"Lila? Lila dear?" wafted June's voice from several aisles away.
Lila stood from where she knelt next to the cart, a stack of books in her arms. "I'm in the fiction aisle closest to the window, June," she called out.
Knowing June would find her, she turned her back towards where the older woman's voice had come from and proceeded to check the books in her hand, putting them where they belonged. The one downside to being so busy meant that she had more books to put away.
She heard someone clear their throat behind her, which confused her because she had expected June to just start talking. Assuming it was a patron with a question, she spun around with a smile on her face only to be shocked to see Dylan standing in front of her with a bouquet of wildflowers.
Before she could do more than open her mouth and gawk at him, he moved his arm out to hand the flowers to her and spoke. "Before you say anything, I want you to know that I've been thinking about it and I've decided to take over my father's company. If you had asked me two months ago, I would've thought you were crazy for suggesting perhaps it's time for me to settle down and grow some roots, but now seems the perfect time and the perfect opportunity. I mention this because I have not only taken the job, but I have finished my four weeks at my old law firm and have purchased a small house, not in Highland Estates, just south of town. This means you are going to be seeing an awful lot of me because I intend to visit the library quite often now that I'm here. In fact, June has already helped me update my library card. Since I'm going to be around, I would like to discuss the possibility of perhaps going to dinner with you. Just you and me and whenever you're available, no pressure." He gave her an adorably sexy, lopsided smile.
Lila's heart soared, she hadn’t missed this opportunity. She felt her heart race and couldn't help the smile that bloomed on her face. "Absolutely, if you're okay with eating late. The library closes at nine tonight. Or we can wait till tomorrow when I have the day off and we can have an early dinner." I can't believe this is happening; this is absolutely perfect. This handsome, sexy, great guy is standing in front of me and I'm getting a second chance.
His smile grew wide. "I'll tell you what, I will hold onto these." He bent his arm to show that he meant the flowers. "And browse to see if I can find a book to occupy me for the next three or four hours then, if you let me, I would love to walk you home. Tomorrow at noon, I will pick you up for a picnic on the beach and after we’re done I’ll take you back here to get your car. How does that sound?"
Lila could feel herself beaming; there was nothing she could do to stop it. "That sounds perfect." The perfect guy for me, a big city bachelor, not so much a playboy, and he is all mine.
About the Author
Gretchen is a Seattleite who loves her home. She has a day job as a Program Coordinator at a local university. She loves to read, write, and create characters, as well as knit and binge watch Netflix. She currently lives with her husband and their mischievous Rotti mix, who always seems to find something new she shouldn't be chewing on.
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Big City Bachelor Page 6