Big City Bachelor

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Big City Bachelor Page 4

by Gretchen S. B.

  After a while she heard shuffling coming closer and looked slightly up and to the left. Lila was surprised to see Dylan walking towards her, sliding his cell phone back into his pocket. When he was close enough to hear her without her having to shout, Lila called out to him.

  "Should I be concerned that you're stalking me?" She could feel the smile twitching at her lips. She focused on her inner Cry-Baby girl to exude the cool self-confidence the characters from her favorite movie had.

  She heard him chuckle but he didn't respond until he plopped down on the blanket and was sitting cross-legged, facing her. "I'm not sure there's a response I can make to that that wouldn't come across as creepy. So I will just settle for the truth instead of some line. I actually had to return a couple phone calls for work and since I agreed to stay at my parents’ place, I knew I couldn't make them there without getting interrupted so I just went for a walk. Before I knew it, I was out of the Highland Estates and wandering towards downtown so I veered off a little and figured the lake might be quieter. I was wrapping up my last phone call when I noticed you sitting out here in your bright white dress and I figured I would come check on you and make sure everything was okay."

  Though she couldn't see his expression well, she could tell by the lift at the end of the sentence that was his way of asking if she was alright. At first she was touched by his query but then Lila took a closer look at Dylan's face and though she didn't know him that well, there was something about his eyes that told her perhaps he was the one with an inner struggle. Trying to stop the frown from being evident on her face, Lila moved up slightly so that she could put the weight of her torso on her elbows thus getting her closer, making it easier to see Dylan's expression.

  "I'm perfectly fine. I enjoy sitting out here, contemplating life in the silence. There's something beautiful and calm about the lake. Even if there is something bothering me, I can come out here for a while and just know that everything is going to be fine. You, however, seem to have something on your mind; care to tell me what that is? We may not know each other well but that might be to your advantage since I am an outsider enough to give you an unbiased opinion."

  She watched as several emotions played across his face, but they were quick enough that she didn't quite catch more than one of them; the one she did see was surprise.

  "You read me better than my brothers do, I'll have to remember that." He gave a small, almost self-deprecating smile. "If I'm honest, yes there is something on my mind. My father has basically offered to, over the course of the next few years or so, basically given me his firm. I would be the rightful owner, I would have three lawyers underneath me and a very successful small practice. It is most likely more than I will probably ever be able to build on my own."

  "But?" Lila could practically hear the doubt hovering in the air around Dylan.

  "But, it would mean living here and maybe once or twice a month, going into Seattle or one of the bigger cities, but mostly it would mean staying around here and I'm just not sure the quiet life is for me. I know Highland Lake isn't necessarily a small town but compared to a more bustling city it can feel a little claustrophobic… know what I mean?"

  Lila knew he didn't actually expect a response but she nodded anyway.

  "It is a good opportunity for me but if I take that on I'm taking on the career path for the rest of my life. It isn't something I could just leave; I would feel guilty about abandoning the business my father started and built up. On the other hand, I can make it bigger, build offices in the city as well but that would take time. Part of me wants to jump on it because it's a good opportunity and because, and don't let them know I said this, it would be nice to be closer to family, but Highland Lake is not Seattle and having my family ever-present, I know, will get to be a little much."

  Lila chuckled, "I know what you mean there. I have three little brothers who, at any given time, are running around town. Odds of me going a week without running into somebody I’m related to are slim even if I don't go to my parents’ house. Basically what I'm hearing is that you're trying to decide whether big-city life is worth turning down this opportunity.” Dylan nodded and for the first time Lila saw him display nervousness as he ran one hand through his thick hair. "Yes, and I know you would probably pick the job here because that's basically what you did, and although you seem perfectly happy here, I just don't know if that life is for me." Dylan's eyes widened and he sputtered before his next word came out clearly, "No offense, I didn't mean for that to sound belittling at all."

  She smiled at him and exhaled a small laugh. "None taken. I know that my choice isn't something everyone could do and I'm fine with that. I'm perfectly happy where I am and I like having a level of stability that comes with living in a decent sized city versus a large one. It’s small enough that neighbors look out for each other but big enough that you don't actually know all of your neighbors. I think what you need to keep in mind is that you very well could expand the practice, you could have a second office in Bellevue or Seattle or Tacoma and it wouldn't take you more than a couple years to do. Maybe I'm wrong, but you keep protesting so much about living in a big city and it makes me wonder whether you actually take advantage of it. In order for you to make this eligible bachelor list, you probably make a certain amount of money, which means you might put in more hours so that begs the question: how often do you go to the theater or sports game at the drop of a hat?"

  He appeared legitimately stumped as he sat there in silence, looking straight ahead, trying to remember. It was then Lila knew she had him, just because he could enjoy the aspects of life that came with living in a big city didn't mean he actually did. In her opinion anyway, that made the point moot.

  Dylan was silent long enough that Lila began to wonder if he would actually answer. A breeze picked up and the smell of his cologne wafted past her face; before she could stop herself Lila inhaled deeply. He smells even better than he looks, how is that even possible? It has to be illegal somewhere, it has to be. I couldn't possibly be developing an interest in a known ladies’ man, could I? I mean really, isn't this kind of setting myself up for failure? One of two things is going to happen: either he's gonna leave for Seattle at the end of tomorrow and I won't see or hear from him again or I'll embarrass myself by continuing to be interested in him until it fizzles out. Then after I forget, another holiday will come around and he'll be here. Or he decides to take his father up on the offer and he's around all the time and then I am forced to watch him go through all the women in Highland Lake.

  There was a tiny voice in her head that protested that last thought. It insisted that he wasn't acting like the ladies’ man his brother claimed he was, that may be she had piqued his interest as well enough to date her, and her alone.

  Before she could chastise her inner optimist or think too much about the prospect of this very attractive man taking up residence in Highland Lake, he did something that caught her completely off guard.

  Dylan leaned forward, so far forward that he was maybe a few inches from her face and Lila found herself holding her breath, watching those hazel eyes. Then a small smile crept onto his face. "I'm burning inside to touch you, baby," he whispered right before he caught her mouth with his.

  Lila's heart sped up at the quote. She struggled to not pant as their lips touched and he glided his lips on hers. Then the kiss became firmer and she could feel his body moving, slowly easing her back to blanket. Her heart was pumping so hard Dylan had to hear it but Lila couldn't find it in her to be self-conscience. She kissed him back hard, parting her lips as his tongue teased the seam of her mouth. Wow, he can kiss! The thought fluttered through her mind briefly before being banished by Dylan's hand skimming her face.

  Without any preamble Dylan rolled away from where he had been at her side; the sudden temperature change made the abrupt end of the kiss even starker. Lila wanted to protest his absence but how strongly she wanted to do so made her pause and instead concentrate on controlling her breathing.
  After a few moments of silence she heard a shaky breath. "I am not entirely sure I could have kept my hands gentlemanly if that had gone on much longer."

  There was a zing that raced through Lila's chest at his words. Calm down, he probably kisses women all the time. Just because it was a spectacular kiss for you does not mean it was for him. I probably kiss like a fish in comparison to some of the women he dates in Seattle. That thought was like a splash of ice water. The idea of Dylan kissing other women bothered Lila, though she decided to give herself a break and not examine why it bothered her all of a sudden.

  Instead she swung her legs to the side and pushed herself into a sitting position. "It is getting kinda late. I really should head home before my roommates start to worry and form a search party." Lila inwardly scoffed at herself for not quite making eye contact. She then stood and proceeded to brush off the sand she knew was not actually on her dress.

  There was shuffling in front of her. "Okay, wouldn't want to worry your roommates."

  Did he sound disappointed? Or am I just imagining it?

  "I am walking you home though. Before you argue, I am well aware that you probably make this trek alone all the time but I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't see you home safe."

  Before she could protest he grabbed her blanket, haphazardly folding it, in one arm and cocked the other out for her to hold on to as they walked. Lila hesitantly weaved her arm through his. She didn't want to be rude or too obvious that she was uncomfortable but part of her wanted to ask how often he made that very statement.

  Finally she decided it would be best to just keep her mouth shut. Lila knew she had no right to the little green eyed monster that was creeping around inside her. You are being ridiculous, Lila, working yourself up about a guy who is only in town for another day.

  The two of them walked arm in arm in silence the entire way back to her house. About two minutes in, Dylan seemed to read Lila's mood and stiffened but there was an air of confusion around his that she could practically see. When they stood in front of her porch steps she untangled her arm and took a step toward the house but stretched her arms to grab the blanket from him.

  "Thank you for walking me home. It was very kind of you. I hope you have a good night." Lila gave her best librarian smile, hoping in the dark it would look genuine.

  Dylan waited a moment before slowly handing her the blanket. "You as well; I would still like to spend the day with you tomorrow, if you decide you are up for it. There is no pressure but I do hope I see you at the baby parade." With that he bowed his head slightly before turning and heading toward the Highland Estates.

  Lila stood there, watching him walk away until she couldn't make out his silhouette anymore. "What is your problem, Lila?" she asked herself, as she turned and walked up the steps onto the porch. "You're having a fine little holiday, not even a fling, with an incredibly handsome and fun man. Why are you trying to make this more complicated than it needs to be?"

  She didn't feel like going inside and facing her roommates yet, so instead she plopped down on the porch swing and let it rock back and forth as she thought. I'm starting to have feelings for him, she admitted to herself, at least in her head. She couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, even if no one else could hear. He is fun, handsome, sexy, and has a sense of humor. If anything, I should take this as a sign that the kind of guy I like is out there somewhere and I should just enjoy this weekend for what it is, just a flirty encounter with one of Seattle's most eligible bachelors.

  Lila smiled and felt her spirit lift a little. He would only be around another day, she could have fun and enjoy herself. Something about that kiss had made her go a little into overdrive, made their flirting seem more important than it was, but now that she was alone she could see how silly it was. Dylan was most likely heading back to Seattle on Tuesday then her life would go back to contented normal. Even if he did decide to take his dad's offer she still might not ever see him. Highland Lake has a population of about forty thousand; sure she was friends with Bryce but she rarely saw Dorian. It was completely possible that her path would never cross Dylan's. Lila laughed at herself as she slid off the swing. Dylan had casual flings all the time; Lila could certainly flirt with him all day, in public, without another twinge of wanting more. Provided they stayed in public; if he got her alone again, kissed her again she might be a goner. But Lila wasn't a coward, she would spend the day with Dylan; it would be fun. All she had to do was keep other people around.

  Chapter 10

  Dylan didn't know what to think, having been pleasantly surprised last night to come upon Lila at the lake. While they only talked for a short while, it was the type companionable conversation that Dylan hadn’t had with a woman in years, since before the first time he made the bachelors’ list and women started hounding him. Lila was fine and refreshing and someone he actually wanted to get to know better. But then after their explosive kiss she had closed off on him and he had no idea why. He'd heard time and time again that he was a good kisser so he knew that wasn't it. He had been up half the night trying to figure out how to crack her hard exterior.

  As he walked in to his parents’ house, Bryce was sitting in the living room, instead of at his own apartment. The sight of his brother made him wonder if maybe it was his reputation that turned her off to him. Dylan wasn't a playboy in the traditional sense, though he could see why people would think so. Sure, he dated a lot but more than half the time the women he went out with were only dating him because he was on that stupid list. And while it was a point of pride that he made those lists and had been quite an ego boost the first and even second time, now he found it a little annoying. It was almost a hindrance to his love life in the fact that it drove away the kind of women he would want to date. Could it be that simple? Could Lila just be shy because of his image and reputation?

  It seemed easy enough to fix - all he would have to do is get Lila alone and explain it to her. Explain that while he did date around, when he was exclusive it meant exclusive and if the two of them decided to date he would be dating just her. What am I thinking? She might not even want a long distance relationship between Seattle and Highland. But if I take Dad up on its offer there’ll be nothing standing in our way. The idea of spending many a night hanging out with Lila at the lake or coffee shop hit Dylan much harder than he had expected. It gave him this warm sense of contentment that he had never imagined himself having while contemplating the idea of settling down.

  Those shocked thoughts alone had kept him up another hour or two, so all in all he was running on a little more than four hours of sleep by the time he stood with his family at the beginning of the route for the baby parade. Normally Dylan prided himself on being good with women; he always knew what moves to make and what to say, but this time he was at a loss. Dylan found himself not wanting to use his usual moves with Lila; instead he wanted to move slowly even though he was only in town through the day.

  Dylan was still trying to come up with a game plan for if she didn't show. He couldn't easily escape today of all days. The fourth was always the most hectic for his mother, all of the final ribbons and awards were given on this last day, not to mention there were fireworks over the lake just after dark, supervising the cleanup of all of the vendors, as well as both parades. The first of which they were waiting for now.

  The baby parade was something that had started sometime back in the 50s, to the best of Dylan's knowledge. It was where people showed off all of the children under the age of eighteen months. There was a synchronized walk the parent did with their stroller, baby inside. It was one of the most ridiculous things Dylan had ever seen in his life and it culminated in a sort of beauty pageant where five judges from the town would pick that year's most beautiful baby. His mother absolutely adored this event and Dylan wasn't sure whether it was because all three of her sons won their first year entered or whether it was simply that it was a long standing tradition; either way he just didn't understand it. The whole i
dea of parading babies in strollers, having their parents carry them on stage so that an audience could look at them, babies they saw every day about town, was simply absurd to him but for whatever reason his mother took it very seriously. In Dylan's opinion, an alarming amount of people showed up to watch the baby parade every year. Granted there weren't as many that showed as did for the main parade an hour later, but still there was usually about a few hundred people in attendance.

  With all of this, it only surprised Dylan more when Bryce elbowed him and then jetted his chin over Dylan's shoulder; when Dylan turned he saw Lila walking towards them with a giant coffee in her hands. Her black hair was up in a high swinging ponytail that looked like something out of the 50s; she was also in a bright red tank top that was so long it went about a third of the way down her thighs, dark denim capris and black slip on shoes. He made a mental note about her appearance because it was more casual than he was used to seeing from her. Also it was very much a utility outfit, as if she wasn't sure exactly what she would be expected to do today so she dressed accordingly. It was a good look for her; there was a casual breezy nest to it that made Dylan's blood heat a little bit.


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