The Wedding Dance

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The Wedding Dance Page 12

by S. J. McCoy

  Pete looked at him. Jack started to feel as though he might finally be getting through, so he pushed on. “Look at her.”

  Pete followed his gaze to where Holly was now sitting—by herself—staring morosely into the drink in her hand.

  “Does she look happy to you? Does she look like a woman who’s excited to be getting married in a month? Or does she look like a woman who’s just about reached the end of her rope?” He could see the pulse working in Pete’s temple. Maybe he was getting through. “How are you going to feel, Pete, if she does call it off? If she decides she can’t take anymore and gives up. How will feel when she gives you that ring back and walks out the door and out of your life?”

  ~ ~ ~

  Pete’s heart was thundering in his chest. Holly looked up and met his gaze. She didn’t smile. She just stared at him for a long moment before looking away. What the hell was happening to them? The thought of her giving him back her ring? That made him feel ill. He remembered the night he’d given it to her. They’d sat there in the hot tub outside the cabin at his folks’ place. He’d thought a proposal was supposed to be serious and solemn. She’d proved him so wrong! He remembered the way her eyes had shone with tears as she’d cried, Holy shit, Bigshot! It’s enormous! Even now he couldn’t help but smile at how she’d thrown herself into his arms. It hadn’t gone anything like he’d planned, but that was what had made it so special—so Holly. That was what he loved about her.

  He looked at Jack. Realization was dawning. He’d even told her—once he’d finally let go of his life plan in order to let her in—that she made everything better than his plan ever could have been. Just by being her. By adding to his life in ways he could never imagine by himself. She made life so much better, because she was Holly. Because she was unexpected—because she wasn’t bound up in or by a plan!

  “Jesus, Jack!”

  Jack gave him a knowing nod. “Yep! Jesus, Pete! What the fuck have you been playing at? And are you going to wake up in time?”

  Pete looked over at Holly again. He’d almost lost her once before. That had been his choice. He’d thought he could go back to the life he’d had before he met her. He’d found out very quickly that he couldn’t. He couldn’t stand the thought of living the rest of his life without her. He looked back at Jack. “I’m awake!”

  Jack grinned. “So what are you going to do about it, partner?”

  “I have no freaking clue!” It was true. How could he bring them back from the brink of disaster, when he was the one who had taken them there. “What do I do, Jack?”

  Jack shrugged. “That, I can’t tell you. That’s for you to figure out. But I will say you should probably figure it out with Holly, rather than for her.”

  Pete nodded. He could see now that he’d screwed up, by trying to plan everything for her. If they were going to fix things, they needed to do it together. He stretched his fingers out of the fist they’d been making at his side. Part of him wanted to make some grand gesture though. To show her how much he loved her. To show her he understood her and could give her what she wanted.

  “Talk to me, Hemming? What are you thinking? I don’t like that look on your face.”

  Pete smiled. “I don’t know what I’m thinking yet, but when I do, I’ll run it by you first.”

  Jack grasped his shoulder. “You do that. I want to see you fix this. Not make it even worse!

  They both looked up as Dan tapped on the microphone. “Can you hear me?” he asked.

  The speakers crackled with feedback.

  Pete looked at Jack. “Shall we give him a hand?”

  Jack shook his head and there was no mistaking the pride in his voice as he replied. “No, he’s got this.”

  Dan tapped on the microphone again with a shy smile. “Okay, we want to make sure that everyone knows what the plans are for the next few days. I’m sure you’ll want to go off and do your own thing, much of the time. But we’ve printed up sheets of what’s happening where and when, so you don’t miss any of the important stuff.”

  Pete watched as Dan looked around the room. He felt proud of him, too. He’d known Dan since he was Scot’s age. He’d been just as quiet and shy. He’d come a long way.

  “I guess the most important things to know are: Tonight is party night. Girls are meeting at the concierge desk at seven. Guys are meeting in the front lobby at seven. Tomorrow is a do-as-you-please day. We’ve got the spa booked out for anyone who wants to make the most of it. And then Saturday is the big day. Michael and Megan are getting married in the chapel at two. There’ll be a reception afterwards, and then Missy and I have our ceremony at five out on the balcony.” He looked around. “Does anyone have any questions?”

  No one seemed to have any. The chatter started up again and Dan turned the microphone off. Ben came to join Pete and Jack.

  “Are you guys ready to party tonight?” he asked.

  Jack nodded. “I’m going to feel guilty drinking while Em can’t, though.”

  Pete laughed. “She won’t care. She’s so hyped up on excitement she doesn’t need the booze.”

  Jack smiled.

  “It’s true,” said Ben. “She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

  “We both are,” said Jack. “We’ve talked about babies for so long, and now it’s really happening.”

  Pete scanned the room for Holly. She’d been so excited about babies, too. Early on. They hadn’t talked about it in ages. They hadn’t really talked about anything.

  Ben punched his arm. “What’s up, bud?”

  He blew out a sigh. “Honestly? I’m wishing I could spend the evening with just Holly, instead. Take her out to dinner somewhere nice. Try to make things right between us.”

  Jack smiled at him. “You want to crash their bachelorette party again?”

  Pete nodded, smiling to himself at the memory of Jack and Emma’s bachelor parties. He remembered that he’d also started that evening wishing he could spend it alone with Holly.

  “I don’t think Missy would be too happy with us if we did that,” said Ben.

  Jack laughed. “You just want to make sure that it’s a real guys’ night, don’t you?”

  “I do! I’ve been pushing for someone to get us to Vegas for over a year now. I intend to make the most of it.”

  Pete watched him. Ben did a good job of making out he was ready to hit Vegas hard and party all night, but Pete knew him better than that. He was hurting. Pete realized that he’d been so caught up in his own problems he hadn’t been there for Ben like he should. He raised an eyebrow at him now. “Is this a genuine desire to party? Or…” He didn’t know how to say it. Didn’t want to say Charlotte’s name out loud.

  Ben’s smile faded as he met Pete’s gaze. “What do you think?”

  Pete nodded he already knew. “When does she arrive?”

  “I don’t even know! It’s driving me nuts! She could walk in that door any minute, or she might not show up until five o’clock on Saturday. I have no idea!”

  “Jesus!” Pete was pissed at Missy. “Miss hasn’t even told you?”

  “It’s my fault. I said I didn’t want to talk about it. Subject closed.”

  Pete looked around. “Well, I want to know when she’s coming. I’m going to find out!” He spotted Missy chatting with Michael and strode over to them.

  Missy looked up at him. “Could you try smiling for once?” she asked.

  He scowled at her.

  “Turn that frown upside down, Hemming!” She laughed and stuck her tongue out at him. “What have I done now, anyway?”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “Sorry. I just get a bit too focused.”

  “Intense, is what you get. So, what’s bothering you now?” She dug him in the ribs. “Is something not to sir’s liking? Something not going to plan?”

  He rolled his eyes at her then looked at Michael. “How have we put up with her all these years? She’s mean!”

  Michael smiled. “She is, but she only calls us out on what
we need to hear.”

  Pete laughed. “Yeah, she’s not just everyday-random mean, she’s straight-for-the-jugular mean!”

  “Excuse me,” said Missy. “But she is sitting right here! And she is not mean! She just cares about you both enough to kick you in the ass when you need it.” She held Pete’s gaze. “And right now, you need it!”

  “Too late, my ass is well and truly kicked. Jack just took care of that. I get it, I get how I’ve been screwing up, and I’m going to fix it. I’m not the only one screwing up though, Miss. You are. You need to let Ben know when Charlotte’s coming. The poor guy can’t relax; he’s looking over his shoulder the whole time, wondering if she’s about to walk through the door.”

  “Oh, shit! I didn’t even think! He said he didn’t want to talk about it, so I haven’t mentioned her at all.” She looked around. “Where is he? I’ll go tell him. She doesn’t get in till late tomorrow afternoon. He’s safe.”

  Pete nodded. “I’ll let him know.”

  Missy looked pained. “Shit, shit, shit! I feel bad now.”

  Pete put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t. You can’t take care of everything and everyone. You need to take care of you.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, but it’s Ben. It’s not everyone. Or just anyone. It’s Ben!”

  “He’ll be okay. Don’t sweat it. Seems like we’re all overlooking even the things that are really important to us at the moment. It’s all fixable though.”

  Missy wrinkled her nose at him. “Have you come to your senses then?”

  He nodded. “I have, and if there’s one thing I do better than planning—it’s fixing shit!”

  Missy gave him a long, measured look. “I hope so, Pete.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Emma hurried down to the concierge desk; she was late. The girls were supposed to be meeting up at seven, and it was already ten after. She’d taken a nap. It seemed she needed one every afternoon these days, and her body refused to accept that being in Vegas made any difference. She smiled to herself when she reached the desk. Megan was there, April and Lily were there, but the rest of them seemed to be even later than she was. She smiled as she plonked herself down next to Megan.

  “Are you excited yet?” she asked.

  Megan nodded, but didn’t reply. Poor thing! She must be really nervous. And Emma knew her well enough to know that a night out like this would be tough for her. She’d no doubt rather be curled up with a book in her room. Emma could relate to that, but she wouldn’t miss this for the world.

  “Never mind,” she said. “Just have a couple of drinks and this evening will pass quickly.”

  Megan burst into tears.

  “What’s the matter?” Emma looked up at April and Lily who were sitting on the other sofa. Lily raised her hands in a helpless gesture. April shook her head sadly; they had no clue what was going on either. Megan pulled out a hanky and blew her nose loudly. “I can’t drink,” she mumbled.

  “Why ever not?”

  “Why can’t you?”

  “Because I’m pregnant, silly….” And then it dawned on her. “Oh!”

  Megan nodded sadly.

  “But Megan, that’s wonderful news! Isn’t it?”

  “It should be.” Megan sniffed. “It is really. I’m just being stupid. Ignore me. I’m fine.”

  “But you’re obviously not fine! Why?”

  She shook her head sadly. “I know it’s stupid, but I don’t want to get married because I’m pregnant!”

  Emma didn’t get that. “But you’re not. You’re getting married because you and Michael love each other and want to spend the rest of your lives together.” She gave her an encouraging smile. “And now you’re expecting a baby, too. It’s all coming together at once. What could be better?”

  “See, I told you. I’m just being stupid.”

  Emma patted her arm. “You’ll be fine. You just need a little time to get used to the idea.”

  Megan nodded and looked up as Kenzie came out of the elevator.

  “Hey ladies! Are we ready to do Vegas justice?” she asked.

  Emma smiled. Kenzie and Megan could not be more different. Kenzie looked like she was born to party in Vegas. She wore a short black dress, split at the thigh. Her long blonde hair was piled up on top of her head. Just looking at her heels gave Emma vertigo. She looked like a million dollars. Megan looked beautiful too, but in a much more muted way. She wore a purple silk dress, with a mandarin collar. She looked demure, yet still sexy.

  “I’m just hoping to survive the night,” said Megan.

  Kenzie’s face softened as she came to sit beside them. “You’ll have fun, sis. This is your big night. Relax and enjoy yourself for once. Be the wild little gypsy I know you can be.”

  Megan gave her a weak smile. “Okay.”

  Missy, Renée, Laura, and Jack’s mom all emerged from the elevator, chatting and laughing. Emma smiled to herself. They were all so beautiful! Even Jack’s mom. Maybe, especially Jack’s mom. Emma knew she needed to get used to who Chris really was. She’d carried this image in her mind of a sad, downtrodden woman. She’d been widowed at a very early age, and no matter what Jack and Dan’s father might have been, Emma knew that Chris had loved him. She’d never remarried. According to Jack, she’d never had an interest in finding a new relationship after their dad. That had made Emma imagine a dowdy, sad, old lady. When she’d met Chris, she’d realized how wrong she was, and the more time she spent with her, the more she came to respect and admire the strong, outgoing, bubbly character she was. In many ways, she reminded Emma of Missy, and looking at the two of them walking arm-in-arm to join them, she knew they were going to get along really well.

  Chris smiled. “Good evening, ladies. Thanks so much for inviting me along. I’m excited! I don’t want to pee on your parade, so I won’t stay out with you too late.”

  Missy laughed. “Ha! Don’t think you’re going to be able to wimp out early on us!”

  Chris laughed with her. “I’ll have to. I’m old and I’m out of practice. It’s not the same for all you young things.”

  Emma grinned at her. “Nice try, but you’re not old. That excuse isn’t going to fly. And besides, Anne and Lizzie are coming too. Wait till you see them party; we’ll have trouble keeping up!”

  “Lizzie?” Chris raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I haven’t got everyone straight yet. I know Anne’s Pete’s mom, and I know I’ve met Lizzie, but I can’t place her.”

  “Lizzie is Michael’s mom.” Missy shot a worried look at Megan. Emma caught her eye and shrugged. She was hoping that Lizzie might be able to talk Megan out of her funk. None of them had managed it.

  Chris smiled. “I love that all of you grew up so close. I hope I’ll be able to become a part of this big family of friends you have, even though I’m a latecomer.”

  Emma smiled at her. “You’re already a part of the family. And after tonight I’m pretty sure you’ll have a whole bunch of new friends.”

  Missy nodded. “And don’t count yourself out as one of the oldies. It’s a Summer Lake thing; the generations all party together. Always have, always will. You may as well get used to it.”

  Emma loved the way Chris smiled. With all the weddings and babies, they were all making new beginnings in their lives. Emma was happy that Chris was making a new beginning of her own. Emma hoped that she’d find her happiness in Summer Lake, like so many others were doing.

  She spotted Holly walking down the corridor, accompanied by Anne and Lizzie. She was relieved to see Holly smiling as the two older women chatted away. If anyone could cheer you up when you were down, it was those two.

  ~ ~ ~

  Holly couldn’t help but smile to herself as she listened to Anne and Lizzie chatting away to each other. Anne had come to Holly and Pete’s room door at six thirty. She’d claimed she was nervous to go and join all the girls by herself and wanted to go with Holly. She’d kicked Pete out, telling him he could finish getting ready with his dad. It made Holly laugh to s
ee Pete treated like a little boy—and meekly doing as he was told! It was such a nice change. Once he’d gone, Anne had pulled a bottle of champagne from her purse with a grin.

  “Let’s get this party started, darling!”

  They’d giggled and drunk champagne while Holly finished getting ready. Anne had called Lizzie and told her to come join them. They’d had quite the little party going and Holly had loved it—that was why they were only just getting here to join the party proper, half an hour late. It didn’t seem that anyone cared though. They were standing or sitting in little groups, chatting and laughing.

  She spotted Lily standing by herself and went to join her; she didn’t want anyone to feel left out this evening. She’d done enough feeling left out herself the last couple of months, and it sucked.

  “You look gorgeous,” she told Lily as she joined her.

  Lily laughed. “I scrub up okay for a farm girl, don’t I?”

  Holly shook her head. She knew Lily’s story, and she was pretty sure that the petite brunette felt just as at home in her gorgeous grey, satin off-the-shoulder number as she did in her Wranglers and work boots.

  “Don’t give me that crap.”

  Lily laughed. “Okay then, since it’s you, I won’t. I’ll just say it’s been far too long since I’ve been out and really let loose. Tonight may be the night. Girls just want to have fun, and this girl hasn’t had any fun in a long time.”

  Holly raised an eyebrow at her. “What kind of fun are you talking about? Remember this is a girls’ night—no men allowed.”

  Lily made a face. “We’re bound to run into some guys. That’s how Vegas works. A little drinking, a little dancing, a little…” she wiggled her ass and winked. “A little fun afterwards.”

  Holly shook her head. “I didn’t think you were like that!”

  “I’m not really. I’m just feeling frisky. I’ve been sadly single for over a year, and I want to have fun! Maybe even with that friend of Pete’s. He’s hot! And what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?”


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