Bred by the MC VP

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Bred by the MC VP Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I want to be the man to give you pleasure. I want you to remember what I can give you.”

  Her lips parted but she said nothing.

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb over the darkening bruise her mother had given her. “Fuck, you’re perfect, Sable.”

  “Even with my scars?”

  “I’m the one who took care of you after you were shot, or don’t you remember that?”

  She slid her hands over the muscles on his shoulders until her arms were around his neck. “I remember everything. You were there for me every day. You were my hero.”

  Her voice was so damn soft and sweet. The opposite of the women at the club.

  “I should have told you my feelings then,” he said. “I was a coward.”

  “No, I understand. You don’t have to explain,” she said. “I was born in the club. You’d have been laughed out by the boys if you claimed club pussy as your old lady.”

  “You’re too good for me, baby. I’m sorry.”

  She combed her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. It felt so damn good.

  “Didn’t you come here to claim me? You know I won’t push you away.”

  “I don’t know why I came here. I can’t seem to stay away. And the thought of that asshole’s hands on you makes me crazy.”

  “I don’t want Hank.”

  “Tell me you won’t let him get too close.”

  She exhaled. “I promised Forge to play this role. We have to protect the club from Luther Grass.”

  “You were out with Hank tonight,” he said against her lips. “If he wanted to come inside, would you have said yes? Sable, fucking tell me you won’t let him cross that line. As far as I’m concerned, you belong to the Hell’s Slaves. You belong to me.”


  Maybe he’d have to put a bullet in Hank’s fucking head, even if it meant alienating himself from his club. The mere thought of Sable being kissed, touched, fucked, put him into a murderous rage. He’d come here to give her the best first experience of her life. To make things official between them. Dog had been given up at birth. He had a lot of anger built up inside him. Even at forty-six, he’d never been able to break down those walls. Sable was his weakness. She made him feel human. She alone would be able to tame him.

  But she refused to put up the same commitment.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have come here after all,” he said. “You tell me you’re a virgin, that you’ve been saving yourself. But on the other hand, you’re ready to jump in bed with Hank for the good of the fucking club? I thought you were different than your sister.”

  She attempted to slap him but he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip, staring into her eyes.

  “You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted, Dog. Only you!” Her passion was palpable.

  “That’s better.” He kissed her hard, hoisting her up into his arms so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Her bare pussy brushed against his stomach and it was going to be torture to walk out of here tonight without fucking her. At least he’d get a taste.

  He lowered her body over the bed, her arms still locked around his neck. The desire in the room clouded his logic. Her scent was everywhere. He grinded his hips between her thighs, and she bucked up to meet him thrust for thrust. Her mewling sounds made his cock rock-hard.

  Her hands were all over him, exploring, testing his muscles. He’d do anything for her.

  “Dog, make love to me, please.”

  When she reached down for his cock, trying to slip her hand into his boxers, he secured her wrist by her head. He was good at denying himself, but not that damn good.

  They kissed and necked, their bodies entwined as they writhed on the bed. She was driving him crazy. “Not tonight, baby girl.”

  He descended down her body, spreading her thick thighs wide. She watched him, her chest still heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Her pussy was bare, pink, and perfect. Dog spread her lips, memorizing every detail of his woman. Then he swiped up her folds with his tongue, listening to her cry out for the first time.

  “Such a pretty pussy, Sable. I’m going to enjoy this.”

  He painted a line along her slit with his finger, so tempted to push it home, but that would have to come later. When he claimed her, it wouldn’t be in this shithole with his bike hiding in the back shed. He’d do things right—because she deserved better.

  Dog circled her asshole, pressing his thumb against it as he flicked her clit with his tongue, over and over until she was wriggling on the sheets. Virgin pussy. Living in the club, he was starting to think it was a fucking myth. Sable would be all his, every part of her. And he’d treasure the honor.

  Dog settled in for the long haul, rubbing his face between her legs, fucking her with his tongue, then suckling on her clit. The tight bundle of nerves was hyper-sensitive. She screamed out loud, moaned, and then began the sexiest series of sounds he’d ever heard. He sure as hell hadn’t gone down on the club whores. But he could live between Sable’s legs.

  She didn’t take long at all. Within minutes, she grabbed hold of the sheets, her body tensing, then she completely let go, her cream covering his mouth as she quaked with her release. On and on, her body shuddered. She gasped for air in little bursts, completely controlled by the power of her orgasm.

  He wiped his face with the back of his hand as he crawled up on the bed. She was spent, looking over at him through hooded eyes.

  Dog kissed her forehead. “Rest, sweetheart.”

  Then he slipped off the bed, tugged on his jeans, and grabbed his t-shirt.

  “Where you going?”

  “Back to the club.”

  “Can’t you stay?”

  He chuckled. “Remember, you’re playing a role.” Dog winked. “Keep playing the cop’s girlfriend, but the only man allowed to get dirty with you is me.”


  She watched him leave. If she’d had the energy, she’d have chased after him or at least watched him leave out the window. But he’d destroyed her. The orgasm had torn her down the center and she felt like warm jelly, completely satisfied and practically glowing.

  Dog was right about one thing—he was dirty. The things he’d done between her legs were filthy and she’d loved every second of it. His herculean restraint only turned her on further. Why hadn’t he claimed her tonight? She certainly wasn’t refusing him.

  At first, she’d felt awkward and shy with his head between her legs, but as soon as he took charge, she nearly forgot her own name. Nothing mattered but the way his mouth felt against her pussy. She had a feeling nothing would hinder Dog. Sable already believed she was addicted to Dog’s filthy side … and she already wanted more.

  Once he was gone, sadness enveloped her. Loneliness. She wished she was on the back of his bike, her arms tight around his waist, heading home to the club, too. This wasn’t home. It was all a mirage, a fake life that she’d never want for herself. Even though the club wasn’t perfect, it was all she knew. Being alone out in the outside world had her anxiety doing overdrive.

  She remembered the things Dog had said. He was jealous of Hank, and he wanted her to be his old lady. Did he really mean it? Being chosen by the VP was beyond an honor. Since Forge was married, Dog was the most sought-after male in the club—and he wanted her.

  The prez’s plan to get information on Grass ensured everyone, even her own family, hated her. If she got Dog’s love out of his nightmare, it would all be worth it. She touched her sore cheek. It was only pain, only a body. What mattered was her heart, and her love for Dog. If she had that, she’d endure anything.

  Sable fell asleep dreaming of her happily-ever-after. She didn’t wake up until her alarm sounded first thing in the morning. It was hard getting used to a civilian lifestyle, including early to bed, early to rise. She was used to parties late into the night and sleeping in until she felt like getting out of bed. This constant order and routine was getting on her nerves.

  Her phone rang as she was
getting ready for work at the diner. It was Hank.

  “How you feeling today, darlin’?”

  She touched her face then looked in the mirror. It wasn’t quite as sore, but she looked worse. “I’m okay. It’ll all heal in a few days.”

  “Well, I have some good news that may help.”


  “After your shift, how would you like to have dinner with me? Luther Grass is having a pool party at his country house for a few select guests and he said you’re welcome to come along … as my date.”

  “That sounds like fun, Hank. I’d love to come.”

  “Great. I’ll pick you up around five. Try to cover up the bruises. He usually has press snapping pics.”

  By the time she hung up, she had mixed feelings. This was exactly what Forge had hoped for, but it seemed too easy and she didn’t have a good feeling about it. Grass hated the MC and was using it as a campaign tool. If he got a feeling she was lying, it could be disastrous for her.

  She’d have to be an excellent actress. Sable didn’t know her father, so, in a way, Forge was all she had when it came to male role models. She wanted his approval, wanted to make him proud.

  Her shift at the diner went by without a hitch. No bikers came in, which she was glad for. It was harder lying to their faces. And without Forge or Dog present, she wasn’t sure how far one of them could go since they all considered her a rat.

  “See you tomorrow,” she called out as she left the diner at the end of her shift. Her feet were sore and they’d been so busy she missed her lunch break. Her stomach rumbled as she walked to her car in the parking lot. She didn’t have much time to get ready for this dinner party. Sable hadn’t told Forge or Dog about it. It would be stressful enough being surrounded by their enemies without worrying about things not going as planned. She’d rather call and tell Forge good news than disappoint him if she couldn’t get any useful information.

  It was too good to be true. Only her second date with the cop and he was introducing her to the man they were after. Grass would hopefully be off guard at a social party and give away something the club could use. She’d keep her eyes and ears open for everything.

  After a quick shower, she looked at her face under the harsh lights in the bathroom. How was she supposed to hide this bruise? She kept patting foundation over the blemishes, but it made it look worse. By the time she was done, she had way too much makeup on for her liking.

  She should be going on a date with Dog, not Hank. Hopefully, she’d get enough information tonight that Forge would tell her to come home. She had no one in the world, not even her own family. The club and Dog were all she had.

  When the doorbell rang a few minutes early, her heart jumped. She kept debating if she should have told Dog or Forge. What if something went wrong?

  Sable took a cleansing breath and convinced herself she needed to be strong. She could do this. As soon as she opened the door, her nerves were on edge. She hated playing this cop, even if he was obnoxious.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said. When he took her hand and kissed her knuckles, she cringed. The last thing she wanted was this man’s hands on her.

  “Thank you.”

  When he tried to step inside her place, she grabbed her purse from the table by the door. “I’m ready to go.”

  “Okay.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and led her to his cruiser. She found it odd he’d use his police car for personal business. Even though he settled her into the passenger seat, she bristled. Since she was a kid, she’d been taught to fear the police. They were the enemy. There’d been so much talk about being in the back of a cruiser. They were never good stories.

  “How far does your friend live?” she asked.

  “Just outside the city. Don’t you know Luther Grass?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t keep up with politics.”

  “That’s right. You were raised with those heathens. You probably didn’t even get a proper education.”

  Sable bit her tongue.

  “Don’t you worry,” he said. “Things can only go up from here.”

  “You’re right,” she said.

  For the rest of the drive, he kept talking about the evils of MC life and the power he held in the police force. Once he parked the car, she exhaled her relief.

  There were other expensive-looking cars lined up and outdoor lighting was already set up. As they entered the property, a waiter walked toward them with a silver tray of champagne flutes. Hank took two, handing her one.

  She scanned the outdoor patios for Grass. Her mind kept reeling with questions she may ask without looking too suspicious. She was coming up blank.

  “Sable, I’d like you to meet Luther Grass.”

  She gasped and whirled around. Hank and Luther were staring right at her. She’d been so busy looking for him that she hadn’t been paying attention to her surroundings.


  He took her hand, holding a little too tight. “I’ve heard so much about you. We have so much to discuss.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m not very interesting.”

  “But you have inside information that could help all of us—my campaign, Hank’s career, and your future. You’re a smart girl.”

  No words came. She stood there like an idiot.

  Hank cleared his throat. “It’s like I told you earlier, she’s probably scared of retaliation. Those animals are ruthless when it comes to snitches. Her own mother beat her up yesterday when she came into the diner.”

  Luther nodded. “Right. Of course.” He stared into her eyes, and at that moment, she swore he could read her mind. “Well, mingle, enjoy. There’s enough food to feed an army.”

  Her heart started beating again as he walked away.

  “Are you okay? You look pale,” said Hank.

  “I’m fine. I just haven’t eaten all day. I didn’t want to ruin my appetite for our date.”

  He smiled. “Let me get you some food. Take a look around. I’ll find you.”

  Sable was glad to be on her own. There were a lot of people for a so-called intimate party. They all looked wealthy and she felt out of her league. She preferred the rough and tumble life at the club. She’d seen Grass enter one of the doors to the right, so she made her way in the general direction. Deep voices came from the open windows, so she sat on a lawn chair nearby where she could listen without being obvious.

  “… once they’re gone, we’ll be able to control the gun and drug trade. All routes will have to go through us. Once I’m elected, we’ll have all the power we need. The only problem we’ll face is the Hell’s Slaves.”

  “It’s a win-win. You get rid of the problem and make yourself look like a saint by cleaning up the city. You’re a fucking genius, Luther.”

  Grass laughed. Then they all laughed.

  She hadn’t breathed. This was supposed to be politics, but it went so much deeper. Grass was dirty, and Forge didn’t even realize it. He thought the politician was squeaky clean, which was why he needed to find skeletons in his closet or blackmail him.

  “Would you like some?”

  Sable looked up to see a man in a suit standing there with a tray of hors d’oeuvres.

  She didn’t want to answer in case Grass heard her voice through the window. Instead, she shook her head and looked away, hoping he’d take the hint.

  She was lucky, he walked off.

  “What happened to your date?”

  It was Luther Grass. Her entire body tensed up. Did he realize she’d heard incriminating parts of his conversation?

  “He’s getting me a plate of food. I skipped lunch, so I’m starving.” She put on her best act, putting on the front of a relaxed, care-free woman. Inside, she was a fucking mess.

  “I’m sure he won’t mind if I steal you away for a few minutes then.”

  He smiled, an evil smile, and held out his hand to the side.

  She had no choice but to stand up and follow his lead.

ter Six

  Dog waited inside Sable’s bedroom.

  He didn’t like this.

  She’d never taken this long to come home. He was aware of her date. Not much went over the prez’s head. Forge had given him an update on her status and how she was supposed to meet with Grass himself as Hank’s woman. Dog wondered why Sable decided not to share such information. She was playing with fire.

  Checking his watch for the fiftieth time, he gritted his teeth. This was fucked up.

  As he paced in her bedroom, it was going near on two in the morning. No ponce would have a party going this late.

  Something was wrong. He just knew it.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he had no choice but to call Forge. His prez would be pissed but who gave a fuck, really? Sable’s life was in the balance. Whenever he didn’t trust his gut, bad things happened.

  He pressed his cell phone to his ear, hoping Forge would answer or at least send him a text that would calm him the fuck down.

  What if she’s fucking Hank?

  What if she’s going to that next level for the club?

  Will I even want her?

  He cut off that line of thought. It didn’t matter. He trusted Sable. He was just pissed at how often he had to listen to the boys bad-mouth her. In the past twenty-four hours, even Forge had to put a ban on them all talking about her.

  Some of the guys were talking about how her pussy was rancid and anyone who stuck their dick inside her would have to deal with the consequences of having it drop off. All the bullshit men talked about.

  “Hello,” Beth said. Her voice sounded like she’d just been asleep.

  “Hey, is Forge there?”

  “Uh-huh, Forge, it’s for you.”

  He heard rustling. “This better be good.”

  “Sable’s not home.”


  “You heard me. Sable’s not home. You and I both know a party isn’t supposed to last this long. I don’t like it. I’m worried.”

  More rustling came over the line. “I’ve got to take this, babe. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Clearly, Forge had dropped the phone as he walked. This just pissed him off even more.


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