Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2)

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Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2) Page 12

by Boadi, Lilly

  Confusion was too less a word to describe how Haida was feeling at the moment. The high possibility of her virginity being broken heavily dawned on her and she cried silently. Even if it was with Mellis, though she still loved him, it wasn’t supposed to be this way – not when they weren’t married; and even if that wasn’t a big deal, not when things were bad between them. Their first lovemaking was supposed to be beautiful; out of true love and happiness, when both their souls agreed, and most especially, when it pleased God. Then suddenly, it dawned on her that Mellis could have taken her for a ride; that he seized the opportunity of her drunkenness and took advantage of her. For after all what had happened between them these past few days, she had doubts about his love for her and him being different from the other men. If he had really taken advantage of her, he’d give her lies to please her if she questioned him right away. She thought she should take a French leave of him, and then if the opposite was true, he’d call her to patch things up with her. Then she remembered she had nothing to change into. She remembered clearly where she had left her attire.

  Wrapped in the cloth, she sneaked off, making sure no one was on the large veranda. Then before she could reach the changing room, a door flew open and she collided with someone.

  “Haida, what are you doing here?”

  She looked up and saw Osborn. She gave him a weird look and uttered no word. There was a long pause, as they gazed into each other’s eyes

  “Why are you wrapped up in a cloth, and why were you sneaking away?” Osborn broke the silence.

  Haida remained speechless and then looked away, shying at the thought of the previous night’s encounter with him; she was really crazy last night. She looked very anxious and nervous, like she had been caught in a shameful act.

  “Mellis is here, isn’t he?” he asked softly

  “Err…I’ve got to change and leave this place…” she stammered “…excuse me” and she walked briskly away

  “Haida, can I talk to you?” asked Osborn, following her

  “At least let me finish dressing up” she said without looking back and bolted into the changing room.

  Now, Osborn was the one confused here – what could she be doing in the changing room? Changing? If so, why there? Why was she looking too nervous? He kept wondering as he waited impatiently for her to come out. Inside the changing room, Haida wondered what Osborn was doing at the hotel when he should be preparing for his wedding. Could he stand Meg up? He must have spent the night at the hotel too, but then why wasn’t she sleeping beside him instead; how did they split? She started shaking all over as her heart kept beating faster towards the mystery surrounding everything.

  Meanwhile, Mellis awoke widely feeling the absence of Haida beside him. He sat up immediately and yawned. He checked the washroom and Haida wasn’t there. Then he thought of the possibility of what he feared – that she must have run away from him. He slipped into his pants and rushed for the door. Hoping Haida was just around, he opened the door impatiently and peeped on the veranda. He flinched when he caught sight of Osborn with her; they were hissing to each other and he couldn’t hear a word they were saying. He flinched further when he saw her follow him to a room. His heart jumped out at the loud slam of Room 202 door as he turned slowly and leaned on his door with his eyes closed. Nothing else could be going on in that room than the continuation of where that two left off yesterday! He felt jealous and more hurt than yesterday all of a sudden. This woman was really over him and preferred Osborn to him. How couldn’t she even remember what he did for her yesterday? She was a silly dove with no heart! Mellis knew Osborn doubted his love for Haida and would pollute her mind against him, even so then that their relationship was on the rocks. He has known Osborn as a major threat and greatest rival in his relationship with Haida, knowing that Haida liked him very much, even more than a friend – the fact that they were co-workers in the same company had called for a cause of concern – but Mellis made sure he never exhibited any sign of insecurity to Haida’s knowledge, for that would mean lack of trust in her. But what mattered more to him was that, should that happen, it could make Osborn mop the floor with him. Moreover, he felt too proud to show any sign of jealousy in the presence of Osborn; he didn’t want him to think he was a threat. Several times, the last one being only the previous evening, he had swallowed his pride and pain and acted as a trusting loving partner in defense against Osborn and in honour of Haida when he saw them in a compromising situation. But in all, Haida had seemed to betray him and hurt his ego. It is obvious now that the girl has been making a fool out of him, and it wasn’t going to happen once more.

  Just like Osborn, Mellis knew a type like Osborn too well to know he would take advantage of the problems he was having with Haida to win her heart – he was aware of his intense and unquenched love for Haida, not forgetting his immense envy and dislike for him. Osborn had admitted blatantly he was his biggest rival, and the few times they had crushed into each other, he made this significant. Yet Mellis had come to care less, for Haida portrayed she was all his. But now, the reality of rivalry between Osborn and him has dawned heavily on him, even far beyond that. Actually, he now feels like a rival to Osborn; he would be the one to fight for Haida’s love. Yet as he leaned on the door in deep thought, knowing Haida was alone in that room with Osborn, he didn’t know if he would ever compete with Osborn over her or throw in the towel everlastingly. Mellis had never fought for a woman, and he didn’t know if it would be worthwhile to fight for this woman who had betrayed all his love and trust, and was actually alone in another room with another man at the moment. Moreover, somehow, he even feared Osborn could win the battle should he contend with him over her, not just for the fact that he was equally good looking, but he believed he already had a great impact on her.


  Osborn watched Haida quietly, seeing her struggle to avoid his eyes. She still had a shade of fright on her face and looked miffed.

  “Are you ok, Haida?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she said, shaking slightly. “What is it you want to talk to me about? I need to get out of here,” she said quite edgily.

  Why was she desperate to leave the premises? He wanted to find out if Mellis was around, but she had avoided that question earlier on and he thought it best to skip it.

  “I’m confused, Haida” he said.

  “About what?”

  “My marriage to Meg.”

  She looked up suddenly and gazed into his eyes with bewilderment, “It’s past due to be confused, Osborn!” she was upset. “Osborn this isn’t the time to be confused but to get on your feet and live up to your promise, or better still, consensus!”

  She was horrified to think Osborn would stand Meg up – partly, she would have to be blame. What’s more, she took Osborn’s ailing father into consideration.

  “Have you finally resolved to send the old man into his grave?!”

  He saw the concern in her eyes… yes, after all she was still concerned about him even if upset about what happened between them the previous night, and that pleased him. Haida got closer to him and took his cheek into her palm. She looked lovingly and intently into his eyes, as if to convince him.

  “Please Osborn,” she said softly, “don’t do this. You’re a good man and honorable. You can’t disappoint your dad and bring shame to your family, much less Meg. Yes, I know she hasn’t been fair to you, but you gave her your word and a man of honor lives up to his word and expectations.”

  Those beautiful eyes and the concern in them were too much enough to convince him to change his mind. He found strength and courage in the confidence that no matter what, she would be there for him even if Meg became his wife.

  “Please, Osborn, please…don’t do this,” she besought. He sighed deeply and pressed her hand firmly on his cheek. “Right now, you should be taking your steps to the church….”

  “Meg’s house!” he interrupted.

  “Her house?”

For the engagement first!”

  “Oh…I see,” said Haida, nodding concurrently. “Then I guess everyone is waiting for you and you should be leaving now.”

  “Yes ma’am,” said Osborn, and they laughed. Haida felt so relieved, at least her magic worked.

  She was glad there wasn’t going to be any embarrassing scene as to him not showing up at the wedding, at least for his sake and hers too.

  “Do they know you are here, I mean your people?” asked Haida, as he put a few things together and prepared to leave.

  “Nope!” he said.

  “So what lies have you been telling them about your whereabouts?”

  “No one’s asked.”

  “What?! How?”

  “’Cause there’s no means they can find out. My phone’s been off since the previous night,” he said, “intentionally,” he added.

  “What?!” she was horrified.

  “You probably have been getting them sick worried about you already, especially Meg. Please call her. She must be as nervous as ever.” Osborn stood for a minute and watched her.

  “You’re really concerned about her, aren’t you? Why are you so good? She’s been giving you hell and you should hate her – she is your enemy.”

  “Wrong! I am her enemy…maybe. I don’t make enemies. Besides, for goodness sake I’m a woman Osborn, and I can imagine how the feeling is like if I have no idea of where the man I’m supposed to marry today is.”

  “Or that you find out that the man you loved didn’t love you and cheated on you with not one but many women,” he whispered and Haida blushed.

  There was a pause.

  “You must get going,” she said, breaking the silence, “and please call Meg to set her mind at rest.”

  “I’ll do that for your sake, but on one condition.”

  “What’s that?” He sighed and got closer to her. He lifted her chin with his finger.

  “To kiss you before I go,” he said into her eyes. Before she could say, “jerk!” he had her full mouth in his.

  He was kissing her deeply until she pushed him gently away. She couldn’t say anything except to be angry with herself – how could she be flirting with a groom just few hours before his wedding? Yes, she wasn’t over him, and the most upsetting part of it was that she didn’t even know when exactly she fell for him. Or was it only a deep attraction she had for him? Yet, one thing she knew for sure was that she had enjoyed that kiss but couldn’t help the intensity of feeling guilty.

  Meanwhile, Meg was pacing up in her room, wanting to cry but seeming all her tears were dried up at the moment. She dialed Osborn’s number for the twenty fifth time, only to hit the phone hard on the wall – thank God it did not break. She rushed downstairs and saw her mom on her knees, praying.

  “Mom?” she interrupted her mindlessly, “I’m calling Osborn’s family now!” She snapped and her mom scrambled up her to feet immediately.

  “Don’t do that dear….”

  “It’s forty past nine, nine-forty, and we’re supposed to be leaving to the church and neither him nor any of his family members is here, and you tell me not to call them for tradition’s sake!?” Meg was shouting, and very upset.

  “His mother has called!” her mom interjected.

  “Why haven’t you told me? What did he say?”

  “I was about to tell you.”

  “But you were praying?”

  “Yes…for Osborn, because according to his mother they have no idea where he is. They haven’t seen him nor heard from him today, neither are they able to reach him on his cell phone,” explained Mrs. Dapaah.

  Meg stood, fear, upset and nervousness written all over her face.

  “Do you know where he could possibly be?” Meg didn’t respond. She collapsed on the sofa and sobbed. Her mom sat beside her, “Don’t cry your make-up off,” she said. “I’m positive Osborn is well and he’d be here soon,” she comforted her daughter.

  But Meg stood and ran to her room. Mrs. Dapaah walked towards the portrait of her late husband and shed tears. “Charles, do something,” she said. “Don’t let this disgrace come upon our family” she whispered. “If only you were here,” she sobbed. “I need your support now more than ever, as our first daughter is getting married.”

  There seemed to be a grin on the face of the portrait; Mr. Dapaah seemed to be saying, ‘Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine’ and that gave her some confidence.

  Osborn craved for another kiss but Haida avoided him. “Now, will you put your phone on and call Meg?” she said quite sternly

  “What a friend she has in you she who gives you constant contumely, but what an enemy you have in her!” said Osborn, putting on his phone.

  But before Osborn could dial Meg’s number, a call came through. He stared at the phone for a while before answering it. “Austin?” he said.

  “Where the hell are you man? I’ve been standing in front of your house for more than an hour, and you’ve sent your phone on a holiday or what?,” said the man on the other end of the line.

  Osborn laughed. “I’ll be there in less than half an hour,” he said.

  “Will you tell me where you are?”

  “I’m in town, catching up some few things. I’m driving and I’ll be home in a jiffy.”

  “You’d better call your people and make them know you are ok, because your mother especially is wailing herself away,” said Austin matter-of-factly. “By the way, are you really in town or with Haida?” he whispered.

  ‘God, is he some kind of ‘omnivisual’ or what?’ thought Osborn. “Did you hear me say I’m driving my way home?” he said and Austin chuckled.

  Osborn cut him off, chuckling himself. Haida saw how elated he had become all of a sudden and she took the pleasure.

  “Who was that?” she asked

  “Austin, my best man,” he said.

  “See, everyone is waiting for you. Please call Meg now,” she pleaded.

  He dialed Meg’s number and put Haida in his arms. “Hello darling,” he said into Haida’s eyes when Meg came on the line. “How’s my pretty doing?”

  “Oh Osborn, where are you?” asked Meg.

  He noticed the worry and nasal tone in her voice. Had she really been crying? What did he expect anyway?

  “I’m at home, preparing to meet you, my beautiful bride,” he said, caressing Haida’s cheek with his other hand and gave her a peck.

  Haida felt so much guilt, but remained silent and coped, if only that would get him on his toes to carry on with the wedding. Concurrently, she felt happy yet jealous; why was she feeling jealous then when all she’d wanted was that this wedding occurred? Maybe that she was giving away a profound love. Love is supposed to be reciprocal; she wanted this love, yet she had to give it away because she couldn’t utterly give hers back. Somebody else owed a greater part of it. She couldn’t take this love and give a greater percentage of hers to someone else – that would be too unfair. She couldn’t eat her cake and have it back. Oh, but why was love so unfair? She couldn’t dictate to her heart with whom or not to fall in love with. She had no choice but to accept that her heart belonged to someone else who didn’t deserve it, and risk losing the love she needed. She wished she could turn things around, but it’d be selfish of her to give her love to Mellis and take Osborn’s as well. Things needed to be put in their fair places. Meg deserved Osborn’s love, she was the one to take it because she could reciprocate. But who said love was this fair and the respecter of persons? So, she wanted this wedding to take place to save herself any feelings of guilt, and for the sake of avoiding being the object of blame should this wedding be called off.

  Osborn called home after putting Meg at peace. Everyone gave praises and thanks to their God – it was a sweet relief, but Osborn had himself to explain later to his family and especially, to Meg. Haida had never felt as worse in her life as she lay in Osborn’s arms. As the latter kissed her again, she felt like a usurper with an immediate possession of something so de
sirable and enjoyable but which definitely didn’t belong to her.

  As Mellis prepared to leave, he thought to himself. He didn’t know if he could ever forgive himself for trusting a woman so blindly. Though he knew he couldn’t be with Haida any longer – at least that was how he felt at the moment – yet one thing was sure; that he still truly loved her. This was how similarly he loved Dari Dawson, but Dari never hurt him so badly; they never quarreled nor had any significantly bad times. There was no issue of her cheating on him. He recalled those times how she would run to him and tell him all about another man’s proposal and how she turned them down, making him know he was the one she wanted. It was so beautiful; the fun they had, and the exciting outings when they were on vacation. How despite the many times he persisted, she never gave in to sleep with him. She was a lady of character; she never ran into the arms of another man when they had misunderstandings. She wasn’t cheap at all. Yes, she wasn’t that vulnerable like Haida when it came to men. Even, there were so many accusations of him flirting with other girls on campus, but Dari gave deaf ears to them all. She trusted him no matter what and had confidence in him and revered him. She never insulted him nor said any offensive words to him, not even by way of jokes. When all was said, he was her best friend. She made him feel like a king, loved, cherished, trusted, distinguished, respected and adored. She made him her all and vice versa. Though those beautiful moments didn’t last for more than a year, he cherished them wholeheartedly; and though they were very young then, their love was true, genuine and mature, or so he thought. When he met Haida and she reminded him of his late love, he believed it would be more beautiful with her, inasmuch as he even loved her more. But the question of why wasn’t Haida like Dari was confusing him. Why was she being directly opposite character wise? Mellis wondered. It was then that he realized he was actually comparing her with Dari, and that there was a striking difference between them, but for one – they were equally beautiful and lovely. Looking intently on the road, Mellis drove quite slowly and wondered one thing he couldn’t fathom – that despite all the comparison which most went against Haida, he still loved her; a feeling that far surpassed what he had for Dari. For the very first time in his life, he felt his heart so vulnerable towards a woman, and that made him feel self-pity. Tears filled his eyes and then rolled down freely on his cheeks.


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