The Deal (The Fallen Angel Series Book 1)

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The Deal (The Fallen Angel Series Book 1) Page 21

by S C Cunningham

  If she could just keep the two of them apart, she could keep him for herself. A small part of him was better than nothing at all.

  Pyke watched her from the other side of the room.

  “You have to let him go, Mara. Anyone can see they were made for each other. You’ll only put yourself through pain the more you wait for him. You are at the end of your life for god’s sake. Enjoy what there is left.”

  “I’ve told you before, mind your own business, Pyke. He killed her. You know nothing.”

  “I doubt that, but if he did kill her, doesn’t that just prove to you how he feels? Obviously, he did it to bring her here, to join him. He wants to be with her. Can’t you see that?”

  “Get back to work you two,” shouted Maggie from the doorway. “We have more important things to worry about than your love life, Mara. Pyke, where are we on the hack job? Are we back on track?”

  “Yep, and I have a backup. It won’t cause a problem again. But whoever did it, knows our systems. It was an inside job.”

  They both looked at Mara.

  “Oh, that’s great. Blame it on me, why don’t you? I don’t know the first thing about computers. How would I know how to sabotage them?”


  Maggie and Pyke continued to stare at her, unbelieving.

  She walked out.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Kings Road, London, UK

  Jack walked through the wall into the bedroom of the small terraced cottage in the Kings Road. Amy stood leaning against a chest of drawers, arms crossed, watching a naked male and female rolling across a double bed in a tight embrace, passionately kissing. Their cloths littered the bed, the floor, and corner armchair, strewn about as if in haste.

  “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere. You’ve turned your tracker off?”

  “I told you not to follow me.”

  “You cannot turn your tracker off.”

  “What is it to you?”


  “So why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with Mara?”

  The couple’s passionate groans escalated. The male grabbed at the female’s chest as he kissed her forcefully. She winced in pain, but tried not to show it. Instead, she carried on, responding to his kisses with matched fervour, turning her cry of pain into a groan of pleasure. He took the cry as a sign of enjoyment and continued to grind his hand into her chest.

  Surreptitiously, the girl kicked her leg, trying to release her panties which had become caught on her ankle, but they stubbornly refused to budge. She kicked harder, but to no avail.

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake,” Amy sighed, uncrossing her arms. She moved closer to the foot of the bed and flicked at the persistent lace, helping the girl out. The knickers flicked across the room, just missing Jack’s face.

  “Urgh…jeez, Amy.” He ducked in time. The knickers landed at his feet.

  Amy stepped back to the chest of drawers, leaned against it, crossed her arms and continued to observe the couple. Jack copied suit, lining up beside her, crossing his arms and watching at the couple.

  “What are we doing?” he asked, feeling awkward.

  “Well, I’m just waiting for this guy to come. I don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “We have to try and sort this out, Amy. I can’t go away.” He looked down at the man, who knelt at the bottom of the bed, opened the girl’s legs, and proceeded to give her private parts a lot of attention. The girl reached her arms up over her head and groaned with pleasure.

  Jack gave Amy a sidelong look of disgust.

  “Do we have to be here? This is weird.”

  “She’s faking it,” nodded Amy, as the girl’s cries reached a crescendo.

  Jack scrunched his eyebrows, turned his head to the side, and kept watching.

  “I doubt that very much. She sounds as if she’s in heaven.”

  “He’s not hitting the spot. She’s fed up with his tongue attack. It’s getting painful, so she’s pretending it’s fine to hurry him up.”

  “You’re joking. How are we guys supposed to know? She looks fine to me. I would be very happy if I were he. She’s screaming in ecstasy.”

  “That’s not ecstasy. That’s excruciating pain. Our little panic buttons are very sensitive, you know.”

  “Panic button. Is that what you call it? I like it.” He grinned. “Why isn’t she telling him it hurts?”

  “Because women are stupid like that. We don’t want to hurt your ego, so we put up with it, and ever so gently move you on to another part of the job.”

  The girl gave a loud sigh of pleasure, raised her head to smile at the male, and flopped her body back down on the bed, exhausted.

  “You see, she’s come. She’s good.”

  Amy looked at him and shook her head.

  “Bollocks, she came. She just pretended.”

  The girl eased herself up on her elbows, looked down the beaming male between her legs, who was licking his lips with pride at his prowess. She smiled, and placing both hands on either side of his head, eased him up over her body to bring his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss.

  “You would tell me if I wasn’t hitting the spot, wouldn’t you?” asked Jack, concerned. Nudging Amy gently, seeking reassurance. “You don’t fake with me, do you?”

  Amy looked at her watch.

  “You would tell me, eh?”

  Amy ignored him. He crossed his arms in a grump.

  “OK, don’t,” he spat. “You know some women don’t know how to suck cock. We boys just have to grin and bear it as well.”

  She looked sideways at him and smiled to herself. She loved him when he was angry.

  “Well, that’s not me.”

  “Huh, how do you know?”

  “Cos, you can see it in his eyes. I know.”

  Jack, smiled and shook his head.

  “Grrrr…” Amy growled. “For god’s sake, hurry up… I’m bored.”

  “Bored? What the hell do you mean bored?” Jack raised his hands in exasperation, not enjoying the voyeurism. “This is none of our business. We shouldn’t be here. Can we go now? Awkward!”

  The girl opened her legs, wrapped them around the male’s waist, looked down between them, lined up his cock, and eased herself onto him. Jack put his hands over his face.

  “Great!” Amy applauded. “He will be done in a minute and we can go.”

  “What, dear God, are we waiting for?”

  Pyke’s voice clicked into Jack’s ear. “Where are you Jack? Is Amy with you? I need to have a word with the two of you.”

  “Errr…not yet.” replied Jack, “It’s not a good time, mon amie.”

  Before Jack could warn him, his eye camera clicked on, and Pyke got a full view of their location. A naked couple hammering away on a bed.


  “Told you. Don’t ask. Amy will explain later.”

  “Oooh, who are they?”

  “Not now…go.”

  “OK.” Pyke reluctantly switched off.

  The couple rolled around the bed, pumping, puffing, sighing, and groaning, the sound of wet clammy skin slapping on wet skin.

  “They look like a couple of sweating pigs. We’re not as attractive as we think we are when we’re doing it, are we?” pondered Amy.

  “I guess it does look a little ridiculous.” Jack grinned.

  The male lover’s face turned bright pink as he concentrated on reaching his goal. The girl stared up at him, encouraging…“yes…yes.”

  “Is he going to come?”

  “How the hell do I know?”

  “You’re a guy. You know what it’s like. When he does, we can go.”

  Jack shook his head, and tried to focus. He stepped closer for a clearer view of the situation. The man’s eyes were scrunched shut with concentration, and he was holding his breath.

  “Nope, not yet. He’s doing the oh-fuck-I-can’t-come look.”

  “What’s that?”

  “When his co
ncentration is just off, he can’t quite reach that place he needs to. Did they have a lot of alcohol beforehand?”

  “Yep, a bottle of wine each…Dutch courage.”

  “That won’t help.”

  The girl reached down and slipped her fingers around the base of her lover’s cock as it slid in and out, gently tightening the circle of her grip as he eased in. His gasps became deeper, faster.

  “Now is he coming?”

  Jack peered in closer. “Well, maybe,” he mused, scratching his head. “He’s certainly trying.”

  Jack willed him on. “Come on, my son,” he whispered, punching the air.

  The male pumped and pumped, but after a few strives, he fell forward with exhaustion, not able to quite reach his climax. He lay his damp wet body over the girl, nuzzling his head into her neck, trying to get his breath. She reached her arms around him and gently patted his back.

  “Oh, no…not the consolatory pat on the back. That’s so condescending, so not good for the macho ego. He’s gonna feel like shit now…a failure. Look, he can’t even look at her.” Jack, getting involved, ran his hands through his hair, feeling for the man.

  “Well, to be honest. He is a failure, Jack. Jeez.” Amy shrugged her shoulders. “She’s gonna have to do something to get that mojo going again, and fast before it becomes too obvious.”

  As if hearing Amy, the girl whispered sweet nothings into the man’s ear and eased herself from beneath him, off the bed. She walked around to the end of the bed and kneeled on its edge, her arse facing Jack and Amy. Jack shielded his eyes.

  “For god’s sake, do we have to watch this?” He kept his hand in place over his face.

  Falling forward, on all fours, the girl let her knees slide outwards. Her bottom lowered, almost touching the bedcover, sticking up proudly into the air. She wriggled it, waiting for him to join her.

  “She looks like a frog.”

  The male, gaining excitement again, scrambled off the bed and lined himself up behind her, grabbing her bottom with renewed excitement. As he eased his wet cock into her, she groaned with pleasure. He smiled, happy with her reaction. She slid herself up and down his cock, driving him crazy. He couldn’t resist. He joined her, building up the rhythm.

  “Yes,” Jack got involved again. “Ya see? He’s gonna be all right. Come on, my son,” he cheered.

  “About bloody time. I haven’t got all day,” moaned Amy.

  “Err…I think he’s gonna come. He likes this,” cheered Jack. “I’m not bleeding surprised. She looks pretty hot from this angle.”

  Amy looked down at Jack’s trousers. “Are you getting excited by this?” she asked, spotting a bulge rising beneath his zipper.

  Jack snapped his hand to his groin. “No…just being helpful,” he mumbled, winking.

  Amy nudged him in his ribcage and stepped forward to get a closer look at the humping couple. Their moans built to a crescendo as the bedsprings creaked in unison, the bed’s headboard hitting the bedroom wall.

  “Oh, yes,” cried Jack. “He’s gonna come. That’s my boy!” He punched the air.

  The male bashed his cock hard into the girl, building up the speed.

  The girl shouted. “Yes, yes.”

  Jack shouted, “Yes, yes.”

  The male couldn’t bear it any longer; he pulled out ready for the final thrust. As he lined up mid-air for the final entry, Amy stepped in close, placed her hand between their bodies and gently nudged his penis upward.

  His thrusting cock slid up over the crack of her bottom, just as he gave a loud cry of pleasure and came all over her back.

  A doorbell rang in the background.

  “Ohhhhh nooooo…What did you do that for?” Jack was mortified for the guy. “That is so unfair.” Jack shook his head. “No, no, no…you can’t do that, that was his moment.”

  Amy ignored him and wiped her hand on the duvet and straightened up her suit.

  “OK, we can go now. Mission accomplished. Let’s get out of here.”

  The doorbell rang again, longer and louder.

  The male fell on top of his girl, hot and sweaty. They heaved sighs of relief whilst getting their breath back.

  Amy walked out through the bedroom door and downstairs. Jack followed her.

  “That was not fair…so not cricket,” moaned Jack.

  “She’s trying for a baby.”


  “She’s in the right ovulation cycle.”


  The doorbell went again, longer and louder than before.

  “This lady here.”

  They walked through the front door. An irate female was now shouting and pounding at the door. Amy walked past her down the steps onto the street. Jack ran to catch up.

  “She’s his wife.”


  “Yes, ohhh. Now that is not cricket.”

  “It’s still none of our business what people do.”

  “It is mine. That’s my mate, Sally, up there, trying for a baby with a man she thinks will marry her. Her world is about to come crashing down. She has no idea about the family he already has. Bringing an innocent new baby into the mix right now would not be helpful, for the child or her. She will have her baby, but later, with a father who deserves it. I’m just helping her out. Years from now she’ll look back and say, ‘Thank god I didn’t get pregnant with him.’”

  Jack scratched his head. “Great! We’re in the contraception business now, are we? I’m so not doing that again. Watching people having sex is weird. But…she was hot…not like you hot, but hot.” He assumed a playful smile and prodded her in the ribs.

  Amy laughed.

  “I’m not leaving you, Amy. You can scowl all you like. We’re going to work this out. You talk all the rubbish you want about our work here being holy and good, but hey, love is what we are trying to promote. Our bosses won’t stop us being loved up. It’s what makes the planet tick.”

  “You fucked someone else. What am I supposed to do with that? If I fucked someone else, it means you weren’t enough for me, so I went sniffing elsewhere.”

  “I fucked someone goodbye. But I get it. So, can we split up over it, and then very quickly start again…like now?”

  “What? Don’t I even get my goodbye fuck?” She put her arm in his and walked. “Let’s walk and talk. You’re not getting away with this that easily. Pyke will have to wait.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Sloane Street, London, UK

  Jack and Amy walked along a deserted street past shop fronts. It was late evening. Amy checked out the fashion in shop windows, amazed she no longer cared about clothes, handbags, jewellery, considering them all just things, stuff people put so much effort into acquiring, working hard to earn money, fall into debt, succumbing to peer pressure to fit in and be ‘cool,’ trendy, acceptable.

  What a waste. She shook her head at her own shallowness. What mattered was the person deep down; actions mattered, not whether you had the latest fashion, bigger boobs, or a drink-tray butt.

  “What is it with Mara? What makes her the way she is?” asked Amy.

  “Childhood, upbringing, dodgy parenting, and loving someone who doesn’t love her back,” answered Jack.

  “With her airs and graces, I assumed she came from a wealthy family, that she had everything.”

  “You know as well as I do, not everything is as it seems behind closed doors. She told me once her father regularly abused her mother in front of her, and he encouraged her to watch. He adored his little princess of a child. She wanted for nothing, but he hated her mother, had no respect for her. I think he grew up with an abusive mother and turned into a woman hater because of it. Mara grew up mixing love with abuse,’s what she was programmed to be, the needy, controlling type.”

  “You’re a protector type. What made you that way?”

  Jack looked at her,

  “My mother was hit a lot. I guess I always wanted to keep her safe. Our domestic violence jobs get
to me the most. All this suffering in silence reminds me. She put up with it for me, until she could get into a position where we could run away, without my dad getting to us. She was a good woman. I was luckier than most.”

  “Did she instil that protective thing you have?”

  “Yes, and knowing you.”

  “What is all this knowing me rubbish? I don’t get it. We didn’t know each other before here.”

  “Oh, yes we did. We played together as toddlers. Richard Parker…I was with you that day. We were playing football. I kicked the ball into the woods and you followed it in there. I stood waiting for you to come back, but you didn’t.”

  “What?” Aghast, Amy stared at him. “You were that little boy?” She couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes. Can you forgive me?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. We were young. What did we know?”

  She stared at him. Was he really the little dark-headed friend with whom she played football, action figures, and cars? Their laughter from long ago filled her mind. Before Dick, they’d known happy days. She hadn’t thought about him in all this time. She had always concentrated on Parker.

  “I waited and waited, but you didn’t come out. I walked home to my mum and tried to tell her what had happened, but she didn’t understand. She thought I’d just lost my ball.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, nervous.

  “Sorry I haven’t talked about this before. I never saw you again. I would stand outside the woodland, for days afterwards, staring at it, wanting to run in and save you, but I couldn’t. I vowed I would grow up and be big and strong, and one day I would come back and save you.”

  “Ahhhh…that’s so sweet.”

  “Not really. A feeling of worthlessness stayed with me forever. I grew up fighting harder and stronger than anyone else, competitive, stubborn, fearless. I dared things to happen to me because I hadn’t saved you. I thought you were dead. Then, in my twenties, I hired an investigator to find out what had happened to the little girl in the woods. He learned you survived, but a little girl the next week had died. I tracked you down, moved to London, lived near you. So, you see? You became my obsession. I followed you, watched over you, all the time.”


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