It's A Shame

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It's A Shame Page 4

by Hansen, C. E.

Cole looked at the card, and I could see the anger veil over his normally handsome features as he read it.

  “Don’t keep us in suspense here Cole.” Michelle demanded as she stood up.

  Cole looked briefly at Michelle then back down to the card. He shifted his weight to his other foot, and I could see the tick in his jaw. That along with the whitening of his knuckles as his hand balled into a fist, was enough to let me know he was getting angrier by the minute. He cleared his throat and began to read.

  “My gift finds you breathing

  To my dismay

  This is a warning

  Stay out of my way

  The poor girl is suffering

  That much is true

  Her finger is pointing

  Directly at you

  When I come across you

  Some darkening night

  My blade you will feel

  As you see your last light

  Look around every corner

  Look under your bed

  I know where you sleep

  I’m there in your head

  How many flowers

  Does a dozen make?

  And how much more pain

  Do you think she can take?”

  I heard Cole saying the words, although the voice wasn’t his. My ears started ringing and I could feel my heart beating erratically in my chest.

  “Motherfucker…” Michelle’s exclamation snapped me out of my reverie.

  “Detective…” Cole’s head snapped up and he looked directly at the two detectives.

  Detective Johansen raised his cellphone to his ear and we all listened intently as he called for a CSI team. Detective Verdi handed the box back to Dean who placed it onto the counter next to the one he just opened that Michelle received. After he ended the call he turned and walked over to where Michelle and I stood, Detective Verdi following close behind.

  When he saw Michelle and I exchange looks he managed an awkward smile.

  “Okay Miss Preston…Ms. Mal…”

  “Grace,” I interrupted him.

  “Grace…okay Grace,” he looked directly at Michelle, “Michelle,” he said without hesitation, “walk me through what happened tonight.”

  He sat across from us giving us his undivided attention. Michelle and Detective Verdi listened as I explained the events of the evening. Cole interjected the portions of the story I wasn’t present for. Then Michelle chimed in with her input.

  “So,” Dean said looking at all three of us, “I’m guessing you have no idea who did this or why.”

  We all shook our heads in answer.

  “I’m not the detective here, but I’d have to say that was a fucking threat, no?” Michelle glared at the detectives. “Just saying.”

  “I’m sure it’s some crazed fan who knows the whole Golden Hair Murderer story and is trying to get his name in the papers.” I said. “Right?” I was desperately hoping the detectives would agree with me.

  “I would suggest you look into any copy cat threats or correspondence you received after Kaplan’s arrest.” Cole demanded.

  I shook violently and Michelle blanched at Cole’s words.

  Detective Johansen nodded in agreement.

  “Well, I for one want some answers. I’m not about to...”

  The doorbell rang, luckily for Detective Johansen, as Michelle was most definitely getting ready to dig her heels in.

  Detective Verdi walked over opening the door admitting two CSI and one uniformed officer. She spoke to the two CSI’s as she walked them over to where both boxes stood. She then turned to the uniformed officer who stood gawking at us all, and directed him to stand outside the door.

  “Secure the area.” She looked at Dean questioningly and he nodded his head. “No one steps off that elevator unless they’re NYPD. Got it?”

  The officer nodded and walked out closing the door behind him.

  The two CSI pulled on their gloves and opened a large black suitcase, taking out several evidence bags and placing them on the counter. The blonde man began snapping pictures of the door, the hallway, the foyer and the kitchen. Afterwards, he began writing notes in his pad. The tall dark haired man removed the severed finger with long metal tweezers, placing it in the smaller evidence bag. He held the bag to the light, eliciting a gasp from me.

  He looked at me and mumbled an apology, then turned his back essentially hiding the severed digit. He removed a sharpie from his chest pocket and wrote on the outside of the bag, then repeated the same actions with the other box. He placed each box inside it’s own bag, also writing on the outside of those bags.

  “Detectives,” the blonde man said, looking for direction.

  “That’s all we got for you tonight guys. Make sure you pull any and all prints off the elevator and stairwell doors.” They both nodded.

  “We’ll need a report on what you find ASAP,” Detective Verdi said as she walked them to the door closing it after they left.

  “Okay then.” Dean said as he looked at Carrie. “Let’s go and have a chat with Joe?”

  He looked at Cole and me, a questioning expression on his face.

  Cole nodded.

  “Joe. Let’s go have a chat with Joe.” He stood and turned to me. “Miss Prest…Grace, Mr. Grayson we’ll be in touch.” Without waiting for a response, he turned his head, “Michelle, I assume your contact information hasn’t changed.”

  “It’s the same.” Cole extended his hand interrupting him. “You will be looking into the possibility of Kaplan’s involvement?”

  At the sound of Jonathan’s name, I shook involuntarily and Michelle squeezed my hand tighter.

  Dean looked at Michelle, his gaze lingering a tad longer than normal, a slow smile spread on his face.

  “Thank you Detective,” Michelle answered, her tone somewhat apologetic. She lowered her lashes and smiled in return.

  Did I just catch Michelle blushing?

  “So you are aware, we will be pulling all the footage from the security cameras and I’ll be letting the security desk know they are to contact me directly should you receive any other…packages.”

  “You don’t think…” I had no clue where I was going with this. “You don’t think there will be more…do you?”

  “Let’s hope not.” His tone flippant. Then he turned to walk towards the door. Holding it open he turned back towards us. “You will let us know if anyone tries to contact you… any of you.” He glanced again at Michelle. “Here’s my card. It has my cell number.” He held it up in the air briefly before placing it on the foyer table.

  “Yes of course.” Cole answered. Michelle and I just nodded.

  “Well, good night then. An officer will be posted outside your doors for the remainder of the evening.” Dean turned and followed Carrie out the door.

  “Goodnight,” Detective Verdi called out over her shoulder.

  We all stood staring in the direction of the closed door. Cole was the first to break the silence.

  “Michelle, I’d feel better if you stayed here tonight. You can sleep in the bedroom with Grace, I’ll take the sofa,” Cole said.

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it but I’d really rather sleep in my own bed.” She looked at me, seeing the displeased look on my face. “I’m right across the hall Grace, and believe me, you’ll know if someone uninvited shows up,” she laughed, her voice still raspy since her injury.

  “It’s your call Michelle. Either way, I’m going to search your apartment before I let you go in there,” Cole commanded.

  “Fine. Be my guest. Just don’t mind my mess. It’s the cleaning lady’s day off,” she laughed. “I’ll turn on the alarm when you’re done searching if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “It makes me feel better—so do it,” I said stifling a yawn.

  “Yeah, me too.” Michelle stood up, my yawn contagious. “I’m beat guys, I’m going back to sleep. Night, Grace.” She extended her arms and I stood up and hugged her. “Love you.”

  “Me too, Shell
e.” I never meant anything more. She walked over to where Cole stood.

  If Jonathan had his way, Michelle wouldn’t be here today and I truly wouldn’t know what I would do without her.

  Cole walked her to her apartment and knowing Cole, he wouldn’t leave until he searched every nook and cranny, opened every closet door, and looked under each bed. Several minutes later I heard him in the hall talking to Michelle. Then I heard her door close. He stood outside waiting until she assured him the alarm had been set. I walked over to the door and held it open as he walked back in. He turned and slid the chain into place, locked the dead bolt and followed me to the bedroom.

  After washing my face, I undressed and slipped a clean nightshirt over my head and climbed into the bed next to Cole. He threw his arm around me pulling me up against his warm body and we both lay still for several minutes, neither of us speaking. He leaned in and I felt the warmth of his lips as he kissed my forehead. I was so wiped out I started to fall asleep in his arms.

  “Mind if I get some work done, I can’t sleep?” He asked. “I can go into the office if it’ll keep you up.”

  “No, I’m so tired nothing will keep me up.” I kissed him and threw my leg over his. “Stay here…please,” I whispered imploringly, wondering myself how I would be able to fall asleep after tonight, even feeling as tired as I was.

  He sat up and opened his laptop, leaning back against the plush headboard. I raised my eyes up to him and saw the glow of the screen illuminating his perfect features and watched as a worried frown settled on his face. I rolled over, my back flush against his body and closed my eyes.

  I dreamt of the night he almost killed us. I saw the evil look in his ice blue eyes. Michelle floated towards me with her arms outstretched, her throat slit open, blood spraying everywhere. I turned my head and watched Cole wrestle with Jonathan in slow motion, a knife in his hand… Jonathan’s fingers were wrapped around the handle of a straight razor.

  Deep gashes opened, pulsing blood sprayed out painting my body. I turned and saw my reflection in the wide windows; trails left by my tears weaved down my face through the coating of blood. Cole was cut in several places, the knife protruding from Jonathan’s chest. I tried to scream, but no sound would come. I raised my hand to my neck…my throat had been cut too.

  Jonathan rose, stepped over Cole’s dead body and walked towards me, the razor coated in blood dripped. It was so strange to me that all I could hear was the plop, plop, plop of the blood hitting the floor… he started laughing manically as he raised his arm above my head, preparing to slash down…

  I abruptly sat up in bed panting, my fingers encircling my throat, my nightshirt sticking to my body as the sweat ran down my back. I quickly pulled my hand away and looked at my fingers…no blood. My hair was plastered to my head with perspiration. I shook it violently trying to eject the visions. It was all so surreal.

  I quickly scanned the immediate area, trying to see through the haze of sleep and darkness that permeated the room. Dawn was just breaking and the room was cast in a dim pink and gold glow that crept along the floor and slowly up the walls. My breathing was erratic, coming in rapid, irregular pants. I turned my head looking for Cole and grabbed air trying to find him, but he wasn’t there. I immediately panicked.

  Jumping out of bed I ran into the living room and found him there, asleep on the sofa, a troubled look on his face. I stepped closer to him and he stirred, his eyes flashed open and he immediately sat up.

  “Grace, you okay? What’s wrong?”

  “I had a bad dream.” I looked around the room in a semi-panic, waiting for Jonathan to jump out from any and every dark corner. “I woke up and you were gone.”

  He reached out and grabbed my hand pulling me down on top of him. He yanked his blanket over me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “I couldn’t sleep and you were moving around so much. I thought the light from the computer was keeping you awake.”

  “Mmm. Don’t let go,” I mumbled into his neck feeling safe in his arms.

  “Never.” He tightened his grip on me. “You’re shaking.”

  “Really bad dream.”

  “Hmmm.” He kissed my temple.

  After I had my coffee and Cole ate breakfast, he went into the bedroom to shower and get ready for work. I cleaned up the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher. Then I called Michelle to tell her I was taking the day off.

  “Sounds good to me. I’m calling Rose and telling her I’m taking a personal day. What do you want to do?”

  “You’re the best.” I meant it.

  “I know,” she said smugly. “Tell you what, I’m gonna jump in the shower and I’ll be ready in about an hour, call me when Cole leaves and we’ll have coffee. Maybe we’ll go shopping, grab some lunch.” She paused, “Sound good?”

  “Yeah it does. I’ll call you back as soon as I get out of the shower.”

  “Good, see ya’ in a bit.”

  I hung up and spun around to find an unbelievably beautiful specimen of a man standing in the archway of the kitchen looking every bit like an Urbanite Sex God he was. He was dressed in a dark gray suit, crisp light blue shirt and black tie, staring back at me with liquid green eyes, which were the centerpiece of his all too perfect face. They twinkled mischievously. I took a deep breath and my heart started beating faster. I raised my hand to my chest as I slowly scanned his long muscular body from top to bottom. From his gleaming black shoes up to his perfectly knotted tie, he looked beautiful, polished…edible. I licked my lips.

  “You know better than to do that,” he said in a hoarse whisper, his eyes glowing with lust.

  The site of him standing there with that sexy-assed, hungry look on his face took all but a second to get me all hot and bothered, not to mention wet. A slow ache spread throughout my nether region. All I wanted…no needed, right then was to have him on top of me, filling me inch by inch, his hips thrusting, feeling him moving inside me. Pushing all the bad thoughts away.

  I felt my nipples harden instantly and seeing the direction his gaze traveled, and the impious look in his eyes, I knew without a doubt they had.

  I lowered my gaze to his tight abdomen, down past his slim hips and was able to make out the outline of his semi-hardened erection in his pants. Cole closed the distance between us and lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me to the dining room, which happened to have the closest available surface.

  My breathing jagged, my blood burned like fire coursing through my veins. I grabbed his head to mine and kissed him full on the mouth. The taste of him was inebriating and I licked my lips savoring it.

  He let out a growl, his lips grazed mine and he whispered, “I told you what that does to me.”

  He set me down on the top of the table and removed his jacket. Slinging it over the back of a chair, he pulled his shirt from the waist of his pants. He removed his tie and flung it in the general direction of his jacket. He lowered his zipper and pulled his hardened shaft out if his pants...all without breaking the contact our mouths shared.

  I moaned when I felt the burning flesh of his cock rub against my thigh. He pushed my silk robe off my shoulders and let it fall onto the tabletop, then without skipping a beat, raised my nightshirt over my head tossing it towards the living room. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he moved closer.

  He ardently kissed my mouth, my neck, my breasts, his tongue inching lower, leaving a trail of searing heat in its path. He spread my legs open and, kneeling before me, parted my moist folds open with his fingers as he dipped the tip of his tongue into my cleft and began eating me with the voracity of a starving man. He gently pushed me back so that I was lying on the table and lifted my legs over his shoulders. My body was quivering with anticipation as I lay on the tabletop. I moaned as the tip of his tongue ran over my hardening clit. I suddenly remembered the first time we had sex on a table, and my heart jumped in my chest. I grabbed his head with my hands, sliding my fingers through his thick black hai
r, reveling in its silkiness.

  I lifted my ass up to meet his scorching mouth as he plunged his tongue into my sex over and over again, repeatedly titillating my swollen clit, sucking gently, stirring my passion. I came with a ferocity I’ve never known. I heard what sounded like my own voice begging, for what, I was unable to comprehend nor did I care at that moment. My breathing was ragged in my own ears and my toes curled painfully with the strength of my orgasm.

  Cole was relentless. I screamed out, my head lolling side to side. I grabbed his hair and pulled him up along my body. He wiped his mouth on my belly on the way up. I lifted myself up onto my arms and his mouth slanted over mine. I shoved my tongue inside his mouth swirling it around with his, and began licking and sucking at his lips with the fervor of an abandoned harlot, tasting myself in his mouth.

  Cole took his cock and expertly guided it inside my opening. My hips lifted in perfect tempo with his thrusts, sending my senses soaring as he sank deeper and deeper within me. He pushed me back down until I lay on the table again, and lifted my hips, pulling me to him. Each sensation that shot through my body sent me spiraling onto a new plateau. Every move, every touch, so achingly sensual I audibly moaned with each plunge. His gyrating hips coaxed another climax out of me, dwarfing the one I just had. I clung to the edge of the table as he plunged his hips against my pelvis driving us home. All there was, right then and there, were the two of us…

  A few minutes later he lifted his head and smiled. I clenched my toes again. He turned his head to the side, looked at his watch, and moaned.

  “Damn it.” He leaned over and kissed me quickly. Then pulled out of me, yanked his pants up, and walked over to where his jacket lay. Pulling his smartphone out of the inside pocket he pushed a button and held it to his ear. As he waited for someone to pick up he pulled his wallet out of his jacket pocket and set it on the counter.

  “Sandra…tell Daniels I’ll be thirty minutes late. If he can’t wait just reschedule.”

  He ended the call and put the phone down next to his wallet.

  I was unable to move from my position on the table, so exhausted from our morning romp; I just lay on top of the table trying to catch my breath. Cole walked back to where I was, and ran his fingers lightly over my breast, tracing my areola. His touch so sensuous, I shivered, and involuntarily squeezed my legs together, tightly. He chuckled and leaned down, placing his lips gently over mine.


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