“Yes my babies name was-,” the woman stopped as Bruce shot her in the shoulder.
“Don’t want to know. By tomorrow you’ll be forgotten. We’ll throw your body out in the field and no one will care. You could’ve lived and started a new life but you’re too stupid. Just to let you know this is for insulting my daughter,” Bruce told her as he pulled the trigger one more time hitting the woman in the forehead.
Looking at the three guards, “Drag her out of here and throw her in the field,” Bruce told them. Bruce looked at the table, “Any problems?” he asked everyone.
“Shit, I would’ve gotten totally medieval on her ass talking about my kid like that. She would’ve found out what’s in the bag. I mean your daughters helped rescue the bitch,” Carl answered and the table agreed.
“Carl, I was going to before the girls stood up but then I realized the stupid bitch didn’t warrant that level of hate. She was just stupid and I have way too much to give out,” Bruce said turning to the back of the hall. “I’ll be back in one hour. I expect to be able to start. The judges should be ready and explaining their sins on the air. They need to tell the world it’s useless to fight us,” Bruce told them as he headed for the door. Then stopping Bruce looked back at the table. “Vestri Permaneo Visum Pro Nex,” he told them.
“What’s that, voodoo?” Ted asked.
“No Omega’s creed, it’s to let enemy know what’s coming,” Bruce said leaving.
Everyone at the table looked at Jake. “Alright Jake, what the hell did he say?” Ted asked.
“Shit, how would I know? It sounded Latin,” Jake told them.
“You’re the smartest one here, followed by Matt,” Conner informed him.
“Guys I’ve never studied Latin. I have some programs at home that could tell me,” Jake offered.
“Great I have a new creed and I don’t know what it means or how to say it,” Ted announced.
“It’s Latin,” Stephanie told them over the radio. “It’s pronounced ‘Vestri Permaneo Visum Pro Nex’. Translated it means ‘your last vision before death’,” she let them know.
“That’s some cold shit!” Carl said standing up. “Omega is the last thing you see before you die, when we shank your ass!” he yelled out.
Ted looked around grinning, “I love a creed that gets to the point. When you see us coming you’re going to die,” he said.
“Stephanie, spell that shit out,” Jake requested, pulling out a pen and paper. When Stephanie started spelling everyone was writing.
Mike called the meeting to an end and turned off the radio. “Nancy, Bruce gave that woman every chance,” Mike told her.
“Mike, she just lost her child,” Nancy told him.
“We’ve all lost someone baby, that’s no excuse. She threatened Bruce,” Mike told her.
“Yeah like she could do something,” Nancy exclaimed.
“Well the bitch deserved it,” Stephanie said. “Omega risked their lives saving them. I think every person that is rescued should at least be thankful,” Stephanie told her.
“I’m not saying she was right but just a little sympathy could go a long ways,” Nancy told her.
“Yeah to the grave,” Angela piped in. Nancy looked at Angela, “What, you know if you show sympathy now you die. I really want Bruce and the kids home. That bitch could’ve picked up a gun and just shot him,” Angela told her.
Nancy thought about what Angela said. “Oh my God, what did I say?” Nancy gasped.
“Well her DNA is out of the gene pool so one less idiot to worry about,” Stephanie said.
One hour later Bruce showed up at the mess hall and all the prisoners had the brand. Three judges were strapped in chairs. A hoist was attached to the roof and a rail road tie was on the floor. A fan was set up running off a generator setting outside. Carl had the microphone asking the judges questions and then would allow Gopher to ask them some.
“Oh here is the boss, people. To those laying on the floor know as you scream in here we are cheering outside. Remember this was made possible by Omega. Killing evil fuckers one at a time or in large groups, it doesn’t matter to us, when you see Omega death is near for you. Vestri Permaneo Visum Pro Nex, Mr. Gopher man tell the lovely people of America what that means at the end of the broadcast,” Carl said, then pressed the lock on the mic.
Looking around at the gang members, a part of Bruce didn’t want to start. Unlike any other time he knew this was different. The other part wanted to taste the fear and make them feel pain. Bruce walked over to Mr. Lighting and looked down at him.
Lighting looked up at Bruce and spit at him but his mouth was dry so all he could do was blow raspberries. “I will not scream and you’ll not break me. I’m a stronger man than you,” Lighting told Bruce.
The part that didn’t want to start vanished as Bruce smiled. “Oh, I like a challenge but I guarantee you’ll scream in fifteen minutes when I start. Remember we’re live and I’m sure some of your jailhouse friends are listening. The one thought I want you to hold in your head is, I’m only doing this as punishment for your crimes. I’m not going to lie, I’ll get a lot of pleasure watching each of you cry and beg for death but I won’t let you have it until I’m ready for you to have it,” Bruce said attaching the cable from the hoist to Lighting’s wrist behind his back.
Bruce pushed the button reeling him across the floor, “Don’t forget, you’re brave,” Bruce reminded him as the hoist stated lifting Lighting up off the floor. When he was off the floor, Lighting kept his arms tight as he held himself up with the hoist lifting him off the floor holding him by the wrist. Lighting was looking straight at the floor.
He started sweating profusely and gritting his teeth blowing through the pain. Slowly his arms started giving out and his wrist slowly lifted off his back. Then all of a sudden his arms gave out popping both his shoulders out of sockets as his wrist were now over his head. Lighting bit down on his lip as tears rolled down his face.
“Oh man, we haven’t even started and you’re crying. I had a woman on this thing just three weeks ago and she held herself up for an hour. Lighting, you’re just a loser and that’s how you’ll be remembered by all. Bitch boy was a total loser nobody loved or cared for him. More cheered in his death than in his life and the sad thing, those that cheer your death will forget you by next week. I’m sorry to say, so will I, you’re that insignificant on this planet, that even the man who is going to torture you until you die will not even remember what you looked like in a week. Me, I will be remembered forever. You rape and kill, so I torture you and those like you. Vestri Permaneo Visum Pro Nex,” Bruce told Lighting and turned to the table. When he turned back Lighting was crying out loud.
“Well let’s get this party started,” Bruce said grabbing the nail gun and nailing Lighting to the cross tie. He started screaming with the first nail.
Bruce never stopped moving from one to the next. Buffy and Danny brought him food and fed him because he was covered in blood in his boxers. At least now he had better sandals since the Angela and Stephanie put him some in his pack. Going all day, then all night Bruce finally stopped the next morning at 1000.
Looking around the hall the entire floor was covered in blood. Bruce walked over to the radio and picked it up. “And so here endth the next lesson for those that pain is owed for their transgressions against their fellow man. Omega is here to stay and is moving across the land Vestri Permaneo Visum Pro Nex. It means your last vision before death. When you get brought to me for punishment think ‘Ego Addo Vereor Poena Quod Nex Hic Vobis’. I’ll let those that I punish tell you what it means. This is Bruce, Omega Team commander signing off until next time, and I promise it won’t be long,” Bruce said releasing the lock on the mic.
“Bruce, it’s Gopher you need to take a break,” he told him.
“Gopher, you’ve only known me a month and now you are telling me to take a vacation,” Bruce said dropping the mick putting his tools in his bag.
“Bruce, at lea
st get someone else to deliver justice for the next few times. You’re starting to relate to it too much. I could hear you breathing heavy as they screamed,” Gopher said.
Bruce reached back, keying the mic, “What can I say, I enjoy my job.”
“I don’t think you do, yet, but it won’t be long until you do,” Gopher admitted with a sorrowful tone.
Bruce stopped and looked at the radio. A man he had never met face to face could read him by his voice. Grabbing the mic Bruce said, “Gopher, I really appreciate your concern but there’s too much to do and too many that need killing both blue and human.”
“Bruce, you wouldn’t believe how many people know about you and Omega. I have people calling me on the east coast asking if you can come and get them. I never thought we would ever have heroes again in this new world but we do. I was ready to just sit here and talk away on the air as the human species went extinct but even I found hope,” Gopher told him.
Bruce laughed keying the mic, “No Gopher, we aren’t heroes. We’re just doing what has to be done to live. You keep broadcasting, giving survivors hope and spreading fear to the gangs. Don’t leave your cabin in the swamp for anything, and you really need to clean your solar panels,” Bruce told him.
There was a long pause before Gopher spoke. “That’s impossible, I am bouncing off the ion-,” Gopher started to say as Bruce cut him off.
“No Gopher, don’t ever tell a seventeen, fixing to be eighteen, year old computer hacker genius that he can’t do something. I’ve learned that the hard way several times,” Bruce informed him.
“When did y’all find me?” Gopher asked.
“Last week, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t a gang,” Bruce told him.
“Fair enough but please watch out for yourself,” Gopher asked.
“Will do and you to, if you need something call me. We are always monitoring this frequency and the frequency you broadcast on delivering hope. I have to say you’re one good talk show host,” Bruce complimented him.
“I would like to meet you Bruce, one day,” Gopher told him.
“When I take that vacation you want me on, maybe I’ll stop by,” Bruce said dropping the mic on the table.
“I’ll make some tea for the occasion, this is Gopher signing off,” Gopher said.
Bruce looked at the Omega trooper on judge watch. “Call the crew to get the shit. The four I didn’t make it to put in the cages with the others,” Bruce told the guard and grabbed his bag and left.
Walking over to the RV, Cook was waiting outside wearing plastic gloves and an apron. When Bruce came over Cook took the bag and went over to a table to start cleaning the tools and bag. Walking into the RV, Bruce headed straight for the shower. Washing his body twice to get the blood off, Bruce shaved his head and climbed out.
After drying off Bruce walked into the kitchen area to find his clothes folded neatly on the table and his boots on the floor. When he started getting dressed he realized they were washed then looking down at his boots he noticed they were shined. Grabbing his vest he noticed it was cleaned also along with his weapons. When he had everything back on Bruce walked outside.
Cook was at the table cleaning the tools and Bruce walked over to him. “Cook, you didn’t have to clean my clothes, boots, and weapons,” Bruce told him.
“I only did you clothes and boots, your troops had a wrestling match to see who would get to clean your weapons. Then it was only those that Danny knew had trained on those weapons,” Cook told him looking up from his task.
“I have a good team,” Bruce admitted.
“Yes sir, you do,” Cook answered back.
“Thank you Cook,” Bruce said patting Cook on the back.
“Think nothing of it Bruce,” Cook said.
Reaching into his vest Bruce pulled out one of his SWAT switchblades. “Cook, I want you to have this,” Bruce told him holding out the knife. “In the teams, when you give a man an edged weapon it’s like giving him your sword. It means we’re teammates and buddies,” Bruce told him holding out the knife.
“Sir, you don’t want me as a friend or a buddy,” Cook told him stopping his washing.
“I wouldn’t have offered it otherwise. I don’t know what you were like beforehand but I can see honor and pride in your eyes now. You take pride in taking care of the needs of this band of misfits,” Bruce told him.
Taking off his gloves Cook took the knife and smiled at Bruce. “Thank you sir, know that I’ll always stand beside you Bruce,” Cook pledged.
“Same here,” Bruce said walking away. Walking toward his RG Bruce keyed his radio, “Squad leaders this is boss, my rig in five minutes. That means my kids also,” he called over the radio.
By the time Bruce was at his rig he was soaked with sweat. Looking inside he saw Buffy lying on the bench in her little t-shirt with her gear on the floor. Smiling at her, Bruce sat down on the back steps. Bruce looked up at the oak trees covering the RG in shade. The shade didn’t really help much but at least they sun had to work to rape you.
Hearing movement behind him Bruce turned around and saw Buffy sitting up. “Taken a nap?” Bruce asked.
“Are you kidding? I think I’m in an oven. I just laid down because bubba said I got too hot. He told me if I didn’t he would duct tape me into a mummy,” Buffy told Bruce.
Bruce laughed, “He did that to Danny,” Bruce informed her.
“That’s why I’m laying down,” Buffy disclosed making Bruce laugh. “When did you finish?” Buffy asked.
“About an hour ago,” Bruce answered.
Buffy climbed out and sat between Bruce’s legs. “Daddy, when are you goin’ to cry for mama?” Buffy asked.
Bruce jerked back at the question looking down at Buffy. “What makes you think I haven’t?” he asked.
“I know you haven’t,” was all Buffy said.
Letting out a sigh Bruce looked up, “I don’t know Buffy. I want to but I can’t and that makes me furious,” Bruce informed her.
“I’ll sit in your lap when you’re ready,” Buffy offered.
“Thank you Buffy,” Bruce told her hugging her.
Buffy looked up at him when he released his hug. “Daddy, do you ever have weird dreams?” Buffy questioned.
“BB, I can give you whole descriptions on weird dreams,” Bruce told her as the squad leaders along with his crew came over.
Jake looked at Buffy, “Did you lie down?” he inquired.
“Yes bubba so don’t get the tape. Daddy showed up and I wanted to talk to him,” Buffy shot back.
“Buffy, you almost passed out,” Jake told her.
“Listen to him Buffy,” Bruce told her then looked at the group. “How many teams do we have out now?” Bruce asked.
“None they just got back. I was going to send out two more teams after lunch,” Carl told Bruce.
“Well let’s scratch that. It’s time to roll out and get busy killing. We’ll roll through the larger cities like Longview and Marshall on rolling kills. Then we will sit up put out our toys as bait and slaughter those that show up,” Bruce told them.
“What about the gang down by Jasper? They’ve gotten real big these last few weeks?” Ted asked.
“We’ll save them for next time,” Bruce said.
“What about the gang in Rusk,” Carl asked.
“We’ll probably hit them this time. Our estimates only put them at a hundred but I want to clear out this side of the interstate,” Bruce explained.
“Okay boss, we’re ready to deal some death,” Ted said jumping up.
“What did the hostages decide?” Bruce asked.
“They’re coming and don’t worry I told them anyone that acts like that stupid bitch would get thrown out on their ass. Turns out she wasn’t liked by the hostages. She would tattle on anyone to get better treatment, that’s why she was with the kids,” Jake said.
“Well let’s load up there’s killing to be done,” Bruce said feeling excited.
Omega loaded up t
hen set fire to the compound as the convoy rolled out. None knew that the next weeks would be one of the bloodiest battles that Omega would face. Never again in history, would so few, face so many and carry the day but victory would demand a price.
Chapter 24
Several weeks later, Mike was sitting in mission control command center with the rest of the command group. The last few weeks had been a running war for Omega. The blues on the north side of the interstate started getting thick on the first day after they left the first compound. From there the problems only got worse.
Bruce would set traps out just to catch a female blue. Then he would teach her about pain and finally torture her until she made the distress roar. East Texas, unlike southern Arkansas, was very populated. The farm had to resupply ammo to Omega every other day the entire three weeks with the exception of the horde that came out of Houston on day seven. They had to resupply them three times in one day. That horde was over four million strong and Bruce just kept the convoy at forty and led the horde from southern Texas to south Louisiana. With cages pulled behind the RGs with prisoners acting as bait it took thirty hours for Omega to wipe out that one horde.
Once the horde was down new rifles had to be flown out to the team and all their old rifles brought back for barrel replacement. Bruce refused to return to base and led Omega back into Texas. They took out the gang in Rusk and broadcast the lecture on the air. Then the next time Bruce caught a female blue he broadcast that torture. Gopher told them later, the broadcast was what most people were requesting to be played.
Omega found two more gangs in Texas that they had never spotted. One they literally ran into on the highway. Bruce had pulled the team over to catch a nap at a rest stop when a gang drove by in everything from trucks to motorcycles. As the gang passed Omega they started shooting hitting two Omega team members and an Omega support personnel before Omega even reacted. The only reason Omega had any warning was they had just launched a micro UAV when they stopped. All the UAVs from the farm that were supposed to be on station were returning and their replacements were in route.
Why the gang opened up will always be a mystery. They had no military vehicles but did have two armored cars that they used to carry fuel. The LAVs hit them and Bruce told Mike later that he thought someone had popped a nuke when they blew. The gang was over three hundred strong but just how many would never be known. Bruce ordered everyone shot and wounded to be burned alive. Those that tried to run overland were hunted down with UAVs and Max. One of the gang members they tracked down, Bruce asked real nice and the man told them everything but numbers.
Blue Plague: Rage Page 31