GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

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GENT_An Enemies to Lovers Romance Page 15

by Harloe Rae

  Trey rubs his chin. “Let me get this straight. I’m supposed to flirt with you like we don’t know each other?”

  “Yeah, hit on me. It’ll be fun.”

  “For who? I already know we’re leaving together.”

  “Don’t be a party pooper. Do it for me since you wouldn’t hold my hand.”

  His lips flap with a heavy exhale. “This is the weirdest request, but all right. Wanna couple lines to make you blush?”

  I shake my head. “No. I want it all. The full Cadillac experience. Really sell me, okay?” Trey rolls his shoulders like he’s preparing for battle, and I crack up.

  “Don’t overthink this. Just go with the flow, right?” I repeat his bullshit from earlier.

  “Yeah, yeah, very funny. Okay, look away. Pretend I don’t exist to you.”

  I do what he says, turning toward the rippling lake. My gaze settles on the serenity of it, and for a moment, I almost get lost in it. My chest deflates with a sigh, and I relax into the seat. I feel a slight touch on my forearm and peek down at the source.

  Trey clears his throat. “Hey, babe.”

  I raise my eyes to his and lift a brow.

  “Yeah, you.”

  I look around, playing into his setup.

  “Stop looking over your shoulder. And don’t bother avoiding me.”

  I turn to face him, narrowing my eyes with false suspicion. “Do I know you?”

  He bites his lip, and tendrils of lust unfurl in my veins.

  “I’ve been watching you check me out. There’s no denying it.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t remember looking at you,” I say.

  “Oh, yes. You’re still staring.”

  He’s right. I am.

  “Keep looking. It turns me on.”

  Wow, Trey is cranking up the heat, and I’m starting to feel the burn. “You’re very forward. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  He nods slowly, his coffee gaze making a lazy scan of my body. “And you’re new around here, right? You must be. I’d never pass by a beauty like you.”

  My heart flutters—he’s definitely getting to me. The pull is strong, and I already want to give in. “I’ve never been to this place before.”

  “How does it feel? Having all this attention solely on you? Pretty great, huh?”

  I laugh as a very real blush rises on my cheeks. “Yes, it does.” Oh, man. My voice is breathy, from fake flirting.

  Trey’s finger trails up and down my arm, goosebumps breaking out in his path. “Well, I can make it even better. Are you interested?”

  I get captured by the desire pooling in his unwavering stare. My throat bobs with a hefty gulp while I nod rapidly.

  “Only for tonight,” he adds, and I sigh. I’ve heard this part before. My lips purse as I wait for what’s next. He chuckles, reading me well. “No promises. No romance. No tomorrow. But I’ll guarantee one thing—pure, raw pleasure. The toe-curling, scream-so-loud-you’ll-be-hoarse kind. Sound good?”

  “Who would say no to that?” I ask in awe. He’s selling me on this deal, all over again.

  “Yeah, I thought so. Just don’t go expecting more, all right? You’ll only be disappointed,” he says, and I guess this means all the ladies get the same spiel. I look away briefly, my gut churning with a mixture of lust and disgust.

  Busty Bartender drops off our drinks, slamming my glass down rather aggressively. Vodka and soda sloshes over the side. I purse my lips and quirk a brow. She glares and huffs off. Seems someone is jealous. Trey picks up where we left off, bringing my focus back to him with ease.

  “This is all I have to offer,” he murmurs. “Can you handle that?”

  “Sure,” I mutter while contemplating the decision I made by playing this game.

  He keeps going, his touch shifting to my bare thigh. I tremble in spite of the conflict waging within me.

  “I bet you can, babe. Don’t worry. I can be gentle . . . at first. You’ll be begging for more in no time.” I stay silent so he fills the gap. “You’re not used to this, huh? Well, I take what I want. And honey, I want you real bad. I don’t mind being forward and obvious about it. Why waste time, right?”

  I glance at him, my jaw going slack at the raw passion reflected at me. “Yeah, might as well take what we want.”

  Trey hums. “Let me take care of you. I’ve got exactly what you need to soothe that ache.” His hand drifts up my leg. My muscles jump beneath his palm, and he squeezes slightly.

  “I like your hands on me,” I say and shift against him.

  “Now we’re getting somewhere. I like hearing those words. Tell me more,” he urges.

  Trey loves the dirty talk. I circle his wrist, dragging him higher, until his fingertips brush my panties. I erase the distance between us, whispering in his ear, “You feel that? I’m so wet for you.”

  He coughs into his fist. “Damn, girl. You’re asking for trouble, saying shit like that. Better save that sass for when you’re under me. Then we’ll see who’s the cocky one.”

  I’m done messing around, ready to turn the tables. “Oh, yeah? Maybe I wanna be on top. Could you handle that?”

  Trey wags his brow. “Fuck, yes. Does right now work for you?”

  “I’ll let you decide. It’s your birthday and all,” I say with a wink.

  “Good choice, Princess. I’m about to show you the greatest night of your life,” he murmurs against my neck. “You smell so fucking good.”

  I bow into him, stretching to give him more of me. “Was that all fake?” I moan quietly when he bites down gently.

  Trey breaks away, his coffee browns searing into mine. “Nah, Princess. That was all original, just for you.”

  Damn, this man. He just reeled me all the way in.



  SWEAT DRIPS OFF my chin as I reach deeper into the engine. The ratchet clicks twice, signaling the bolt is set. I straighten from under the hood before wiping my face. It’s hotter than hell in the garage with the air conditioner busted. The small space is boiling. It makes completing a job nearly unbearable.

  I’m expelling a lungful of pure fire when my phone dings. I clean off my hands and check the message.

  Raven: Hey, Dirty. Plans tonight?

  I grin at the nickname. She’s been using it nonstop since my birthday. When I flirted with her at Hops, it was the real deal. She wanted the charm, so I gave it to her. Of course I made it dirty for her. I made sure Raven knew those words were just for her while she was screaming my name after dinner. I showed her just how filthy my mouth can be.

  I shuffle my feet in front of the industrial fan while typing out a response.

  Me: You? Because that’d be awesome.

  Raven: That’s what I was thinking.

  We’ve only met up once since last weekend and that’s not nearly enough. I’m teaching Raven the art of sexting though. We’ve been experimenting with that plenty. Her skills are a work in progress and I’ll gladly make this a learning opportunity. Practice makes perfect, right?

  Me: Whatcha wearing, Princess.

  Raven: An apron.

  Me: And?

  Raven: That’s it.

  My eyes widen.

  Me: Little liar. You’re at work.

  Raven: I’m in the loft. Alone.

  Me: Why’s that?

  Raven: Jitters got too hot with all my stirring.

  Damn, She’s a quick study. And I’m hard.

  Shit. Think about clowns and spiders and—

  I’m glancing down at myself when my cell alerts me to another text. Any attempt at diffusing the situation in my pants is blown to smithereens when I tap on the picture. The screen fills with her cleavage, and it’s surrounded by pink fabric. The image isn’t pornographic. It’s barely indecent. What I’m drooling over isn’t anything more than a glimpse down her shirt, but it’s the hottest fucking tease.

  Yeah, it’s official—Raven is trying to ruin me, and it’s working. All I can do is stare while my dick pitche
s a serious tent. Good thing I’m already facing the wall.

  A new notification yanks my focus off her tits.

  Raven: Stunned speechless?

  Me: Kinda busy trying to conceal a loaded weapon at work. Wanna help?

  Raven: Nope. Already got my hands full. Good luck with that.

  Raven: But later, it’s totally on.

  I don’t reply, allowing her suggestion to hang in the air between us. Raven can squirm while wondering if I’ll meet up with her. I glare at my dick, knowing there’s no doubt about it, but a little guessing game won’t hurt.

  After getting my insatiable appetite under control in the bathroom, I get back to work. Focusing is a challenge, though. My thoughts continuously drift to blonde waves and sparkling sapphires. Lust isn’t the only thing thrumming through my veins when it comes to her. Denying Raven’s influence over the rest of me is no longer possible. The impact is a slow drip into my system, entering undetected until the potency builds.

  I’ve kept myself numb so these feelings are unfamiliar, but not unpleasant. A calming sensation has been soothing my bitterness whenever she’s near. That flood of peace is the greatest drug. Raven is dangerous and lethal, which makes her too fucking good to quit. There’s no way in hell I’m ready to stop.

  I’m ignoring the shifts in our connection, which makes me a coward more than anything. This shit is sure to explode in my face because I’m treading into dangerous territory. If I was a better man, Raven would be free of me already. But I’m a selfish prick and want to bask in these good vibes a bit longer.

  The stifling heat gets worse at the peak of the afternoon, threatening to suffocate me. I’ve guzzled about two gallons of water, but my mouth still feels like a desert. Quitting time can’t come soon enough.

  I’m finishing up my last repair for the day when Shane saunters up to me. “Wanna go to happy hour?” he asks, leaning against the car’s bumper.

  Mirroring his pose, I say, “Sure. Where you thinking?”

  He glances at me from the corner of an eye. “Heard from your girl? Maybe we could meet up with her.”

  “And Addy?” I add, not bothering to correct his label for Raven.

  Avoiding my stare, Shane finds sudden interest in the ceiling. “Uh, sure. That’d be cool.”

  “She mentioned hanging out but didn’t say where. Wanna hit up Dagos? I can text her,” I say.

  “What about Boomers? We could play pool or something.”

  I scratch my chin. “Sure. It’ll give us something to do. Is there a band tonight?”

  “Doubt it. They’re saving up for Garden Daze in a few weeks. I heard there’s a rooftop party this year,” he whoops.

  “Right. Well, in this weather, I’ll stay inside.”

  “Yeah, right. You’ve gotta give Raven the full experience.”

  That reminds me. I’ve got to plan a few more outings for her. She hasn’t seen nearly enough of this town, and being the one to show her gives me a strange sense of pleasure.

  “Whatever. Not the time to worry about that. Get cleaned up and we’ll head out. I’ll let her know where to meet us,” I say before heading to the sink.

  I scrub my hands until the skin burns. There’re still grease stains. I’m fucking dirty, just like Raven calls me. I scoff at myself while grabbing my phone.

  Me: We’re going to Boomers for HH. You in?

  Raven: We? And what’s HH?

  Me: We as in Shane and I. HH is happy hour.

  She sends me the forehead-smacking emoji, and I laugh. Guess I’m teaching her new shit on the daily.

  Raven: What time? D just went upstairs to get ready. We can leave in thirty.

  Me: See you then.

  Glancing at the clock, I do a quick calculation and kick my ass in gear.

  “Hey,” I call to Shane. He turns. “Going home to shower. The girls are meeting us there in half an hour. Hustle up.”

  He waves as I jog out to my truck. I peel off like an asshole on a mission, getting half-hard picturing Raven’s outfit. She loves shocking me so I wonder if that pink apron is involved.

  A few moments later, I’m pulling up to my place, not wasting time before racing inside. It doesn’t take much for me to get ready so I’m back out the door in less than fifteen.

  The parking lot is half-empty when I arrive, a decent sign we’ll get a pool table. Boomers at daytime is a mellow scene so I easily spot the girls at a high-top table. I stop at the bar and see Shane huddling with Addy by the digital jukebox. Based on their matching grins, he’s making a move. After ordering a beer, my feet automatically carry me to the empty seat next to Raven. She smiles at me while I sit down. To my disappointment, there’s no apron in sight.

  “Hey, Princess,” I whisper.

  Delilah makes a gagging sound. “That’s still happening? What’s the deal? Raven doesn’t act like a princess.”

  I roll my eyes. “And this involves you how?”

  “I think it’s cute,” Raven says. “At first, it was meant to be a dig. But I like it now. You wanna be a princess too, D?”

  “No,” Delilah replies quickly. “I don’t want a silly nickname.”

  Raven holds a hand up to her mouth, stage-whispering to her friend. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. No one else needs to know what we called you in college.”

  Delilah’s eyes widen, and she gasps. “No way, Rave. Keep your trap shut.”

  My gaze bounces between them, not sure I want to be involved in this. Until I see Raven’s shirt and bust out laughing.

  “Are you one?” I ask while point to her chest.

  She glances down, tugging on the hem to get a better look. “What?”

  “A badass.”

  Raven chuckles. “Um, duh. Haven’t you noticed by now? D bought these for us as a symbol of our awesomeness. It’s even better when we’re both wearing them. I think the donkey is cute too.”

  I snort and shake my head. “Princess, I wanna record the things you say and collect them for a rainy day.”

  “Aww, that’s kinda sweet. Your own Raven soundtrack. Will you play it when you’re lonely?”

  Prickles attack my neck, and for a second, I contemplate a fast getaway. If this uncomfortable conversion is any indicator, I’m in for a long fucking night. Raven is practically beaming at me while Delilah raises a bored brow, and I want off this loopy ride. My mind searches for anything else to talk about.

  Raven pats my shoulder. “I’m totally messing with you, Dirty. Don’t leave, okay?”

  Before I can say anything, Delilah chimes in. “Oh, Lawd. There’s too much sugar in the atmosphere for me. I’m going to the bar,” she complains. “Have fun, lovebirds.”

  Once D saunters off, the pressure in my chest loosens. I reach for my beer and chug it, assuming rehydrating with booze is the best answer.

  “How’s Jacked Up?” Raven asks before taking a sip of her drink.

  I comb through my hair and sigh, slouching deeper into the chair. “Hot as hell. The air condition busted yesterday so it’s been a real treat.”

  Her nose wrinkles. “Ew, gross. I can’t imagine. Sounds like you need a vacation while it’s getting fixed.”

  “Nah, that stuff is overrated.”

  “Air conditioning?” she gasps.

  I chuckle at her stunned expression. “No way, that’s a necessity. I meant taking time off. If I need a break from reality, there’s plenty of time after work. And I’ve got Sundays off.”

  Raven’s lashes flutter as she takes in my words. “What? You’ve never had vacation time?” I shake my head.

  “What about going away on a trip?”

  “Everything I need is here,” I say.

  She tilts her face, appraising me. “Have you always lived in Garden Grove?”

  “Yup. Born and raised.”

  “Always plan to stay?”

  “Absolutely. No reason to leave. Next year I’ll be twenty-five and Jack plans to make me co-owner of the garage.” A curve lifts the corne
r of my lip. “Why you ask? Planning on moving on already?” My voice sounds gruffer than I thought it would. Her answer means more than it should.

  Raven waves me off. “No, not at all. Just curious about you. So, no recent trips, but what about growing up? Where did you go on spring break and stuff?”

  “Here,” I say simply.

  “Haven’t you been outta state? What about going fishing in Canada or something?”

  I rub my temple. “Nah. There’s plenty of local lakes for that. I’m not much for travel, Princess. But tell me about your jet-setting and I’ll pretend to care.”

  She shoves my arm. “Don’t be like that. We’re having a civil conversation. Your snark isn’t warranted.”

  “Always calling me on my shit,” I say.

  “You’d be bored without me.”

  Instead of falling into that trap, I scan the game area, finding a few open options. “Wanna play something?” I ask, jutting my chin toward the corner.

  Raven glances over and nods. “Sure, that’d be fun.”

  “We can make it more interesting,” I suggest.

  She turns back to me. “Such as?”

  “A bet. There are three games so we can make this an arcade trifecta event. Winner takes all.”

  “What are the terms?” Raven is smart to question me.

  I look around while considering the options and new territory to explore. I snap my fingers when an idea hits me. “If I win, we screw in the bathroom.” I hitch my thumb in that general direction.

  Raven sucks in sharply. “Here?”

  I trace along the blush covering her from neck to cheek. “It’ll be so hot, Princess.”

  She swallows, and her focus skitters down the dark hallway. “What if people hear us?”

  “You’ll have to be quiet.”

  Her lips purse. “You’re always telling me to be louder.”

  “That will only be an issue if I win. Better make sure that doesn’t happen,” I taunt.

  Raven rolls her shoulders back. “Right, okay. When I win, you have to tell me a secret. Something really juicy that no one else knows.”

  My gut clenches. “Good luck with that,” I grit. No way she’s getting anything significant out of me.


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