GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

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GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance Page 11

by Harloe Rae

  A rumble rolls through him. “That’s the fun. I like keeping you guessing.”

  My movements slam to a halt. “You’re still messing with me?”

  Trey pulls against my resistance, but I’m not budging. “Easy, Princess. Didn’t mean it like that. I just want your hands on me for now. There’s no harm in that, right?”

  I shake off his hold as my confidence pushes forward, ready to take over. He relaxes into the seat and rests his head against the window. My fingers work on undoing his jeans, and Trey shifts, allowing me to lower them under his ass. My nails trail up his briefs before I grip his covered shaft.

  He jerks into my touch. “Fuck, yes. Take me out, Princess.”

  In the next beat, I have him free and pulsing in my palm. There’s a bead of arousal at his tip, and he hisses when I spread the moisture around. I begin gentle strokes, up and down, testing his preferences. Trey has no patience for my teasing and wraps his hand around mine.

  “I’ve waited too damn long for slow. Like this,” he says while setting the pace. He’s showing me how to pleasure him with quick twists and short jerks. Trey squeezes around the crown and growls in his throat. I watch our hands work in sync, studying the technique until the moves feel natural. I buck his assistance off while keeping the rhythm.

  “Use some spit,” he says.

  I still at his unexpected words. “What?”

  “Need some lube. A little saliva goes a long way, Princess. Don’t be afraid to get creative.

  Without overthinking, I lick my palm, making sure to gather plenty. When I touch him again, the strokes are much easier. His length slides within my grip, the movements slippery.

  “Fuck, yes. Now you can really work me,” he grunts.

  As I grasp him harder and really take charge, the power of being in control thrums through me. He’s at my mercy, and that’s a heady sensation.

  “Dammit, that’s so fucking hot. Love you jerking me. Feels so good, baby,” he pants while thrusting into my grip.

  I’m discovering that Trey is a talker, and that’s seriously sexy. With each filthy word, he’s encouraging me to make this even better for him.

  “Fuck, fuuuuuuck. You’re sinful, Princess. Love getting your hands full of me.” His voice is half-strangled.

  My fingers tighten around his length as I jack him faster. I push him further while listening to his verbal encouragements, getting high off the expletives.

  “I’m gonna come, Princess. Fuck, you’re gonna make me bust so hard.”

  What does that mean? All over the ceiling?

  My gaze darts around, searching for something he can finish in. His truck is impeccably clean so my pants are the only thing lying around. Those won’t work.

  When he warns me again, I make an impulsive decision. As Trey’s body locks up, I seal my lips over him. I capture his pleasure, shivering as the salty flavor hits my tongue, before swallowing several times. Unintelligible nonsense spills from his mouth as he continues to jerk against me. I keep up with the gentle suction until his muscles relax.

  My cheeks burn as I sit up, uncertainty clinging like a second skin. As discreetly as possible, I wipe my mouth and ease out of his lap. I fidget and wait for Trey to say something, but he stays slouched with his eyes closed. I fidget while considering my next move. Maybe I should make the choice easy for us and head out. Trey probably wants to leave, most likely alone.

  But tonight, he’s full of surprises.

  “Come here.” He lifts his arm and beckons for me. I willingly fold against his chest. He kisses my forehead like a lover, but I’m not stupid enough to believe that’s what’s happening. He’s just floating on his release and taking another moment to enjoy the rush. My heart pitter-patters regardless, and I sigh, trying to silence the giddy bliss taking over me.

  I knew getting involved with Trey was trouble, but this is another level of screwed.



  I STRETCH WITH a yawn, attempting to remove the cobwebs from my brain. The coffee pot gurgles on the counter, and I track the slow drip like a lifeline. Damn, I slept real well. I smirk while thinking of the reason.

  Raven has a spontaneous side I didn’t see coming—pun very much intended. She took things to another level with that unexpected—yet deliberate—twist. It’ll be fun discovering what else she’s willing to do while testing her boundaries. Last night was the beginning, an appetizer before the feast, and I’m ready for a second serving.

  I could have pushed and gone further, taken Raven all the way. Hell, that’d been the plan as we were gunning to my truck. But in the end, that didn’t seem right. I fought against my body’s demands, preferring to extend our time together and make this last a bit longer. I’m not in a hurry to fuck Raven and forget. She’s different, meant to be enjoyed and savored.

  A pit forms in my stomach when considering the lines I’m blurring. After Raven sucked me off, I held her while the high wore off. In that moment, it’d felt impossible to shove her away. But that didn’t mean I had to cuddle her. Probably didn’t help the confusion either when I drove Raven home, asked for her number, and left with a smile.

  Shit, I’m crossing wires left and right. Why am I acting this way?

  I lick my lips and find the answer waiting. Raven’s flavor lingers, just a hint, but it’s there. Makes me wonder if she’s still tasting me. I glance at the clock and figure she’s probably at The Graze, selling cookies and cakes for Sunday brunch.

  How would Raven react if I stopped by? Would she smile and be happy to see me? Would her eyes twinkle with desire? Would her fingers curl with craving? Would her lashes flutter as she remembered where my mouth was not even ten hours ago? Would she bite her lip and crave more?

  I want to see her blush and squirm.

  I glance at my phone at its spot on the ledge. A text is harmless. She won’t read further into that than what I send. I reach for my cell, scrolling through the contacts until landing on Raven. What should I say? Thanks for the blowjob? Wanna meet up later?

  With a huff, I toss the device away before typing a single word. This debate is stupid. Why am I worrying about fluffy shit? This madness can’t be one-sided. At least I fucking hope not.

  Suddenly I’m wide awake, and caffeine is no longer necessary. Restless energy floods my veins, and I need to take the edge off it. Kicking my ass in the gym will do the trick. I’ll visit Raven after cleansing my system of this confusion. I shake the tension from my limbs before throwing on some dry-fit gear.

  A convenient thing about this town is having everything within reasonable distance. Ten minutes later, I’m warming up on the treadmill while planning today’s workout circuit. Dank sweat and musk hang in the air as I breathe deeply. Chicks never step foot in this place and I’m not surprised. Suits me fine not having any tits around to distract from the true purpose. Burning a few hours here will reset my mind to normal functioning. I’ve transitioned to weights when an unpleasant interruption shatters my concentration.

  Dylan Porter saunters into my line of sight with a stupid grin on his face. “Trey, my man. How’s it hanging?” I give him a chin lift before resuming my reps. Dylan doesn’t take the hint. “Gonna pump some serious iron. Gotta bulk up for the ladies.” He puffs out his chest before flexing, and I roll my eyes.

  What a douche canoe.

  “Good for you,” I grit out, lowering the dumbbell. With my back to him, I start the next set.

  Dylan rambles on. “Haven’t seen you around Dagos lately. Heard you were at Cyclone last night. Great spot to pick up chicks.”

  I just keep lifting, offering nothing but an occasional grunt. Not sure what his point is, but I’m not feeding into it. If he’s hoping for an invite next time, it won’t come from me.

  I’m switching to bicep curls when Dylan says, “Going to The Graze today. Lots of visiting hotties are looking for private tours, if you know what I mean.”

  Apparently, all he talks about is women. If he’s trying to form
a bond through our mutual appreciation for them, it’s not working.

  “I don’t come here to socialize, Dylan. Got a point to make?”

  “Not really.” He shrugs. “Just being friendly.”

  My gaze flings to the stained ceiling as I sigh with extra emphasis. “Not the time or place, buddy. Kinda in the middle of something.”

  Just when I think Dylan has finally caught my drift, he tosses me a zinger. “Have you seen the new honey in town? Damn she’s fine. I wanna hit that in all the right places.”

  What the actual fuck?

  There’s no way he’s talking about Raven. I’ve never liked the guy, but he typically stays out of my way so there’s never been a serious issue. Until now. My movements pause as I wait for him to elaborate.

  “I’d like to pull that long hair while staring into her dark blue eyes. She’s a dime, dude.” Dylan continues running his mouth. I swear I can feel steam billowing from my ears.

  Before knocking him out and causing a scene, I clarify. “The girl who works at Delilah’s cafe?”

  He claps and points at me. “Hell yes! I know you’ve checked her out.”

  That’s all it takes for the impending storm to crash down. In the next moment, Dylan is smashed against the mirror with my forearm locked on his throat.

  My voice is low and full of threat. “Had to be her, huh?”

  His face turns red, but I don’t let up.

  “You’d be wise to never mention her again. Especially the way you’re talking about her.” Dylan struggles and gasps, clawing at my skin, but his efforts are useless.

  “Her name doesn’t enter your disgusting mouth. Understand?” I roar.

  He chokes and sputters but doesn’t give me an answer. I crush down on his windpipe until the veins in his neck are sure to pop.

  “What in the hell is going on over here?”

  My gaze jerks to Ben, the weekend manager, as he quickly approaches.

  “None of your business,” I growl.

  He’s smart to keep his distance. “Not sure what you’re fighting about, but it doesn’t belong in my gym. You know better, Trey.”

  I look back at Dylan while replying to Ben. “Well, this dipshit doesn’t. Needs to learn a lesson or two about respect.”

  Ben snorts. “Give me a break. Never seen you like this so consider this a warning. Knock it off or get your ass out.” With that, he turns and walks off.

  I still don’t release the dumbass in my grip. When I’m sure Dylan is on the verge of passing out, he slaps my arm and nods. I drop him immediately. He crumples to the floor, sucking in desperate gulps. Dylan coughs while rising on his hands and knees. I give him a few moments to recover and prepare for his backlash, weak as it might be.

  Dylan doesn’t disappoint.

  He glares at me through watery slits. “You’re a crazy motherfucker,” he spits.

  I quirk a bored brow. “Thanks for noticing. Stay away from Raven and we won’t need to revisit this little dispute.”

  “She your girl?” His hoarse tone gives me vindication.

  “Something like that,” I say nonchalantly. She isn’t my anything, but this moron doesn’t need to know that.

  “The way you tore at me, I’d say it’s love.” My expression drops as I take a menacing step toward him. Dylan throws up his palms. “Fuck, leave me alone. Do whatever you want with her.”

  “Damn straight and don’t forget it,” I tell him with a sneer.

  “Didn’t take you for the protective type,” he mutters.

  “Proves you don’t know shit about me.”

  He rocks back on his heels. “Figured you’d be cool to swap stories with.”

  Fiery heat licks up my neck as I motion between us. “We’re not the same. I have zero interest in whatever trash you’re doing. Stay outta my business and we’ll be golden.”

  “Gladly, dude. You’re psycho.”

  “Yet you’re still talking to me,” I say. “And I’ll be the one to walk away.”

  I do just that with aggression chasing me, desperate for an outlet. Dylan mumbles under his breath, and when I glance back, he’s clicking around on his phone. Well, this will give everyone something new to talk about. Not sure I’ve ever lost my cool over a girl.

  Totally worth it.

  Most people expect this type of crap from me already. Guess I’m providing a helping hand by making it true. I can’t control the shit coming out of Dylan’s mouth, but hopefully he thinks twice next time.

  I aim for the punching bag, picturing Dylan’s smarmy face as the intended target. Thanks to him, my state is worse than when I arrived here. My focus is wrecked, and all I see is him approaching Raven. My hands curl into fists as fury pumps through my veins.

  I pound the bag until my muscles are useless. Then, I push harder, making sure to drain them of every last ounce of toxicity. I collapse on the mat, wheezing as fire scorches my lungs. Once sitting up is possible, I spend far too long stretching life back into my limbs.

  I’m one hundred percent spent and definitely need a shower to recharge my system. Thankfully the locker room is empty when I shuffle in so no one is around to bother me. I take plenty of time under the water, resting my forehead on the cool tile. The warm steam soaks into me while I breathe around the boulder on my chest. As I relax, my mind wanders to Raven and what she’s doing. My dick stirs as I imagine her flushed skin as she bends over the hot stove. My palm trails down, but I’m too tired to answer the need trickling through me. I’ll deal with it later. Better yet, I’ll have Raven help.

  When I’m dried off and dressed, a semblance of normal filters in. My cell beeps with a few notifications, and I check them with a barely-there glance. This time when I tap on Raven’s number, I follow through with sending her a message.

  Me: Where are you, Princess?

  The three dots appear immediately, and my skin tingles in anticipation of her response.

  Raven: Just got back to Jitters. Why?

  Me: Need to see you.

  Raven: Okay . . .

  Me: You alone?

  Raven: For now.

  Me: Keep it that way.

  There’s a lull and I stare at the screen, ready for more. Our chat has me feeling plugged into a high-voltage outlet, and I’m waiting for the switch to flip.

  Raven: Is it weird getting excited by this exchange?

  Me: It’d be weird if you weren’t.

  Raven: Wanna know what else gets me going?

  Me: Tell me when I get there.

  Raven: Where are you?

  Me: On my way.

  Raven: Should I be concerned for my lady bits?

  Me: Probably.

  Lust travels straight to my dick as I pack up and rush out of the gym. Holding off on sex was the worst idea ever, but I’m about to rectify that. When I reach my truck, a shit-eating grin covers my face.

  Ready or not, Princess, here I come.



  WHEN I PULL up, the cafe is dark and the sign says they’re closed. After parking along the curb, I walk around to the back entrance, assuming that’s where Raven will be. The door is propped open a crack so I kick away the stopper before stepping inside.

  Low music plays from the kitchen, alerting me to her location. I watch from the hallway as she dances, unaware of my presence. She’s swinging her hips while pouring something into a bowl. Raven’s long hair is flowing down in a golden cascade. Her ass wiggles as she sways back and forth, hypnotizing me with the tantalizing tempo. She’s wearing tight black leggings that are sprinkled with flour. Sweat dots her forehead and a radiant flush lights up her skin.

  Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

  She startles when I knock on the wall, but the shock is quickly replaced with a smile.

  “Hi, you,” Raven says with a little wave.

  I move into the room. “Hey, Princess. Still working?”

  She nods. “Yup. Getting started on some items for tomorrow.”

  Raven takes a sl
ow, and extremely obvious, perusal of my body. I prowl forward like a hunter with my prey in direct sight. Her sapphires gleam as she catches my want, reflecting her own back at me. Raven doesn’t shy away. She boldly shows her longing for me.

  The questions that haunted me this morning settle on the tip of my tongue. They fire out of me in rapid succession as I stalk closer.

  “You happy to see me?”

  “Uh, huh. I’m glad you’re here,” she says without pause.

  My heart pounds faster. “You been thinking about me?”

  Raven’s lashes flutter. “Yes.”

  I point to her succulent mouth. “You still feeling me?”

  A darker blush blooms on her cheeks as she whispers, “Yes.”

  “You embarrassed about what happened last night?”

  “No,” she says while biting her lip.

  “You craving more?”

  “So much,” she admits while her feet shuffle in place.

  Raven’s sultry signals tell me everything else I need to know. While her thighs clench, the juncture between is calling to me. Her blue eyes are torches, lighting a path to the need buried inside.

  I stride closer, studying the way her restless fingers tap the counter. “Finish telling me what else gets you horny, Princess.”

  She shoots me a saucy grin. “Stirring batter.”

  “Isn’t that a huge part of your job?” I ask while gesturing to her discarded work in progress. My muddled brain finally catches up. “Wait a hot fucking minute. You’re telling me—”

  “I’m constantly turned on. Wanna see?”

  “That’s a question you’ve never gotta ask,” I manage to choke out while creeping into her personal space. “Need a helping hand?”

  Raven shakes her head and takes a step back. She shimmies out of her pants, exposing a pair of hot pink panties. I groan at the sight of the tiny thong, imagining the material between my teeth. Raven’s shirt goes next, leaving her almost naked before me. I’ve never seen a hotter sight, and she’s mine tonight.

  She purrs like a sex kitten, “What do you think?”


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