Of Blood and Angels (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 3)

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Of Blood and Angels (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 3) Page 5

by J. Naomi Ay

  “What the heck is going on here?” I started to say.

  “Yes! I knew he could do it, yes!” Thompson, our spinal patient waved his arms.

  “No way.” Scarelli shook his head, which was wrapped like a mummy. “Fifty-three yards. Go figure.”

  “I could kick fifty-three yards when I was in college,” Thompson declared. “Almost went pro but joined the force instead.

  “You're full of it, man,” Scarelli scoffed. “When we get out of here you're going to have to prove it to me.”

  “I can't even feel my legs now,” Thompson laughed. “But when I do, I'll kick that ball and your ass.”

  “Next shore leave,” Scarelli challenged. “Two teams and one pigskin. Losers buy the beer.”

  “Sounds good, bro,” Thompson replied and high fived Scarelli between their two beds. “I'm drafting the Doc here on my team. What position you play in college, Doc?”

  “Nuh uh. Doc's on my team,” Scarelli declared. "You play ball back on that Rozari planet, Doc?"

  “I have never played,” Ron replied.

  “What the fuck?” Scarelli yelled. “Why'd they pass? Two yards to go and that shithead passes!”

  “Dumb move, moron!” Thompson yelled at the vid. "Use your fucking legs and run it in!"

  “Hey, Nurse,” Scarelli called to me. “I can't watch this game without some pizza and beer. Any chance you can get us some?”

  “You want what?” Jerry came in just then and took a look at the whole scene.

  “You can have Doc Jerry on your team, Scarelli," Thompson laughed. “Hey Jerry, you know what a pigskin looks like, right?”

  “Glad to see you are all feeling better,” Jerry commented just as Katie joined us.

  “There you are!” she cried.

  “Shhhh!” all the men hissed.

  She glanced at the vid, waiting until the play was over and the game cut to an advertisement.

  “Good morning, Prince Charming,” she said and walking over to Dr. Ron, she planted a big one on his lips.

  “Lucky me. Today I am Prince Charming,” he smirked.

  “Yes, except you are starting to look like the Prince of Darkness again.” She ran her hand across his stubble and smoothed his hair. “Maybe you should go back to the cabin and clean up.

  “After the game.” He pushed her out of the way so Scarelli could see the vid.

  “Who's playing?” Katie asked.

  “Come on Commander, move out of the way,” Scarelli said. “Eagles vs. Saints.”

  Katie laughed and moved towards the door. “Even I can call that one. Saints have no chance. Ron hates men who pretend to be Saints. And, he's a little partial to eagles.”

  The men started yelling again at whoever had the ball. Jerry and I followed Katie out to the corridor.

  “Was he here all night?” Jerry asked.

  “No,” she replied. “I think he came about 0400. He was worried about Scarelli. It seems like they are both doing well though.”

  “Yeah, amazingly well,” I agreed.

  “So where are we headed? I'd like to transfer these guys to a shore facility ASAP.”

  “We're heading to Andorus III,” Katie said heading for the lifts. “It's the nearest base that has a major repair dry dock. We have a SdK plane meeting Ron there. Maybe you want to send the patients with him back to Rozari? He can admit them into the Kalika-hahr hospital.”

  “I think they'd rather go to Earth,” Jerry remarked.

  “I think they'd rather go to a SdK hospital,” I replied. “I know I would.”

  “Your call, Jerry,” Katie shrugged. A lift door swished open, so she moved inside and blocked the door so it wouldn’t close.

  “How long will it take to get the ship fixed?” Jerry followed her in. He smiled at her and that darn fool still had all his emotions written all over his goofy face. I just wanted to slap him. She had been married for more than three years to that gorgeous hunk of a brain surgeon and it didn’t look like she was going to be trading him in for poor old Dr. Jerry any time soon.

  “We're estimating two months,” Katie replied. “I think we're going to be able to give most of the crew shore leave on Andorus while we undergo repairs or we may even send them home.”

  “I don't want to go home,” I said. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don't know yet.” Katie glanced down at her cell which was buzzing. She put it on mute. “I have to go to a reception with some government officials on Andorus tomorrow. Captain was invited but he doesn't want to go, so he's sending me instead. At least Ron will come with me and keep me company. After that, I'll figure it out. I'd like to go home to Rozari but Captain may want me to oversee the repairs.”

  “I'd want to go home too if I had that man to go home to,” I sighed.

  Katie laughed. “Let me tell you Caroline he's just as bad as any one of them. When I am home, I am the maid, the cook and the cleaning lady. All he does is work, drink, smoke, watch football and demand...” She glanced at Jerry. “What all men want.” Jerry made a sour face and stepped out of the lift.

  “Katie, that's not true,” I protested. “I've seen pictures of your mansion.”

  “Alright,” she agreed, letting the lift doors shut. “He's got some benefits too and some idiosyncrasies that you wouldn't believe but for the most part, he's just like the rest of them. Gotta go.” She waved her cell at us.

  “And I'm sure all you do is nag,” Jerry called after her and then stomped back to the bay.

  Chapter 5


  “Why don't you wear that Versace suit you were going to wear at the conference?”

  “Do I have to go?”

  “Yes. You have to accompany me. You're my date, unless you want me to take someone else.”

  “I do not care to meet Andorian public officials.” He was typing away at his netbook. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at his poor arms. He had cuts all over them. He had been seeding the Karupatani continent while I had been in space these last few months.

  “Do you have to do this?” I said, rubbing his arms.

  “Yes,” he replied. “And I have to finish this report before the board meeting next week.”

  “Come on, it's just for a few hours,” I begged. “I know some Andorian Governors or whatever they are, are nothing compared to all the royal people you must know but I promised Capt. Richard I would go. Please put on your suit. I'll reward you if you do.”

  “Five more minutes,” he said, but then turned and grabbed me, pulling me down on his lap.

  "I want my reward first."

  "Oh, no, you don't," I laughed and pushed his face away from my chest. "Rewards are for good behavior and you haven't demonstrated any yet."

  "I am good," he said, his hands slipping under my skirt messing up my uniform. "I am very good."

  "Now will you put on your suit?" I said, laying it out next to him on the crumpled bed and hunting in the closet for his tie and shoes.

  "Ay yah, when I have finished my cigarette." He exhaled grey smoke into the cabin air.

  "So come on then, hurry up." I picked my crumpled dress white uniform off the floor and hung it in the Insta-clean. If I had not been the invited guest representing Spaceforce, I would put on a cocktail dress if I had one. I wished I had one, a little black thing to wear with a necklace and maybe a pretty diamond bracelet and earrings. I wished I could look as beautiful as this man accompanying me. I turned back to the bed to look at him, to soak him up with my eyes, when his own eyes flashed brightly back at me. Too brightly, I thought, wondering how long it had been since he was out seeding.

  “What?” I said and stroked his foot, running my finger along those wicked looking toenails.

  “You are beautiful.”

  “This from a blind man. I'm very sexy in that shapeless boxy uniform. Bars and medals really turn you on? Epaulettes and aiguillettes drive you crazy?"

  He shook his head and flicked the spent cigarette away into the land of
the nothingness. "No," he said seriously. Grabbing my arm and pulling me back down to him, his nicely laid out suit got shoved to the floor. "You wearing the uniform of the Allied Spaceforce does nothing for me."

  "You can't see me anyway!"

  "I can see you," he replied, stroking my breast with his hand, swiping at first one then the other nipple with his tongue.

  "You are insatiable," I moaned.

  "I am," he agreed.

  "Now we are really late and I need another shower and you need to shave." I ran my hand along his rough cheek. Reluctantly, he pulled away and lumbered to his feet.

  "I will grow a beard," he said, heading to the bath.

  "Not today, please." I watched him pad away and when he was in the adjacent bathroom, I propped my feet up on a pillow. "Go go go!" I thought quietly, willing his sperm to make a miracle happen. Surely we could overcome the odds of a billion to one against a Human and a Rozarian conceiving. He wasn’t just a Rozarian though. He was Rehnorian and on top of that a man whose blood could create life in dirt. He ought to be able to create a life inside of me. I lay still until he came back out. What was that, ten minutes? Was that long enough? He didn’t say anything but of course he knew what I was doing.

  "I haven't finished my report," he muttered as he picked his suit up off the floor and started to get dressed. "I will have to do it when we return."

  I got up as well and pulled my clean and pressed uniform out of the Insta-clean. As I slipped it on again, refastening my epaulettes, I caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, tying his tie. I imagined him with a beard, clean looking, close cropped. Unbidden, an image of him in his uniform with the gold braid, medals, fancy chains and cloth of gold entered my mind. He looked incredibly beautiful decked out in all that. A beard would be appropriate; he would look like a king.

  "Do you have a crown?"

  He pulled his hair back and tied it with a ribbon.

  "Will you?"

  He didn't answer.

  "Come on tell me. Will you wear one?" I persisted.

  "Why do you ask of me questions when you know you do not wish to hear the answers?"

  "So you will."

  He put on his glasses and walked out the door. "They give me headaches. Let's go. I have work to do tonight."

  We shuttled down to Andorus, to what appeared to be the government seat. Although the plane was full of crew on shore leave, Senya and I were dropped off first at the main gate. Senya stood there pensively, almost reluctant to go in even though we were met by our Andorian host.

  “Your Royal Highness, please, please join us,” the Andorian said, opening the gates and bowing graciously.

  Senya didn’t move. My heart skipped a beat. This was Andorus III, a member of the Alliance. How could this man know and recognize a prince from Rehnor?

  “I have been here before,” Senya replied, still frozen in place but answering my unasked question.

  “This building?”

  “This planet. I do not like this planet.”

  I was starting not to like it either.

  “Sir?” our Andorian host prodded. “Our Prime Minister Mfure is very anxious to meet you.”

  Sir? Meet him? I thought I was the honored guest. If they got down on their knees and kissed his feet, I was totally out of here. Maybe we should leave anyway, I considered as I was starting to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  The silver light panned down on the Andorian's face. The Andorian looked confused.

  “I will meet Mfure,” Senya decided. “Then you will make your speech and we will depart.” He didn’t seem very happy about this and frankly neither was I. Suddenly, my two minute ‘We are all one happy Alliance’ speech seemed like it was going to be a bust.

  “Okay,” I agreed, following the Andorian across the red carpet.

  We were ushered into a large hall with lots of Andorians standing around with drinks in their hands. A buffet was set up on one end and the smells coming from it were rather nasty. Our Andorian host took us right up to a receiving line and introduced Prime Minister Mrufe, a nice short, slightly blue tinged elderly man with fluffy white whiskers and goatee. He pushed his way past me and headed straight for Senya.

  “Your Royal Highness!” he exclaimed, holding out his arms as if he wanted a hug.

  Senya lurched backward, nearly pulling me over in the process.

  “I met you when you were just a young boy,” Mrufe continued boisterously. “I'm sure you don't remember me but you…you are unforgettable.”

  “How do you do, Prime Minister?" I said, trying not to glare at my husband who had lost all color from his face. He looked like he was either going to run from the room or fly out of there. I had a bad feeling about this too but at least I was making an effort to be polite.

  “Do you know whom this is?” Mrufe ignored me and turned to the rest of the characters in the receiving line. “This is the MaKennah ka Rehnor, the Crown Prince of Rehnor.”

  The Andorians all muttered appreciably.

  “I thought the other fellow was the Rehnorian Prince,” the woman standing next to Mrufe, presumably his wife, said.

  “No no,” Mrufe replied. “The other one is this one's uncle. This is the one who will become the King. Perhaps we should speak to you about a trading alliance, Your Royal Highness?” Mrufe turned back to Senya. “There is much we Andorians and you Rehnorians can accomplish together. We both have been little regarded by the Alliance and perhaps it is time we formed a new partnership and expanded our joint resources.”

  Senya was staring across the room at someone else and paying no attention to Mrufe. His eyes were bright like lasers behind his dark glasses. I could see the object of his attention was a large middle aged man dressed in an impressive uniform. Mrufe, too, followed his gaze.

  “Have you met my Chief of Staff, Lord Srutow?” Mrufe said and waved for Srutow to join us. “Shall we take a few minutes away from this raucous crowd to sit down together and discuss the possibilities? I have approached your grandfather King Yokaa several times in recent years but between you and me, he seems to have gone a bit dotty. Your uncle, Prince Akan has been very receptive to my ideas but I know that he is not the one who will make the final decision. We are indeed fortunate that you have come to visit us today. There is much we can accomplish.”

  “Minister Mrufe,” I interrupted. “We are here as part of the Allied delegation. My husband is not representing the Rehnorian government.”

  Mrufe again totally ignored me though Mrufe's wife glared at me as if I had made a giant faux pas by daring to speak.

  “Excuse me,” I continued before realizing that Senya was starting to sway on his feet. Lord Srutow came closer. I grabbed Senya’s hand and held it tight, though it was now twitching. Lord Srutow was staring back at Senya with his mouth open in surprise and his pale blue color turned a deep shade of violet.

  “There you are, Srutow,” Mrufe said. “Come meet His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Rehnor.”

  “We have met,” Senya growled in a voice that didn’t sound like his.

  Srutow stopped where he was.

  “Surely you are mistaken, Sir,” he said shakily. “We have never met.”

  “I am not mistaken,” Senya replied. He pulled his hand from mine and swiped it in the air.

  “Don't!” I screamed and leapt for his arm, pulling it down. I was too late. Srutow went flying across the room and landed on the buffet table, knocking all sorts of dishes onto the floor. Everyone scattered away from us in a big hurry.

  “I don't understand,” Mrufe stuttered. “What is the matter?”

  Senya shook me off and stormed across the room to intercept Srutow who had scrambled off the table and was now running for the door. Senya waved his hand again and in his fist now there was his knife; actually, his favorite fish gutting knife. Senya chased after Srutow and caught him by the door. Srutow screamed but his screams were short lived. Senya plunged the knife into his gut and practically filleted him. Blo
od splattered on the floor and walls as Senya dragged Srutow’s body to the window and tossed him into the glass. The window shattered, shards flew and Srutow’s body disappeared down the side of the building.

  At this point, my knees had gone weak and I felt like I was going to throw up. I didn’t have a laser on me so I couldn’t even stun my own husband. All I could do was flip on my cell and ring for an immediate pick up by the shuttle. While I did this, the Andorians all ran to the windows to see what had become of Srutow. Senya was standing, unmoving but his hands were still twitching, although the knife had disappeared. I looked at Mrufe, who was shaking and had turned a very pale blue.

  “I'm sorry,” I apologized and considered how ridiculous I sounded. “I’m sorry my husband just killed your Chief of Staff and tossed him out the window.”

  Mrufe looked at me as if he just realized I was there and then he looked back at Senya. I thought he was going to call for Senya’s arrest. I thought he was going to yell to his guards, but he didn’t. Instead, he fell to his knees. Mrufe's wife looked at him and then did the same thing. In fact, as I stood there with my own knees about to give way, everyone in the room fell to their knees. I looked to Senya for his reaction but he was not seeing this. He was somewhere lost in his head and swaying on his feet again. I realized he might be on the verge of a seizure. I ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

  “Let's get out of here,” I cried.

  “Ok,” he said but didn’t move. He had blood stains all over his Versace suit.

  Minister Mrufe, on his knees, crawled across the room toward us. “My lord,” he called.

  “I am not your lord,” Senya mumbled. He too had gone very pale.

  “Come with me,” I said, yanking his arm. “Let's go back to the ship.”

  “Andorus submits itself to the superiority of Rehnor,” Mrufe cried. “Andorus submits itself to the rule of the Crown Prince of Rehnor.”


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