The Tiger and Her Wolves [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Tiger and Her Wolves [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  Chance opened his eyes. Desperation filled them. “Front or back, cuz. Call it now or I will.”


  Chance glared at him. “No fucking way. Call it now and shut the fuck up.”

  “You shut up and give it to me.”

  The surprise on Chance’s face was funny, but she didn’t laugh. Instead, she put her feet against Dylan’s shoulders and shoved him away from her. “Fuck me, damn you.”

  Dylan, his face hard and needy, grabbed hold of her and yanked her upward. Amber flared in his eyes as he moved, gracefully and smoothly, to sit on his calves. She was on top of him in the next moment.

  “Do you want me, sugar? Say it again.”

  “I want you.”

  “Then have me.” The muscle in his jaw clenched as he slammed his cock inside her pussy.

  She cried out, the force of his entry driving all the way to the end of her. Another cry came as he dug his fingers into her shoulder blades and forced her to lean forward as he leaned back. His body tensed, holding his position. His cock was hard, long, and thick. She hadn’t been sure she could handle all of him, yet she was.

  Holding on to his shoulders, she arched her back, offering her tits to Dylan and her ass to Chance. She dug her fingernails into Dylan’s skin, bringing out bright spots of red, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Locking their gazes, they drove hard into each other, like combatants out to hurt the other. Up slammed his pelvis, sending his cock into her before sliding it back out. She pressed downward as hard as she could but still found her body bouncing as he continued his assault.

  “You’re mine, too, baby.”

  She barely had time to glance over her shoulder at Chance before she felt his cock enter her butt hole. At first, the pain frightened her. His cock stretched the limits of her tight walls.

  “Breathe, baby. Just relax and let it be.”

  As shifters, they didn’t need lube, but the first moments still stung. She closed her eyes, hating to let go of Dylan’s intent gaze, but needing to concentrate.

  Easy. Take it easy.

  Soon enough, she felt her body giving way, acquiescing to Chance’s cock. The pain morphed into something more, something pleasurable that sent rockets of desire flaring through her.

  She laid back her head, closed her eyes, and purred.

  “There’s our little kitty. That’s it. Purr for us, baby.”

  Her inner weretigress went wild, clawing toward the surface. Maybe later, once they’d told their secret and could find someone to babysit the infants, she’d go running with her two werewolves. Screw whoever might see them. Then, as the animals inside them would want, they’d make love in a different, even wilder way.

  The orgasm spun out of control, pushing at her to turn it free, whipping sensations through her that she never would’ve believed existed. When she opened her eyes again, she sought out Dylan’s face. What she saw there, the faithfulness, the loyalty, the admiration, the sheer love, drove her over the edge. She turned her climax free.

  Dizziness swept over her. The light seemed to dim around her. Her cat screeched, demanding to take over before the darkness did. Vaguely she heard the men growl and felt their bodies ram against her again. Fingers dug into skin. Teeth bit into flesh.

  As they sent their seed flying into her, she stiffened and gave into the final push of her own release. Crying out, she slumped her trembling body against Dylan. The air inside her was forced out as Chance’s limp body fell against her then slipped to the side.

  “Holy shit.”

  Dylan’s arms encircled her as he chuckled. “You can say that again.”

  * * * *

  “Is it really possible to float on air, sweet baby?” Rachel smiled as she did a quick spin before lifting a squalling Brooklyn into her arms. “Yes, it is. Because that’s what I’m doing right now.”

  She did another, albeit slower and safer, spin with the baby securely in her arms. Baby Brooklyn stopped crying, her eyes growing wide. The cutest little giggle erupted from her lips, along with a few air bubbles.

  “You and your brother are going to have a wonderful life with me and my mates.” She set Brooklyn down on top of the wooden coffee table covered with a towel and started changing the infant’s diaper. “I knew they were great guys before you came along, but now? Dang, girl, we hit the jackpot.”

  Rachel was definitely flying high. After their first time in bed, they’d spent another luxurious hour snuggled together until the little girl had put out her first I-need-to-be-changed wail. As much as Rachel had hated getting out of the bed, she loved taking care of the babies.

  They’re my mates, and soon enough, everyone will know.

  “We’re outnumbered three males to us two girls, but don’t let it bother you.” The baby grabbed hold of her pinkie finger. “That’s right, sweetie. We’re going to have those three boys wrapped around our little fingers.”


  She jerked her head up at Dylan’s worried tone. “What is it?”

  Chance was beside his cousin as they strode toward the front windows. “We’ve got visitors.”

  Chapter Five

  Rachel’s throat tightened up, and a knot of anxiety fisted its way into her gut. “Who’s here?”

  Chance peeked through the blinds on the window. “Your brothers, along with a few others.”

  “Richman and Jarrod are here?”

  The last people she wanted to find her with her mates were her brothers. From the day she was born, they’d been protective of her. Even in the child care center, they’d warned boys to keep away from her. She’d reamed them out about it every time they’d acted as though she was “their little sister” instead of a full-grown woman, but it didn’t keep them from doing it again. Although she wanted them to back off, she had to admit that a small part of her felt loved and cherished.

  “I’m guessing the rest of these folks are their friends. Weretigers,” added Dylan.

  She placed the serene Brooklyn into her bassinet then hurried to the window. Her brothers stood at the front of a small group of people. “What are they doing here?”

  “What do you think?” Chance leaned his back against the wall. “They’re here to save you from the big, bad wolves.”

  “But how’d they know I was here? How’d they know I was with you two?” She didn’t want to believe it, but she had to ask. “Do you think Miss Clara told them?”

  “Nah. More than likely they saw us in town, followed us, and put two and two together.”

  “Which means they were suspicious enough to look for you in a werewolf town.” Dylan blew out a breath. “Yeah. They know we’re here, too, all right. Besides, it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out with our truck and your car parked at the side of the house.”

  She ignored the dig at her brothers’ intelligence and turned back to the babies. What did it mean? Her brothers would try and haul her home, but she’d fight them. It was time they understood she was an adult woman who didn’t need her older brothers looking out for her. She loved them for caring, but enough was enough. Especially when it meant leaving her mates and the children—her children—behind. If she had to, she’d show Richman and Jarrod the real fury of a weretigress.

  The pounding on the door had them all jumping. Snarling, Chance flung open the door then planted his huge body in the frame of it, blocking anyone from seeing clearly inside the house. “What do you want?”

  Richman returned Chance’s snarl then leaned to the side, his gaze going past the large werewolf. Her brother’s gaze met hers, and she knew he’d demand that she follow him home. As her older weretiger brother, he had the right.

  “Sis, what the hell are you doing here with these two hounds? Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  She swallowed, suddenly feeling as though she was six years old again and Richman was babysitting her. One look at Dylan’s and Chance’s expectant faces, and her resolve to stand up for herself, for her mates, and for the babies s
olidified. She lifted her chin defiantly.

  “I’m with my mates.”

  She couldn’t have stunned him more if she’d hit him with a two-by-four. Richman frowned as he grappled with what she’d said. His frown deepened as his understanding grew.

  “You are out of your mind.”

  It was a struggle, but she managed not to flinch at the raw disgust in his tone. “Not at all. In fact, I think I might be the sanest person here because, unlike you, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.”

  “Sorry, sis, but Richman’s right. You’re not thinking straight.” Jarrod came up behind his brother, his own stunned expression telling her he’d overheard everything. “Come home with us before it’s too late. We’ll do whatever we have to do to make things right.”

  “I told you. These are my mates. Brothers, meet Chance and Dylan Rothman. They’re cousins, and they’re my mates.” How many times would she have to say it for them to believe her? Accepting what she said would come later, but for now, all she needed them to do was to leave them alone.

  “No, they’re not.” Richman’s low growl rumbled out of him. “A weretiger and a couple of dogs? No way.”

  “You heard your sister.” Chance crossed his arms, looking relaxed, as though he wasn’t ready to fight. Yet the muscles in his shoulders were tense, showing through the cotton of his shirt, his body ready to react at the first sign of a physical attack. “We’re her mates whether you like it or not. Now run on home, kitty-boy, before I send you scampering back to your mother’s teats.”

  Her heart sank. He didn’t need to add to the already volatile situation. “Chance, stop. You’re not helping.”

  Her brothers’ friends, men she’d known all her life, had stayed back from the porch. Even so, they growled, signaling their readiness to shift.

  “Look, guys. Don’t make things tough for your sister.” Dylan stood a few feet from Chance, but he was just as ready to leap into action if he had to. “We’re not doing anything to your sister that she doesn’t want us to do.”

  Oh hell. Dylan wasn’t making things any better.

  She had to stop them. Four of the men she loved most were about to get tangled up in a fight over her. If they did, they might never be able to come together. “Everyone, calm down. Richman, Jarrod, please come inside and let’s talk things over.”

  Richman started shaking his head a moment before Holter let out a squall. Her brother was once again surprised. “What the hell? A baby? What’s going on, sis?”

  “Don’t worry, sugar. I’ll get him,” offered Dylan, letting Rachel stay to talk to her brother.

  As much as she wanted to take the baby, she realized seeing her holding a baby might push her brothers over the edge. Instead, she drew in a long breath and got ready to explain.

  “There are two babies. One boy and one girl.” How much should she tell them? Would her brothers understand if they knew the entire story? Would it make a difference? Would they care more about the poor babies than the fact that she was with two werewolves?

  “Two of them?” Jarrod stared at her. “Are they werewolves or weretigers?”

  “Both,” answered Chance. “They’re twins.”

  She hurried to add, “The boy’s a weretiger, and the baby girl is a werewolf. His name is Holter, and hers is Brooklyn. They’re hybrids since they’re part human, too.”

  “Whose are they? Where’d they come from? Fuck. They’re not…”

  Although the tension was thick, she couldn’t help but laugh at Richman’s horrified expression. “Seriously, brother, you do know how babies are made, right? And that it takes nine months for them to be born? Either I hid my pregnancy well, or I’ve set a new speed record for pregnancies.”

  “Then I’ll ask again. Whose are they?” Richman’s lip lifted into another snarl. “Are they theirs?”

  “They are now.”


  Chance had a way of saying the sweetest things and catching her off guard.

  “He’s right. They’re ours now. Their mother abandoned them, and we’ve been taking care of them, and we’re going to keep taking care of them after we take them home.” She smiled at Chance then at a Dylan cooing at Holter. “I’m taking them home to my mates’ ranch.”

  “You’ve lost your ever-lovin’ mind. No way is that going to happen.”

  She sucked in a hard breath at the sound of the deep male voice. Had the father shown up to claim them?

  A tall, handsome man wearing a cowboy hat and dressed like the other men strode toward the front porch but didn’t come up the steps. After Dylan put Holter back down, she and her mates stepped out of the house, making her brothers move away from the door. She pulled the door shut but kept it ajar enough to hear the babies if they started crying.

  “Jackson, we’re handling this.” Chance’s aggression seemed to fade a little.

  The man had to be Jackson Carr, the unofficial leader of the Forever werewolves. Two other men stood near him, and judging from their similar features, they had to be Jackson’s brothers, Jayden and Jacob. From everything she’d heard about them, they were good men, fair even to those who weren’t werewolves. Still, she glanced at her mates, thankful they were by her side.

  “How’d you find out?” Did he know about the babies, too? She didn’t want to ask if Miss Clara had told them. Surely the older woman had kept their secret. But then how else could they have known?

  “Not that it matters, but a few people saw your brothers in town and got suspicious. If they’d just come down Main Street and shown themselves outright, more than likely no one would’ve thought much about it. But when Stormy Stevens-Malone spotted them lurking in the alley across from the market, she figured something was up and called me.” Jackson studied her before giving her a smile. “Rachel’s your name, right? And these are your brothers, Jarrod and Richman Woods?”

  She nodded. How did the werewolf leader know about them? Then again, both Forever and Twisted were small towns located close together. Even though the residents didn’t mix often, there were bound to be those who knew people in both towns.

  “First of all, everyone needs to calm down. Although I’ve got to admit finding out about the babies has complicated things. Still, we’re all reasonable folks, and we’ll figure this out.” Jackson repositioned his hat. “First things first. Let’s talk about you three. You’ve been seeing each other for a while. No, don’t get worried. I’m not one to judge. It was only a rumor until today. You know how small-town folks talk. Werewolves or weretigers, I’m guessing gossip travels wherever there are wagging mouths. Personally, I try to stay out of the rumors. At least until something happens that forces me to get involved.”

  He shot her brothers a look. “These two skulking around Forever got people nervous, so I thought it best to see what was up. Once I got a lead on where they were headed, I figured I’d run into you sooner or later. Still, I never expected to find a couple of babies, too.”

  “They’re my babies.” Rachel drew in a ragged breath. She’d been so happy only a few minutes earlier. Now it felt as though someone had shoved their hand inside her chest and was squeezing her heart.

  “From what you just said, I’d say you’re wrong.” Jackson held up his hand, fending off the snarls coming from both her brothers and her mates. “Now, hold up. I don’t know who the mother is, and I’m guessing you don’t, either, but I doubt she’s still around these parts. You haven’t had the babies long, right?”

  She nodded, wishing she could say she’d taken care of them since birth. “But they’re still mine. I’ll”—she reached out and took Chance’s hand—“we’ll give them a fine home.”

  “I don’t doubt it, though it doesn’t matter much. Most people are going to say that the girl’s part werewolf and needs to be raised by her own. The same will be true for the boy. He should be raised in Twisted.”

  Her brothers suddenly had an unexpected ally in the werewolf leader. “He’s right, sis. The kids belong with their own kind.
” The stiffness in Richman’s body relaxed. “We’ll take the boy with us, and the wolves can take the girl. Each town will find a good home for the baby they take in. I can promise you that.”

  There was no way in hell she’d lose the babies. Not to her brothers and not to the werewolves.

  “No. I won’t have them separated. They’re twins, each the only blood relative they have, and they’re mine, too. You’re not taking them away from me. I’m their mother now, even if I didn’t give birth to them.” She placed a palm over her heart and challenged Richman. Hell, she’d challenge the whole damn world if she had to.

  “Sis, you’re not thinking straight. I know you’ve got a thing for kids and all, but—”

  “I had the connection.” She pushed herself to look at first one man then the next. “I have the connection with Dylan and Chance, and I feel connected to the babies, too.”

  “That’s not possible,” argued Jarrod.

  “Yes, it is. Others have gotten the connection with a different kind of shifter. Isn’t that right, Jackson?” If she hadn’t already known the answer, she wouldn’t have asked the question. Still, that didn’t mean the werewolf leader wouldn’t lie and say otherwise.

  Jackson didn’t want to agree with her. She could see his reluctance in the gritting of his jaw. “It’s true. Brennan and Case Cagle mated a werebear girl from Shatland named Nicole Monroe. They had kids.”

  He’d not only agreed with her but had given them example of it happening before. “And they’re all right, yes? They didn’t have any problems?”

  “Physically? No. They’re humans, too, after all, but don’t go thinking they had it easy. It was a while before either side of their relatives accepted them. Even now, some people in both towns give them a rough time. It’s not an easy road to take.”


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