It's A Shame

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It's A Shame Page 9

by Hansen, C. E.

  After I dipped the cutlets into an egg wash, I covered them in breadcrumbs and placed them on a plate. Then started the heat under the sauté pan and waited for the olive oil to get to the right temperature. As I lowered the chicken into the pan, I turned to see what wine Cole had chosen. A bottle of 2000 Roberto Voerzio Cerequio Barolo stood next to the filled decanter. When he was done pouring, he held it up to the light, admiring the dark purple color, then turned to me.

  “I’m going to change. Anything you need me to do before I jump in the shower?”

  “No, I’ve got this. Go shower.”

  I turned my attention back to the chicken sizzling in the oil and turned the heat on under my sauce then added salt to the pot of water for the pasta. Several minutes later I was draining the chicken on a plate covered in paper towels and putting the fresh pasta I picked up today into the boiling water. I poured a small amount of the Barolo into a water glass and took a tentative sip as I stirred the pasta. The wine was still a little tight and needed more time to open, but the flavors of black cherries, black berries and caramel slipped over my tongue, giving me a small taste of what was to come.

  I finished cooking and was setting the table when Cole walked out of the bedroom. He crossed over to the cabinet above the sink, and pulled out two wine glasses. After inspecting them under the light he poured us each a glass and handed me mine then took a sip of his. He swirled the glass in his hand then stuck his nose inside the rim.

  “Wow, that opened nicely.”

  “Sit down, dinner’s ready.” I pointed to the dining room table.

  I removed the salad plates from the fridge and Cole carried the Caesar salad to the table, filling our plates. After grating a little cheese on the salads he turned to get the platter I just piled with the Chicken Parm and linguini placing it in the center of the table. Bringing the wine glass and decanter to the table, I set them down and took my seat.

  Cole sat down and without a word we both made our plates.

  “How was lunch?” he asked just before shoving a forkful of chicken into his mouth.

  “Okay, I guess. How was your day?” I looked at him, hoping for answers to the myriad of questions swimming around my brain.

  “Grace…” he paused, “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.”

  Oh shit, here it is. My stomach lurched.

  “Lauren Buckley, my ex-fiancée, showed up at my office today. She’s in New York.” He looked directly into my eyes, when I didn’t say anything he continued, “I don’t know the reason why…I didn’t speak to her. I instructed security not to let her up and from what I was told, she left the building.” He continued his gaze firmly planted on me.

  “I know,” I said, almost a whisper. I was so relieved at that moment I could have danced. “She rang the bell here this morning…” his sharp intake of air was the only indication I got that he’d heard me. “I opened the door dressed in my robe thinking it was Michelle.”

  He put his fork down and reached out to grab his glass, and slowly lifted it to his mouth, obviously contemplating what I just told him.

  “I’m sorry…if I had known she would be so blatantly ignorant as to come here after she left my office, I would have warned you.”

  “Why do you think she is here…I mean, it’s obvious she wants to see you. She told me she needed to talk to you, said it’s important.” I just lost whatever appetite I had. My nerves were pulled tight. I got up and walked over to the table near the door where I left the card Lauren had given me. “Here, she gave me this.”

  “I could not even fathom what her motives are, and whatever she’d tell me I wouldn’t believe, she’d rather lie than breathe.” The venom in his voice took me by surprise. I’d never heard him angry before. He took the card from my fingers and glanced at it.

  “I never did ask you what happened between you two.” I lowered my head as I sat back down. I began twirling pasta onto my fork in a never-ending circle. “I think I need for you to tell me now.”

  He lifted his wine glass to his mouth and quickly tossed it back, draining its contents.

  “It’s pretty cut and dry. I met her through her father, Stan Buckley. We were in talks to merge our two firms. Stan wanted to form what he thought would be the largest properties acquisitions firm in North America.

  “During a business dinner at his home he introduced me to Lauren. She was charming, funny, polished, and very beautiful.

  Every compliment he paid her twisted the knife deeper into me. I was suddenly sorry I asked. I watched as several expressions flitted across his face. He lowered his head and, to me, it looked like he was embarrassed. I cringed.

  “She fell in love with me, or so she told me. She was, is, a very strong willed woman and her persuasion eventually wore me down. Before I knew it, we were engaged, and the date for the wedding was set.”

  He poured wine into his glass and took a small sip, swishing it around in his mouth.

  “I was content to be alone…live alone. I didn’t want to get married, but I didn’t not want to either.” He looked directly into my eyes, “I guess I convinced myself it was a good thing…not spending the rest of my life alone. I figured, why not spend the rest of my days with someone I at least had a good time with and she agreed with me when I told her children were not an option for me. I had no intention of having a family. It’s just not in my DNA.”

  When I heard those last words I was surprisingly saddened. I hadn’t thought about children seriously before. Never pictured myself as a mother, but as I fell deeper in love with Cole, I did picture us as a happy family, with children…growing old together.

  He pushed his plate away and turned his eyes toward me again. “We were months away from the day we were to be married and I walked in on her fucking a man who I had just fired for embezzling over a quarter of a million dollars from me.” He shook his head and hung it shamefully.

  I gasped loudly raising my hand to my mouth. This was something straight from the script of a soap opera.

  “Yeah, crazy right?” he asked. “She asked me, as a favor to her, to hire an ‘old friend’ of hers. Told me he’d been down on his luck and needed a chance to pull himself back up. I gave him a job and in six short months he managed to steal over two hundred fifty thousand dollars from me. When I found out I confronted him. The stupid bastard didn’t even have the good sense to look apologetic. He stood there defiant, challenging me. Crazy son of a bitch.” He shook his head and stared at the wall, emotionless.

  “I immediately fired him and called the police. He took off running as soon as he found out the police were on the way. I got nervous and drove straight to Lauren’s house thinking he might go there. After all they were ‘old friends’. I didn’t want him threatening her. Using her relationship with me as leverage. When I got there, I saw his car and went around the side of her house. I opened the door and walked through the kitchen into the living room and found them.” He shook his head, looking pitiful. “There was the little lady, my blushing bride to be, with her legs in the air, panting out in gusts how he was the best fuck she’s ever had.” Cole smiled wryly. “Guess you can say I learned a few lessons that day. Don’t hire friends of friends, and, I wasn’t the best fuck Lauren’s ever had.” He laughed cynically.

  “I called off the wedding of course…” he shook his head, “and to top that total shit show, she was angry. Said I was making her look like a fool calling off the wedding so close to the date. Blamed me for not giving her what she needed. Citing I was the reason she looked for emotional and physical support outside our relationship. Guess she needed a little more than I could give her. Unbelievable…” He shook his head again.

  I reached for his hand and he squeezed my fingers.

  “Guess I should be grateful the truth came out before it was too late. I’m just relieved I never had feelings for her…or that little scene I witnessed might have stung. As it was, my pride took a hit. Especially when the word spread that I was the one who’d che
ated and she was the one who called the wedding off,” he chuckled satirically.

  “But…but when I first met you…I’m so confused. When I first met you, I was curious. So, I looked you up on the Internet. I saw the all the engagement articles and stories…but there was nothing, no articles about it being over.” I said confused.

  “That’s because Lauren got daddy to eradicate it from the papers and tabloids. That cost him a small fortune.” He laughed again, almost to himself. “It also cost her father his company.” He smiled a little brighter.

  “What?” Now I was totally confused.

  “As I said before, her father Stan and I were in talks to merge our two firms. When I called off the wedding, he got angry and cancelled the deal.”

  “That’s incredible. I have a hard time believing the stupid things people do sometimes. Did it hurt your company? I mean after he pulled out of the merger deal?”

  “No, to the contrary, it no longer mattered to me how big my company was, I knew I didn’t want to partner with Stan Buckley. Stan may have a lot of power and pull in Denver, but it no longer mattered to me. Lauren would not get her way this time, and I knew I would succeed with or without Stan Buckley’s money or his company.

  “After Lauren told all her family and friends that she called off the wedding because I cheated on her, Stan Buckley became exceedingly antagonistic. He believed his lying daughter. So it was with some regret, albeit very little, that I took Stan’s Buckley’s company out from under him in a hostile takeover, becoming the largest real estate property acquisition company in North America, without his help, at least directly.” He said with a self-assured look.

  “Holy sh…Cole. She’s a totally horrible and manipulative person. Obviously, has no morals…lying like that to everyone, even her own father.” I shook my head. “Not to mention…she’s insane!”

  Cole just smiled and nodded.

  “Seems to run in the family,” he shrugged, “It’s been rumored for years now her mother ran off with a family friend, which is why Stan did everything in his power to keep Lauren with him and happily dependent on him. He’s getting on in years…but I left him with enough to keep him and Lauren comfortable.”

  I stood up, stepped over and sat on his lap. His arms encircled my waist as he buried his head in the crook of my neck. My heart ached for him. He has never known real happiness, ever.

  “I love you Ace,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I for one am glad she is a total fucking loon. Cause now you’re mine.” I kissed each of his eyelids. “What do you think she wants to talk to you about?” I asked tentatively.

  “Who the hell knows with her… like you said, she’s a total fucking loon.” He started sucking on my neck and I yelped loudly, followed by a boisterous giggle.

  “Time for dessert,” he murmured into my throat as he stood up with me in his arms, pushing his chair back as he carried me towards the bedroom.

  I excitedly laughed out loud.

  “Mmm. Just for that I’m going to fuck you till you beg me to stop,” he said as he softly bit my jaw.

  “That’s not gonna happen,” I countered.

  I heard him laugh low, deep in his chest.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning I rolled over to find Cole’s side of the bed empty. I stretched my arms and legs, and smiled as I felt the familiar soreness between my thighs. I lifted my hands to my breasts and gingerly touched my nipples, finding them to be extremely sensitive too.

  Last night we tangled the sheets tirelessly for hours. Afterwards exhausted, I fell asleep for a short time to be awoken by the warm sensation of Cole’s tongue as it lashed across and locked onto my nipple. I felt the bed shift as the weight of him slid down to the bottom, between my legs, spreading them wide. My eyes flew open as he sank his tongue deep inside my cleft. His parted my moist folds and licked lightly at my clit. I brought my hands down and cupped his head. I moaned to every touch, every lick. Placing his hands on my hips, his grip tightened as I squirmed; all the while he continued flicking the tip of his tongue lightly over my over-sensitive hardened knot. I nearly growled my pleasure when he pushed his fingers inside me massaging me from the inside. While his tongue kept up its licentious torture, his fingers delved deeper into me.

  I took a deep breath feeling the fluttering inside my stomach as I replayed last night over in my mind and raised my fingers touching my lips, which were, incidentally, still swollen from his passionate kisses.

  I thought about Lauren as I repeated the conversation I had with Cole last night over in my mind. It really bothered me, her being in New York, but it was far more troubling that she knew where I lived, and that Cole was living here too. Who would have told her that? Why did she come to New York in the first place? Was she trying to get Cole back? Was she looking to start trouble? She obviously knows that Cole and I are together, that we’re a couple. Could she be stupid enough to think I would just give him up? I needed answers, and soon...I heard the shower start and climbed out of bed.

  I walked into the bathroom and was assailed by a wave of hot, moist air as I stopped to look at the hottest man I have ever seen. He stood with his back to me, his arms extended outward as he leaned on the wall. His golden, muscular body glistened sensually as the water cascaded down his lean frame. I opened the shower door slowly and walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist. He didn’t start at my touch. Instead he tilted his head back letting the water cascade down over his face, through his inky black hair, down the perfect V of his back, running over his tight ass.

  I reached for the body wash, and pouring a good amount, lathered it in my hands and began massaging his shoulders, sliding my hands down in a circular motion along his back and sides. I ran my hands down over his hips taking a detour towards the front. I let my fingers do the walking and stopped at the base of his happy trail. My breath hitched as my hands clasped around his sizeable erection.

  “Oh, you knew I was coming?” I said pouting.

  “Nope, just thinking about you, wishing you were here…” He slowly turned to face me, his eyes darkened with passion. “Looks like I got my wish.”

  I looked into his eyes briefly then lowered my glance, along with my body, to my knees. I took the crown of his cock and wrapped my lips around it, savoring the taste of his velvety smooth skin.

  Moving my mouth up and down his thick long shaft, caressing it with my tongue, I worked my fingers around him and began pumping him as I continued to suck. The erotic sound of his guttural moan spurred me on. It was all I needed to push me over the top. I wanted to feel him come in my mouth, wanted to taste him. I swirled my tongue around him, flicking it across the sensitive tip. My mouth and cheeks hollowing with each sucking draw. I licked at the small drops that formed on the top and was rewarded with his sudden intake of air.

  He began gyrating his hips, circling and moving in and out of my mouth as I continued to fervently pump, and suck. The elation I felt, having the power to get him this aroused, had me on the verge of coming without being physically stimulated. My sex was clenching violently, my heavy breasts aching for his touch. I became frenzied, licking, sucking, swirling my tongue.

  He rocked his hips and threw his head back as he cupped my head holding it in place while he slid in and out of my mouth. He called out my name, his voice low and throaty. Then shuddered and stilled. His fingers began massaging my ears as his cum spurted into my mouth, I swallowed, but his hot semen kept flowing. I placed my hand under him massaging his sac with a light touch of my fingers while he groaned in agonized pleasure. I kept milking him, sucking, massaging the length of him with my lips, until there wasn’t a drop left.

  When his body stilled, and the pulsing stopped, I tenderly pulled him from my mouth and looked up. What I saw caused my heart to beat a little faster. He was entranced. On his face was a look of pure unadulterated gratification; his eyes halfway closed, his full lips parted sensually.

  Reaching down he lifted me up to my feet a
nd pulled me to his chest. He reached out, and with his long fingers, he raised my chin up until my eyes locked with his. The depth of feeling I saw in those green orbs blew me away. I trembled. The warmth of his lips as he lowered his mouth onto mine was intoxicating. He kissed me so tenderly, so softly; I could feel the desperation and need in him. The longing that one kiss elicited, stirred me so much, my heart literally stopped beating for a millisecond. I honestly thought my legs would give way under me. He kissed the side of my face, my neck, behind my ears then rested his cheek on mine.

  “Thank you baby,” he whispered, his breath humid against my cheek. He ran his fingers slowly over my cheek.

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his mouth softly.

  “Any time Ace…it was the least I could do to thank you for all the amazing oral sex.”

  I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, how much he means to me, how I never wanted anything more than to be with him, but I was at a total loss for words. I was way out of my league where he was concerned. I didn’t know how to tell him I was his, that I would always be his. He needed to know what I was thinking, and how I felt about him, but I’d forgotten how to be close with someone.

  Damn it, you blew that one Grace.

  I heard him laugh as I stepped out of the shower to grab us some towels. After placing two on the table outside the shower, I wrapped my hair up, tucked a dry towel under my arms and I walked out of the room.

  “Coffee…please!” he shouted after me.

  “Gotcha covered!”

  Cole walked out of the bedroom dressed in a black V-necked tee shirt and a pair of jeans that hung on his ass oh so perfectly. He looked absolutely mouthwatering. He grabbed the NY Times from the top of the bench near the door and took a seat at the dining table. After adding a few drops of cream to his coffee he raised the mug to his mouth.

  “Cole, I’ve been thinking…” He looked up at me, eyebrows raised. “Hear me out…” I tried to look serious, “I think you should go and see Lauren.” I blurted.


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