Bruce looked at the mic then the radio operator who just shrugged his shoulders again, not wanting any part of this conversation. “Little Foot, I’m sorry, I will try to refrain from irresponsible acts in the future,” Bruce told her over the radio.
“Big Daddy One, you’re not the only one who made a promise. We did too and if you can’t control yourself we will come up there and stay up your ass,” Angela informed him.
Bruce closed his eyes replying, “I understand Little Foot.”
“Bruce, we love you and to see you doing stuff like that hurts. If something happened to you while you were doing stupid shit, I’m going to hell. I’ll be damned if I’m going to heaven to see the disappointment on little Mama’s face,” Angela said.
“That won’t be called for. I’ll do my best to stop the stupid shit. Please accept my apologies and know that I love you. Now I have business to attend and don’t let the kids see what I’m doing,” Bruce told them handing the mic back to the operator.
“We love you too Bruce,” Angela said over the radio as Bruce walked out of the RV.
Bruce stopped outside the RV door and looked up at the sky, “Debbie, it’s real hard to do this with those two breathing down my neck. I love them but their newlywed behavior is wearing me down. I can’t concentrate on the task at hand baby,” Bruce said to the sky. Then he headed to the picnic table.
If Bruce would’ve been looking behind him he would’ve noticed Buffy standing beside the RV. She had gone to find Daddy and was told he was in the RV. As she walked up to the door, Bruce walked out. Buffy let Daddy get a few steps ahead then she ran up to catch him. When Omega returned to base Buffy would find Daddy Mike and tell him what she heard like Mama had told her to.
Chapter 17
As Bruce approached the table he found the kids waiting on him. Looking for Buffy, Bruce looked down at his left side to see Buffy walk past him. Running to the table, Buffy jumped up by Danny.
“Dad, we’re getting some of this,” Danny told him.
“No, but I’m going to let you help on the pre-game. Before you start bitching, don’t. I’m already close to being pissed off so don’t push it. I don’t want any of you to ever feel what I feel. Your sins pass to me but this will take your soul. You’ll see Mama again in heaven and I don’t want to take that from you. I’m pissed at God so that’s a moot point for me,” Bruce told Danny catching her off guard. “Now, where are the ones we took from the house?” Bruce asked and Danny pointed behind her on the ground. Smiling Bruce went to another group first stopping at a tied up man taking his gag off.
“Hello, tell me who the bosses are and your suffering will be eased more than you know,” Bruce told him. The man just narrowed his eyes at Bruce. “We’re Omega. I know you’ve heard of us. We watched you add on in the last few weeks,” Bruce told him. Hearing that, the man’s eyes widened in fear and his body started to tremble. “So you’ve heard of us?” Bruce asked and the man nodded his head.
“Well tell me what I want to know and it’ll go a lot better for you. If you don’t, one of your partners will and you’ll suffer unnecessarily. I’m the boss here,” Bruce told him.
“Please, I just joined-,” the man started to say as Bruce punched him in the face. The man spit several teeth out.
“I didn’t ask for your life story. Ten seconds and the deals off and you’ll find out what your left nut taste like,” Bruce told him.
“Yes sir,” he said and told Bruce who the leader and his top lieutenants were. Bruce laid the man back down and the man said, “I thought you said I wouldn’t suffer.”
“You won’t but I’m giving you the chance to be a judge. If the judges do what they’re told, they can leave. I’m sure you’ve heard that. Do you want to see if you’re selected?” Bruce asked. The man actually thought about it and nodded his head as Bruce went to the leader.
When Bruce took off his gag the man spit in Bruce’s face. Bruce smiled and wiped his face. “Spirit, I like that,” Bruce said grinning.
“Fuck you boy, I’m not scared of you. Those stories on the radio aren’t true about you. No man could do that and not take the women. You haven’t even raped my bitch,” he said with a grin.
Bruce smiled back and palm punched him breaking his nose. Then Bruce stood up kicking him in the nuts and rolled him over. Pulling out his knife Bruce cut off the man’s clothes, not caring if he cut him or not. When the man’s clothes were off Bruce saw his leg bleeding where he had gotten a little carried away with the knife.
Walking over to the table Bruce picked up the propane torch. Pulling the trigger igniting it, Bruce put a knee in the man’s back and burnt the skin to stop the bleeding. The man barely grunted when Bruce cut off his clothes but screamed as the torch burnt his skin. Bruce stood up and looked around at the other prisoners. All were scared and some were crying. Then it hit Bruce, unlike any other gang they had attacked, this one was all white.
Setting the torch on the table Bruce asked, “So you think you’re a superior race?” Looking at the man who was still screaming Bruce saw ‘Stick’ tattooed on his left bicep.
“Are you Stick?” Bruce asked. The man just screamed and Bruce asked the blond girl next to him, “Is he Stick?” She nodded her head at Bruce.
Stepping back, Bruce sat down on the bench on the picnic table. “Stick, you really let me down. I thought you had spirit. I barely hurt you and you’re screaming like a little girl. That’s nothing to what’s in store but to answer your question, I don’t rape,” Bruce told him. “I take your soul. When you descend into hell you’re thankful for the reprieve from my attention,” Bruce said so all could hear.
“Fuck you asshole let me go and I will show you pain!” Stick yelled.
“No Stick, I won, you lost. You had your chance and blew it. My men have been inside for days and you never saw us. Granted we couldn’t make it into the house so we couldn’t figure out who the real boss was since your lieutenants do a lot,” Bruce lied, seeing shock on Stick’s face.
Bruce looked up and saw one of the snipers who still had on the heat lined ghillie suit and called him over. “I had six just like him lying around here inside your fence. The big black Ranger you see around was dressed in black and would walk around at night. That was how we knew so much about you. We have watched what you did to those people and let me tell you it’s payback time,” Bruce told his lie. All the prisoners were in shock at the lie but they believed it. Bruce knew some would leave and wanted the expectations to be real high and the fear to be unimaginable. When Omega got near he wanted people to surrender so he could just teach lessons.
“That’s impossible,” Stick said as Bruce sat him up talking to him.
“Well how do you figure that Stick? You think we would just charge in here without recon first? I don’t hit anyone unless I have at least four days of recon with accurate counts of hostiles and weapons. Like this sniper here. You can’t see him with thermal. The easiest way to watch for us would be just look at the ground around you. It still wouldn’t matter though. The group we hit above Baton Rouge was almost as big as your gang and we asked them to surrender and they didn’t, so I made my crew take most of them with knives. Just to prove we can get you when we want you,” Bruce told them.
Stick was now trembling, the stories were true, as he looked at the table with the stuff spread out. “Man you can’t do this. You have to arrest us and give us a trial,” Stick whined.
“No Stick, that’s the old way. We’re the law of the land now. I give out justice now extracting your pain and fear as retribution for your crimes. Because you spit on me, I’m going to take so much time with you that you’ll become a legend for the pain and screams you will let out,” Bruce told him smirking.
Stick looked at Bruce and saw no pity. The grin was the most evil thing he had ever seen and with the shit he’d done, that was saying something. Crying, Stick looked at Bruce, “I’m sorry, I’ll work for you, you can have my bitch just don’t do it,” he begged.
“Aw Stick we haven’t started yet but I’ll give you one little piece of advice for free just because you showed spirit. Don’t show disrespect to me, even in your pain, you better be polite because it can always get worse. I’ll show you later,” Bruce promised.
Stick fell over on his side crying as his sins were coming back for payment. Bruce laughed, “Tell you what Stick. I’ll let you choose which nut one of your buddies chews off but you’ll eat the other one. Before you say something smart, remember, it can get worse,” Bruce told him laughing as Stick just wailed.
Bruce walked over to the table. “Holy shit that was cool,” David said.
“David, throw some more wood on the fire. Danny make sure every one of my playmates are zip tied at the ankle, wrist, thumbs and index finger,” Bruce said.
“Dad it’s hot as hell already,” Jake said. Seeing his Dad look at him Jake went to help Danny. Bruce walked over to the truck taking off his vest throwing it on the seat with his SCAR.
Bruce walked over to fire separating the rods he had put in. The ends in the fire were getting cherry red. “Take off your vests and put them in the truck. Keep your sleeves down, hats, glasses and gloves on, and then come here,” Bruce told them. They all ran to the truck then over to Bruce. Bruce pulled out a rod and they looked at the end shaped (Ω) Omega brand.
“Y’all will help me do this,” Bruce told them. “We’ll pin them down and I’m branding them on the forehead so the judges that leave later will not be able to hide it. When I start, each of you will go around branding every corpse. Then you’ll hang some up for any that show up later,” Bruce told them. They all looked at Bruce smiling. “Let’s get started,” Bruce told them taking out a branding iron.
Danny and Buffy ran to the first man jumping on him. Buffy grabbed his ears and hair as Danny sat on his chest on her knees forcing her forearm into his throat. When Bruce came over with the iron the man tried to scream but couldn’t as his flesh sizzled, leaving a two inch Omega symbol on his forehead. Screaming into his gag and from the lack of oxygen, the man passed out.
“I want to do one, Daddy,” Buffy said. Bruce smiled and looked at the other kids grinning.
“There are three more, you going to help or wipe your ass? Just remember to let them heat up between uses,” Bruce told them.
Jake walked over to Bruce grabbing the banding iron, “Dad, let us do this, you’ll have fun with your playmates later. Give us an hour,” Jake said. Bruce nodded and left to get some food.
Ted, Carl and Willie were watching the kids as Bruce walked over to them. “Bruce, that isn’t fair, they get to help but we can’t?” Willie complained.
Bruce stopped and looked at him wondering if he heard right, “What?” he asked.
“Bruce, we’ve seen what these animals do and you won’t let anyone help you play with them. Just to let you know, we really don’t want to do that part, well maybe a little but we can do this,” Willie said.
“The next time I’ll let y’all brand some. Just to show you I’m not showing favoritism, each of you can do a mark of shame taking the two fingers from each hand,” Bruce told them feeling like a school teacher.
“All right,” they said together.
Bruce went in the RV grabbing a bite to eat, and when he was leaving Cook was at the door, “You want me to hold your clothes, sir?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Bruce said taking his clothes off and Cook brought over some sandals.
“Your boots are real hard to get the blood off of in the time it takes you to shower,” Cook told him.
“I wondered why they were so clean,” Bruce said putting on the sandals. Cook rubbed sun block over him as Bruce stood in his boxers. “Cook, if people see us like this, they’re going to talk,” Bruce told him.
“Well you have a video camera on your head along with everyone else, it’s not like we could deny it. Besides I don’t care, if I can help you, I will. My only concern is the price you’re going to pay for this one day. When that day comes, I’ll be here to help you if I can,” Cook replied.
“There won’t be a price Cook. You have to care about your soul for that. I’m here for my kids and two women I left at home. The kids can take care of themselves but I can’t leave the two at home. I made a promise,” Bruce said turning as Cook put sun screen on his chest.
“Sir, you’re using a fake smile around them and sooner or later it falls off. I know, I walked that path. Two men raped and killed my mom and sister years ago. I found them killed them, then their friends and brothers, nine in all. No one ever suspected me for it, I was an accountant. Then I started to embezzle money, using drugs and a lot of other shit, all the while putting a mask on around my wife and son. One day it fell off and I left them. That was two weeks before the infection. I went to Texas when this hit but they were gone. I wanted to die but couldn’t. You rescued me from the center with the congressman and judge. You gave a speech saying we were on a clean slate that we could do good here. I can never erase my sins but I’d like to equal them with good,” Cook said looking down. “You’re nowhere near where I am in sins,” Cook added.
Bruce laughed, “Oh you’re so wrong, I’m so far gone it’s hard to comprehend, Cook,” Bruce said leaving the RV.
Cook set the sun screen down watching Bruce walk away, “You may have sinned a lot but you have saved so many and given many more hope, if God holds that against you, then, we’re all screwed,” Cook said as he turned to start lunch.
Bruce walked over to the picnic table to find the kids heating the irons, “You’re not done?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, but we are getting ready to go and do the dead ones,” Mindy told him.
“Danny, Buffy, Mary and Mindy each of you choose one judge,” Bruce told them. They jumped up and down walking around the group looking at pleading eyes. “Boys, I’m sorry, but let’s let the girls choose,” Bruce told the boys and they just nodded their heads. The girls each chose a man and one was not Bruce’s informant. Bruce walked over to the truck grabbing his pistol went to the man, “Sorry dude,” Bruce said pulling the trigger. A look of thankfulness was on the man’s face as Bruce pulled the trigger.
Jake, Matt and David put the four in chairs as Bruce dealt with his informant. Bruce walked over and pointed out six prisoners, one woman and five men. “Boys, take these six to the cages I made. I’m saving them for later,” Bruce said.
“I wondered why we had six cages hanging off the side of a semi,” Jake said dragging one away.
“Okay girls, it’s time to go away,” Bruce told them. They left carrying the branding irons. Bruce looked at the four judges and told them the rules, then went over to Stick. “It’s time, remember to be polite and thankful,” Bruce told him.
“Fuck you! You can’t do this to me!” Stick screamed.
“I haven’t done anything yet,” Bruce said smiling as he kicked Stick in the stomach and rolled him on his stomach. Grabbing the nail gun Bruce shot a nail in his left shoulder joint. Reaching on the table, Bruce grabbed his small fishing box and pliers. When he was finished Bruce stood up holding the fishing string.
“Hey,” Bruce said pulling the string making Stick scream louder. “Shut up or I’ll hang a brick on it,” Bruce said and Stick quit screaming and started to whimper. “See it can get worse and since you showed me disrespect again, I’m forced to show you that it can get worse. Fishhooks in your balls are only the tip of the iceberg. If you act polite, I’ll keep the pain constant until you die or I can just keep increasing it. Now get up,” Bruce told him cutting the ankle ties. “Must feel weird with a fish hook in your testicle?” Bruce laughed leading him over to the tree.
Bruce put some handcuffs on Stick then hooked the winch to them hoisting Stick up dislocating both shoulders. Stick’s hands were bound behind his back so when he went up his weight did the rest. Bruce rolled a log section that was three feet tall and four feet around and turned it flat under Stick then lowered him down. When Stick’s feet touched it, Bruce grabbe
d the nail gun nailing them to the log.
“Let’s start now,” Bruce said. It was 1008 as the screams started.
Two hours later Bruce was lowering the winch dropping the body. Looking at one of the prisoners Bruce smiled, “Did you hear how polite he became? It’s a shame he died. But I think his buddy liked eating his ball. Stick just wanted the hook out of it but he told me thank you, after his friend ate one and he ate the other one. Now that’s manners,” Bruce said as he dragged the body a few feet away.
Hearing the screams stop the kids came over, “Hey Dad,” Danny called out.
“I’m not done here,” Bruce told them, trying to decide who was next.
“Oh we know but we need to put the irons back in the fire,” Danny told him.
“Fine, Jake go grab two troops to come over here when the screams stop and haul the body away,” Bruce told him.
“Sure dad, we’ll take this one,” Jake said.
“No, tell someone else. Other members of Omega are getting jealous that they aren’t doing anything,” Bruce told him. Reaching down Bruce dragged one of the women over to the stage.
Jake walked over to Bruce and whispered, “Dad, I heard some of the guys saying that we should just rape the evil bitches. They feel it would be justified. I think they were kidding but I wanted to let you know.”
Bruce looked at Jake, “What do you think?” Bruce asked.
Jake looked at his Dad covered in blood as he replied, “I think it would be wrong. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing and it’s justice, not only for Mom but the others. I’m not saying these assholes haven’t done this. I’ve seen some shit here. You’re doing it to spread the fear of what happens when you fight or hurt your fellow man. They do it for joy and just to prove they can.”
Bruce smiled, “That’s close. Now go gather the troops and tell them if any clan member rapes, they forfeit their clan status and will face the same. I want you to rotate those that come and get the bodies four at a time,” Bruce told him.
Blue Plague: Rage Page 20