Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2) Page 9

by Rebecca Clark

  "Ayu, what's that over there?" I point toward the orange and red swirls that cyclone around a black, spherical mass.

  "Oh, that's very dangerous, Princess. That's a black hole." His face puckers as he stalls on the last word. "The pull is very strong and deadly. Anything that goes into the hole will be lost forever."

  "Forever?" My mind drifts to the finality of his statement.

  We both watch as the black hole exits our front window view as we sail by.

  Ayu confirms, "Yes, forever. The black hole has been growing. It collects floating debris such as dead stars, meteors, and energy. The best thing to do is steer clear of it. It's also rumored that a darkness dwells in the hole. If this darkness is released, it can possess a being and take over its existence. Rumor is that a darkness looking for powerful beings has already seeped out of the hole."

  "Ayu, are you trying to scare the princess?" Ry sits up and comments with a sarcastic tone.

  I swear I see Ayu's face darken. "No, but it's true."

  "Yes, it is. Sadly, this is the trajectory Mapu is on."

  "Why do you say that?" I wonder out loud.

  Ry sighs and contemplates his answer rather than spouting off. "You see, after a planet uses its resources and the life starts to die, the planet itself dies. Right now it ellipses our sun with a mediocre, gravitational pull. Once the planet meets its doom, it will spin off trajectory and become dark matter. The black hole has a pull on dark matter. The negativity spouting from your mother only helps direct the planet to the black hole."

  "Is that what happened to Plito?" I ask, horrified by the idea.

  Both Ayu and Ry sadly reply in unison, "Yes."

  "Do the beings of Mapu know this is going to happen?" I bite my lip waiting for a response.

  "I can't imagine they know exactly what will happen. Most beings on Mapu follow the Queen's lead because they think she will save the planet, thus saving the population." Ry adds, "No one really knows unless she shared the information with them. Which in my mind is highly doubtful."

  "We must stop that from happening to Mapu. We need to do something." I drum my fingers on the glass overlooking the black mass.

  "It's hard when the ruler only wants death and destruction." Angry lines appear on Ry's pale face.

  "Are you saying it's too late?" I whisper.

  "No, but a lot would have to happen between now and the final days of Mapu."

  Ayu nods, agreeing with Ry.

  "That can't be anytime soon. I was there and it didn't seem in trouble, or for that matter, dying," I add.

  "Where did you go, Princess? Were you on the island, or did you visit the mainland? Did you see the dried-up seas? The cracked soil? The dead plant life?" Ry spits out. "Perhaps you saw that the three suns are getting closer, creating an unhealthy amount of heat on the planet."

  "No, I was at the castle." I quickly defend myself. "I didn't have the opportunity to take a tour. I was held there. You know, against my will?"

  "Exactly," Ry replies with a sour expression.

  "Whatever. Ry, you don't have to help me, but I'm going to save Mapu." I stalk off into the corner and wait until I feel less impulsive. I wouldn't want to set anything ablaze. But why does he have to be so impossible?

  Ayu buzzes over. "Princess, I believe if anyone can do it, it will be you. You can save these beings, I know it."

  "Thanks, Ayu. I hope you're right." Bile crawls up the back of my throat. How can he really think I can save a planet? I will give it all I have; I hope it's enough.

  Chapter Eleven

  The rest of the flight to Mapu was mostly quiet and serene. Well, until we argued about where to land. I believed docking on the island under the cloak of invisibility would be our best option. Ry disagreed. He claimed it would be too obvious. Clearly, Ry doesn't think I'm able to keep us hidden for that long. Why else would he contest my great idea?

  I don't put up a fight because maybe I'm not as powerful as everyone believes. It's not like I have a lot of practice and at this point I have even less faith in my abilities.

  "Don't be upset, Alexa, I know what I'm doing," Ry affirmed.

  "Fine, we land on the mainland." I accept with a plastered grin on my face.

  "You will still need to keep the invisibility cloak on us because she has eyes everywhere." Ry's agitation is notable. I respond as positively as I can to ease the tension.

  "I know, Ry. I'm ready."

  Ayu interjects before Ry can comment. "Might I add, Alexa, that I know you're more than capable of keeping us invisible. I can see your powerful aura, even here on Mapu and it's strong." Ayu winks which briefly reassures me of both my ability and his faith in me.

  Genuinely I smile, feeling a tad bit more confident. "Okay if you two are done now, we can land. Alexa, move to the screen on the right and keep an eye on the blue dial. Make sure it remains level while I set us down."

  I take a few steps to the right so the dial is staring me directly in the face. I keep my eyes focused and my mind strong holding the invisibility cloak over our space ship. "The blue dial, it's moving, Ry, level us out." I quickly react to the dial's shift.

  "Thanks, I got it," Ry replies coolly.

  I hold on to the wall and steady myself as the ship makes contact with the ground. I look out the window and ahead of me I see the island. Standing tall before me on the very same island is the castle that holds my captive sister, maniacal mother, and Michael's family. The only thing separating us is this body of water. The sun is dim which means night is approaching. That will be the best time to infiltrate the island and storm the castle.

  "What's the next step?" I ask wondering why we haven't talked about this yet.

  "One thing at a time," Ry says.

  My face tightens with worry. "Why is it such a secret, Ry?"

  "Honestly, there's no secret. There's not much to the plan. We will wait here until it's dark. Then we will swim to the island and enter the castle," Ry says nonchalantly.

  "Swim? I'm not a great swimmer. There's no boat?" I say. My chest constricts preventing the air from entering my lungs.

  "No. Are you afraid of getting wet?" Ry asks while hunched over with a look of distress. "I'm joking. You have abilities, Alexa, you can fly, swim, crawl whatever you'd like." He shakes his head and chuckles. After a few minutes of talking to himself he raises his chin and our eyes meet.

  "Okay, that's enough, Ry. I'm sorry that this having powers thing is new to me. However, I'm happy you find me so amusing." I roll my eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh.

  "You're so sensitive." Ry sits up straight. "Relax."

  "I think it's odd that we didn't come up with a plan as a group," I say. "When I ask about it you think it's funny."

  I don't expect him to reply. His blank expression speaks volumes. I have my own plan. At any expense I rescue Miri, even if that means going against what Ry wants or expects from me. Miri and rescuing the galaxy are my only two priorities. Ry doesn't have to know my plan.

  "Don't feel bad, Princess. This Triban is having fun with you at your expense, obviously. I don't find him funny." Ayu crosses his arms and buzzes by landing on the seat. I watch as he peers out of the window. He swerves his attention in the opposite direction of the castle.

  "What is it, Ayu? Do you see something?" I ask.

  "I'm not sure. I thought I saw something move over there." His green pointer finger extends toward the tree line. We both stare out but I don't see anything. The tropical island trees sway in the breeze and I can almost taste the salty air.

  "We're still cloaked, right?" I ask, almost afraid of what Ry's reaction might be.

  "Yes, Princess, that much I can tell." He buzzes by and looks out the side window. "No one saw us, but I know I saw something," Ayu whispers.

  Ry comes over to where I'm standing and gazes out the back window. "If someone or something is there I hope it leaves before we disembark and journey over to the island. We don't want to cause a scene before we reach the castle."
br />   I flop down on the seat behind me and throw up my arms.

  "Besides our mode of transportation to the island, what're we going to do when we get there? Have you thought of a plan for that yet?" I can't help the unfriendly tone but he deserves it.

  "Yes." Ry swings his gaze to me. His black orbs pierce a hole right through me. Uncomfortably, I shrink back into my seat.

  "What is it?" My right hand trembles revealing my unease. I lift my leg and sit on my hand, which temporarily steadies it. I don't need to get all worked up and light up the interior of the spacecraft. If he was laughing at me before I can't imagine what would happen if I did that.

  "Once we make it to the island we'll split up." Ry sighs and looks at Ayu. "You will go with the princess, Ayu."

  "Of course." Ayu nods his head. "I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else."

  "Great, it's decided." Ry lets out an exasperated sigh. A look of worry momentarily flashes across his face.

  Could he be worried about my safety? Nah, that's not possible. That would mean that he cares about me. But if he is worried does that mean he doesn't think I will succeed?

  "We'll wait until it gets a bit darker and then we're off to the castle." Ry smirks revealing his less than charming side.

  I hope this isn't a mistake. How is Ry going to pull off killing my mother without my help? I wish Jax were here to assure me that everything will be okay. Even Kalus' presence would make me more comfortable.

  "Great, I can't wait." I try to sound genuine but I'm sure my voice gives me away as indecisive at best.

  "Can you detect any beings near us, Alexa?" Ayu calmly asks trying to divert my attention.

  "I don't know. How would I do that again?"

  "You need to push your senses outside of the spacecraft. Imagine seeing, feeling, smelling and hearing as far as you can. Make your senses work for you," Ayu responds.

  I close my eyes and do as I'm told. The shock of how easy it is to use my senses outside of the craft is unnerving. It's going to take some time to get use to these abilities.

  "I don't sense anyone around us," I say with confidence.

  "Interesting," Ry chimes in, "Can you push your senses to the island?"

  "That's too far, Master Ry." Ayu quickly defends my ability before I even attempt.

  "How do you know?" I ask.

  "I—I—I assume that would be impossible, Princess, it's too far." Ayu buzzes by me and lands on the front window.

  I decide to try anyway. If I am indeed the prophesized one I should be able to do more than most with my powers. I imagine the castle I once was imprisoned in. I picture myself dressing for the dinner honoring my presence. I can't help but smile as I remember waking up at the castle in my room to find Miri staring at me while wildly blinking her large almond-shaped lilac eyes. "I'm coming, Miri," I whisper to myself.

  "I can see the shore," I say to anyone that may be listening. Pushing myself further I can see the castle as well. The salty air tickles my nose and the spray of the waves send a shiver down my spine. How is this even possible? My heart races as I anticipate seeing Miri soon.

  Slowly, I advance towards a door. I push my senses through. Darkness quickly engulfs me. As my eyes adjust to the poorly lit room, I sense someone. I take a few steps forward and freeze. A dark form appears in the far corner of the room.

  Dull voices swoosh into my ears warning me that beings are nearby. Instantly I panic that I'll be seen. A few deep breaths instantly calm me.

  They can't see me.

  I remember that my physical body is not here so someone spotting me wouldn't be possible. Footsteps echo above me. I continue to fan out my senses until I slam into a wall. I try to maneuver my sight through it or around but that doesn't work. I'm left there only hearing bits of a conversation.

  Ugh, come on. I'm so close.

  One last time I attempt to move forward. I strain my eyes and focus on the sounds I hear.


  "Princess, come back." Ayu's voice finds me. My concentration is severed. Shadows dance around me, sucking me into a cloudy vortex and a loud whistle punctures my eardrum.

  "Alexa you need to open your eyes." Ry's tone of voice borders between irritated and concerned. Why are they being so impatient? I blink a few times to show that I'm trying to make my way back. I've never done this before, clearly there's a learning curve.

  "What? I was in the castle." I open my eyes and inhale a deep breath waiting for my eyes to focus.

  They both looked at each other and then back at me. Ayu blinks his eyes repeatedly as he scans me over almost like he's looking for something. Ry looks away and darts his gaze around the room. "What?" I ask in a firm voice. "Why are you both acting so weird?"

  Ry speaks up first. "Your nose started to bleed and we couldn't get you back." He shoots an apprehensive glance to Ayu and back toward me. "You were gone for hours."

  "No, I was only gone a few minutes. That's not possible." I run shaky hands through my hair and down to my face. The stiff skin beneath my fingers indicate the blood they spoke of. "What happened?"

  "Princess, I think you pushed yourself too hard, too fast," Ayu calls over his wing as he busies himself preparing a cloth for me to wipe my face.

  "I agree," Ry responds. "You need to rest before we go to the castle. We can't have you exhausted when we make our grand entrance, can we?"

  I drop my head trying to stifle an obvious groan. "I just want to go get Miri."

  "You won't be any good to her or us if you aren't one hundred percent."

  "You're right, Ry, I should rest." I agree with a head nod that surely looks forced.

  Before I get comfortable, Ry quickly asks, "Did you see anyone?"

  "I didn't see anyone. I was close. I could hear people talking above me but I couldn't push myself any further. When I tried to further my senses I slammed into an invisible wall. Something was holding me back."

  "It sounds like they knew you were coming. Maybe there's a spell preventing you from entering. Did you sense magic?" Ry questioned with a red face.

  "I'm—I'm not sure. I couldn't move any further than the basement of the castle." Desperately I wish I could add something more valuable to this conversation but I'm too new to all of this.

  "There's no way they could have sensed you." Ry attempt to reassure me that I didn't do anything wrong but his wide eyes do the complete opposite.

  "Rest for a bit," Ayu advises with a wink as he hands me a cool cloth to wipe the blood from my face. I comply and do that. Even lifting my arms is exhausting. How can I be this tired?

  "I'll lie down here for a few minutes and then I'll be ready to go." I yawn and close my eyes. A look of deep concern is the last thing I see on Ayu's face. I try to flash him a comforting smile but I'm not sure it works.

  Chapter Twelve

  "Alexa, where are you?"

  "Jax?" I open my eyes and see his jaw tighten as he takes a step closer.

  "I'm fine, I think. I'm sorry I left you. Again," I add sheepishly. Those blue pools reflect back at me, wearing away my strength, causing my knees to wobble.

  "Kalus explained it all to me. I'm worried about you. I don't trust Ry. He's a Triban. They aren't known for being nice." Worry lines crease his forehead and I find the gesture endearing. It appears that he really does care about me.

  "I'm okay. Ayu is here with me, too," I add, trying to comfort him.

  "I wish that made me feel better, but it doesn't."

  "I've been using my powers and I'm feeling more comfortable," I confess.

  "I…I'm worried about you," Jax admits.

  "I'll be fine, I promise. We're even closer to Miri now and soon we'll be back. This will all be over soon once my mother is finally stopped." I attempt to sound cheerful, but I'm sure he can see through me, as cheerful is not my strong suit.

  "Alexa, promise me you'll reach me if you need help."

  "I'm not sure how to—"

  Jax immediately cuts me off. "When I think of you, f
ocus on you, I can usually find you. I bet it's the same for you."

  "Oh, so you think of me?" I ask as butterflies dance in the pit of my stomach.

  "I most certainly do," Jax replies without hesitation.

  The thought of Jax thinking about me instantly makes me happy. I can't wait to get back to him. Looking down, I see my arms beginning to fade. I'm disappearing.

  "I'll see you soon, Jax!"

  I want to say more. I want to tell him I miss him, but I refrain. That may be a little too much, too fast.

  "Be safe, Alexa!" His concern warms me and I wish I could stay in dreamland, but I must wake up and face my mother.


  I blink a few times and listen to my surroundings. I can her both Ry and Ayu whispering about me in the corner. "I'm awake. I can hear you," I groan as I sit up. My muscles tense as I pull myself off the tiny bench I squeezed myself into. Immediately I think about Jax and how much I miss him. I could use a reassuring hug right about now.

  In times of difficulty you need someone to talk to, someone you can depend on. I desperately wish my someone could be Sheri, but we're far from that point. I'm also on a different planet. I miss our talks. I think I'm ready to move forward and hear her out. When I get back to Aurora, I am going to make a real effort to do that, the past is the past. For now, by default, I choose Ayu to be my being. So far, he seems wise and dependable.

  "How long was I out for, Ayu?" I question while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

  "You slept for a while. But don't worry; you needed the time to recover. There's no need to go into battle without being rested."

  "Battle?" My breath catches in my throat.

  Ayu buzzes closer and lands on the edge of the window nearest to me. "I'm hoping it's less of a battle and more of a retrieval mission, princess. But we must be prepared for the unexpected."

  "Yes, that's true." I let his words sink in. I can't imagine fighting anyone, let alone my mother. Will I have to kill someone? Will someone try to kill me? Instantly, my hands tingle.

  I need to focus. I give my arm a quick pinch in an effort to keep me from panicking.


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