Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 6

by Rebecca Clark

  "Why didn't you tell me who you were before?"

  You weren't ready.

  Ugh, of course he would think that. But how would he even know if I was or wasn't ready? He doesn't know me.

  I know more than you think.

  "Oh, sorry, I forgot you can hear me. Can you hear me all the time?" I question.

  No, I'm summoned by you when you need help. It's an automatic response. Since the stone has been removed from the near vicinity, our connection has strengthened. Before, my spirit sensed you but our connection was blocked.

  "Okay. So can you help me now?"

  Not really. You're not in danger at the moment, you're sleeping. You're also experiencing a panic attack. You seem to have difficulty deciphering when you are dreaming and when you're not. When you fell asleep on the boulder—probably not the best idea—you fell in to the waterfall. But no need to worry; you were rescued. You may have bumped your head since you're still unconscious, but you'll be fine.

  "Oh, great! Why couldn't I wake up when I wanted to?"

  Because your abilities need time to play and practice. If you don't do that when you're conscious, then the powers will take over when you're tired. Don't worry, your friend saved you.

  "Of course Jax would save me." My stomach instantly drops and I feel my face blush. The thought of him saving me never gets old.

  It wasn't Jax. It was your friend, Sheri.

  "She's not my friend."

  You'll see that she is…eventually. Don't let too much time pass. You'll never be able to get that back.

  "She lied to me. Everyone lied to me. But she wasn't supposed to." Tears sting the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill.

  She did that to protect you. You'll see.

  "Alexa, wake up!" Jax hollers.

  "She'll be okay," I hear Kalus assure Jax. Oh great, Kalus is back. He left a few days ago in order to find a being that would have some answers about my potential powers.

  My eyes flutter and I see both Jax and Kalus standing above me. Both breathe a bit easier when they see me coming out of my unconscious state. Jax exhales and the tension in his body releases. "I was so worried about you."

  "Of course you were. You're always worried about me. I seem to always be in a situation."

  Kalus laughs and says, "I think that's something we'll have to get used to—if that's even possible."

  "When did you get back?" I direct this to Kalus.

  "Earlier today, I was looking for you when I was told you fell. Thankfully, Sheri was there. It sounds like if she wasn't, things could be a lot different right now."

  "Yeah, remind me to thank her." I can't help that my reply is riddled with sarcasm. But really, what do they expect?

  Jax pulls me up and into him. "Please don't leave without telling me where you're going."

  "I'm not a child and I don't need a babysitter," I quickly respond with more attitude than necessary. I'm sick of being treated like a helpless cause.

  A deep breath escapes his lips. "I never said you were. I would like to keep you safe, if that is at all possible."

  My annoyance is clearly evident. I allow a few minutes to adjust myself and practice my breathing before I address Kalus and his possible findings.

  "Did you have any luck tracking down whomever it was you were looking for, Kalus?"

  "Yes." Kalus nods in my direction.

  "That's it? Just 'yes?'"

  "Yes. I'll let him explain more when you're ready to speak with him. He's our only hope in bringing you and Miri back. He has abilities that will strengthen yours. He's going to aide you and keep you safe."

  "He's here now, in Aurora?" I gasp, unable to hold in my shock. "Why didn't anyone tell me? We are wasting time. I need to see him."

  "Yes, he is here. With a lot of pleading, he has surfaced. His identity is something he tries to keep a mystery. He hasn't been seen in many, many years, and we need to keep it that way. You will see him soon." An odd look of panic settles across his face as his brows furrow.

  "I could have gone to him," I say, hopeful that he's not in danger.

  "No, you couldn't have. You cannot leave Aurora without being spotted, or even worse, abducted. We need to get Miri back, and losing you would rip that opportunity from us." When he said Miri's name, his whole demeanor shrank. It's possible his overall glumness has a direct correlation to Miri's absence.

  "Fine, let's see what this mysterious being has to say and finalize our plans to get her back. While you've been gone, I've had my own meeting. Needless to say my powers are becoming stronger and I think I'm ready." I purposefully look at both Kalus and Jax as I speak. I need them to see how serious I am. I know they both care about me and my safety, but it's time to go get her.

  "Great. Follow me. I'll take you to him." Klaus spins around and leads the way.

  Jax waves me ahead so he can trail behind.

  Not only do I hate meeting new beings that know more about me than I do, but I hate owing someone a thank-you when they've betrayed me. After this meeting, I need to find Sheri. The weight of the galaxy is bearing down on me, and I have no idea how I can possibly make everything work out.

  I try and push the idea of failing out of my mind. Focus. I scold myself and keep walking. There's no room for me to entertain these ideas. Pull yourself together, Alexa. Push forward. Memories of Elena dance in my head. She may have given her life for me to save others.

  But now Miri needs me. "I can do this."

  "What did you say, Alexa?" Jax runs up beside me. Oops, he wasn't supposed to hear that.

  "Nothing." I throw him a half smile and continue to focus on Kalus. The winding path we're on leads us back toward the center of Aurora. My neck stiffens and tension courses through me. I nervously anticipate the newest being of the day. I've encountered my fair share of oddities today. How can anything top the little green men?

  "Alexa, how did your meeting go with Ayu?" Kalus asked.

  "Fine. Who told you about that?"

  "Ayu told me upon my arrival back in Aurora."

  "Oh, I didn't realize you knew who Ayu was. Why didn't you mention the little green men before?" I question.

  "It wasn't my place. I knew they'd reach out once they were ready."

  How can he be so calm about this? Ayu harbors the potential to show me all I need to know about my powers and Kalus doesn't mention him. Doesn't he want Miri back?

  Kalus pivots and turns toward me. "Soon you will see that there are many layers to this situation. Sometimes you must be patient in order for things to fall in the right place."

  "Oh, is this some sort of fatherly advice?" I quickly spit back.

  "No, this is the truth. Do what you will with it." Kalus, appearing unfazed by my verbal attack, spins back around and continues to walk. Perhaps he doesn't care what I think, or for that matter, how I feel. Jax falls in step behind me. I'm too embarrassed to look back but I feel his eyes on me.

  As we stroll by Kasper's door I notice no one is out and about in Aurora. This surprises me because it's early and well lit. Goosebumps line my arms as a cold feeling embraces me. I look back at Jax. He seems not to notice, but if he does, he's doing a good job of hiding it. I shake my arms to warm them but it doesn't help.

  "Are you all right?" Jax asks from behind.

  "Yeah, I'm good."

  The tingling sensation devours my whole body. If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was in the Arctic. "Kalus." His name leaves my lips as a whisper.

  He doesn't turn around. "Yes, Alexa?"

  "Why is it so cold here?"

  Abruptly he stops. "Because we're here."

  There's really nothing here. We're through the center of Aurora nearing the forest on the opposite side of the city. My arms stiffen as I bring them closer to my body for warmth. I close my eyes and imagine a roaring fire and hot cocoa. A comforting memory of Elena baking and preparing us cocoa comes to mind. I immediately feel myself warm at the mere thought of my old life.

  "Alexa." The un
known voice rips me from my past and places me in the here and now. Unfortunately, when I gaze at the being before me, the warmth that was returning quickly flees.

  Black piercing eyes meet my scrutinizing gaze. "Alexa, I'm Ry. I can help you get Miri back."

  I'm speechless. That doesn't usually happen to me, yet I can't help but stare. Black eyes, blonde hair, and translucent, shimmery skin. He's as tall as Jax, if not taller, with a muscular build. Most would be afraid of the intensity he gives off, but instead, I'm intrigued.

  "Thank you for coming, Ry." Jax comes from behind with the save. I must look like I'm in shock but no one says a thing. "I know this couldn't have been an easy decision for you, considering what the queen has done to you and your family."

  "Um, what are you talking about? What did she do to you?" The words came out more harshly than I wanted, but I think I am overcompensating for being somewhat in awe of this being.

  What's even more surprising is his reaction to my question. Stoically, he responds, "She ordered everyone on my planet to be killed, and she almost succeeded."

  His words sting, not because the being, also known as the queen who birthed me, is capable of total destruction but because of the way he answered. Like he has a secret.

  "How did you survive?"

  "Who said I survived?" He stares, waiting for me to question him. Instead, I decide to change the subject; he's kind of freaking me out now.

  "How do you plan to help get my sister back?" Even though I'm chilled to the bone, I can feel sweat trickle down the side of my face. Something about Ry makes me very nervous.

  Kalus steps forward. "Ry has been on a long journey. We will talk about strategy later. Rest would probably be best."

  "No, I can answer the princess now." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

  I swallow hard, trying not to appear unnerved.

  With his arms raised and eyes closed, a loud thunder roars in the distance.

  I look at Kalus and he appears frozen in place with his mouth open. I quickly turn to look at Jax and he too is frozen in place.

  "What are you doing to them?" I demand. I run over to Jax and try to engage him but even his arms are stiff. There is no way to move him.

  "I'm not doing anything to them, I'm simply freezing time." The corners of his mouth move upward, revealing a sly grin. "This is how I plan to help. You're not the only one with powers."

  Once again, I'm dumbstruck. Maybe he can help get Miri back. A sense of relief strikes me.

  The conjured wind whips through my hair, taking my breath away.

  Ry lowers his gaze and the wind comes to an abrupt halt. Jax and Kalus begin to stir. Still amazed, I throw a glance back toward Ry and watch as his body slinks to the ground.

  Kalus springs into action and rushes to help Ry into an upright position.

  "What happened to you?" I ask Ry as Kalus tries to help him up.

  "It's nothing, princess. Don't you worry about me," he murmurs.

  "Ry, why don't you explain to Alexa how you can help retrieve Miri?" Kalus proposes.

  "Sure, let's talk," Ry agrees as he stands up straight while stretching his arms over his head.

  "Why don't you two go for a walk in the forest?" Kalus says. "I don't want Ry to be seen by anyone yet. His presence may cause an unnecessary panic."

  What is he talking about? I'm not sure why Kalus thinks this being would cause panic.

  "I can go with you, if you'd like." Jax stares at me.

  "I'll be fine. Go with Kalus and round up the voluntary troops. We need to know what our army looks like. I'll meet you back at Kasper's place in a bit." I assure him with an additional nod and pursed lips. I attempt to hide my uncertainty.

  "Okay, I'll see you in a bit then." Jax grabs my hand and reassuringly squeezes it. I watch as both Jax and Kalus head back to the center of Aurora.

  "Shall we?" Ry interrupts my train of thought.

  "Sure, if you're okay to walk?"

  "I'm fine. Why don't we head this way?" Ry points toward the thick tree line. He doesn't wait for a response. He starts walking instead.

  "This should be fun," I whisper under my breath.

  "It certainly will be interesting," Ry responds loudly enough for me to hear.

  We stalk into the woods. With each step away from Aurora, the trees thicken. Each step deeper into the dense forest leaves us less and less light. Minutes pass without a word from either one of us.

  Ry spins around to face me. "This should be good."

  "Why do we need to be hidden, anyway?" I ask.

  "Your father thinks that the good beings of Aurora will be very upset when they realize I'm here. Everyone thinks I'm dead. If it gets out that I'm alive then the people of Aurora will fear the Queen's attack." Ry smirks and then drops his attention to the ground.

  "Why? What's so upsetting about you?"

  Ry's gaze meets mine. The black swirling orbs stare back at me. I want to look away but I can't. He's captivating. His skin subtly glows in the dark and his eyes, ever so dark, whirl with specks of gold, resembling a vast darkness. They remind me of the snow globe Elena gave me one Christmas.

  "I don't think you really want me to answer that, Alexa."

  Why does everyone assume I can't handle the truth? "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know." I don't mean for my response to come off so snotty, but the level of frustration is getting to a point where I cannot be responsible for what I say.

  "Oh, is that so?" He stifles his laugh with his hand. "I suppose it's a long story, but I can give you the abridged version." All traces of sarcasm and playfulness are now impossible to detect. Perhaps this means I'll get a straight answer for once. "What do you know about the galaxy? Has anyone taught you the history and hierarchy of the planets?"

  I roll my eyes, an automatic response to his condescending tone. "Ayu told me about the different planets making up the Magna Galaxy. Is that what you mean?"

  "I'm from Tribus. I was born with powers that allow me to do crazy, dangerous things. These powers are not unusual for Tribans. However, a number of years ago your mother recruited Tribans to work against its own beings. This resulted in many deaths, the deaths of many who possessed the powers to control the planet's forces." His voice cracks, allowing me to see his vulnerability for only a moment.

  "I'm sorry." My genuine reaction is lost on Ry. He balls up his fists with rage.

  "Don't pity me. Please. I came to Aurora to find beings to help me attack her. She needs to be stopped. I'm the one to do it."

  "Okay, so what's the plan?" I ask, slightly afraid to hear his response.

  "That's what we need your father and boyfriend for," he snaps back.

  "He's not my boyfriend, and I wouldn't call Kalus a father." My reaction surprises us both. Is Jax my boyfriend? No, he's not. I can't be responsible for a relationship with him now. Miri is my first responsibility, and saving the galaxy falls in as a close second.

  "Show me what you can do," Ry calmly requests.

  "Um, okay." My voice is barely audible at this point. I feel my neck warm as it the heat travels upward. I imagine my face is red.

  Ry pivots and takes a few steps away from me. I watch as he finds the perfect rock to sit on. Great, this should be interesting. "Is this far enough away? I really don't want to be set on fire today." I think his comment is meant to be funny, but it's lost in his surly delivery.

  Ignoring his comments, I take a few of my own steps away from him. Needless to say, I don't want to set him on fire, either.

  You aren't going to set him on fire. Relax.

  Great, two active audience members. I think it, but I know he can still hear me.

  This is good practice. Breathe and concentrate.

  Easier said than done. Maybe if you get out of my head, I'll be able to focus.

  No reply. Maybe that worked.

  Nope, still here. Just giving you alone time.

  I imagine I'm by myself. Alone. I let the surrounding sounds take over
. The swishing of water from a nearby stream steadies my breathing. I peer at my surroundings, still focusing on what I hear.

  How should I demonstrate my powers? I reveal a small smile and concentrate on the tree in front of me. I conjure thoughts of fire and project it onto the tree. He doesn't want me to catch him on fire, but perhaps a close call will shut him up.

  I watch as the bottom of the tree starts to smoke. Soon, the flames materialize at the trunk and move upward. I can feel the heat from where I stand. I bite my lip to hide my smirk.

  "That's it?" Ry asks, unfazed by my performance.

  "Nope. I'm just warming up," I say. His condescending tone only drives me to try harder.

  Closing my eyes I imagine Ry dangling above the tree. Ry lets out a scream before I can open my eyes to confirm my new trick. Ry is thrashing upside down above the tree. Mission accomplished.

  "Put me down!"

  Before I fulfill his request, I decide to put out the blaze with the water I hear nearby. I picture a steady stream engulfing Ry and the tree. I blink, only to reveal my work is done. Water is pouring down onto both Ry and the tree.

  Once the tree is doused with water and there are no signs of fire, I concentrate on lowering Ry to the ground. Ry flails his arms and I giggle.

  I release Ry a few inches above the ground and watch as he falls. Swiftly, he tucks himself into a ball and rolls forward, springing to his feet.

  I let out a cynical laugh. He's soaked and he appears to be quite irritated.

  "You think this is funny?" His tone is steady but demanding.

  "Yes, I do." I bite my lip in an effort to stifle the laughter.

  A thunderous boom shakes the ground and warm wind begins to churn around my legs. I know I've asked for it. He's going to retaliate. I plant my feet firmly on the ground and conjure the dirt beneath the soles to hold me down. The winds whip at my face. Strands of hair stab at my eyes. I hold back my hair in an effort to protect my vision.

  I crouch down trying to minimize the thrashing wind attack.

  I throw up my hands, envisioning a protective barrier around me. The howling stops. I squint and confirm that my summoning of a barrier worked. I'm still squatting, but at least I'm wind free. I glance into Ry's black, ominous eyes. A smirk spreads across his face. Did he do this on purpose?


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