Eternal Changes (Mikah)

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Eternal Changes (Mikah) Page 12

by Tiffany Berry

Lucy took in everything around her. There was a large, black plush area rug with a blue and yellow design woven throughout it. She felt like she was in a room of a mansion.

  “Are you ready to see something even better?” Ashton asked as he grabbed Lucy’s hand.

  Lucy nodded and Ashton led her to one of the many corridors that branched off from the room they were in.

  “This leads to our entertainment room as well as several bedrooms,” Ashton informed her as they walked down the hall.

  Lucy shook her head in amazement. “It’s nothing like I thought it’d be.”

  “We like to enjoy where we stay. We’ve got an extremely long life span, so we might as well be comfortable,” Ashton said as they walked into another room.

  Lucy stopped dead in her tracks and looked around the room. The black and red billiards table had a rectangular light hanging over it and there was a blue bar not too far from it. A sectional the color of coffee sat in front of a 72 inch flat screen tv.

  “Let me show you something even better,” Ashton said as he pulled her over to the adjacent room.

  Lucy gasped. Inside the room there had to be over a hundred different arcades game. A white and red air hockey table caught her attention. “This is so cool,” she whispered as she walked over to it.

  “Yeah. We do a pretty good job keeping ourselves entertained,” Ashton said as he slid one of his hands across the air hockey table. “Do you want to play a game?”

  Lucy smiled over at him. “Are you prepared to lose?”

  Ashton grabbed the puck and set it on the table. “Even losing to you would feel like winning,” he said as he waved his hand.

  A whirring sound filled the room as the table came on.

  “Will I be able to do that?” Lucy asked as she grabbed mallet.

  “Do what?” Ashton asked as they started the game.

  “Wave my hand and have stuff turn on. There’s no electrical outlet in this room and this table shouldn’t even be on without electricity,” Lucy said as she shot the puck back at him.

  Ashton shrugged as he blocked Lucy’s shot. “You should be able to do everything that I do, if not more.”

  The sound of the clicking of the puck filled the room. Lucy slid her mallet across the table and hit the puck. It zipped across the table and rattled as it sunk into the goal. She smiled up at Ashton. “You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.”

  Ashton frowned. “It’s not over yet.”

  Twenty minutes later, they were tied and down to the winning shot. Lucy aimed and shot the puck. It hit the left side of the table at an angle and it went sliding towards the goal. Lucy held her breath as Ashton made a move to stop it. The puck whizzed by his mallet and slid into the goal.

  Lucy smiled as she did a small victory dance. “I believe I just whipped you at a game of air hockey.”

  “You didn’t ‘whip’ me at anything. I let you win,” Ashton said as he ran up to Lucy and grabbed her by the waist.

  Ashton carried Lucy over to the couch in the other room and gently tossed her on it. Lucy started to sit up when Ashton jumped on top of her, pinning her down.

  “What in the world are you doing,” Lucy asked. She looked up at him as she attempted to wiggle free. He had a goofy grin on his face.

  “Nothing.” Ashton shrugged his shoulders as he leaned into her. “I just wanted to see if you were…ticklish!” His hands went to work finding the spots that made Lucy squeal.

  Lucy giggled uncontrollably as Ashton hit the spot on her neck. “P-p-please s-s-stop!” She stuttered. “I need t-t-to pee!”

  Ashton’s hands immediately froze and Lucy wiped away the tears from her cheeks as Ashton moved off of her.

  Ashton took hold of Lucy’s hand and helped her up. “I’ll take you to the bathroom in my bedroom.”

  “I hope it’s close,” Lucy said as they made their way out of the entertainment room.

  Ashton glanced over at her and smiled. “It’s not too far off.”

  A few minutes later, Ashton opened a door made of solid rock and Lucy walked in. Her mouth popped open as she looked around the room. It was the size of her house. Her gazed wandered across the black leather loveseat that sat on one side of the room. A thirty-two inch flat screen hung on the rock wall in front of it and A PS3 was sitting on a cherry oak table underneath the tv. On the other side of the room, several black and green pillows were scattered across the cherry oak king size bed. Lucy walked over and touched the black blanket covering the bed. The soft silk slid across her palm.

  “The restroom’s the door to the right,” Ashton said as he shut the door.

  Lucy rushed to the sanctuary. She felt like she was going to pop at any moment. She hesitated as she entered the restroom. A small set of black marble stairs led up to a red Jacuzzi tub and encased in the rock wall next to it was a fish tank. The bright yellow and black fish swam in the clear blue water, chasing after a smaller red fish.

  “The bathroom’s absolutely gorgeous,” Lucy told Ashton as she left the bathroom. “I think my favorite thing about it is the tub. I’d love to soak in it after a long run.”

  “Everything that’s mine is now yours. You can use it any time,” Ashton said as he sat down on the loveseat.

  Lucy strolled around Ashton’s room and stopped at a large painting on the wall near his bed. Several brown and red brick buildings were lined up in what appeared to be a small city. All of the women were wearing dresses and the little boys were wearing cotton pants with suspenders. A gold piece of metal was engraved at the bottom of the cherry oak frame.

  “The Towne Square. Greensburg, KY,” Lucy read out loud. She looked back up at the picture. “Where are all the men?”

  Ashton looked over at her from the loveseat. “I painted it in 1916. The men were off fighting World War I and the women were left taking care of everything on the home front.”

  “It’s incredible Ashton,” Lucy said as she walked over to him. “I wish I had some artistic ability like that.”

  “You learn new hobbies as time passes,” Ashton said as Lucy sat down next to him. “Do you feel better after seeing where we live?”

  “Yes. It isn’t like what’s depicted in movies. The caves feel more like a home than a dark dungeon.”

  “Are you ready to go back by your house? We can get my car and I can show you around Campbellsville.” He paused before continuing. “I’ll even buy you lunch since I can hear your stomach growling.”

  Lucy laughed as she touched her stomach. “I guess your hearing’s impeccable! I’m starving.”

  Ashton stood up. “Then I know the perfect place.

  Chapter 11

  Lucy stared out the car window and thought about everything that happened. She always thought she was a freak and that there was no one else like her. She closed her eyes and tuned into Ashton’s feelings. Happiness and love washed over her in waves. Her eyes popped open and she looked over at Ashton. How could he not have any doubts? She felt the surety that vibrated from his every thought. Most people spend their whole lives looking for their soul mate and never find them. Was it possible that she found hers?

  Lucy chewed on her bottom lip as her thoughts turned to Michael. How was she going to tell him that she could never be with him? A sigh escaped as she leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. The last thing that she wanted to do was to hurt Michael’s feelings.

  Ashton’s voice floated through her mind. “It’ll all work out, Lucy. Try not to worry.”

  Lucy’s heart skipped a beat as her eyes flew open. She looked over at Ashton “Did you just talk to me in my mind?”

  Ashton smiled as he glanced over at her. “Pretty cool, huh?”

  Lucy’s eyes flared with excitement. “Let me try.” Her eyes zoned in on Ashton. “Is there a way to block our thoughts from each other?”

  “I’m not an expert on it, Luce,” Ashton replied. “We’ll just have to experiment with it and see.”

  Lucy leaned back in her s
eat. “It’d make a surprise party or getting a gift impossible if we can’t.”

  Lucy gazed out the window as they drove into Campbellsville. She sat up in her seat as they passed a Baskin Robbins. At least she’d be able to get some of her favorite ice cream. Rainbow sherbet was one of her weaknesses.

  Ashton’s face scrunched up. “Rainbow sherbet?”

  A smile crept up on Lucy’s face. “Yeah. Bribery in rainbow sherbet is always welcomed.”

  Ashton shook his head in amusement as he pulled into the Colton’s parking lot. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Lucy beamed as she looked around the parking lot. Several cars filled the parking spaces, leaving only a few for other hungry visitors. Lucy climbed out of the sport’s car as Ashton held open her door. She took his hand in hers as they walked.

  “Do you like steak houses?” Ashton asked as he led her inside.

  “I love steak and ribs,” Lucy said as she let her gaze wander. A black wild pig hung from one of the walls. Its white tusks gleamed under the lighting. On another wall, hung a buck. The buck’s rack had ten sharp points extending from it. “You made a good choice,” she told Ashton as he gave the hostess his name.

  “The restaurant hasn’t been here too long,” Ashton said as they sat down to wait for a table to be ready. “Greensburg doesn’t have any restaurants like this because it’s a dry county. The only alcohol you can get in Campbellsville is at a restaurant. The nearest liquor store from Greensburg is a good forty five minute drive one way.”

  Lucy’s eyebrows rose up. “A dry county?”

  “Yeah,” Ashton said as he looked at Lucy. “Alcohol’s illegal in public. You can’t buy it at a restaurant or at a store.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Wow. It’s like I stepped back in history.” She followed Ashton as the hostess took them to their table. Ashton pulled out the wooden chair from underneath the table for her to sit in. “Thanks.”

  Ashton sat down across the table from her. “There’s actually a road in Greensburg called Happy Valley Road,” he continued. “It was called Happy Valley Road because that’s where everyone in the county would go to get alcohol. Bootleggers were scattered all over the place on that tiny street.”

  “A valley that made them happy once they started taking a swig. That’s classic,” Lucy said.

  “Most of the people around these parts are really good people,” Ashton said as he perused the menu. “I enjoy watching them come together as a community to help out others in need.”

  Lucy gazed at the menu as her stomach grumbled. Some good barbecued ribs sounded like heaven right now. The waitress came over with a basket of rolls and took her order.

  “I’m gonna enjoy this while it last,” Lucy said as she grabbed a warm buttered roll and took a bite. The butter dripped down her chin and she stuck out her tongue and licked it off.

  “Me too,” Ashton whispered as he leaned forward and kissed her.

  Lucy blushed and her stomach did flip flops. She could feel the desire burning through him. Or was that her desire? Her blood boiled and her heart raced. It was a volcano that was ready to erupt at any moment. She took in a deep breath.

  “I never thought my life would change so dramatically in such a short time,” Lucy told Ashton as she took another bite of the roll.

  “There’s still a lot more to come, Luce,” Ashton warned, his face becoming stoic. “It’s not going to be an easy road.”

  “Having you by my side will help to make the transition somewhat smoother,” Lucy said as she gazed into Ashton’s golden eyes.

  Lucy smiled as she felt the love and pride he was feeling wash over her in waves. She stared into Ashton’s sweet face as she thought about her own emotions. She had strong feelings for him that she didn’t understand. It was like she’d known Ashton her entire life instead of just a week. But was she ready to fall in the black hole and drop the L bomb?

  Lucy thought about everything. Ashton’s feelings felt so much stronger than her own. Would her feelings for him become deeper after the change?

  “The bond between us will amplify and all of your emotions will be stronger than what you’re feeling right now,” Ashton whispered in Lucy’s mind.

  “Can we communicate like this even if we’re thousands of miles apart?” Lucy asked.

  “Yes,” Ashton said out loud. “It won’t matter how great the distance is. The connection won’t be broken.”

  Lucy’s food finally arrived and all her thoughts turned to the meal in front of her. The ribs were slathered in a thick barbeque sauce. The meat was falling off the bone as she dug her fork into it. She took a bite of the steaming meat and moaned in ecstasy. Heaven. It tasted like heaven. She grabbed a golden french fry and dipped it in the side of ranch dressing. She closed her eyes as she ate.

  Ashton smiled at Lucy as she ate. “I can tell you’re enjoying the food.”

  “Mmmm hmmmm,” Lucy mumbled said as she took another big bite of the ribs.

  Lucy annihilated the meal within fifteen minutes. She leaned back in her seat, touched her stomach, and sighed. “I’ve ate a ton this past week. I’m going to have to run twenty miles just to burn a quarter of it off.”

  Ashton laughed. “Are you ready for some dessert?”

  Lucy shook her head. “No way. I’ve eaten way too much.”

  “Since you’re finished, there’s one more place that I want to take you,” he said as he paid the bill.

  Twenty five minutes later, Lucy looked around as Ashton put the car in park. They were surrounded by trees and there was a dirt walking path close by.

  “We’ve got to walk to get there,” Ashton said as they got out of the car.

  Lucy took a deep breath as the smell of pine wafted through the air as they walked on the dirt path. Dark green pine needles were strung across the path. Lucy jerked back as a squirrel darted out in front of her. She laughed out loud as the little fellow scrambled up the tree. The squirrel’s little black beady eyes stared down at her from a tree branch. What was the little guy thinking?

  Ashton’s laughter rumbled in his chest. “The little guy’s probably wondering why we’re invading his territory and hoping we don’t take any of the nuts.”

  Lucy glared at Ashton’s back as they continued moving. “Who knew you had a sense of humor?”

  Ashton stopped in the middle of the path and turned around to look at Lucy. “I’ve never had a reason to laugh before I met you.” He walked over to Lucy and looked down into her eyes. “You’ve changed me forever. I’m a better vampire because of you. I’m a better vampire for you. They’re eternal changes that I’m glad to have.”

  Tears welled up in Lucy’s eyes and she lowered her head to hide them. A tear escaped and slid down her cheek as Ashton lifted her head up. He caught the tear with his thumb and wiped it away. His arms opened up and Lucy rushed into them. She laid her head against his chest as she took a deep breath. “You completely humble me.”

  “It’s a mutual feeling, Luce,” Ashton whispered.

  Lucy looked up into Ashton’s face. His lips lowered to hers. Her heart started thumping and goose bumps rose up on her arms. Ashton’s soft mouth covered hers and flames licked in the pit of her stomach. As their tongues clashed, the world around her became nonexistent. She ran her hands up his neck and delved her fingers into his soft hair as she pulled him closer and leaned her body into his. She was burning.

  Lucy’s eyes flew open as Ashton’s desire washed over her. It was fuel to the already blazing fire. Ashton lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he leaned her up against a tree. The bark lightly scratched her back and electrical currents zapped through her as their tongues continued to clash.

  Ashton pulled away and put his head on Lucy’s shoulder. Lucy grabbed his head and pulled his lips down to hers. She kissed him, but Ashton still jerked back. Her eyes widened as he stepped away from her.

  “We have to stop, Lucy,” Ashton rasped as his chest heaved. “I haven’t fed today.
This is too much”

  “Then take what you need,” Lucy said as she bent her neck to the side.

  Hunger built in Ashton’s eyes. “Are you sure?”

  Lucy nodded. “I’m positive. I need to know what it’s like.”

  Ashton looked at Lucy one last time before lowering his head to her porcelain neck.

  Lucy felt his tongue flick across her skin and shivered. Lucy gasped as his teeth sunk into her neck. She dug her hands into his hair as the flames of desire soared. Her eyes drifted shut as Ashton’s desire slammed into her. Every one of her nerve endings tingled and popped.

  Lucy cried out in dismay as Ashton pulled away from her neck. He closed the wounds with a flick of his wrist and set her down. Lucy leaned against the tree as she stared at him. His eyes were glazed over with desire as he slowly sat down on the ground. His breathing was coming in short, hard gasps.


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