Bred by the MC VP

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Bred by the MC VP Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Dog ran a hand through his hair, pacing back and forth. “That girl knows nothing about civilian life. She was born within these walls. It’s the only life she knows.”

  “Which is why she’s ready to sacrifice for the club,” said Forge. “Now, get laid or grab a beer. This conversation is boring me.”

  There was no point reasoning with the prez. Forge always put club matters first, and so did Dog, but Sable shouldn’t be used as a pawn. They were supposed to protect their own, even if they were club pussy.

  Dog left the yard and took the stairs two at a time to get to his room. He kept replaying what Sable had said before she left. What she’d written in her letter.

  It wasn’t possible that she was twenty-six and had never fucked a brother. How could she be a club whore and a virgin? It didn’t make sense. But he’d seen the sincerity and pain in her eyes when she’d said the words.

  He wished he could turn off his emotions and do his damn job. He’d lived a violent life and not caring or thinking twice had been a benefit when it came to life in the Hell’s Slaves MC.

  Sable made him weak.

  He kept envisioning her in the rented house, that fucking prick drooling all over her. Without the protection of the club, Hank had no reason to hold back, no reason to keep his filthy hands to himself.

  Dog slammed his fist down on his dresser.

  Once they had information on Luther Grass, Sable would be free to come home. He had to do something to get the ball rolling. They’d talked about getting a club whore to fuck around with Grass so they could blackmail the perfect family man into leaving the club alone. Now Forge had changed all their plans, and Sable was in the middle of it.

  Dog thought of Honey. That bitch was always begging to be fucked. She wouldn’t think twice about seducing and entrapping Grass. As club VP, she’d never question him if he asked her to seduce him.

  He stared down into the yard. Forge and the boys were having a good time—laughing, drinking. The bass from the music rattled the loose bullets on his nightstand. All he could think about was Sable. Even if he got Honey to play along, Forge would still be pissed off that he went over his head. He was in a fucked-up situation.

  Dog took a shower to calm himself down. The cold water helped stave off the war waging inside of him. When had he grown a damn conscience? He should be sitting in the yard with his brothers, enjoying the good life.

  One thing for certain, he wouldn’t sleep tonight, and he didn’t want to spend another night worrying about her. He went straight to the prez. Dog was too loyal to the club to have a secret agenda, so he’d put it out there in the light.

  “I’m heading to town to check on Sable,” he said.

  Forge looked him dead in the eyes. “Keep your distance.” Then he added, “Take Redneck with you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “You said yourself, he’s still green. Maybe you can teach him a thing or two.” Forge smirked then returned to his conversation. Dog ground his teeth. Fucking Redneck was already standing up.

  He jerked his head to signal the young enforcer to follow him. They prepared their bikes for a night drive, making sure they were gassed up and packing heat in case there was trouble.

  “Why we checking on Sable? It was her choice to leave, so fuck her.”

  “I don’t need to explain anything to you. Remember that and we’ll get along just fine.” He revved his bike and took off out the open gates into the darkness. This far out in the country, there were no streetlights or points of civilization for miles.

  As they entered the town, the businesses were closed and there were few cars on the roads. His eyes were focused on the third row-house with the green shutters just ahead. The lights were on inside. Dog slowed his bike to a crawl, finally dropping a foot once directly in front of the house. Redneck stopped behind him.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Nothing,” said Dog.

  “Really? I thought you were testing me. I was ready to smoke the girl.”

  Dog bristled. “You aren’t going to do anything,” he said. “One piece of advice, never act unless you have the all-clear from a higher up. The consequences could be ugly.”

  “Forge made it clear.”

  “Good. Now wait here.” Then he added, “Keep a lookout.”

  That would keep him busy. It wasn’t that Dog hated Redneck. He’d proved himself time and time again as valuable to the club. He’d been there when they killed Peterson. He was a ruthless and loyal motherfucker. But Dog still equated trust with weakness. They’d all trusted Hound, Forge’s last enforcer, but he’d turned on the club.

  He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

  Dog got off his bike, scanning the area before crossing the lawns. He peered in the side windows, heading to the back of the house. There was no sign of her.

  He climbed up on a garbage can out back, braced his foot on the downspout, then used the strength in his arms to pull himself up on the second-story windowsill.

  There she was. Sable was sitting cross-legged on the big bed, a pile of photos scattered in front of her. He couldn’t get a good look at what she was doing, but at least she was alone. But for how long?

  A car door slammed shut. “Fuck!” He dropped down to the ground, landing in a crouch. Forge had told him to keep his distance and he’d parked in front of the house. Even if Redneck rode off, Dog’s bike would still be left behind. Hank Little would become suspicious and the entire plan would be fucked.

  He walked along the shadows on the side of the house, hoping Hank wouldn’t notice him. Hoping he’d be able to keep control and not slit the cop’s throat.

  That was when he noticed the full uniform coming toward the door. She’d order a pizza. He exhaled, bracing a hand on the side of the house. He approached the kid in the red and yellow stripes, taking the pizza from his hands. Dog reached into his pocket and gave him forty bucks before telling him to fuck off.

  He rang the doorbell.

  Footsteps echoed inside the house, then the porch light came on. Sable opened the front door then froze in place.

  “You should always check who’s at the door before opening it.”

  She scowled. “Why are you here, Dog?”

  “I’m not allowed to check up on you?”

  He pushed his way inside the house. The air smelled sweet.

  “They’re vanilla-scented candles.” She took the pizza from him and walked back to the kitchen. Her long black hair was brushed out smooth, flowing past her ass. She was only wearing a pajama shirt that didn’t reach her knees. He ground his teeth together as he watched her move.

  She set the box down then turned around, resting her hands on either side of the counter.

  “How you getting along here?”

  Sable shrugged. “I’m alive.”

  “Hank come by?”

  “We have a lunch date tomorrow at the diner. I’ll use the chance to tell him I’m out of the club. That will get things moving.”

  “What do you mean a date?”

  “Forge wants me to warm up to him. That’s the entire plan, isn’t it? Get close to him, then get closer to Grass.”

  He chewed on his lip, holding back so many things he wanted to say. “Don’t get too warm. We just need information on Grass.”

  “How am I supposed to get close to him if I don’t pretend to like him?”

  “Are you sure you’re even pretending?”

  She stormed off, ignoring his question. He followed her to the living room, grabbing her arm to stop her. “This wasn’t my idea, Dog. It was Forge’s idea to use a club whore to fuck around with the cop. To get close to Grass. To save the club from a political nightmare.”

  His entire body bristled. A territorial claim he’d never known burned hot in his gut, twisting and turning until he felt like he’d wretch. The thought of Sable and Hank together was indigestible.

  “I don’t like the plan,” he said.

  “You didn’t s
ay anything to Forge about it. As far as I remember, your lips were sealed. You watched me leave.”

  “Maybe I made a mistake,” he said.

  She shook her head. “It had to be done. Forge asked and I agreed. Do you think he’d be so forgiving if I told him I wasn’t interested in helping? He’s a smart man. He saw Hank’s interest in me and used it to his advantage. The club comes first. I understand how it works, Dog.”

  Forge demanded loyalty and obedience. If Sable had refused to support the club, Forge would have likely tossed her out on her ass like he had with Romy. Club life wasn’t for the faint of heart.

  “What about the note?”

  “What about it?”

  He spun away, running both hands through his hair before turning back to face her. “How, Sable? How can it be true? I’ve seen brothers go to your room with my own eyes. They weren’t planning to play cards with you.”

  “They were drunk and slept it off. I can’t be responsible for the stories they tell the next day. Hard to believe I’m not a whore, isn’t it? Why? Because my mother and sister can’t keep their legs closed? I’m not like them, Dog. I never will be. Maybe leaving the club is the best thing for me.”

  “And being Hank’s woman fits perfectly in your plan?”

  “Fuck you.” She ran up the stairs away from him.

  Of course, he couldn’t leave it alone, chasing after her. She’d locked herself in the bedroom, so he used the side of this body to ram the door open. It cracked and splintered before hitting the wall behind it.

  He stood there, his breathing labored.

  She was crying, backing away from him.

  “Don’t run from me,” he said.

  “What do you want from me? I’m trying to do what’s right, but all you do is make me feel like trash,” she said. “I guess it’s not much different from how you’ve treated me the past year.”

  “I shouldn’t have come here,” he said, his fire fading. This was all his fault. If he’d had a handle on his emotions, he’d be home at the club with nothing on his conscience.

  “Why did you?”

  He stalked forward until she was trapped against the wall by her bed. Dog braced one hand near her head. “Because I can’t stand the thought of another man’s hands on you.”


  Why did he care? At any point over the years, he could have come to her room at the club and she wouldn’t have refused him. Not Dog. But he didn’t want her, in fact, he barely tolerated her.

  But he was here when he shouldn’t be, passionate and jealous. What did it mean? Club men were territorial, in general. He was the only one besides Forge who knew this was all fake, so he probably couldn’t stand the thought of a dirty cop enjoying pussy that belonged to the club.

  That was the only explanation.

  “It’s a sacrifice Forge is willing to make.”

  “Not me,” he said.

  He ran the backs of his fingers along her arm. For years, the scent of his cologne drove her wild. It was unique to him, and even now, her body reacted. The stubble on his face was coming in, and she craved to scrape her nails over it.

  “Because I’m club property.”

  Dog gave a slight shake of his head, not losing eye contact. “You belong to me.”

  She breathed in a barely audible gasp.

  “I don’t want Hank touching you. Not a fucking finger. If he tries anything, you call me. Understand?”

  “Forge wouldn’t approve. That’s not part of the plan.”

  “That’s not what I asked you. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, not willing to argue with the VP. Since she was a child, the chain of command had been drilled into her, and it was a difficult habit to shake.

  His blue eyes had always been one of his dominant features, but the way he stared at her right now unraveled her.

  God, she wanted to touch him, to wear his cut, to feel his lips against hers.

  “Say it.”

  “I’ll call you if the cop tries anything.”

  “Good girl.”

  She loved when he said that to her in his rough, masculine voice. It made her all kinds of crazy. His gaze roved down her body. She was only wearing an oversized pajama t-shirt. Not the sexiest thing she owned, but it still barely covered her body. She swore he was going to rip it off her body, to force her to the bed and fuck the virginity right out of her.

  Instead, he grabbed a handful of her hair in his fist, leaned closer, and took a deep breath. He exhaled on a near growl, a deep gravely sound that made her pussy wet.

  “Don’t tell Forge I was here.”


  “Keep it between us.”

  She didn’t like secrets like this. If the prez found out, she’d be exiled or worse. Even Dog was putting himself at risk. Why? Sable was loyal to the club. It was her home and all she knew. The only reason she’d agreed to this was because Forge requested it, but also because Dog had been pushing her away. She felt it was her only option.

  “Why are you doing this? You’re playing a dangerous game.”

  “You’re my girl, Sable. You’ve always been mine.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What does that even mean?”

  Sable wasn’t old lady material, not with her background, not with a mother and sister who were popular club whores. The entire club believed she was club pussy. That reputation couldn’t be undone. Dog probably wanted a side chick who was clean. It wouldn’t be the first time brothers claimed a club woman for their own personal fuck toy.

  “It means when this cherry is popped, I’ll be the one to do it.” He reached his free hand down, gently cupping her pussy through her shirt and panties. She gasped aloud, unable to hold back as the current from his touch scattered like wildfire through her veins. Her knees felt weak, her heart pumping to a new beat.

  As her mouth parted, her body suddenly unable to get enough air, his lips came down over hers. He kissed her thoroughly, one hand tightening in her hair, the other still between her legs. She felt utterly controlled, owned, consumed, and she loved every second of it.

  Sable had always loved Dog. If only he could love her back with the same intensity. But she knew his type. He was used to getting everything he wanted when he wanted it. She was his present fixation. It wasn’t love. It wasn’t lasting.

  As she pulled away, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him back. He didn’t refuse her tonight, kissing her deeper until she was melting around him, desperate and aching for his touch.

  “That’s enough,” he said, securing both her wrists and bringing them down in front of her. “Your pizza’s getting cold.”

  “I don’t care about the pizza.”

  “Sable, I’ve got to go. This was a mistake.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “So you don’t want me to call you if Hank starts something?”

  Disappointment assaulted her. She felt like her heart was being slashed by a thousand tiny knives.

  “Pretend I never came here. Fuck, I’m better than this.”

  He turned on his heel, heading toward her busted bedroom door. Loyal to the prez no matter what. It didn’t surprise her, but it still hurt. It hurt so much she turned numb, unable to move, speak, or chase after him.

  She just stood there, listening to him leave, the front door slamming shut, and the following roar of his motorcycle fade to silence. He was gone. Part of her didn’t want the fantasy to burst. Part of her wished she was a different woman.

  Sable sank down the wall until she was sitting, holding her knees close to her body. She’d never felt so alone. So desperate for something she couldn’t have.

  Tears traced down her cheeks, the saltiness coating her lips. She touched her mouth, remembering his kiss. His claim felt real, but what did she know? She’d never witnessed a healthy relationship. Her father was a member of the Hell’s Slaves, and it had only ever been a guessing game. Did she have the same eyes as this one? Similar nose to that one? Over the years, she’d gotten ove
r her curiosity, mostly keeping to herself. She’d seen men cheat, seen how they treated women in general. Forge and Beth, that was something different. Their love was palpable, and they were one hundred percent loyal to each other.

  That was the dream.

  Chapter Four

  This was a really bad idea.

  Even as Dog thought it, he parked his bike. Forge was doing this on purpose. He’d rallied several guys from the club to head into town. His prez had purposefully left his old lady behind because they knew the moment Beth saw Sable, the two would still be on speaking terms, and their entire plan would be fucked.

  He was sick and tired of hearing about the plan.

  Sable, like the good woman she was, devoted to the club, had phoned Forge the minute her date was done with the cop. She’d informed Hank of her leaving the club. What did surprise him was Forge telling her that under no certain terms was she to fuck Hank immediately. It would look too suspicious. His reasoning was that she wanted a new life away from the club life. Spreading her legs would only draw more suspicion. If she wanted a new life, she was going to have to prove it by turning over a new leaf and not being so open to him.

  Dog loved his prez at that moment, but he also still fucking hated the situation. To help with the display they were about to make, Sweetheart and Honey were with them, as well as a couple of other club pussy.

  Ever since Sable had dropped the truth in his lap about her being a virgin, he’d started to question the brothers, discreetly, but none of the brothers could be clear about exactly what happened.

  “Dude, come on, it’s free pussy. I bent her over, took her, and left.”

  “Rode me until no tomorrow, but you know, I don’t really remember it.”

  “Don’t stress about it.”

  When he then asked about the next morning, all of them said the same thing, Sable wasn’t around to go again.

  She was gone.

  As he climbed off his bike, Forge gave him a look. He was proving to be a bit of a problem with this plan. Maybe because he’d learned the woman he thought was a whore was anything but and it was fucking killing him.


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