan didn’t ask for any of this, and it’s obvious he didn’t know about Isaac. I can’t say that I’m convinced the boy isn’t his son, regardless of what Ryan says, but I know the little boy isn’t to blame for any of this either. He didn’t ask to be dropped off on your doorstep like unwanted baggage.”

  “His mother didn’t have a choice.”

  “Maybe not, but she could have contacted Ryan sooner.”

  “So what does this mean for us?”

  “I’m worried about Isaac and what he’ll think of our relationship. He’s been through a lot already. I don’t know that he could handle something like this.”

  “He’s young. He may find it confusing at first, but I don’t think it will be an issue. Besides, you made an impression. He’s asked about you several times, wanting to know when he could see you again.”

  She bit her lip. “You should know I’ve never really been around kids, not for an extended period of time.”

  “Neither have we, but I think we’re doing okay at this parenting thing.”

  “Is Ryan at work?”

  “He’s taken two weeks off to spend some time with Isaac. He didn’t want to just drop the kid off at some stranger’s house while he went to work. Not until the kid gets a chance to settle in a bit more. He came to us with one suitcase of clothes. There wasn’t as much as one toy packed. He cried the first night wanting his teddy bear, so Ryan went out and bought him one.”

  “Poor kid.”

  Synclair moved around the desk and reached for her. She went into his arms willingly, as if she’d missed being with them. He hoped that was the case because he’d sure as hell missed her. There hadn’t been a day that went by without him thinking about her, wondering what she was doing, and whether or not she would ever come back into their lives.

  “Why don’t I close the shop for a while and we can go home and have lunch with Ryan and Isaac? We can pick up some pizzas.”

  “You don’t have any appointments?”

  “Not until six. I’m free until then.”

  “What about walk-ins? Won’t you lose money closing the shop for several hours?”

  Synclair smiled. “I’m only closing up until two. After that, you’re going to spend some time with Ryan and Isaac by yourself. I think it will be good for you.”

  She thought about it a minute then nodded her consent. “I’ll follow you to the house.”

  Synclair put a sign on the door that said he would re-open at 2:30 and grabbed his keys. After locking up, he made sure Gemma was safely in her truck before he got in his. He checked his rearview mirror several times, making sure she was behind him. It had crossed his mind that she might bail on him halfway to the house and decide to return to the ranch instead. He knew Ryan wanted to see her just as badly as he had.

  They pulled into the driveway at the house and Ryan stepped out onto the porch. He looked nervous, seeing Gemma for the first time in a week. Things hadn’t exactly ended well the last time she’d been to the house, so he supposed he couldn’t blame his brother. Synclair waited for her, placing his hand at the small of her back and guiding her up the steps and onto the porch.

  “It’s good to see you,” Ryan said, shoving his hands into his pockets. Synclair knew his brother was fighting the urge to pull Gemma into his arms, and he wondered why he didn’t just do it. Was he worried about her reaction?

  “I’m sorry I stayed away so long, but I had some things to work through,” she said.

  He nodded. “Did you want to come in?”

  “Yeah, that would be great.” She smiled at him and Synclair saw the tension ease from his brother’s shoulders.

  “I’m going to order a few pizzas,” Synclair said. “I’ll get a pepperoni for Isaac, supreme for us, and chicken for Gemma.”

  “I can’t eat a whole pizza,” she protested.

  “Then take home whatever you don’t finish,” Ryan said.

  They stepped into the house and Isaac came running, throwing his arms around her legs.

  “I thought you’d never come back,” he said. Little did he realize, Synclair and Ryan had worried about the same thing.

  “Have you been a good boy for your daddy and Uncle Synclair?” she asked, kneeling down.

  The little boy nodded and hugged her neck tight. Gemma rose, lifting the child into her arms. She looked at Synclair over Isaac’s head and he saw a moment of panic in her eyes. He didn’t know how to help her through it, but it was obvious she was good with the kid, despite what s
he said about not being around them. Maybe she was a natural.

  Ryan led her into the living room, where a children’s cartoon played on the TV, while Synclair went to the kitchen to place the order for pizza. After he placed the order, he stopped in the living room doorway, just watching them. Gemma sat beside Ryan, with Isaac in her lap. They looked like a nice, cozy family. Stepping into the room, he sat on the other side of Gemma, resting his arm along the back of the couch.

  She smiled at him, but he noticed she was rather stiff. She hadn’t released Isaac though, no matter how uncomfortable she was. Synclair hoped that spending some time with just Ryan and Isaac would help ease her tension today, make her see that she could do this. He had no doubt she would be a wonderful mother to Isaac, if given the opportunity, and he knew his brother had already been thinking about marrying Gemma. Synclair wanted her in their lives permanently, but he was okay with his brother being the one legally married to her. Ryan made more money and had better insurance than Synclair, so it just made sense. It didn’t mean Synclair loved her less than Ryan did.

  * * * *

  After Synclair left, Ryan wasn’t sure what to do. His brother had acted as a buffer between Gemma and him. Now he had to face her on his own, and he still wasn’t sure where he stood with her. He wasn’t exactly comfortable talking about it in front of his son either. And while Isaac might not be his by blood, he had started to think of him as his son. He’d thought of having a blood test done, just to prove to Gemma that he hadn’t sired the kid, but then he thought about what that would do to Isaac. The boy was starved for attention and so desperate for a daddy. How could Ryan deny him? He only hoped Gemma understood.

  “Why don’t you go play with your cars for a little while?” Ryan asked Isaac. “I need to talk to Gemma for a minute.”

  Isaac kissed Gemma’s cheek, and then Ryan’s, before sliding out of her lap and scurrying upstairs. Alone for the first time since their trip, Ryan felt nervous. He’d thought they’d grown closer while they were in San Antonio, but now he wondered if they’d backtracked.

  “He’s a good kid,” Gemma said, rubbing her hands up and down her thighs.

  Was she as nervous as he?

  “Yeah, he’s a good boy.” He stared at the floor a moment before turning his gaze her way. “I know this isn’t what we planned, but I can’t say I’m sorry for it. If I didn’t take Isaac in, he would have gone to the state and been bounced from one foster home to another. As far as anyone is concerned, I’m that kid’s father. But between us? He isn’t mine. I didn’t lie to you, Gemma.”

  “He doesn’t look like you.”

  “He doesn’t look much like his mother, either. Except for his eyes. He has her eyes. I’m guessing the rest of him is all Daddy, whoever that might be. Knowing his mom, it was probably another cowboy. She was a buckle bunny, always chasing after the winners. I think she secretly hoped one would marry her and give her a better life, or maybe a more exciting one.”

  “Does he talk about his mom?”

  Ryan shook his head. “He’s talked about his old home though. They didn’t live in the best of places. He said he had to be careful where he walked or he’d fall through the floor, and that the roof leaked when it rained. He was so happy when he saw our large backyard. Apparently he didn’t have much of one at home, and because it wasn’t safe, his mother never let him go outside unless she was with him.”

  “That’s so sad. It sounds like he’s going to have a better life here with Synclair and you.”

  “I’d hoped that maybe you’d be a part of his life, too.”

  “Baby steps, Ryan. I’m not exactly comfortable around him yet. I wasn’t one of those girls who dreamed of growing up, getting married, and having a bunch of kids. Maybe the married part, but I never thought about kids.”

  “You don’t want any?”

  She shrugged. “Just never thought about it. I’ve never really been around them so I’m not very good at it.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ve watched you with Isaac, both that first night and today. You’re wonderful with him, a natural.”


  “I want you back in our lives, Gemma. I’ve missed you this past week. So did Synclair. We both felt lost without you. When I thought you were gone for good, it made me sick.”

  “I just needed some time,” she said.

  “And now?”

  “After talking to my cousin today, I feel better about everything. He pointed out that my fears were unfounded, at least the ones about our relationship. I’m still terrified I’ll screw the kid up somehow. You may say I’m a natural with him, but I feel awkward. I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to children.”

  “You’ve done everything just right so far. I think you’re worrying about nothing.” Ryan reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “I don’t want to see you go again, but if you can’t handle being around Isaac, I’ll understand. He’s part of my life now and I’m not about to change that. Not even for you.”

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  Ryan wished he knew what she was thinking, how she really felt about the whole thing. She had a great capacity for love. He knew that much just from being around her. If she’d just let herself, she could easily love Isaac. Hell, he’d felt awkward around the little boy those first few days. He still didn’t have it all figured out, but he was taking it day by day. He wouldn’t ask anything else from Gemma, but he hoped she gave them a chance. A real chance. He could tell she was scared and he wished there was something he could do about it.

  He wondered if the sink-or-swim method might work. It had for him. Even Synclair was good with the boy now. Both of them had floundered for a few days but had found their footing. Most of the time. Maybe if she were left alone with Isaac for just a short while, even just fifteen minutes, she’d see that she could handle it. And if she completely freaked out about it, then he’d back off.

  “I know you’re scared,” he said, “but I have a huge favor to ask.”

  “What is it?”

  “I need something from the office. Some papers for a case I’m presenting next week. Would you stay here with Isaac, just for fifteen minutes or so? I promise I’ll hurry.”

  He thought she was going to refuse him at first, but she slowly nodded.

  “It’s just fifteen minutes, right?” she asked.

  “I swear I’ll hurry back, quick as I can.”

  Ryan rose and pulled his keys from his pocket. Before he left, he called up to Isaac, letting him know he was leaving but would return shortly. The little boy appeared at the top of the stairs, holding his favorite car in his hand.

  “Is Gemma staying with me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Ryan said. “She’s going to be here with you. Will you be a good boy for me?”

  “Of course, Daddy.”

  Ryan smiled and headed out to his SUV, knowing that everything would be fine at home. Gemma might not be completely at ease with the situation, but he knew she would do fine. She had a gentle touch with Isaac. He didn’t doubt that he’d return to find her playing cars with him in the middle of the living room floor, or watching another cartoon with his son firmly planted in her lap.

  He just hoped his plan worked.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gemma heard little feet running down the stairs and she stood, thinking she should tell him to walk before he fell. Before she could move, he came barreling into the room, a huge smile on his face. He had a big yellow dump truck in his hands and she wondered if he was going to sit in the living room to play with it.

  “What’s that you have?” she asked, leaning down to inspect it.

  “My truck. It’s my outside truck.”

  “Outside?” That didn’t sound like the best of ideas but, really, how much trouble could one little boy get into in the front yard?

  “I suppose I could sit on the steps while you play, as long as you stay close by,” she said.

  The little boy whooped and ran for th
e door, not giving her time to catch up. She was about to admonish him to slow down, but as she stepped through the front door, she froze. Isaac was no longer happy about playing outside. Instead, he was clutched tightly in Trevor’s hands. How had he found her? She’d been so careful.

  “Your parents were kind enough to tell me you had moved to Grizzly Pines,” he said. “After I told them I wanted to reconcile with you, of course.”

  His grin chilled her to the bone. Her gaze dropped to Isaac and she wondered how she could get the little boy away from her crazed ex. Gemma had no doubt that Trevor would hurt him if he thought it would serve his purpose, whatever that might be. She didn’t believe for one minute that he wanted to reconcile with her. Kill her and hide the body, maybe.

  “Let him go, Trevor. He has nothing to do with this.”

  “Imagine my surprise when I followed you first to a tattoo shop then here. One man wasn’t enough for you, Gemma? You had to whore yourself out to two of them?”

  She swallowed hard. “Take me, Trevor. But let Isaac go. He’s just a little boy.”

  “I never saw you as mommy material.” His gaze swept over her. “I’m surprised that cowboy of yours left you alone with his kid. You’re about as maternal as a rock.”

  His barbed words hit their mark, but she tried not to show any emotion. He was right though. If she’d been better parent material, Isaac would be safe with her right now and not in Trevor’s hands. She’d let down Ryan and she’d failed Isaac, just like she’d feared she would.

  “Please, Trevor. Let him go.”

  He had the most sadistic grin she’d ever seen and she knew it didn’t bode well for her. She may or may not get out of this alive, but she had to make sure Isaac was safe, no matter what happened to her. Ryan would never forgive her if his son was harmed when she was supposed to be watching him.

  “Begging already?” he asked. “You’ll be begging even more before I’m done with you. Come closer.”


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