A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2)

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A Mate for Gideon (The Program Book 2) Page 18

by Hartnady, Charlene

“Neither will they. It is a huge risk.” Zane raised his brows.

  Frustration ate at him. “The fact of the matter is, my lord, we are in this situation. What is the way forward? Is Jenna permitted to stay as my mate? Or should we leave?”

  “Don’t start with your ultimatums.” Zane growled, his eyes narrowed in on Gideon. “I fucking hate ultimatums.”

  “This isn’t an ultimatum…it is my life that we’re talking about. My future. Jenna is my future. I had hoped that you would understand that.”

  Zane shook his head. “Calm the fuck down. I do understand. Believe it or not, Brant would understand. We need time to sort this out though, to figure this out. Jenna will be safe in the meanwhile.”

  His phone rang again. Zane fished the device out of his pocket. “What fucking now?” He grumbled, holding his hand up to Gideon.

  “Yeah.” He said as he put the device to his ear.

  “York is out of the program. I don’t think we should pick another male…maybe in the next heat.”

  “No.” Zane said, his eyes firmly on Gideon. “I know of someone.”

  “Who?” Brant growled.

  “You told me to trust you to make the right decision. I need you to trust me. I have your tenth elite.”

  There was a growling noise on the other end. Then Brant sighed. “Fine. Just so that you know, I gave York permission to mate with that female. I’m turning fucking soft.”

  “You’ve always been soft.” Zane smiled.

  “That’s not what Tanya told me last night when I had my—”

  “We’ll talk later.” Zane interjected, he was grinning from ear to ear. He ended the call and looked up at Gideon.

  His heart raced. His hands felt clammy. Everything inside of him tightened. He’d never been one to pray before. Right now he was ready to go down on his knees if that’s what it would take.

  “You’re in,” Zane growled. “I should choose one of the others that actually participated, but what the fuck. I’m the fucking king, right?” He shrugged.

  Gideon had never hugged another male before in his whole life. Had never wanted to. The thought of doing it had never even crossed his mind. Yet, he gripped the other male about the shoulders.

  “Hey,” Zane growled.

  Gideon could feel the vibration in the other male’s chest. He released him. “Sorry. I’m just so damned happy. So thankful. You won’t regret this.” Gideon turned and walked towards the castle.

  “Wait up!” Zane shouted after him. “We need to go and break this to Brant in person.”

  Gideon was tempted to ask his king to speak with Brant himself, but he swallowed back the request. He needed to stand tall and face Brant. The decision had already been made, he and Zane would show a united front.

  Gideon nodded once. “Can we go now?” He was eager to go and see Jenna, to tell her the good news.

  Zane turned his wrist and looked at his watch. “There is one quick errand I need to run. Come with me. I will make it quick. From there we can go and see Brant and then you can go and see your female. I’m sure you’re desperate to be with her.”

  Gideon was still grinning. He didn’t think anything could wipe the smile from his face.

  Chapter 12

  There was the sound of heavy footfalls. Jenna pushed her mostly uneaten breakfast to the side.

  “What’s got you so upset?” Julie asked. She was smiling…beaming was probably a more apt description, considering she’d just spent the night with Lance. Jenna had warned her, he was the kind of male that got around. A player in the first degree. He had probably slept with half the women in the program. Just because he had sex with Julie, gave her multiple orgasms, did not mean that he would pick her as a mate. In fact, the opposite was probably true. He would end up picking one of the women he had yet to conquer.

  Jenna shrugged. “I guess I’m not excited about going home tomorrow.” She lied. It was a little white one. She didn’t want Julie, or anyone else, to know about what was going on between her and Gideon. She was so worried about what the outcome would be after talking with the kings. The last thing she wanted was for him to end up in the dungeon. Her mouth turned dry at the thought of having to go back out there. To fend for herself.

  More than anything, she dreaded being separated from him. Even if only for a few days.

  The sound of footfalls grew louder. A murmur rose up in the dining hall.

  Jenna turned to the source of the commotion. Three vampire guards had entered the room. It was strange, because they all seem to be focused on her.

  Then realization hit.

  Maybe it wasn’t so strange after all. She and Gideon had been involved in illegal activities. Gideon had warned her that their relationship would be seen as wrong and forbidden by the vampire species. Maybe they were going to throw her in the dungeon alongside Gideon. Now that she thought about it, she hoped that’s what would happen. She’d be safe and close to the man she loved.

  Jenna rose to her feet, just as they sidled up to the table. “Jenna Darcy?” The nearest one said, looking down at her.

  She swallowed hard and nodded once.

  “You need to come with us.” Two of the guards moved to stand on each side of her. They each gripped an elbow like they meant business.

  “What’s going on?” Julie’s eyes were wide in her skull. Her face looked pale. She stood up, her chair scraping on the floor behind her.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jenna said.

  “Too late. I am worried.” Julie took a step around the table.

  “No, you stay here. I’ll be okay I promise. Good luck with…” Jenna smiled. “You know who. Just in case I don’t see you in time, I hope you make it into the next round.”

  Julie shook her head. “Where are you going? Why won’t you be here? Please tell me what’s going on?”

  Jenna shook her head. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Julie looked at each of the guards in turn before nodding her head. “Okay. I’ll see you soon?” It was definitely posed as a question.

  Jenna nodded her head. “Definitely. Good luck!”

  “You too.” She frowned. “Although, I think you’re going to need it more than me.”

  “Let’s go.” They began to move in the direction of the door. Except, instead of heading towards the exit, they moved towards the stairs.

  “Where are you taking me?” She could hear that her voice sounded a little panicked. She had expected to be taken to the kings or for Gideon to have come for her. Why were they taking her up to the rooms? “Are you taking me to pack? Do I need to stay in my room?”

  “Stop with the questions, female,” the lead guard growled. She was forced to stare at the back of his head because he didn’t turn around. Instead, he marched up the stairs. Taking them two at a time. The guards practically lifted her from the floor by her elbows, they made quick work of the stairs.

  “Tell me what’s going on.” She could hear that her voice sounded a little shrill but couldn’t help it. “Please,” she added when they didn’t respond.

  The guards ignored her, continuing their march, stopping when they reached her room. The guard in the front used a key card to unlock the door. They entered her suite. She heard the door click behind them.

  The big bossy vampire proceeded to move to the closet and open the doors. All three of them. He grabbed her bag and zipped it open before turning to face her. “You have five minutes to pack your things.”

  Damn. They were making her leave after all.

  Out of all the scenarios that had played out in her head, this one was the worst. Gideon had warned her but she didn’t think it would come to this. The two guys at her side released her arms. Jenna swallowed hard. She made her way to her open bag.

  She stopped and glanced in the direction of the male she presumed was the leader. “Where is Gideon? Did they put him in the dungeon? Please just tell me, is he okay?”

  He clasped his hands in front of him. “It is of no concern of yours.�
�� He glanced casually at his watch. “You have just over four minutes. Whatever is not in that bag”—he gestured to the floor—“stays here.”

  Oh shit. This was all she owned.

  Although Gideon had said that he would deposit money into her account, she wasn’t sure that he had actually done it. Maybe he wouldn’t get a chance to do it for a while. She needed to prepare for the worst. Best she hurry. Grabbing handfuls of clothes, she started tossing them into the bag while trying to be as neat as possible given the circumstances.

  Once all the items of clothing were in the bag, she quickly headed for the bathroom where she threw all of her toiletries into the bag that were under the sink. Jenna swept her eyes around the space, hoping that she had everything. Some of the things had gone for laundering. There was nothing she could do about that.

  “Please, just tell me. Is he okay? Where is he? They must have him locked up.” She mumbled the last, talking more to herself. Worry caused her heart to race. Her stomach to clench in knots. Hopefully they hadn’t hurt him. She prayed he was safe and that he would stay that way. They had their plan and would stick to it. She held onto that thought. They would get through this. They may not be together but they were still a team dammit.

  She expected the guards to ignore her some more, instead the main one smirked. “You must have known that it was not permitted to mess with males outside of the program. You should’ve stayed away from him. Silly human.”

  Anger coursed through her. “We are in love.” She immediately regretted the outburst. She didn’t owe these bozos any explanations.

  The asshole guard knelt down and zipped up her bag, he hoisted it onto his shoulder like it weighed nothing. “Love,” he laughed. “You really believe that he loved you?” He shook his head.

  “Gideon loves me. He would do anything for me. Why do you think he is sitting rotting in a cell right now?” Anger coursed through her. What the hell did this guy know?

  The guard frowned. Then he glanced at the other guards. They laughed. “He’s with Zane right now in a meeting with some humans. I’m not sure what it’s about. Gideon is not hurt or locked up. He’s quite fine.”

  She swallowed hard. A sliver of doubt crept in but she tamped it down. “No. You’re lying.” If Gideon knew she was being kicked out, he would be here.

  “Vampires, unlike humans, do not lie. He is in a meeting with Zane right now. Let’s go. Your presence is no longer required. You have been expelled from the program. Gideon is not here so he obviously does not mind that you are being kicked out. The sooner we leave the sooner you can get over him.” Another smirk. “Love…” He snorted the word and shook his head while looking amused.

  The guards gripped her elbows and began to move forward. “Who ordered my expulsion from the program?” She yelled at his retreating back.

  “Who else?” The asshole growled. “Brant.”

  There was no way that Gideon knew about this. That he was in agreement. No way in hell. This had to be happening behind his back. “Call him!” She yelled.

  The head guard laughed. “Who do you think you are, female? Brant won’t talk to you. It would be a waste of time to even try.”

  “Not Brant.” She tried to tug herself free but the guards only held her tighter. “Call Gideon. Do it now.”

  He shook his head. “He is in a meeting and would not take my call. Besides, Brant’s decision is final. Gideon has no say in the matter. Groveling is pathetic. It will be better if you leave with your chin held high.”

  Frustration and anger welled up in her. Jenna screamed. Then she screamed some more. “Let me go! Call him!” She shouted. They exited the building, moving quickly. “Please!” She shouted. Their fingers dug into her but she fought harder to try and break free. She was panting heavily.

  “What the hell? Jenna!” Julie shrieked. She ran up next to them. The waiting SUV was just ahead.

  “Julie!” She yelled. “Tell Gideon. Tell him that they have me. Brant ordered for me—” She was pushed into the waiting SUV.

  “I will—” She heard Julie shout, just before the door closed, cutting her off.


  The bus station was quiet. According to the board, there was no bus leaving for another three hours. Jenna didn’t care since she wasn’t taking a bus. This was Brant’s way of trying to get her as far away from vampire territory as possible. As far away from Gideon as possible. Well, tough luck for him.

  She watched as the SUV pulled away. Waiting patiently until the taillights rounded the corner up ahead. Then she took real stock of her surroundings. Good, an ATM.

  Her bag was really heavy, already her shoulder ached and her lower back protested. She rummaged in her purse until she found her wallet, withdrawing her bank card. After putting it in the machine and typing in her pin, she found herself looking up to the heavens and praying. Hopefully there was something in her account. Aside from a few bucks in her purse, she was pretty much broke.

  If there was money in her account, she would withdraw the maximum amount. Being a police officer, Liam would be able to pick up on this transaction. She was one hundred percent sure that he was monitoring her. That he was still looking for her. She needed to hurry. She tapped on the plastic next to the buttons on the machine.

  Jenna almost shrieked out loud when her bank balance appeared. It would be more than enough to tide her over. Enough for the next year, let alone a few weeks. According to her statement, there’d been two transactions made, one from Gideon and another from The Program.

  That had to be Brant. She shook her head, anger coursing through her all over again. Thank god her burner cell phone still had a little bit of life left in it. It would be enough to call a cab so that she could get the hell out of there.

  She stuffed the money into her purse and her card and statement followed straight behind. She pulled her phone out of her bag as she turned, walking straight into a solid chest.

  Jenna’s eyes tracked upwards. Her hands began to tremble, her lower lip quivered. Icy fear settled in the pit of her stomach. If she had actually eaten her breakfast this morning, it would’ve come up. She made a moaning noise that was born of dread and fear so deep that she was sure she would never recover.

  Liam grinned. It was wild, angry, so far from being humorous it was scary. It was like something from a horror movie. “Hi, Jen-doll, I’ve missed you, babe.” Then he punched her straight in the face. She flew backwards, her head hitting the asphalt with a crack. Then she blacked out.


  “You said that Gideon could what...?” Brant roared. “The program is my baby…mine! You had no fucking right!”

  “I had every right,” Zane snarled. “You agreed that I could make the decision and I did. Deal with it.”

  Brant paced to the other side of the room. It was a colossal mess. His desk was smashed through the middle, the broken pieces scattered. Papers and files were in haphazard stacks.

  “I expected you to choose from one of the runners-up. Gideon didn’t even take part and does not deserve a place in this first heat.” Brant’s eyes glowed.

  “He is one of the top elite. Head of security for the program. He deserves this more than most.” Zane’s voice was low, deep and menacing. “As to the program being yours…you are fucked in the head if you believe that. We both have our roles to play in this.”

  “All I have to say is, well done to you.” Brant’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “So far you’ve done a fantastic job of keeping unauthorized males away from the humans. You have forced me to take matters into my own hands. Fucking forced me.” Brant was breathing hard.

  Zane narrowed his eyes. “What have you done?”

  Brant narrowed his eyes right back and folded his arms across his chest. “Only what I had to do.”

  It felt like an ice cold fist took ahold of Gideon’s heart. It squeezed. His breath froze in his lungs.

  “What the fuck have you done?” Zane pointed a finger at Brant’s chest. He spoke softly and car

  “What I had to…” Brant paused. “I had her escorted off the property. And you…” Brant pointed at Gideon. “You can fucking forget the program. Forget that female. Since you didn’t rut her I am willing to overlook this. She’s gone. It’s time to move on.”

  Gideon didn’t wait to hear what else Brant had to say.

  Escorted off the property. Escorted off. Fucking gone. The words played on repeat in his head. His female was in danger.

  Adrenaline surged through him. Gideon punched Brant, square in the jaw. There was a cracking noise. Brant’s eyes widened. Blood sprayed. He flew backwards, landing sprawled on his back in amongst what was left of his desk.

  “Motherfucker,” Brant growled as he sprang back to his feet. Blood trickled from his mouth. His muscles bunched and corded as he came at Gideon.

  Bring it.

  Zane grabbed ahold of Brant who tried to jerk his way free. “Fuck!” Brant roared. His face was a mask of rage. Eyes wide, skin flushed. Bloodied mouth open as he continued to scream profanities at Gideon.

  “You deserved that,” Zane growled. “I should hold you down and allow Gideon to have at you but since you happen to be the fucking king, I will refrain.”

  “Fuck you!” Brant snarled, glancing back at Zane.

  “No…fuck you, Brant. You always pull this shit. Why did you send the female away without bothering to gather all the facts?” Zane asked.

  “I did have the facts. Gideon and that female may not have been rutting but it was headed in that direction. I did you a favor.” Brant locked eyes with Gideon. “You were about to get in too deep. It was about to become complicated. I saved your ass. You should be getting down on your knees and fucking thanking me.”

  Gideon could only growl in response. Then he shook his head and clenched his teeth. It would be best not to say anything right now. He was so angry that his hands shook, so he curled them into fists.

  “You sent her away to help Gideon?” Zane sounded incredulous. “For an intelligent male, you can sometimes do the dumbest things.”

  “I received a report that Gideon was seen sneaking off with the female last night during dinner. They disappeared into a closet…a fucking closet,” Brant growled. “That female missed half of the dinner party. She only got back after desert had been served. Twenty-five minutes in a closet with him.” Brant’s eyes flashed to Gideon. “It was only a matter of time before Gideon slipped up. First York, my elite leader and now Gideon, head of fucking security. It’s going to become a free-for-all if the other males catch wind of this and you know it, Zane. I did the right thing by sending her away.”


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