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Down in Flames (Silver Tongued Devils Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Samantha Conley

  We wrap up the show after two encores, and Brian meets us at the side. I can’t tell if he’s mad or not. I’m the first one off the stage and he grabs my arm as I hurry by. Whatever he sees in my face has him letting me go. I can hear Jason calling my name as I run down the corridor. I go into the first empty room that I find, with Jason hot on my heels. He closes the door as I pull my phone out and dial her number. She can’t answer it fast enough for me, but it goes to voicemail. “Fuck!” As soon as the scream leaves my mouth, my phone vibrates in my hand. It’s her.

  “Kris, baby, what’s going on?” As soon as she hears my voice, she starts to sob, then someone else comes on the line.

  “Derek? It’s Mallory.”

  “Jesus, Mal. What the fuck is going on? Is Kris okay?”

  “Oh, God. She’s fine, physically. When she came home from work today, there was a dead kitten on her stoop. It had…” I can hear her take a deep breath, then her voice cracks. “It had been gutted. It was bad. She’s been a wreck ever since she found it.”

  I can feel myself sink to my knees. Just knowing that she’s physically okay makes me weak with relief, and Jason places a hand on my shoulder. Jason takes the phone from me and talks to Mallory as he moves away from me. I can hear him talking, but I can’t make out the words. After what seems like an eternity, Jason walks back to me and hands me the phone.

  “I’ll tell you everything Mallory told me as soon as you finish talking to Kristen. Be supportive. That’s what she needs right now.”

  As he walks out the door, leaving me alone, I place the phone back to my ear and hear Mallory tell Kris I’m on the phone again.

  “Derek, I’m scared.” And with those two words, she rips my heart out. I feel so fucking useless. I’m hundreds of miles away from her and I can’t physically comfort or protect her.

  “Oh, baby. I’m sorry I’m not there right now. I just want to wrap you up in my arms. I’m going to see if we can cut this tour short, or maybe find someone to take my place for the rest of it. I need to be with you right now. I love you.”

  “I love you too, but you can’t come home right now. You only have a month left, and then you’ll be home. This just freaked me out. I called Denny and he came over and took care of it. Mallory came and picked me up and I’m going to stay with her tonight.”

  I hear the door open and see Jason stick his head in, giving me the signal to wrap it up. I forgot we have an interview with the magazine tonight.

  “Babe, I have to go. We have that interview tonight. Fuck! I just want to be with you. I’m sorry all this is happening, and I’m pissed that I can’t be there to fix this right now. I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know.” I can hear her quietly sobbing in the background.

  “I love you too, more than I ever thought possible. I know you would be here if you could, but I’m counting down the days until you’re here with me.” We talk for a few more minutes and say our goodbyes. Jason walks in the door.

  “We have to go to that interview. Is your head on straight now?”

  “As straight as it’s going to be with all this shit going on. I feel like the most helpless person in the fucking world. My girl needs me and I can’t be there for her. What if something happens to her before we get back? I’ll never forgive myself if I could have prevented her from being hurt.”

  “This isn’t your fault, and you couldn’t have stopped this from happening. Yeah, it sucks that you’re here and she’s there right now. I know how it feels.” I quirk an eyebrow at him, silently asking the question. “Not now, man. Later, I’ll tell you all about it. Right now, we have to go do this interview before Brian has a coronary.”

  We walk out the door and see Brian, Brett, and Isaac waiting for us. They all have questioning looks on their faces, but I don't know what to tell them. “Sorry. Small panic back home, but I think it’s taken care of for now. That may change at any time, though.”

  “Derek, are your parents okay?” Brett has a worried look on his face. He loves my parents. They were really there for him after his parents died, and they treated him like one of their own.

  “Yeah. They’re fine, Brett.”

  “Okay, boys, let’s get y’all interviewed so we can call it a night.” Brian practically herds us to another room that’s already set up. There’s a beautiful brunette sitting in the room. I know I’m taken, but this chick is banging, and she’s eyeing all of us. I feel a tad bit uncomfortable, and I hope it doesn’t show.

  “Well, hello, boys,” she purrs, and I just want to roll my eyes.

  I look at the others, and Brett is the only one paying attention to her. He goes and stands beside her, while the rest of us move to the chairs that are out. This is interesting. Normally, Isaac and Brett would be fighting for the hottie’s attention. As her and Brett speak, she runs a nail down his arm as she looks over at me, giving me a wink. Oh, she’s one of those. A newer reporter to the magazine, wanting a big interview with some behind-the-scenes to sell. Build up her rep. Well, sorry darlin’, you won’t be getting anything from me. I shake my head at her and look away. Brian finally takes control so we can get this over with.

  She asks the typical questions. How did you start out? At Jake’s Bar. Who discovered you? Brian. Where do you see the band in five years? Hopefully, still making music and loving it. How about women? Brett, weren’t you in a serious relationship for a long time and got engaged? What happened there?

  The question of Brett and Kristen has come up before, and Brett never really handled the question well. I’m hoping he doesn’t blow up now.

  “I fucked up and it ended. End of story.” Wow. I was not expecting him to remain calm when he answered. Maybe he’s finally coming to grips with them not being together.

  “So, what about the rest of you gentlemen? I know you guys don’t lack for female attention. What does it take to keep you at attention? I mean, your attention?” She licks her lips as she eyes Isaac, then bends forward slightly to show us more of her cleavage. Before Kristen, I would have been all over this chick. Now? I just see her as pathetic.

  “Nothing you have, sweetheart. Any other questions for us tonight? We’re sweaty, tired, hungry, and thirsty.” I stand and walk out, with Jason and Isaac right behind me. Brett can get his fill and appease her. That’s fine with me. I know what I have waiting at home. She’s the best part of me.

  Chapter 27


  One more week. Just one more week until Derek gets home. I’m so ready to see him, hug him, smell him. I’m horny as hell, but I’m also tired. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since the cat incident. I stayed a few nights at Mallory’s after it happened, but eventually, I had to come home. I wake at every little noise. The flower deliveries have all but stopped, and I don’t know whether to be relieved or worried. I’ve pretty much limited myself to home, work, CrossFit, and self-defense class. I’ve limited my grocery shopping to once a week. I’m used to going out a few times a week with the girls, so I hate having this fear.

  It’s was a late night at work. One night a week we have a night clinic, and it was my turn to work. I’m halfway to my car when I realize how dark it is. I look up to find that half the lights in the parking lot are out. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, feeling like someone is watching me. I walk faster and grab my keys out of my purse so I can hit the panic button if I need to. I think I can hear footsteps behind me, but I don’t want to look back. Suddenly, I feel a tug on my purse that jerks me back, and I push the button.

  When the alarm goes off, the pressure releases and I hear the person running away. I run to my car, get in and lock the doors. I’m breathing so hard, I’m afraid I’m going to hyperventilate. I grab my phone to call Derek, but what can he do right now? He’ll be my second call. I call Denny and tell him what’s happened. His first piece of advice is to leave the parking lot. I start the car and head out, looking in my rearview mirror every few seconds. I don’t see anyone, and when I turn onto the main r
oad, I breathe out a sigh of relief. Denny tells me to head home and he’ll meet me there.

  I probably drive way too fast on the way home. Once I make it to my apartment, I run inside, lock the door, and set the alarm. I text Denny to let him know I made it home. I go to call Derek, but remember he’s in the middle of a concert somewhere in Kansas. I send him a text instead that I hope he has a kick ass night and that I want him to call me after, no matter what time he’s done. I can’t sit still. I guess my adrenaline is still flowing. I hear a knock at the door, and I check the peep hole to see that it’s Denny, but he’s not in uniform. I turn off the alarm and disengage the locks to let him in.

  “Oh my gosh, Denny. I wasn’t even thinking that you may have been off work. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Kristen. I was just hanging out with the guys, watching the game. I’m glad you called. Now, tell me what happened.”

  I tell him what happened when I left work. “I don’t know if someone was just trying to mug me or if it was him. I never even saw the person. I just heard the footsteps coming toward me, and when I felt the tug on my purse, I pushed the panic button on my car and they ran away. That’s when I got in the car and called you.”

  “Okay. Your office is in Crawford Plaza?” I nod my head. “I’ll head over there tomorrow and see if they have any surveillance video from the parking lot, and speak to whoever manages the Plaza to get those lights fixed. To tell you the truth, I don’t know if it’s related to your stalker, or if it was some punk just looking for a quick buck. Have you thought about getting your license to carry?”

  “I’ve never shot a gun.”

  “That’s okay. I can take you to a range and teach you how to shoot. Then you can take the class and get your permit. Unless you have something on your record I don’t know about?” He smiles at me.

  “Not unless speeding tickets count.”

  “No, I think you’re good. I’m off Saturday morning, we can go then.” I nod my head, knowing that I don’t have anything planned.

  “Just wear some comfortable clothes, and I’ll bring everything else that we’ll need.”

  We head to the door and he turns to me. He grabs me in a loose hug and kisses the top of my head. Well, this is a little awkward.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Kris. When does Derek come back?”

  “Next week, on Thursday.”

  “Good. I know you’ll feel better when he’s home. We’ll get some lunch on Saturday too, if that’s okay with you?”

  “That should be fine.”

  He opens the door and walks out. I lock it and set the alarm. I can tell my adrenaline is gone because I can feel myself fading fast. I head to the kitchen and make a quick sandwich for supper, then sit on the couch and turn on Ink Master. I must have dozed off because my phone ringing startles me awake. I quickly grab the phone and see that it’s Derek.

  “Hey, Derek.”

  “Hey, babe. How’s your night?”

  I tell him about what happened after work, and about Denny offering to take me shooting this weekend. I also tell him that if it goes well, I may get my license to carry permit.

  “If you get comfortable enough shooting, I think that’s a great idea. When I get back, I’ll get mine too. I won’t always be able to carry mine since the law differs from state to state. If it will give you a sense of security, I’m all for it.”

  “I’m glad. Listen, I’m fading fast, Derek. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I love you, and I’m so ready for you to be home next week.”

  “I love you, too. Get some sleep. Hopefully, Thursday will be here before we know it. I miss holding you at night.”

  We hang up, and I feel a little bit better being able to hear his voice before I go to sleep. I gather up my dishes and put them in the dishwasher, turn off the TV and head into bathroom to do my nightly routine for my skin. I change into one of Derek’s shirts to sleep in, climb into bed, and I’m out before my head hits the pillow.

  Something jolts me awake. It takes me a second to realize that someone’s car alarm is going off. I look at the clock, and it’s three in the morning. Motherfucker. I jump up and grab a pair of yoga pants. The closer I get to my living room, the louder the alarm is. I glance out the peep hole and see a shadow, then a loud knock on my door. I let out a scream because it scares the crap out of me.

  “Kris? It’s me, Denny. Your car alarm is going off. Can you silence it?”

  I turn around and grab the keys off the table and hit the button to turn off the alarm before I head back to the door. I slip on a pair of flip flops and fling the door open.

  “What happened?” He points to my car, and I see that someone has thrown something at the windshield. It’s shattered, and there’s a knife sticking out of my front tire. Holy shit.

  “I’ve already called someone from the department to come out. I’ll let you know when they get here. Why don’t you go back in until they arrive? Nothing like the whole complex looking out their windows at you. I’ll head to the manager’s office in a few hours and check the surveillance tapes, and I’ll also let Detective Reinhardt know what happened so he can add it to your file.”

  “Th—Thanks, Denny,” I stutter out as my body shakes. I’m so scared. I guess he can tell because he hugs me.

  He lets me go and walks me into the apartment. I head to the kitchen to make coffee because there's no way I'm going back to sleep after this. After Denny leaves to get ready for work, I take my coffee and sit on the couch. I turn on the TV, just to have some noise to drown out the silence, and text my boss, letting her know what happened last night and just now. Then I inform her that I won’t be in. Next, I text Camryn to let her know I won't be at CrossFit. Last, I text Derek, asking him to call me when he wakes up.

  As soon as eight a.m. rolls around, I call the insurance company to see about getting a rental car. Denny said they would probably take my car for evidence. They ask me to take pictures to send them before it gets taken to the impound lot, so I head out to do it. Since it's light out, I can get a better look, and that’s when I see something scratched down the driver's side.


  Well, that's just great. I take pictures of all sides at every angle, then head back inside. After I shower and get dressed, I hear my phone ringing. It's the detective, letting me know he’s outside and needs to speak with me.

  When I meet him by my car, he informs me of what they’ll do with my car, and I relay my conversation with the insurance company. As the tow truck pulls away with my car, he tells me he’ll be in touch, and we say our goodbyes.

  It’s now past ten in the morning, and I still haven't heard from Derek. That’s not exactly unusual, as they can sleep pretty late on the bus. My boss calls, upset for me, and asks me to keep her informed. Camryn and Mallory have both already called to check on me, and I told them I was fine. I just hope this is as far as this goes.

  Chapter 28


  I wake up in the early afternoon. Time seems to run together when you’re on the road. Thank God for Brian keeping us all straight. I take care of some business and throw on some clean clothes. Grabbing my phone, I find I have some missed texts. One is from Kristen, asking me to call her when I get up. I wonder if something else has happened? One is from my mom, and a few are from a number I don’t recognize. It looks like they’re photos, but I call Kris before dealing with the others.

  “Hello?” She sounds drowsy, which is unusual for her in the middle of the day.

  “Hey, babe. Did you not sleep good last night? You sound tired.”

  “Derek? Oh, I’m glad to hear your voice. I was sleeping fine until my car alarm started going off at three this morning. Denny came knocking on my door to tell me it was my car, and you know what? Some asshole threw something through my windshield and slashed my freaking tire! I just don’t know what to do, Derek. It scared me so bad. God, I’m glad you asked Denny to keep an eye on me while you were gone. I felt safer having a cop wat
ching out for me, but now…I don’t know. I feel like a sitting duck. I’m so ready for you to get home.”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “I’m sorry, baby. I wish I was there too. Are you going to go stay with Mallory or Camryn? I’d rather you not stay there alone. Did anyone come by besides Denny?”

  “Yeah. He called the detective working the case and they impounded my car as evidence. Camryn’s coming by later to take me to the rental car place so I have a ride. My insurance company said I can be reimbursed. But Derek, there was a big ass knife in my tire. And when I went out this morning to take pictures for the insurance company, I saw the word ‘whore’ scratched along my driver’s side door. What kind of person does that?”

  She’s breaking my heart. I feel completely and utterly useless right now. I can’t even be there for the girl that holds my heart. I lean my head back on the couch. I’m not even sure what to say.

  “A crazy person, baby. Someone not right in the head. I’d really feel better if you didn’t stay there tonight. You can go stay at my place if you want to. I can call Mom and have her unlock it for you and give you a spare key. Or you can stay in the house with my parents, in my old room. As a matter of fact, if you’re not sleeping in my bed, I can just picture you in the bed where I slept in school. Brings back all my high school fantasies,” I tease her, trying to lighten the mood. I guess it works because I hear her give a watery laugh.

  “You didn’t even know me in high school to fantasize about me, you butt. I’m not going to stay at your place without you. I’ll stay with one of the girls in the meantime. It’s only a few more days, right? I can handle a few more days, but you better let Brian know that I want you all to myself when you get back. All weekend. I already took off work.”


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