Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2)

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Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2) Page 21

by Boadi, Lilly

  “I hadn’t the foggiest!” said Haida, still astonished.

  “Why should we be surprised anyway? That Kelly is capable of anything! I am not surprised that they are friends – birds of a feather!” said Kiara.

  Haida turned away her gaze and sighed, “I once saw her with Meg the Celebrities Night Show day,” she said, “she was at the work premises. I came back from the washroom and saw them together, chatting. I was amazed. I asked Kelly what she was doing with her, and having told her about my problem with Meg, she said she was getting acquainted with her to deal with her for me,” she chuckled. “Getting acquainted indeed!” once more, she chuckled.

  At the far end of the restaurant, oblivious of the presence of Haida and Kiara, Kelly and Meg talked about general issues – the ones that would make Meg laugh out loud. “You look brighter now than I saw you a few days ago,” said Kelly. “This is what you should be doing, getting away for a while to have fun. I don’t believe in allowing a man to get you down. You should stand up for yourself and take control of your world, with or without a man.”

  “This is unacceptable for a married woman you know,” said Meg. “They would say a married woman should behave as such. You know, stay at home and take care of your household. But then you can not get the chance to go out and have fun alone.”

  “Oh, please Meg! This idea is old-fashioned for goodness sake! If your husband is killing you with sadness at home, do you stay there and die? No! Since you can’t divorce him just like that, you should find a way of making yourself happy,” said Kelly. “Go where you’d be happy if it pleases your dear husband or not. Remember, you have to stand up for yourself as a woman, married or not!”

  “I guess you are right!” said Meg bitterly. “I don’t have much friends, and you are not always available. I have no company to hang out with, and the only choice I’ve got is to shack myself inside the house with the only companion I have – sorrow!” she said sadly.

  “I’m not the one to help you find it if you want happiness. A woman’s real happiness can only be found in a man!” said Kelly.

  “Aren’t you contradicting yourself?”

  “I don’t mean a man in the name of a husband!”

  Meg kicked that round a bit, “Are you saying…”

  “Aha! That is what I am saying…if the need be!” said Kelly deliberately.

  “Cheating on Osborn would only be like driving him farther away from me,” said Meg, bewildered with Kelly.

  “This isn’t about Osborn, Meg. It’s about you and your happiness!” Kelly stressed.

  “I think you are forgetting that he is my husband.”

  “Oh, Meg, stop being an old fogey. A husband who does not make you happy? A husband who does not make you feel like a real woman? What makes this person a husband? Think, Meg, think! Where is the Meg I knew gone?”

  “You don’t know Osborn – he is the only man who makes me feel my climax. He’s everything I want in a man.”

  “Point of correction! He was! I don’t think he is still all the man you need. Meg, this idea is what is killing you. Stop thinking Osborn is the only one who can make you feel good as a woman. Now that he is not at his best, will you sit by him and deny yourself some good in life? Come on Meg, give yourself a chance to be happy.”

  “I know Osborn isn’t his best self now, but I believe he would soon come around. I only have to be patient,” said Meg resolutely and Kelly sighed, raising her eyebrows in indifference. “Kelly, I simply can’t afford to let Osborn go. I need him by my side. Do you understand when I say I can’t let go of him? Just as you would do anything to be with Mellis because he means a lot to you.”

  Kelly sighed once more, “Meg, I’m not saying let go of Osborn. What I am saying is give yourself a chance to have what he can’t give you now – happiness! For goodness sake, you deserve to be happy Meg!”

  Meg sighed deeply and gazed in rapture, until Kelly waved her hand over her face, “What are you dreaming about?” asked Kelly.

  Meg gave a short chuckle, “Osborn” she said.

  “Osborn, Osborn, Osborn! Who is this man who has gotten such a colossal influence on my dear friend?”

  “He is a man of himself, and too much when it comes to me!” said Meg. Then suddenly, “Hey, why don’t you visit me tomorrow at home so that you can meet him. You guys have not met before. It’s a Sunday and he will be at home,” suggested Meg.

  “Oh no, I can’t.”

  “Kelly?” cried Meg amusingly.

  “Meg, I’m sorry. I’ve something to attend to tomorrow. My favorite cousin will be in town from Europe and I would have to meet him at the airport, and hang around with him. You understand, don’t you?” said Kelly.

  “When is his flight arriving?”

  “In the evening; seven or eight.”

  “Then, you can come to my end during the day and take care of him later in the evening?”

  “No, Meg, I’d have to prepare during the day, prior to his coming. Like a wife awaiting the presence of a long gone hubby,” said Kelly mindlessly. “He’s my favorite cousin, you know, and I am to him. You understand?” she added, when she saw the suspicious look on Meg’s face. Of course, with all those sparks in her eyes as she spoke, Meg could only wonder if it were really her cousin she would be meeting or some other man she’s having fun with behind Mellis’ back. “Why don’t we go now? I have nothing to do at the moment. I’ll only go home after here,” suggested Kelly.

  Meg sighed and wore an upset look, “He’ll not be at home by the time we are there, unless you are prepared to wait till perhaps dawn,” she said. “Osborn doesn’t stay at home. He comes to the house very late deep into the night, and sometimes, it is obvious he’s been drinking a lot. He will be reeking with alcohol. A few times, he comes home very drunk. The only day I get enough of him at home is on Sundays. Not that he stays at home for my sake, but that is when he normally gets visitors and he sort of rests from the hard week’s work,” said Meg somewhat devastatingly.

  “See what I am talking about? He goes out and has his way, careless of your feelings, yet you stay at home and cry over him!”

  “He is quite restrictive of late. He won’t let me go out sometimes, and sometimes he makes sure he gives me a task to perform, just to prevent me from having any time at all to go out. I wouldn’t have any choice than to do it, because I am a wife!”

  Kelly giggled and shook her head, “This is too much Meg!” she said. “Well…” she couldn’t say much. The onus was on Meg to heed to her advice.

  That evening, Osborn sat behind the wheel and drove slowly, reluctant of going home. He had had a few drinks earlier, and his eyes were quite heavy. He thought of Haida and a pint of joy rose within his heart. He missed her so much, and wished to see her. He believed she was in town now. He’d try and see her one of these days. Then he imagined getting home and being welcomed by her, his beloved wife, it would be so lovely. He smiled at the thought. But when the reality hit him that it was Meg who would be welcoming him, his forehead crinkled in anger and he felt upset. He wished he would wake up in the morning and not see her face before he left for work, and come home at night after she was sleeping. But then, if he succeeded in that, he couldn’t avoid seeing her, because he had almost the whole day to see her at work. Damn the fact that she was his colleague in the same company. He thought and took the round-about. Suddenly, his heart jumped out of fear and he steered carelessly to the right, and the wheels gave an irritating screech. The oncoming car steered into the circle and crashed into the statue before it could collide with his car. It was so close. Save the jeep that took the risk of driving into the circle, he might have been a corpse by now. He sat behind the wheel, dumbfounded and breathing heavily, as he watched. The jeep took a reverse out of the circle and drove head-on before him. He gasped in horror, with eyes widely opened, as he awaited his doom. The driver of the jeep might be angry and wanted to finish him off. But barely an inch away from his car, the jeep gave a violent brea
k and flashed its high beams on him which were virtually out of their position. He avoided the shots of bright light in his eyes by raising his arm over his eyes. The driver stepped out angrily.

  “What were you trying to do? Kill me?!” snapped Kelly.

  Osborn stepped out of the car quickly and walked towards her, “I’m sorry miss, forgive me. I wasn’t looking, please forgive me…” he fell into a moment of penitence.

  “Oh, save your miserable apologies!” snapped Kelly once more. “See what you have done to my car? Do you think your apologies can repair that, huh?!” she was angry. “What were you thinking?! What was wrong with you, huh?!” she yelled.

  “I’m sorry miss. I’ll get your car repaired by tomorrow since its late now,” stammered Osborn, bemused.

  “Tomorrow is a Sunday, and no mechanic shop works on a Sunday, damn it!” she snapped yet again, and Osborn was speechless. “I have to meet somebody tomorrow, with this same car!” she shouted, pointing at the jeep, which was badly damaged on the front. “There is no way I can drive this car around town tomorrow, thanks to you! This car is as good as condemned!” she was shirty, pacing up. “Do you think it would take a day to get it repaired? And how am I supposed to go to town from this evening? What…how…? Damn it!” she said, upset. If she was upset, Osborn was more than that. He didn’t know what to say. She was right. It was true the car was badly damaged, and repairing it would take time and would be as good as buying a new one.

  “Do I get you another car?” he asked sharply, and she glared at him.

  “A brand new one?” she asked.

  “Sure! Whatever you like,” he said impulsively.

  Again, she glared at him and sighed, “I want my jeep! When do I get it?”

  “Monday” he said immediately.

  “Is that a deal?”

  “Sure,” he grinned, seeing that she had taken that one in good faith. Kelly stared at him and realized he had a beautiful smile; in fact, a charming one. “Err, you can have my card,” he said, reaching into his car. “You can call me so that we arrange where to meet to get your car. Here,” he said, handing over a cute card to her.

  “I don’t need your card! Take my number and call me!” she said boorishly and he was hypnotized. ‘What a cheek!’ he thought in rapture.

  “Will you take my number or not?!” she asked.

  “Oh, sure. Tell me”. Kelly spelled out her handset number and he stored it on his phone. “Your name?” he asked when she was done.

  “You don’t need my name before you can store my number!” she snapped again.

  Osborn stared at her for a while and input ‘cheeky beauty’ beside the name. “Done! I will give you a call tomorrow, so that we fix a time and place,” he said and smiled wickedly at her. That smile nearly got her paranoid. Then she turned quickly and flung into her car and sped off impetuously. Osborn stared after the car and chuckled with delight. When he reached home, it was half past eleven, and Meg was fully awake. “Were you waiting for me again?” he asked.

  “Yes” she stammered.

  “I’ve told you not to do that anymore. You look like you haven’t slept at all and have been waiting all night long,” he said neutrally.

  “Oh, I was sleeping. I woke up about thirty minutes ago and realized you were not back, and I decided to wait,” she lied. Truth is, she got home less than an hour ago and didn’t expect his presence in the house now. He had actually come home earlier than usual and she wondered what could have happened.

  “I’m here now, so you can have some sleep,” he said softly, and walked towards her. For a minute, she got scared, thinking he might smack her. “Goodnight,” he said softly once more, pecked her cheek and walked tiredly to the bedroom. Meg stood, dumbfounded, unable to believe what had just happened. He actually gave her a peck! And the reality of this made her face beam with delight. Maybe he was coming around and she hoped he would make love to her tonight. But she woke up the next morning, disappointed. He didn’t even touch her. ‘Patience Meg, patience’ she thought.


  It was a lovely Sunday evening. Kelly made sure she looked her best. She meticulously ensured that her accessories matched from shades to sandals. She built her outfit starting with her gold strappy Louis Vuitton see-thru wedges with their gold 4-inch heels. From there she picked out a rust-colored linen mini skirt that fell only 2 inches from her round bottom. She sauntered in front of the mirror as she buttoned up her silky, soft rose-colored ruffled blouse up to the middle of the gold VS emblem on her Victoria’s Secrets underwire demi bra. She carefully tied the laces to the puff-sleeved cuffs of her blouse. Then she modeled and she bent over a little to see how much she could move without her derriere and nipples showing. She tucked and adjusted her cups until they were almost overflowing. “There! That’s more like it!” she thought and off she strutted out of her dressing room. She checked that everything was set in the house and then she went out in high spirits. Less than an hour, she was at the airport. She was standing by the arrival gate with her Louis Vuitton monogrammed, shiny gold agenda out, looking important. When the arrival of the Lufthansa flight was announced, she jumped with joy and waited patiently. About twenty minutes later, the passengers started trouping out and her eyes reeled amongst them expectantly. Then, suddenly, her face beamed with smiles. It was him! “Edward!” she called out in delight. She put the tip of her tortoise shell colored Louis Vuitton sun glasses in between her teeth. She posed with her hands on her hip and the other dangling her shades from her pouty lower lip.

  “Kelly!” he responded with the same joy and hugged her tightly when he got closer to her. And then he gave her a long peck on the cheek, “I really missed you,” he whispered.

  Edward was a little taller than Kelly with light brown skin and big soul-searching eyes. When she embraced him, it was like she was hugging a tree trunk because he was so muscular and thick.

  “Same here. You are welcome.”

  “Thanks,” he said and put her in his arms, “Hey, Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas,” she said, looking into his eyes. They stared into each other’s eyes and burst out in ecstasy. He put her in his arms once more and they walked off.

  “Where is your car? Hope it’s not parked afar off,” he said.

  “Eddie, I didn’t bring my car. We will have to take a taxi.”

  “What? Why? What happened to your car?”

  “It got smashed on the front. I can’t drive it around town.”

  “What happened? An accident?”

  “Sort of. A minor one anyway,” she said.

  “Thank God it was minor,” he said, genuinely grateful. In the taxi, he asked “How is Auntie?”

  “Very good. When are you seeing her?”

  “Immediately. Next week probably – I missed my little boy. Have you seen her when you came down?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Why don’t we go down to visit her together then?”

  “Which day next week do you intend going?”

  “During the weekend.Preferably Saturday. But I’ll go for whichever day that will suit you,” he said sweetly.

  “Alright, I will check my schedule. I believe I’ll be free during the weekend. I have few things running during the week days.”

  “Hoping one of them does not involve Mellis!” he almost snapped, his tone edgy.

  “Are you jealous?” she asked, giggling.

  “Do you have to ask? I think I should find a way to get rid of him soon as possible!” Eddie’s brow was furrowed as he squeezed the metal can of soda until it cracked in his large right hand.

  “Hey!” she nudged him. “Don’t you ever think that way! I’d never forgive you if you did that!”

  “You are right!” he said sarcastically and Kelly realized he was serious.

  “Hey…stop being superfluous. You don’t have to be jealous of Mellis,” she said gravely.

  “Really? I don’t?” she nodded and smiled at him. “Come here,�
� and he put her in his arms once more, holding her tightly. “No one will take you from me,” he said, looking intently into her eyes, and she smiled.

  Osborn was having a nap on the sofa in the hall when the doorbell rang. He jumped out of sleep and yawned widely. The bell rang once more “Come in” he said lazily, wiping the sleep off his eyes. “Austin!” he exclaimed.

  “Yeah, man!” said Austin and they gave each other a manly shake of hands. Austin was a very handsome medium built young man with baby smooth cocoa bean-colored skin. He had slanted child-like eyes that fit his jovial personality. The women were always chasing after him because of his baby boy type looks, but he watched his friends like Osborn go through so many marital problems that he dared not be tied down to any kind of full-time commitment.

  “I can see you had a good sleep. You are better off,” said Austin.

  “I’m tired man. I didn’t have much sleep last night,” said Osborn, yawning.

  “Oh, what were you doing?” asked Austin, and then in a whisper, “Thinking about Haida, or making passionate love to Meg? Don’t tell me you are still surly towards your wife,” he teased and then slipped into the sofa next to Osborn.

  Osborn chuckled, “Neither of them! I was thinking of something quite unusual.”

  “And what was that? Hey, is your wife in?”

  “No. Didn’t you meet her? She just said she was buying something nearby.”

  “No, I didn’t bump into her. So, tell me. What were you thinking about?” asked Austin, adjusting himself and looking attentive.

  “You see, I’ve made this deal of buying a brand new jeep with someone, and I was thinking of how much it would cost my finances, since I didn’t budget for that,” said Osborn, reaching to get a beer from the cooler. He gestured for Austin to take one as he continued, “See, I promised to buy Meg a car on her birthday which is five days away, and it means that must wait, because I’ve got to get this jeep!”


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