Under Texas Blue Skies

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Under Texas Blue Skies Page 13

by Debra Holt

  She glanced his way, an eyebrow arched. “You might lose that bet. The odds are better for me to wager that you’ll walk down the aisle before I ever do.” There was a sudden catch in the region of her heart as she spoke the words. Luckily, it hadn't affected her voice.

  J.D. returned her gaze with a hint of an enigmatic smile. “We have a wager then… to see which one of us makes it down an aisle first.”

  Before she could reply and ask what the winner of that bet might receive, the crowd began to loudly count down from ten. At the count of one, the lights of the tree came on, eliciting loud claps and oohs and ahhs from the assemblage. Amanda’s eyes lit up, and they both joined in the applause. They heard even louder clapping and the same oohing and ahhing as the lights began to flicker on along the River Walk. The holiday season had officially begun.

  Spirits were high as the crowd shifted and moved in different directions. J.D. lowered himself to the ground first and then turned and reached his arms toward her. She slid into them, and he swung her to the ground in front of him. He didn’t release her immediately, keeping his hands at her waist. Amanda didn’t attempt to step away, her hands remaining lightly on his forearms.

  “There isn’t any mistletoe around when a guy needs it. But I want to be the first to say this to you... Merry Christmas, sunshine.” J.D. lowered his head slowly and she could have rejected the kiss in plenty of time. But she didn’t.

  Amanda raised her lips and met his. The kiss was a tender salutation that deepened as his mouth moved over hers, tasting the sweetness and drinking in the soft response she gave freely.

  They were surrounded by a few thousand people, yet they could have been alone in the middle of nowhere… nothing existed but the kiss they'd shared and its timeless simplicity. Their first kisses had been as teenagers, but the feelings that consumed them with this kiss had been tempered by time, shared heartaches, and remembered dreams.

  A soft tremor went through Amanda’s body as she leaned into the tightening shelter of the arms that held her. J.D. must have sensed it, and his lips broke contact with hers under great effort. His voice held a hint of shakiness that he fought to control.

  “The night has grown colder since we don’t have so many bodies crushed up next to us. I think we need to get you back to the warmth of the hotel.”

  His words made sense, but her body didn’t want to respond. Yet, she knew she must. No matter what they'd shared in the past, she needed to remember the present. Those two starry eyed teenagers existed only in memories. In reality, they were grown adults separated by an ocean that was too wide and too deep. She could never fit into his jet-setting lifestyle, and he certainly could never be just a horse rancher in a small town in Texas. Their time had passed them by. She lowered her arms and stepped away from him.

  J.D. did not stop her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Are you okay with this? Why didn’t you tell your friends that you and J.D. were together again?” Darcy and Tracy were both leaning over the counter at the diner, a less than reputable newspaper spread open to the About Town section. In the center of the section were two of the many photos taken of herself and J.D. during their visit to the city. Darcy cast another glance in Amanda’s direction. “The photo is grainy, but you look great in that outfit.”

  Amanda raised eyes over her coffee cup and glared at the two women and their enthusiasm. “I hate to burst your bubbles, ladies, but he and I are not together again. And I can’t believe that either one of you would actually spend money on such a rag as that one. You can’t believe anything they print.”

  The pair closed up the newspaper, and Tracy took it and put it out of sight behind the counter. Then she took the seat next to Amanda, while Darcy topped off their coffee cups with fresh.

  “Of course we know it’s mostly garbage they print. But it’s kinda exciting to open it up and see people we actually know in it. Come on... lighten up. You have to laugh about it.”

  “I would laugh, but I have had to put my phone on silent since someone got my number and keeps calling for interviews. And since I use my phone for business, it sort of makes it difficult to get anything done. And there was a strange car parked out front of my house this morning, and I know I saw a camera lens peeking out of it. So I called Sheriff Stone, and he sent a deputy over to move the person. But it wasn’t an hour before the car was back. With everything going on in the world today, you would think they could come up with something more important to report on than what I eat for breakfast.”

  “Well, we knew this might happen when J.D. came back to town,” Tracy chimed in. “Tyler said it will die down once the newness wears off and people get used to the fact that he has changed his lifestyle and is just a regular person.”

  Amanda shot her a quick glance. “Tracy, you can’t be serious. J.D. Sterling can never be a regular person again. His life will always be news fodder for fans that can’t get a grip on reality. The sooner he gets this ranching out of his system and gets back to Nashville and his mansion there, the better off we’ll all be.”

  Darcy and Tracy exchanged knowing glances.

  “What was that about?” Amanda spoke up. “Is there something you guys know that I don’t?”

  “No. We only know that J.D. seems dead set on staying around McKenna Springs for a long time. He said he wants this to be his home... find a wife, have a few kids, go bald, and gain a lot of weight.” Tracy’s voice trailed off, and her giggles matched Darcy’s.

  “Right... J.D. Sterling, with middle-aged spread and no hair. That man will still be drop-dead gorgeous when he’s sixty, I bet,” Darcy replied.

  Amanda had enough of their talk about J.D. and his finding a wife and having a family and staying in McKenna Springs. The place wasn’t big enough for the both of them… and she certainly wasn’t leaving on his account. He might have the rest of them fooled, but not her. She had listened to his dreams of making the big time and leaving the dust and boredom of the small town behind, once he made it big. Why would he ever want to return to it?

  This was just a phase to him right now. He was nostalgic and came back to buy the biggest ranch in the area and make it into a showplace and show everyone how he had turned from teenage wild child to Mr. Country Music. Then he would move on, back to the lights and the packed arenas. And she would be left to mend the hole in her heart and pretend she was just fine all over again.

  “I need to get to work. And you two should do the same.” Amanda swung off the stool and slid her bag over her shoulder. Dark glasses went on her eyes. It was a ridiculous habit she found herself adopting, now that her steps had been dogged by camera lenses.

  “Give J.D. our love!” Darcy and Tracy chimed, calling after her.

  “Give him their love... right,” Amanda bit out under her breath as she backed her car from the curb and headed toward the ranch. She knew she was irritable and in a bad mood since their return from the city. Although, there wasn’t any real reason for her to be. They had shared the kiss, and then, as if on cue, a black SUV had appeared with Alex at the wheel, and before she'd known it, they'd been back inside the hotel. She hadn’t given him much chance to say anything to her once they'd entered the suite. There wasn’t going to be any repeat of the previous evening as far as she was concerned. She had fairly flown across the living room, with a brief good-night in his direction, and had locked herself away behind her bedroom door.

  He hadn’t stopped her. J.D. had probably realized the kiss had been a big mistake… and he hadn't wanted to get into something that both of them would be embarrassed by later. The next morning, he had acted as though nothing had happened at all between them. He had been attentive on the trip back but mostly kept his attention on paperwork and conversation with Alex and another man who had joined them on the return flight to discuss construction matters on the ranch. It had been clearly ranch business they'd been immersed in, and she'd left them to it. Amanda had turned her attention to one of the many magazines the steward had offered

  They'd parted at the airport. He'd seemed to be in a hurry to get to the ranch, and she certainly had been ready to get back to her small house and privacy. J.D. had left in a truck with the businessman, and Alex had driven her home in the SUV. He would be flying back to San Antonio, but he'd assured her that he would be back for a visit. That was good, because she really wanted to introduce him to Darcy.

  Amanda had never liked people playing matchmaker for her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t do it for a good friend who deserved to find happiness and the ever-after that some people managed to achieve. She felt a stab of sadness at that thought. She envied people who'd met the person they were supposed to be with, fallen madly in love, married, and lived together until they were old and silver-haired, surrounded by grandchildren and wonderful memories.

  She had dreamed of such things a long time ago… when she had met and fallen in love with a boy with green eyes and a smile that had lit her whole world and made her think there were no impossibilities. But he had left her. And she made a life without him. Amanda needed to remember that.

  After parking her car in the usual spot in front of the house, she started up the walkway, and, just as she stepped onto the porch, the front door opened. J.D. looked as surprised to see her as she was to see him. By that hour, he usually was off with the hired men, working on one of the barns that he was renovating. In his place would usually be fresh coffee and her mug, waiting in the kitchen with some brief note from him.

  Gone was the suit, and he was back to himself in jeans and chambray work-shirt, boots, and a hat. But it didn’t matter what he wore. The sight of him always picked up her stomach and flipped it, and her chest felt too small for her heart.

  His eyes flew over her, and there was a darkening in his gaze, but it left when the person stepped from behind him. The woman was tall. Her black hair was perfectly coifed and pulled back from her head in a chignon. Her makeup was just as perfect, and Amanda recognized the two-piece scarlet pantsuit had to be a designer original. The woman looked from J.D.to her and then extended a manicured hand to her. Her voice was as polished as the rest of the package.

  “Hello. You must be Amanda. I’m Chloe Cassidy. My company handles J.D.’s publicity.”

  Amanda shook her hand and was surprised to find it was a firm handshake. The gray eyes had a smile to them which seemed genuine.

  “Chloe flew in to discuss some business, and she’s on her way back to Nashville now,” J.D. explained, his voice almost brusque. He appeared to be in a hurry to get the woman on her way.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amanda. I was under the impression that I wouldn’t have that opportunity.” She slid a glance at the man beside her.

  “The plane is waiting for you,” J.D. spoke up, his hand at the woman’s elbow.

  However, the woman was not evidently in the same hurry to leave. “The plane is a charter and goes when I say it goes. And I would like a word with Amanda before I leave. You don’t mind, do you, Amanda?” She swung the gray eyes in her direction along with the request.

  Amanda raised her chin a bit and drew in a breath. Something was up, and she was beginning to wonder just what the real connection between J.D. and Chloe Cassidy might be. If her gut instinct was correct, she had a feeling she was about to find out.

  “Where would you like to talk?”

  “Here is fine.” Chloe looked at J.D. “Why don’t you wait in the truck for me? This won’t take long.”

  Both women looked at J.D.

  It was clear that he knew the wisest course at that moment was to remain silent and leave them alone. He threw a final glance at Chloe, and Amanda couldn’t read the look that passed between the two. She felt an intense desire at that moment to scratch the perfectly made up veneer of the other woman’s face. Jealousy was an emotion Amanda had never wasted her energy on, yet it had popped its ugly head out in a heartbeat. She remained motionless with a noncommittal smile on her face. Her knuckles on the hand gripping the leather strap of her shoulder bag may have whitened a bit.

  Chloe waited until their host was out of earshot. She tucked her oversized clutch under one arm and clasped her hands in front of her. Her voice lowered as she spoke. “Let him stew on this for a while. He deserves it. We can’t let men think they are always in charge.”

  Amanda was surprised to see a hint of mischief lurking in the depths of the woman’s eyes. She didn’t feel anything was amusing at the moment.

  “You wanted to speak with me?”

  Chloe’s eyes narrowed a bit. “Not about what you obviously think I do. Looks like we need to clear the air first.” She raised her left hand and gave a brief wriggle of her ring finger. A very large, square-cut diamond that probably cost more than a year’s salary for Amanda flashed in the sunlight. “I’m taken. Alex and I have been engaged for six months, and the nuptials are this spring. I hope you’ll be able to attend.”

  Amanda’s expression must have spoken volumes. She felt an overwhelming sense of relief spread through her body at the unexpected news. Then there was also the tiniest bit of disappointment that Alex was off the table for Darcy.

  “Congratulations. Alex is a very nice man.”

  “Yes, he is. And so is J.D. After meeting you, I understand a great deal more about his desire to buy this place and return to his roots, so to speak. There is a new spring to his step, and he has that gleam in his eyes when he speaks of this place and his plans for it and... well, for everything. It will make my job easier having met you.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you mean. How does your meeting me have anything to do with publicity for J.D.?”

  “Because you’re important to him, and that makes you important and interesting to his fans. Unfortunately, a greedy little reporter latched on to your story in San Antonio. But I can handle his sort, and have already begun damage control. Alex told me how you behaved when you heard the news. You played it smart and cool-headed. You’ll make my job very easy.”

  “Thank you… I think. However, I’m not newsworthy, and his fans have no need to know about me.”

  “Well, this will blow over, but there will be more. Trust your instincts and distrust anyone with the press and a camera. And know that J.D. will do whatever it takes to protect you. You’re very important to him.”

  Was she trying to tell her something? It almost felt there was a hidden message in her words. Amanda didn’t know if she wanted to figure it out.

  “Thank you for the advice. I’ll keep it in mind.”

  “Now I do have to get moving. I have a fiancé to meet in San Antonio for a romantic quickie before I head to New York.” The woman grinned as she spoke the words, and Amanda found herself surprised at the frankness but also smiling at the woman’s manner. If they were together more, they just might become friends. That thought surprised her even more, given her first impression of the woman.

  Amanda waved in response to the brief one tossed her way as Chloe turned a smile in her direction, and the truck moved away. J.D., no doubt, would try to get her to spill the beans on their conversation if the look on his stone face was any indication. He glanced her way briefly as he shut Chloe’s door. Let him stew on it. Perhaps Chloe was right about that.

  J.D. didn’t come back to the main house before she left for the day. She knew he had returned to the ranch because she'd seen his truck pass the house on its way to the show barn area. She'd tried not to let it bother her that he had not at least checked in to see if she'd needed any decisions from him on anything. Of course, she didn’t. The paintings and sculptures from their trips would arrive tomorrow, and then maybe one more day of primping and last minute touches, and the house would be ready for its owner’s stamp of approval. She wouldn’t need to make any more trips to the ranch. That brought other feelings that she didn’t want to dwell upon.

  As Amanda left the ranch house and neared the end of the half-mile drive from the house to the front gate, she slowed the car at the sight ahead o
f her. Work crews with graders and forklifts were busy welding and installing huge iron gates between the two, tall, stone pillars that had marked the entrance of the ranch for decades. Evidently, J.D. was having a new and much fancier entry put in place. He hadn’t mentioned anything to her about it. But then, it was his ranch and he really didn’t have to inform her of all his business. She threw a wave at the foreman, who raised a hand in parting, and headed her car onto the road toward town.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next morning, Amanda arrived at the ranch to find Alex standing at the newly installed front gate with three other men. They were dressed not in work clothes but slacks and button-down dress shirts and looked like they might be associates of his from his security agency. She slowed and came to a full stop. She lowered her window and gave the man a smile, and he stepped over to her door.

  “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” She spoke first. “And by the way, I see that congratulations are in order. I met Chloe, and she seems to be a very nice lady.”

  A broad smile crossed his face, and his eyes definitely softened. “Yes, she is that and more. She liked you, too.”

  “More of your associates?” Amanda nodded in the direction of the three men who stood looking at something resembling blueprints.

  “Smart lady. Yes, they’re part of my team. They’ll be coming in and out to the ranch until we get the security systems in place and the front gatehouse armed.”

  “Armed? Gatehouse? What are you talking about?”

  “An open front gate is not quite the best thing to have for a person like J.D. Sterling. He wants to make sure that his home is secure for himself and his loved ones.” Alex stopped at that point and looked like he might wish to take something back. Instead, he motioned the trio over and used the awkward silence to introduce them to Amanda.


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