A Mistress To Remember (Birds of Paradise Book 3)

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A Mistress To Remember (Birds of Paradise Book 3) Page 8

by Eliza Lloyd

  “Oxford is for Englishmen.”

  “Have you decided about Scotland yet? Uncle Peter sent me a letter yesterday. He expects us, Mama.”

  “I have been considering it, but I have another proposal in the interim. What if you and Claud were to spend a week or so with him in Surrey? Doubtless the hunting will be sufficient to satisfy even the most blood-thirsty.”

  “Sergei will stay home?”

  “He is young.”

  “Mama, we aren’t children anymore. I promise I will take care of my brothers.”

  “It’s not that.”

  “Is it because you do not wish to marry Uncle Peter?”

  “He had no right to tell you.” Katrina took a deep breath. She would not verbalize her grievances in front of her son, but she couldn’t help feeling animosity that Peter would dare broach the subject with Ivan, thus attempting to gain some emotional support for his cause.

  “He said I should know, since I’m the head of the family.”

  “Ivan, I admired your papa. Peter is nothing like him, and even if he were, I do not need to marry.”

  “But he would take care of you. You wouldn’t have to be alone.”

  “Is that what he said?”

  Ivan nodded.

  “In time, I might remarry.”

  “To some Russian?” he said with some surprising asperity.

  “Ivan!” She had never heard him speak disparagingly of his heritage.

  “I’m sorry, Mama. I do not like to think of you far away when my family will be raised here with me in England, as Klees.”

  “That is many years away. Don’t worry about it now. Time will set everything right.”

  “Mama, I am not a child anymore. I am the baron.”

  “Indeed, you are, and you are wise to think of your future, but guess who is still your mother and always will be?”

  “I don’t want you to go without us.”

  “We don’t always get what we want, but I do promise not to marry a Russian fisherman, if that makes you feel better.”

  * * * * *

  In addition to her physical ailment, she had a heavy heart the rest of the day. She would not, however, miss her time with Mark. She arrived early, intending to use her key, but Duncan, the lone footman, greeted her, took her cloak, fetched a tray and stirred up the fire.

  She heard Mark come in about an hour later. He spoke to Duncan and then appeared in the sitting room door. “Katrina?”

  She held out her hand. “I’ve missed you.”

  “You are not well? Your hand is cold. Duncan said you needed a fire.” He took the seat opposite her, while thoroughly examining her.

  “Only a womanly concern, but I thought that shouldn’t prevent me from pleasuring you.”

  “You’ve forgotten I was married. Would you not prefer to be comfortably abed with a book, a bottle warmer and layers of blankets?”

  “We have a bed here. Useful for other things besides sleep.” She tried to smile, but the dull pain seemed to spread.

  “This is a mutual affair, Katrina. It does not always need to be about bedding.” He tugged at her hand. “Companionship can be just as pleasurable. Come. The pain is in every line of your face.”

  “I have lines?”

  He chuckled, but held out his hand for her. “Come here.”

  She stood, he separated his legs and pulled her into his lap. She wrapped one arm over his chest and nestled close to his side, her head beneath his chin. He gripped her feet, one at a time, and removed her shoes before tucking her stockinged feet beneath his thigh.

  “Some mistress I am,” she said.

  “You’ll do. I would rather have a tooth extracted than think about selecting another.”

  She giggled. “Such a compliment.”

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked.

  “Yes, sumptuously.” She snuggled a bit closer and she felt his arm cradle her, his hand settling on her hip.

  “You were a success at my sister’s dinner party. Lord Flynn seemed especially dazzled.”

  “He’s a mere boy,” she said.

  “With more teeth than a man should have.”

  “He did have a nice smile.”



  “I realize I didn’t mention this when we began our arrangement, but I do expect you to be exclusive to me.”

  “You don’t wish to share?”

  “I was not feeling particularly humored by last night’s display of panting boys in tight breeches.”

  “I am feeling so poorly your protective jealousy is almost humorous. Let me be angry that you are ordering me about on another day.”

  “It wasn’t an order.”

  “You will be happy to know I didn’t notice the tightness of their breeches.”

  “Well. That is good then.”

  “I did, however, rub my hand along Lord Flynn’s firm thigh. Perhaps that accounted for his marked attention.”

  “You wish to aggravate me, I see?”

  “I would not be a woman if I did not.”

  He hmpfed but said nothing further.

  “What did you think of your sisters’ selection of potential wives?”

  “Were their motives so transparent? Of course, they were. There was not an original among them.”

  “I would have made a different choice for you.”

  “Gad, more matchmaking?”

  “As I know you so well, I believe I could make a short list, saving you time and aggravation.”

  “Then you should let my sisters know so you are not doubling up on your efforts.”

  “I am going to think about it. We shall have you married by the end of the next season.”

  “There’s no need to rush. And you are sounding rather chipper about the prospect of tying me down.”

  “If we find the right woman, she will let you tie her down.” Katrina curled in closer and he settled his big, warm hand at the small of her back.

  He laughed. “Until then, I did bring you a gift.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small box. “It’s an Angerstein. I hear they are rare.”

  “Oh, Mark. Another piece of jewelry?”

  “Yes. Tell me what you think.” She tore at the box while he continued. “It’s become something of a scavenger hunt. The jeweler says the work is some of the finest he’s ever seen. And I don’t mind obtaining baubles for a woman who can display them so well.”

  “Oh, it’s lovely.” Katrina pulled the silver ring out and twisted it in the light.

  “No gems.”

  “The work needs no adornment. It’s so delicate.” She tried it on her fourth finger but it was too big. It slid perfectly onto her third and covered her finger to near her knuckle.

  Mark took her hand and kissed it. “As I suspected, perfect.”

  Chapter Five

  A week in the country did nothing more than frustrate him, even though the riding and hunting were superb at his friend’s Herefordshire estate. He nabbed six brace of pheasant hens, young and plump, and they were prepared for an evening meal to the delight of his hosts. He might have enjoyed the pheasant more if Katrina had accompanied him on the trip he’d taken to avoid her.

  Why the hell should he deny himself the pleasure of his mistress? Well, lesson learned. He would be a willing slave to his cock until such time as a marriage subdued his desires. Had he stayed, he wouldn’t have had access to her in the traditional sense, but her not-so-subtle offers of fellatio shouldn’t have been ignored.

  He was glad to be home.

  Pacing across the hardwood floor, Mark listened for any sound of the carriage, the clop of hooves and the turning wheels, signaling that she approached. A renewed pang of desire and need coursed through him, stronger than anything he’d felt for any other woman.

  She arrived on time, all regal elegance. Dressing in such a fashion was unnecessary; he planned to strip off her clothing within moments of her arrival. He met her in the foyer, alone.

>   “Mark, how was your trip?” Her smile was radiant, as if he hadn’t seen the sun since he’d been gone.

  “Dull. The smell of stock blowing in the wind. Broken fences. Some hunting. But fresh bread, plenty of game, excellent cheese and fresh eggs every morning.”

  “As opposed to the stench of burning coal and unwashed humanity we have here in London?”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, lifting her a bit. “Stop, you are exciting me.”


  “Your lips were moving.”

  “Then, indeed, you’d better stop me.”

  The kiss was pleasurable and warmed him thoroughly. Her hands were securely gripped to his lapel. “And were you a good girl while I was gone?”

  “Nothing but balls and gossip.”

  “You didn’t yearn for me?”

  “Parts of you,” she said. Her hand slid downward and cupped his erection. “And it seems you’ve missed me.”

  Somehow they made it up the staircase and into their room, losing bits of their clothing along the way. When they were naked, they fell into the bed, limbs tangled and mouths together. And laughing.

  Her thigh was smooth and warm under the stroking of his hand.

  “Do hurry,” she whispered. “I’m more than ready.”

  She wrapped her legs about his waist. His cock knew the way home. Yes, she was ready—wet and slick and hot like the sun. He slipped into her, sighing with relief. If there was one place a man belonged…

  Her hands soothed down his back, tracing along his spine and then caressing over his ass.

  He set a rhythm, his hips canting with slow in-and-out movements. He leaned toward his left, braced on his elbow, and used his right hand to brush away the tendrils of hair on her face and then pressed kisses on her forehead, her cheeks and her ears.

  She smiled as she stared up at him.

  “You look happy,” he said.

  “Who wouldn’t be in my place?”

  He laughed lightly, but thought of the one woman who should have been happy in her place and never seemed to be. Susannah.

  Why should he dwell on the past when Katrina’s lips were so close? He bent to kiss her, to taste of her giving nature and natural allure. She entwined her arms about his neck, her fingers flicked through his hair and her mouth welcomed him.

  There wasn’t the demanding, headlong rush to completion they had experience before. Tonight was better. Her taste sweeter. Her violet-colored eyes deeper and full of sexual longing.

  Their tongues touched and retreated. Their lips met and lingered. His hand searched up her side, finding and kneading her breast. His thumb brushed over her distended nipple.

  She turned her face away and moaned beneath the slow assault. Her cheeks were pink. Her lips glistened where her tongue brushed slowly. Her lashes fanned, dark and thick.

  Jewels and gowns and sunlight did not adequately capture her beauty.

  He’d always thought she was one of the most beautiful women in London. Now he knew it. In the heated, uninhibited throes of passion, Katrina was at her best.

  Giving. Enthusiastic. Curious. And yet so unpretentiously her. Was it because she was Russian? Or was it because she was not English? While she was all things proper, she was also daring and willing.

  Not once had he gotten the feeling she only did it to please him—that it was her duty. There was no doubt in his mind she did do it to please him, but she was equally determined she would find satisfaction and satiation on her own, diletto notwithstanding.

  She was going to ruin him for marriage.

  Her fingers had crept down his back and teased along the crevasse of his ass. “You feel wonderful,” she said.

  “My ass?”

  “That…and your cock.” She gazed at him, humor lighting her eyes. “Do you wish me to compliment your size?”

  “It never hurts.” He shoved deep, and her eyes popped wider while her smile grew fiendish.

  “You have the most glorious cock. Long. Hard. I feel full of you. Overflowing.” She was still smiling.

  “You’ll think it’s long and hard when I have it in your ass.”

  Her nostrils flared and her smile disappeared. “I want you to do that to me now.”

  “Katrina.” He hadn’t really meant to say such a thing, and it almost sounded brutal the way he had uttered it. He knew their sexual exploration would eventually lead them to darker activities. He had teased, but he had seen she had not performed such activities before.

  “Yes,” she said, nodding in determination.

  He felt a surge of pleasure through his body, and his cock surged in anticipation.

  “Soon.” Mark was surprised at his reticence. Was he wrong to want to draw out the peaks and valleys of their exploration? Was he wrong to want to explore forbidden pleasure with a willing woman? To make it last as long as possible before he gave in to the realities of staid sexual congress found inside the marriage bed?

  “And everything else?”

  “Everything I know.” He pushed into her again, wanting this night to be just about them and not adventure or dissipation. He just wanted to be in her arms to enjoy the peace and comfort of companionship.

  She smiled again. “I love how you do that. Don’t ever stop.”

  * * * * *

  “I have a surprise for you,” Katrina said once they were both replete with sexual satisfaction. Mark was reclined on his back, while pillows braced him up slightly. She was wrapped about him, her arm over his chest and her leg over his loins. For a change, a light blanket covered them.

  “If it involves my cock moving in the next hour, you’d better wait.”

  “No, but something I hope will make you happy, and I do owe you some time.” She couldn’t wait to tell him. She pushed up beside him, smiling widely. “No, you’ll never guess. Don’t even try. My sons will be visiting their uncle for five days.”

  “And you are in favor of such an arrangement with him?”

  She sighed. “It’s a compromise of sorts, but I don’t want to bother you with my family’s problems or the excruciating details of negotiating said comprise.”

  “You can tell me,” he said. She tilted her head to examine him. Was he really interested in knowing the tedious details of her family life?

  “Peter wants to take them to Scotland in September. I cannot agree to such an extensive trip without me, so I thought to see how they would do on a shorter, less arduous trip to Surrey. I had thought to keep Sergei, my youngest, home with me, but Peter took to the idea and insisted they all come. I think they are looking forward to the trip,” she finished. Peevishness coursed through her at the renewed discussion. Peter had leveraged this trip and still might get to take the children to Scotland.

  “And you are worried?”

  “Maybe I’m being too motherly. I don’t mean to restrict them, but… No. I am happy about this. Peter has compromised and so have I, difficult as that was. That is what I am telling myself.”

  “It seems a reasonable step if they are not used to being away. Put it from your mind. Who better to watch over them than an uncle? They will return with boisterous tales of heroics and you’ll find your boys took another step toward manhood.”

  “Oh, you are so logical and yet I don’t want them to grow up. Why could you not agree with me?” She tapped her finger against his chin.

  He laughed. “Because then you would get used to the idea that I’m agreeable, and we can’t have that. So, what is your surprise?”

  “Don’t you see? Three boys in the country for a few days.” She braced her elbows on his chest and then set her chin to hands. “You. Me. No one to whom we must answer.”

  “Why, Baroness, that sounds like a planned seduction.”

  “What do you think? Five days. Alone?” She wagged her brows. “Unbridled passion?”

  “And when is this rare opportunity to occur?”

  “They are leaving next Friday.”

  “Then we sh
all make plans accordingly.”

  She squealed. “Oh, Mark! It will be delightful. I will not have to sneak away in the middle of the night or worry I’ll be discovered. We can frolic for hours at a time.” She lowered her voice. “I will be at your beck and call.”

  “Now, don’t you feel better about abandoning your children?”

  “Abandoning?” She reached for his nipple and pinched him.

  Mark gasped and arched upward at the sudden contact. He gripped her wrist but didn’t make her stop. He didn’t say anything either, but the burning heat in his gaze told her his need was sexual, not that he was pained by the sudden tweaking.

  She moved slightly, her leg already positioned over him, covering him and feeling he was rock hard between her thighs. She twisted her arm and he let go of her hand. In turn, she gripped his wrists and pushed his hands to the bed.

  She rocked forward, feeling the tip of his cock slid into place. She lunged backward, taking him deep in one hard surge.

  With another push of his wrists, she ordered, “Don’t move.”

  His eyelids lowered. When she set her index finger to the tip of his little pebbled nipple, she watched with satisfaction as he took a deep breath. Katrina tortured him with slow circles before she bent and set her mouth over the excited disk. She sucked the hard nub into her mouth, pressing it between her lips while she used her tongue to rub the tip.

  His jaw clenched.

  She made it worse when she pinched his free nipple, twisting and turning as she rolled it between her fingers. He bucked up between her legs, his cock ramming into her, but he didn’t move his hands.

  Katrina licked him before sitting up, but kept both of her hands teasing at his chest.

  He glared at her. She wasn’t going to stop the sexual torment. She had not known Mark was susceptible to such stimulation, or that men could be. Why were women kept so ignorant of sensual delights? Or was it just her, with no one to tell her the secrets that could make successful marriages? And affairs.

  Rocking over him, she took him in great, penetrating slides downward and teasing, clenching slides upward.

  He disobeyed her then, pushing her hands away. “I’ll release too quickly.”

  “I don’t care.” She grabbed him again, forcing his arms downward. He could have stopped her, but she didn’t think he really wanted to.


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