The Emperor's Arrow

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The Emperor's Arrow Page 7

by Lauren DM Smith

  But the woman was standing now, body folded almost in half. Galen glanced at the woman for only a moment then strode past, his guards following close behind. That had Evony frowning. The woman wasn’t a threat and had been obviously uncomfortable. He could have taken the time to reassure her. If she’d heard the same rumours about him that Evony had, she couldn’t only imagine what the woman had thought awaited her for getting in the emperor’s way.

  Evony sighed and turned back towards the hall she and the other candidates lived in. She could puzzle the Adnuhom out later. For now, her stomach told her that breakfast was well past due.

  Chapter 7: Fourth Test

  The soft wind that had sprung up wound its way through Evony’s still damp hair. It tried to send strands flying, but her curly mane had been partially tamed by a low horsetail and the added weight of the water made the individual pieces too heavy to move. Still, it felt nice to be cool.

  Heading into the building that housed their quarters, Evony had barely stepped foot into the hall when Admina rushed towards her, eyes wide, face pale. She frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  Her friend twisted her hands together. “It was in the eating hall when we awoke. The fourth test has been announced and our time slots decided. I-I don’t know how to do this.”

  “Only someone who pretends at being nobility would require the aid of the barbarian,” said a voice as three girls passed them by.

  Evony turned her gaze to the speaker, Venita of Argentia, while Admina flushed. “It is manners and honour that make someone noble,” she said, tired of the constant snipping comments. “Otherwise you’re no different than a broodmare.”

  Venita choked and Evony took the opportunity to grab Admina and gently tow her into her room. She had to change anyway and it would keep her from being drawn into a pointless argument with the other girl. She really shouldn’t have even given into the impulse to say anything, but the Argentia girl was just so...wearing.

  Once they were safely in her room with the door closed, she turned towards Admina. “What’s this test that has gotten you into a lather?”

  Her friend stared at her for a moment. “Oh. Oh! We’re all to take it in turns to walk his imperial majesty through the gardens. Our time slots have already been assigned and it’s happening today! I’m to be second last and you last! What am I supposed to say to him? How do I speak to-to the emperor? He is the man who rules the world!”

  Evony raised her eyebrows. “I thought the point of this competition was for him to choose a bride. And that you wanted this. I would think you’d have to be able to talk to someone you were considering as a lifemate. I think it’s a good opportunity to see if you’d be at all comfortable being his bride.”

  “ speak like I have a choice,” Admina whispered, looking at the ground, her hands fisted around the sides of her dress.

  “Don’t you? It would be easy enough to get yourself kicked out of the competition.”

  “The alternative is much worse.”

  Evony’s gaze narrowed but she didn’t press Admina. Her friend would tell her when she was ready. “There is another option.”

  Admina jerked her head up to stare at her. Evony smiled. “You could always come home with me. Amazzi have been known to adopt girls in the past, especially those who are in situations that are less than ideal. Once you are Amazzi, it would take the force of several armies to remove you from Silvinsula and the person would have to go against the emperor to do so. Our rights and treaties agreed to would leave him no choice.”

  “B-but I’m no child.”

  “By our laws you are. No one becomes an adult until they are twenty years of age.”

  “But I can’t use a bow.”

  Evony chuckled. “We could teach you. And it’s not like my people are all warriors. We wouldn’t get anything done if we were. There are plenty of other trades and jobs available that you could learn to do, if you were so minded.”

  A ghost of a smile tugged at Admina’s lips. “I have always wanted to go to Silvinsula since I first learned of the Amazzi as a child.”

  While she smiled back, a thought niggled into Evony’s brain. She left it at the back to percolate, concentrating instead on the immediate. “You always have options. I won’t let anyone force you into anything you don’t want to do.”

  That brought a true smile around. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve a friend like you.”

  Evony laughed. “And I could say the same. You’ve explained a number of mainlander things that would have confused me. Especially at meals. I had no idea people here used so many pieces of cutlery! And I wouldn’t worry so much about the emperor. Just speak to him like you would anyone else.”

  “I couldn’t do that! It wouldn’t be proper. And I don’t know what to talk about with most people...”

  “He’s a person, the same as you or I. Ah! That’s it! You don’t have a problem talking to me, do you?” Evony waited for Admina’s nod before she continued. “Then pretend the emperor is me. And be yourself. If he’s choosing a bride, I imagine he’d appreciate honesty.”

  Admina bit her lip for a moment. “Do you really think that will work?”

  “I wouldn’t suggest it otherwise. And like I told you, you have options. Don’t let anyone force you into anything you don’t want, and if you run into problems, I’ll do my best to help you.”

  “I can never repay you—”

  Evony cut her off with a raised hand. “We’re friends. Friends don’t owe each other anything. Now, if I’m to meet with the emperor today, it would be best that I change. While this is what I would wear at home, I gather it’s not appropriate here.”

  Admina looked at her, then down at the short chiton Evony still wore and blushed, like she’d just now realized what Evony was wearing. She supposed it would appear to a mainlander like she’d appeared in her nightclothes, despite what she felt personally.

  With a quick promise to meet up in a few minutes for breakfast, Evony shut the door to her room behind Admina and let out a sigh. Speaking with the emperor would be interesting, especially since their last meeting. She wasn’t sure if she was glad or not about the opportunity. The emperor...well, he wasn’t what she’d expected.

  And standing in front of the door wasn’t helping her get dressed, so Evony turned away from it and her thoughts, focusing instead on what she could do. Which was put on another of the long chitons and yellow overdresses she was already tired of.

  * * *

  Evony stood in the shade of a large oak and watched Admina approach with the emperor. Her friend’s eyes were on the ground, much as they had been when she’d left with him, but she seemed to have a touch of colour in her cheeks, which was better than how pale she’d been previously. It looked like it hadn’t gone poorly, which was good.

  As they both reached the garden, Evony stepped towards them. “Thank you, Rector Admina,” she heard the emperor say.

  Admina gave the full formal bow and murmured, “Thank you, Your Imperial Majesty,” before hurrying towards Evony.

  Evony smiled at her and whispered, “How did it go?”

  Her friend offered her a shaky smile in return. “Better than I had thought it would. Thank you.”

  Evony didn’t have a chance to reply, Admina scampering off. Evony watched her go then turned to look at the emperor. His tawny hair and steady blue gaze hadn’t changed from the last time she’d seen him. She closed the short distance between them and bowed with her arms crossed over her chest. “Adnuhom,” she said.

  He inclined his head in her direction. “Princeps Evony,” he said. “Shall we?”

  She shrugged. “You’re in charge.”

  A wrinkle appeared briefly on his brow before he nodded again. He started walking back the way he’d come, heading towards the next garden. Evony
kept pace beside him, looking around a bit. She hadn’t been to these gardens prior to this. She liked the bright yellow flowers mixed with the red ones, thinking they looked much better than the pale pinks, blues, and whites she’d seen in gardens near the building that housed them.

  “How have you found the palace?” he asked after a few moments of silence.

  “Well enough. It’s much hotter and drier than Silvinsula here, so that is an adjustment. As is the type of clothing most women here seem to wear.”

  “Is there such a difference in clothing?”

  “We Amazzi typically wear short chitons, not these long ones, Adnuhom. And then you add in overdresses. I’m surprised at so many layers in a place that is already warm.”

  The emperor frowned slightly. “You always call me Adnuhom. Is it necessary?”

  “No. I’d thought using your title was more appropriate, but if you don’t care for it, that’s fine then, Galen.”

  He stopped and jerked his head to stare at her for several heartbeats. She raised her eyebrows, wondering what his issue was. But he started walking again a few punctums later, so Evony guessed it hadn’t been anything major. They continued in silence for long enough that she began to wonder what the point of her walking with him was. He certainly wasn’t learning anything about her this way.

  Galen looked her over for a moment, face hard to read. “Tell me about Silvinsula.”

  Evony frowned. “What would you like to know?”

  “Whatever it is you wish to tell me.”

  Hiding a grimace over such vagueness, Evony decided to start with some of the basics and expand from there. “Our island is mostly forest and cooler than here because of it and the ocean that surrounds us. We’re mostly self-sufficient, though we do trade for things we can’t grow or make ourselves, like iron, certain foods, fabrics, and some luxury items like perfumes and spices.

  “There are thirteen main clans of Amazzi, each of us operating indendently from the others. As we’ve long had a relationship with the Fuscienne family, my clan, the Aurelines, are seen as something of the leading clan. Which may also have to do with the fact we’re the only ones who are technically nobles. Though we don’t much use the princeps title on Silvinsula.

  “My people all learn the basics of combat so that we can defend ourselves against invaders and when on the mainland. Everyone learns to use a bow and a knife, and while there are few of us who are purely warriors, most learn more than the minimum. But as I’m certain you can imagine, most of our clan has other jobs so that we can support ourselves.

  “We trade with the other clans, and once a year, all the clans come together for a festival. We exchange news, gossip, and sometimes matches are made between clans for those interested. We also compete with one another in various contests against each other. Every clan hopes to show that their people are the best trained, though often it ends as a three—or four-way tie amongst the clans.”

  Galen rubbed his thumbnail with a finger. “The other clans do not feel threatened by that?”

  Evony shrugged. “It’s very rare for any clan to go more than two or three years without ending up in that kind of tie with the others. We all train to keep our skills up. It was originally to ensure that if we were invaded we’d have a strong, experienced fighting force to deal with them, but now it’s more a way of showing off. It’s friendly competition. And when it turns sour, it’s generally dealt with quickly.”

  A faint frown tugged at his lips, so she elaborated. “My people, we don’t do subtlety well. When someone gets upset, they’re generally very vocal or physical about it. Then it’s dealt with. Sometimes through unofficial rematches or contests, or through the clan heads getting involved. We don’t normally let things fester.”

  “I see.”

  The quiet stretched between them again as they passed another garden, empty except for a few bees and butterflies. Evony eyed Galen. He stared straight ahead like he wasn’t really seeing what was there, finger still circling the fingernail of his thumb, forehead faintly creased.

  “You said previously that you were loyal to me and would obey me?” He said abruptly.

  “Yes. All Amazzi are loyal to you. Is there something you need me to do?”

  He nodded. “I would like you to act as my eyes and ears within this competition and report anything you find unusual.”

  Evony frowned, tapping her fingers against her thigh. “Why? If you’re looking for further insight into each of the candidates, I’m not certain I’d be the best person for that. I’m not certain what would be usual or not among mainlanders. I can give you some general information about each, but little that you wouldn’t be able to discover on your own.”

  Galen stopped and Evony followed suit. They were in the middle of a small garden that ran beside the wall, near the corner opposite from the building Evony currently lived in. A few flowering trees were scattered about, while the centrepiece of the garden was a stone bench flanked on either side by large flower bushes that seemed to be a favourite for butterflies given how many Evony saw. No one else was in sight, something Evony noticed when she followed Galen’s stare.

  He turned those exotic blue eyes on her, holding her gaze for several punctums before studying her face. She wasn’t sure what it was he was looking for, but he seemed to come to some kind of answer. “This competition is the pretext I used to bring someone from each of my provinces into the palace.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It has come to my attention that there are people preparing to move against me. We have only caught a few hints, but those we have discovered are...worrisome. To verify the loyalty of each of my provinces I had them each send me one of their daughters as a bride candidate. It had also occurred to me that I might find a suitable woman to give me heirs at the same time, but my focus is on the threat. I had heard the Amazzi care little for politics and prefer to be left alone on Silvinsula except for when we require their aid, and what you’ve said only confirms that, so I am certain of your loyalty. I cannot be certain of anyone else’s. As you are also a trained warrior, and an excellent archer from what I have heard, you would be best suited to help me gather information.”

  Evony scratched the back of her neck, thinking fast. She pushed away the thoughts of why he was asking her, why he needed help, and where the danger might be coming from. She’d think that all through later, when she had time and more information. For now, she needed to answer Galen. On the one hand, she owed this man her loyalty and she should protect him. On the other, she knew nothing of his court or the people in it. In all honesty, the only person she knew much about was Admina. “You are aware Amazzi don’t typically have much trade in intrigue? I’m not certain how much use I will be, but I will certainly do all I can.”

  “I can ask nothing less,” he said, with a tiny quirk of his lips that seemed to be the closest thing to a smile to cross his face. Evony often wondered why nothing seemed to please this man. “I will of course reward your efforts. Do you wish to be empress?”

  She snorted. “No. I came because you requested a daughter of our clan. Once I’m released from this competition, I will complete my secondary mission and return home.”

  The wrinkle reappeared in his forehead. “What is your secondary mission?”

  As he was the Adnuhom, Evony saw no reason not to tell him. “To find a man who is suitable to act as stud to me. I would like to find a lifemate like my mother did, but I’m not certain I’ll be able to. But it is my duty and honour to bring children into our clan. Since I was already to come to the mainland, it was decided that I should do this as well and save myself a trip later.”

  Galen stared at her, his lips parted slightly. He blinked slowly a few times before he ran his stare over all of her then met her eyes again. “That... That may work well for both of us.”

  “What do you mean?”
r />   “We both seek the same thing: heirs. You would like a daughter, and I would need a son to succeed me. If I cannot find a suitable woman to become empress and you cannot find a man to suit yourself, we could pair up until we both had our heir. I imagine I would be considered suitable.”

  It was Evony’s turn to stare for a moment. She could hardly argue with him, not when he was the Adnuhom. Legend said that one of the ancestresses of her clan had become the lifemate of one of the Fuscienne men which had forged the alliance that persisted today. Which made Galen practically Amazzi. He seemed healthy, strong, and intelligent. She imagined any children of his would be the same. It was certainly an interesting offer, but she wasn’t without concerns. “How can you be certain we’re compatible physically?” she asked, thinking back to the stories some of her aunts and cousins had told her. “It would be difficult to produce multiple children if we aren’t.”

  “There is a simple method to test that,” he said, taking a step towards her.

  “What is it?” Evony asked, leaning forward. No one had told her you could test for that! If she could learn this test, it could make it easier to find a suitable man, and maybe even a lifemate!

  “Like this,” he said, reaching out and pulling her towards him. An arm snaked its way around her waist so her body was pressed into his, while his other hand cradled the back of her head. His warm, soft lips were against hers in a moment. Evony opened her mouth to say this wasn’t a test and was rewarded by the entrance of his tongue.

  Evony tried to pull away a little at that and made a little noise of protest that quickly died away. Because what Galen was doing with his tongue and lips made her flush all over. His lips opened and closed around her lips, while his tongue explored her mouth like it belonged there. He was even so bold as to flick her tongue with his.

  The new sensations brought a familiar tightness to her breasts and lower. He had to feel the way her nipples stood up, given the way her chest was pressed into his. She knew her face was flushed, her skin feeling hot, the familiar tug of need making her shift her weight. It was so much stronger than she’d ever felt it before. Her body wanted this and more.


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