Magic and Mayhem: The Lie, the Witch, and the Warlock (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic and Mayhem: The Lie, the Witch, and the Warlock (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Renea Mason

  Marcus placed his lips against the woman’s ear and whispered something. Another quick glance in my direction and then his arm snaked around her waist. She sat the book on the shelf and linked her arm with his, showing off her blood red nails. She smiled a wicked grin as he led her to the door.

  He opened the door and waved her through the doorway, resting his hand on the small of her back.

  Before the door closed behind them, he turned, met my gaze, and winked.

  With the final swish of the door, I mumbled under my breath. “Bloodsucking pig.”

  Wendy stared at me. “What the fuck just happened?”

  I picked up a book from the counter and wrapped my arms around it. “I’m not entirely sure, but I think that’s how you say, “Fuck you,” in vampire. Even their insults are pretentious. Bloodsucking fuckhead.”

  Chapter 2


  I locked the door behind Wendy. She usually left at closing, but I stayed behind because I had to. Not only did I live here but it was my job to return all of the books to their proper shelf. One of those supernatural assholes could have easily weaved a spell to do the work, but then what would they have me do? There was nothing more irritating than busy work.

  The part of the library where most of the books resided was a tower—twenty-seven stories high and twenty-seven stories deep. Witches! Three factors of three in each direction. They really took their symbolism seriously. And of course, there was no elevator.

  On the main floor of the library, patrons could peruse the most popular books, but any rare or valuable tome was kept locked away. I was the only retrieval system. I first sorted the books by magic type and subject, then gathered those that needed to be taken to the hell levels—that’s what I called any of the floors in the tower below ground—and loaded them into the backpack. The tomes were large, and it was a tight fit. Each level below ground was creepy as fuck and I hummed to myself to ease the tension.

  Over the years, I had become efficient at eliminating trips. With the backpack in place and a stack of books wrapped in my arms, I carefully nudged the handle on the rough wooden door leading to hell. First stop—curses.

  A cool breeze blew through the passage. I always wondered how the airflow was possible underground but assumed it must be magic. The stone walls left the corridor dank and cold but surprisingly dry.

  I sat the stack of books on the floor, shrugged off my backpack, and retrieved the tomes containing curses from the bag. I looked at the spine of the first one and found its location on the shelf—Gastrointestinal Curses. Who could be so cruel? I opened the book to see who had checked it out last. The university chancellor’s assistant. Yikes. Someone was going to have a really shitty day soon.

  I put away the next book and then the next, until all of the curse texts had been shelved in their proper place. Next stop, dark magics.

  The magic-lit candles that lined the walls in sconces added to the gloomy feel of the space as they cast shadows around the room. With careful footsteps, I took the staircase down to the next level. I paused when I heard a shriek echo up from below. Followed by mumbled yelling.

  The hairs raised on my arms in warning. Should I go see? Anything going on down there couldn’t be good. I paused, trying to quiet my thundering heart. Before I could convince myself that I had imagined the entire thing, a cry sounded out. “Help me!” an accented voice screamed, but the sound was faint, given the distance.

  How in the hell had someone gotten down there? My collar was the magical key to the tower. They’d placed a spell on it so that I was the only one who could enter the rare book section, with the exception of certain members of the library council, but I hadn’t seen them in years.

  I dropped the books and backpack, and bounded down the stairs, steadying myself with a hand on the smooth stone.

  “Help.” The voice was distinctly male.

  Running my fingers over the uneven surface, I passed entranceway after entranceway. I had never been all the way to the bottom. In fact, I had been warned to avoid it. They called it the abyss. I stopped on the stair next to the twenty-sixth level of hell—the realm of fiend—and I paused, staring into the darkness below.

  “You bitch. I will find you, and you will pay for this.” The man bellowed; his tone strangely familiar.

  My only course of action was clear. I couldn’t allow that man to die. No one would ever find him down here, but the Council was serious about their rules. I could easily be blamed for whoever it was getting down here in the first place. I took a deep breath.

  “Fuck it,” I mumbled to myself and grabbed the last magical candle that illuminated the first step to the abyss.

  “Damn it,” his scream bounded through the corridor.

  I pushed my fear aside and took the stairs two at a time, outrunning the candlelight.

  A loud thud sounded as I hit something solid, and I fell backward onto my ass.

  “Son of a bitch,” the man cried out.

  You’d think that immortality would make pain unnecessary, but my behind hurt like a bitch. I braced myself into a sitting position with one hand behind me and the other raising the candle to see what caused my unfortunate fall. The words left my mouth before I could pull them back, “No fucking way.”

  He made no effort to hide his irritation. “I think you broke my nose.”

  I pushed off the floor with my palm and stood, extending the candle in the man’s direction, making sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. “I knew it.”

  “Get me down from here, now.”

  I smirked. “It’s seems you’ve got yourself into a bit of a sticky situation.”

  “As your king, I order you to get me down.”

  I laughed and took two steps to the left, allowing the candlelight to fall over the length of his body. “So she was a spider shifter.” His highness was encased in a cocoon of webs from neck to ankle and hanging suspended upside down. “I wasn’t positive, since they typically only come out at night.”

  “It matters not what may have landed me in this unfortunate situation, you need to release me now, before she returns.”

  “Believe me, I know. The things she’s going to do to you…they are outright brutal.” I sat down on the floor, crossed my legs, and set the candle in front of me. “You didn’t have sex with her, did you?”

  “I will kill you if you don’t release me.”

  I snorted. “No, you won’t. Because if you slept with her, she’s coming back to finish the job. Want to know what she’ll do? I’ve had a lot of time to read. The spider people are fascinating.”

  “Use the candle. Do it now.”

  “Funny, what was it you said about Julian? Piss poor leader? Well, your royal vampiness, as a warlock, this situation would have been no problem for Julian. A little magical fire, applied to those magical webs, and presto, you’re free. Who’s the shitty leader now?”

  “She’ll kill you too when she returns.”

  “She can’t. I’m too powerful. She might be a spider shifter, but the magic in me is ancient and it won’t let me die. Plus, they only kill for a purpose. I don’t have anything she wants. I’m hardly a threat. How did you manage to bang her all strung up like that?”

  “This happened…ah…after.” He cleared his throat. “She wasn’t just a spider shifter, she’s the bloody spider queen. She’s trying to breed with me to strengthen her line.”

  We said at the same time, “But she can only breed in spider form.”

  The crease in his brow spoke volumes. He knew the outcome would not be pleasant. Not only would he be forced to do the nasty with a human-sized spider, but… “You do know that after she wraps those eight legs around you and humps you like a rabbit in spring, she is going to bite your neck and lay her eggs. After they hatch, they’ll eat their way inside your head and feast on your brain. I’ve heard the process is agonizing.”

  The webs shook around him. Was that a shiver?

  “None of that is going to happen b
ecause you are going to get me down.”


  “Damn it, woman. Do you have any idea how serious this is?”

  I snorted. “For you, yes. I’ve seen the photos. Do you know that once your brains turn to mush the baby spiders crawl out of your ears, nostrils, and eye sockets? Not pretty at all.”

  “Then why are you stalling?”

  “Because I want something.”

  He growled. “Whatever it is, consider it done.”

  I stood raising the candle to cast light on his beautiful face. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  “You don’t.”

  “Blood oath then.”

  “No, absolutely not. How do you even know about that?”

  I waved my hands toward the ceiling. “Books, lots of books, and lots and lots of time.”

  He tried to shake his head but the webbing was too tight. “Anything else, just not that.”

  “You’re lying to me then. Good luck. I’m sure your children will be beautiful. Oh…that’s right…you won’t get to see them. They will have eaten your eyes from the inside out. Such a shame.”

  “I command you.”

  A cold breeze made the light from my candle flicker; walking to the far wall, I held out the light source. A tunnel, but leading to where? Clattering echoed through the passage. I turned toward the suspended vampire. “Did you hear that? It’s now or never.” I glanced into his wide, frightened eyes and paused. The pang of sympathy I felt startled me. What was it about his eyes that unsettled me? Beyond the rich espresso color, there was something captivating, alluring even. I shrugged off the thought and glanced away from him. It was probably some kind of vampire glamour trick. Clenching my fist at my side, I renewed my focus. “Are you going to give me what I want?”

  He let out a long, frustrated sigh. “Fine. What is it you demand?”

  “I want you to kill me.”

  “What? That’s insane. The Council will have my head.”

  “Make it look like an accident.”

  “Kill yourself.”

  “I tried. I can’t. It takes someone of equal power. I already know you killed Julian.”

  A clattering of rocks sounded from the rough stone passage. “I didn’t kill Julian. I never wanted to be king. I wanted my blood and my women, not all this responsibility.”

  “Then who killed him?”

  “I don’t know. No one does. I don’t kill people, I just…use them.”

  “Well…you’ll be ‘using’ a giant, hairy-ass spider soon.”

  “You really want to die that badly?”

  “Yes, there’s no future for me. The immortals hate me. I was bound to Julian. I’ll be stuck in this library for eternity.”

  “He bound himself to you?”


  “He knew you were mortal?”


  He closed his eyes and stabbed his fang into his lower lip. “Kiss me and your wish shall be my command.”

  I took two steps toward him and bit my lip as hard as I could until the metal taste of blood registered on my tongue. It would be my little secret. Adding my blood changed the spell to a curse. I had a special fondness for curses and since he spent most of his time philandering in the library, instead of reading, I was quite sure this tiny detail would escape him.

  I bent at the waist. In slow motion, I closed my mouth over his. His lips were full and soft, and his blood tangy, overshadowing the taste of my own on my tongue.

  Something I didn’t expect overcame me. Arousal. My mouth moved in time with his—frantic, full of passion. His moan brought me back from the edge, and I stared into his beautiful, deep brown eyes.

  He swallowed hard, licked his lips and captured me with his gaze. “It’s done.” Another swipe of his tongue collected the tiny droplet of our mingled blood that lingered on the corner of his mouth. “Now get me down.”

  I held the candle against the webs, forging a trail down the center of the cocoon. The bindings gave way all at once, and he fell with a thud to the floor. More rocks crumbled in the passageway.

  “Blood hell. You could have warned me.”

  I bent and grabbed his hand. There was no time to inspect him for injury. “Come on, before she gets here and releases you from your promise. I gotta keep you alive so you can kill me.” I pulled him toward the spiral staircase.

  Chapter 3


  We bounded through the doorway at the top of the twenty-seven flights of stairs and onto the main level of the library. My breathing labored as I slammed the door closed. “There, she’ll have to take the long way around. The door is warded so only I can enter. Well…and a few select members of the library council, but those lazy fucks never come to help.” I inhaled deeply, interrupting my rant. “You were able to come with me because I held your hand and extended the magic to you. But she won’t be able to enter.” I turned and my next word caught in my throat.

  In the glow of the magically lit lanterns that lined the walls and the iron chandeliers suspended from the ceiling was the most unbelievable sight. Marcus. Naked. I sucked in a deep breath. No wonder he never spent a night alone. His dark-bronze skin glowed in the flickering light. Every plane of muscle a new adventure. I wanted to touch him, to see if his skin was as silky as it looked. The books painted vampires as pasty, pale creatures, but not Marcus. His dark skin was a cloak hiding what he truly was—so vibrant, seemingly full of life, but just like every other bloodsucker, he was anything but alive.

  “See something you like, little one?” He wiggled his hips, causing his mammoth cock to bounce.

  Son of a bitch, he was huge. No wonder his dance card was always filled.

  I pointed at his oversize member. “Isn’t that what got you into this mess?”

  “Me? How about us? You’re in this as deep as I am.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Am not.” I forced myself to look away from his… “You’re the one she wants. She needs you to complete the mating ritual.”

  He took two long strides toward me.

  I swallowed hard. He was so close I could feel his body heat. And his scent…dear God… “That may have been true before you released me.”

  I turned my head completely to my left, my back stiff as a board. “But she can’t kill me, so what’s the worst she could do? Besides, I’m as good as dead anyway.”

  His nose grazed my neck, his words a whisper, “The worst she could do is keep you prisoner and torture you for eternity. The gilded library seems like paradise compared to that, does it not?” His lips caressed the skin just behind my ear. “My sweet…” He paused, and the tone of his voice changed, seduction gone. “What was your name again?”

  I rolled my eyes and answered flatly, “Dora. Short for Eudora.” Lover boy’s cock must have made up for his lack of social skills.

  The swagger returned and low accented words flowed from his lips. “Dora, that’s a lovely name. I may now be fated to kill you and only my death can keep me from fulfilling my oath, but I get to decide when and where your demise happens. Right now, you’re useful.”

  “Don’t make me wait, please. I have no life.”

  His lips closed over my earlobe. “I love to hear a woman beg.”

  I jerked back from him and headed toward the door to the top half of the tower, where I resided on the twenty-seventh floor. Yes, those magical assholes had decided that at the end of a long day, to toss twenty-seven flights of stairs in for good measure.

  He chased after me. “Where are you going?”

  “To sleep. I’ll ask you again next week if you’re ready to kill me.” With my hand on the doorknob, I turned and stared up into his deep brown eyes. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  “You can, but that doesn’t mean I’ll honor it. You’ve already demanded enough.”

  “Can you make it a surprise? Don’t let me know it’s coming. Make it quick.”

  He said nothing, but stared back into my eyes. Frightened
by the intensity of his gaze, I turned, and mumbled a quick, “Please consider it.” In a lightning fast maneuver, I opened the door and slid through the doorway.

  The lock clicked and he bellowed, “Wait! You cannot leave me here. Dora, wait.”

  I cracked open the door. “Why? Don’t you have somewhere to be? An army to amass? You are the vampire king after all, head of the governing body. Only Baba Yaga and the Council of Nine have more power than you. What could you possibly need from me?”

  He braced his hand on the doorframe and sighed, “If I go home, she’ll find me. Sleeping with her may have been an act of war.”


  “It’s against the rules to copulate with other leaders. It could compromise the sovereignty of the vampire nation. So even if my own people forgive me, a supposition which is doubtful, I’m going to need some help. Until I can get in touch with Baba Yaga and ask for her help, I can’t go anywhere. I can’t even think of venturing out at night. I’ll be safer during the day.”

  “Don’t you have a bat phone or something to get you out of this kind of bullshit?”

  “Not exactly.”

  He tapped on the door. “Is this one of those specially warded doors that only you can enter?”

  I nodded and narrowed my eyes.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me up for a drink?”

  I considered it for a moment. He couldn’t fulfill his oath if he was dead, really dead. “I swear to God, if you pull any of your bullshit, I’ll call the spider queen myself and shove a GPS up your ass.”

  “That’s no way to speak to your king.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I should punish you for that.”

  “Then double fuck you.” I crossed my arms. “Fine. I’m making another request.”

  He arched an eyebrow.

  “You’re taking me out for my last meal. Jambalaya. And no pre-made or Northern bullshit, jambalaya made by Mr. Ted’s in Louisiana and you’re getting Baba Yaga to let me out of here so I can have that one last wish.”

  “Isn’t Mr. Ted’s actually known for their crawfish? And their slogan is, “Got me some good head at Ted’s?”


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