Down in Flames (Silver Tongued Devils Series Book 1)

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Down in Flames (Silver Tongued Devils Series Book 1) Page 14

by Samantha Conley

  “That sounds like a great plan. Three uninterrupted days with you sounds like heaven right now. But the offer still stands if you want to stay at my place.”

  We talk for a few more minutes, then she tells me Camryn’s there to take her to pick up her rental. I tell her I love her, and catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I look over and Brian is standing there, drinking a cup of coffee. I put the phone down.

  “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”

  “Everyone else still asleep?” He nods. “Kristen has a stalker. It started a couple months ago. Before I left, a guy she went on a date with got in her apartment and was waiting naked for her on her bed while she was in the shower.”

  Brian interrupts and asks, “How do you know she didn’t invite him?”

  I give him a look. “Because Kris and I are together.” At this, he spits out his coffee.

  “Say again?”

  “We’re together. Have been for a while now. We’ve just kept it quiet for Brett’s sake. I love her and she loves me, and what’s happening to her is driving me crazy. I’m not there for her, and it’s like a knife to the heart.”

  “So, what’s going on now?” I tell him about her nearly being robbed the night before, and her car getting trashed this morning. I also tell him about how and when it all started, and the night the kitten was mutilated and left on her front step.

  “Is that the night we were supposed to debut Somewhere?” I nod my head. “No wonder your head wasn’t in the game that night. Look, I heard you tell her to stay at your place. If she’s smart, she’ll listen. We only have a week left before we’re home for a while. She’s gonna be fine in the meantime, but did you have to pick Brett’s girl?”

  “She’s not Brett’s girl. She hasn’t been for a long time. It’s not like I moved in right after they broke up. You make it sound like I swooped right in and took her from him. Brett fucked up and lost her, end of story. I had absolutely nothing to do with their break up; that’s all on them. Kris and I sure as hell never planned on being together, it just happened. But I don’t regret any of it. She’s a great person. Warm, funny, caring, smart, and beautiful. She fills a place in my heart that I didn’t know was empty.”

  “But what about Brett?”

  I run my hands over my face. “Brett’s been my best friend for longer than I can remember. He’s my brother in every way but blood. It’s not my intention to hurt him, nor is it hers. We decided to keep this quiet and figure out a good time to let Brett know about us. He was definitely not in a good place when we got together, but he’s doing a whole lot better now. I want to make sure it stays that way. Kris and I are fine with only a couple of people knowing. I think after a while, Brett will be okay with it too. At least, I pray that he is. I can’t give her up. It would be like ripping my heart out of my chest.”

  “Is she worth losing your friendship with Brett? Because it may come down to that, you know. Just make sure you know what you gain and what you could lose. Matters of the heart are tricky. You may not be able to have your cake and eat it too.” He claps a hand on my shoulder and walks out of the sitting area.

  Walking to the back, I see that everyone is still asleep, so I head back to the sitting area and grab a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge. Sitting down, I text my mom, letting her know that I’m okay and that I’m missing her and her fried chicken. That gets a quick laugh sent back from her. Opening up the texts from the unknown number, I scroll down to find a picture of Kris. Actually, there are numerous pictures of Kris. With each picture, I can feel my blood pressure rising. There are pictures of her in her car, outside her apartment, at work, in her apartment. Some are fully clothed and some are of her in her underwear. There are a couple of her hugging a guy, who I recognize as Denny, and one with him kissing the top of her head. What the hell is going on? The next one is a video. I’m not sure I even want to watch, but I hit it anyway. My head explodes. All I can see is the back of a woman with long blonde hair, riding a guy in a bed. I feel like someone’s stabbed a knife in my heart. She wouldn’t do that to me, I know she wouldn’t. For some sick reason, I turn the volume up.

  “That’s it, Kristen. Ride me, Kristen. Come on my cock, Kristen...” Tears roll down my face, but then it hits me—it’s not her. Someone’s gone to a lot of trouble to convince me that it’s Kristen. I stop the video and read the last message.


  I don’t know how long I sit there staring at the phone. I’m trying to wrap my head around all this. This psycho is out of his mind. I’m so in my own head, I don’t even notice Jason coming in and sitting in the chair across from me. He snaps his fingers in front of me to get my attention.

  “What the hell’s up with you? You were staring out into space.”

  “Dude, some fucked up shit is going on.” I tell him what’s been going on lately with Kris and her stalker.

  “He trashed her car? Damn, she loves that thing.”

  “Yeah, she does, but it can be repaired. What gets me is what I got today.” I hand him my phone after I scroll past the pictures of Kristen. “Someone sent me a bunch of different pictures of Kris. We already know that he hired the PI to follow her, so I assume some of them are from him. There are two of her hugging the neighbor. That cop, Denny, that I asked to keep an eye on her. I think one was from this morning after her car was trashed. He looks like he’s wearing pajama pants, and Kris is wearing one of the shirts I left at her place. Then there’s this.” I hit play on the video, and I watch as his eyes go wide.


  “It’s not her, Jason. As much time as I’ve spent with that girl naked, I know her body pretty well. That chick isn’t toned like Kristen is. Also, listen to the guy. He makes sure to say her name. Really? How many times in the middle of sex do you repeat the girl’s name and no other endearments? And lastly, she never says a word. Not a sound. Nothing. Kristen’s not quiet during sex. Sorry, not buying. That’s not my girl fucking this guy. What scares me is the lengths this guy is going to.” I scroll to the last of the messages. “This fucking terrifies me. What’s going to make this guy stop?”

  “Do you still have the PI on retainer?” I nod my head. “Send all this shit to him, maybe he can do something with it. Have you thought about hiring her a bodyguard? I bet our security guys would know someone. It would at least give you peace of mind until we get back home.”

  “Yeah, it would. Maybe I can talk her into it. She’s going to stay with the girls for a few nights.”

  “Mallory would be the best choice.” I give him a look, and he shrugs his shoulders. “She lives in a gated community. She has a state-of-the-art alarm system, and she has a gun and knows how to use it.”

  I can just imagine the look on my face. “Mallory? Little Mallory is armed?” He nods his head. “Do I even want to know?”

  “She had something happen, but it’s not my story to tell. I thought she might feel better if she was able to defend herself. I took her to purchase a gun and I taught her how to shoot. Girl’s a damn good shot. She’s licensed and everything.”

  “Just how close have you and Mallory gotten, Jason? That’s a lot of time to be spending together.” I swear he blushes and rubs a hand over the back of his neck. “So, it’s like that, huh?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Or, at least, I want it to be. We still have to work some stuff out. A lot of it has to do with her past, but I think she may come around, eventually. Otherwise, I’m gonna have blue balls from hell.” I laugh at the frustrated look on his face. I pick up my Dr. Pepper can and hold it out. He raises his and I toast us. “To loving good women. May it not bite us in the ass.” He chuckles and we bump our cans together.

  “Amen to that, brother.”

  Chapter 29


  I’ve stayed the last few nights at Mallory’s place. Denny’s been keeping an eye on my apartment, but so far, nothing else has happened. I just got my car back this morning from the auto shop that Denny had recommended. There
’s no trace of damage to my baby now. It took a few days before Denny was able to get the surveillance videos from management. He said it was really hard to see anything, but they did see a hooded figure walking around the area. Funny thing was, it looked too small to be Josh. More like a teenager, or a woman, which is just crazy. Does that mean it has nothing to do with my stalker? Have I pissed off someone and not know it? Or was it just random?

  I just finished getting off work and I’m heading out to my car. The management got all the lights in the parking lot fixed and my boss makes sure we all leave with someone so we aren’t alone. It really freaked her out when she heard what happened. I say goodbye to the other girls and get in my car to head home. I decide to head to the store right quick because I’m out of creamer for my coffee. I mean, coffee without creamer is a sin. I know that I’m not supposed to go anywhere alone, but it’s pretty early, and there are a ton of people out.

  I quickly pull into the Walmart that’s on my way home and manage to grab a close parking spot. I jump out and round the back, and nearly get clipped by a little black car driving way too damn fast.

  “Watch it, asshole!”

  I hit the button to lock the car and hitch my purse strap higher on my shoulder. I head in and grab one of the little baskets. Rarely do I ever get out of here with just what I came in for. When I get to the back, I could swear someone’s watching me. I try to discreetly look around and see who it is. I probably look like a damn owl, swiveling my head around, but I don’t see Josh. I only see long blonde hair on a girl that’s standing by the drink display, looking around the display, then she quickly steps back. Okay, that’s a little weird.

  I grab my creamer and put it in the basket and head toward the front of the store. Of course, the aisle I chose goes right by the women’s section and I see a cute little pajama set. I reroute and head into the section to check it out. Looking through the racks, I see a flash of blonde hair. Is it weird chick again? I get a better glimpse of her face and she seems familiar to me, but I can’t place from where, so I go back to looking through the clothes.

  Finding a couple sets I like, I throw them in and make a beeline for the checkout. No more distractions. I’m able to get out pretty quickly through the self-checkout line. Digging my keys out of my pocket, I’m almost to my car when I feel someone bump me in the back, hard. So hard, it makes me stumble, and I feel a pain in my side. I glance up and see the blonde again. What the hell? I get in my car and lock the doors, start it up and begin to back out. I’m so distracted that I nearly back into a car going up the aisle. Luckily, the backup camera on the car warns me before I hit them.

  I have to get myself together. I check my mirror, then continue to back out of my spot. I try to look around, but the blonde is gone. Poof. My side is burning and I don’t know why. As I drive, getting closer to home, the weirder I feel. I pull into my parking spot and move to get out, when I see Denny walking out of his apartment in his uniform. He waves at me before heading to his patrol car. I wave back as I step out, and I stumble. I grab the car door before I hit the ground. I’m lightheaded. What the hell is wrong with me? Low blood sugar? Low blood pressure? Dehydration? Blood loss? When that one hits me, I reach down to where my side has been stinging and it comes away red. Oh shit! I try to yell for Denny before he gets in his car, but I don’t think I yell out loud enough. If I’m lucky, I can get his attention when he drives by. But he doesn’t even look my way. I’m getting even weaker, and end up falling on the pavement. I hear a car slam on its brakes and footsteps running toward me, but I’m fading fast. I see a dark figure stand over me before I pass out.

  I’m staring up at a white ceiling. I blink my eyes slowly and allow myself to adjust to the bright light. I can hear a rhythmic beeping, and it dawns on me where I am. I used to hear the IV pump alarms in my sleep. But why the hell am I in the hospital? I glance around the room and see Mallory and Camryn sitting on a small couch. I must have made a noise or something that catches Camryn’s attention because her head pops up and she looks at me.

  “Kristen!” Her outburst makes Mallory glance my way too. They both get up and move toward the bed, one on each side.

  “How are you feeling?” I take stock of my body. Nothing seems to be bothering me right now, but my mouth is dry as hell. I try to answer Camryn, but nothing comes out. She grabs a small cup with a straw and holds it to my lips, and I take a small sip to wet my mouth. Even though it’s tap water, it tastes wonderful. I take a couple more small sips before she moves it away.

  “What happened? Why am I here?”

  “What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “I remember getting off work, stopping to pick up some coffee creamer, then going home.”

  “Well, at some point, someone decided to slice and dice you. The doctor says you have a five-inch knife laceration. Got quite a few stitches too. We don’t know when it happened. Denny called us when he saw you laid out in the parking lot next to your car. You were unconscious, so he called for an ambulance. You’d lost quite a bit of blood and went into shock. They got you stitched up and gave you a unit.”

  “Jesus. Really?” They both nod their heads. Mallory has tears in her eyes, so I reach over to squeeze her hand. I try to think back to what happened, and then it hits me.

  “It was the blonde from the store!”

  “What blonde?” they both ask.

  “While I was in the store, I kept feeling like someone was watching me, following me. I kept seeing a blonde woman in the dairy section, then over by the pajamas. She bumped into me outside, by my car. She hit me hard enough to make me stumble, and I remember my side hurting. I got in the car to head home, but the closer I got, I started feeling weird and was getting lightheaded. I nearly fell out of the car. I tried to get Denny’s attention but I couldn’t. That’s all I can remember. Can I have another drink of water?” Camryn grabs the glass and holds the straw to my lips. “How long have I been here?”

  “Only a few hours. They stitched you up in the ER, then sent you up here for the transfusion and observation. More than likely, you’ll get to go home in the morning.” We all kind of laugh at that. Home in the morning, like that ever happens. It’ll be lunchtime at the earliest.

  “Has anyone called Derek?” They shake their heads no. “Good. Let’s keep it that way. He’ll be home in a few days, and there’s no point in telling him right now. Can I stay with one of you when I get out?” They both say yes, of course. I see movement by the door and Denny sticks his head in.

  “Okay if I come in? Oh, you’re awake. Good. I have questions to ask if you’re up for it.” I nod and he walks in. I tell him the same story that I told the girls. “But I know that blonde from somewhere. I just can’t place her.”

  “It’s okay. It’ll probably come to you. We’ve already requested the surveillance video from outside the parking lot. You need to stay out of parking lots, girl. It’s where you seem to find all the trouble. I don’t think I’ve ever had to request so many videos in a short amount of time.”

  “You haven’t mentioned this to Derek, have you?” He shakes his head no. “Please, keep it that way. I’ll tell him when he gets home. It’s only a few days. No need for him to worry.”

  “I think you need to let him know, but he won’t hear it from me.” He gives my hand a quick squeeze, winks at the girls and walks out the door.

  “That is one hunky cop. I might need to commit a crime so he can use those cuffs on me,” Camryn says, and we laugh.

  “Maybe Isaac will have some cuffs for you, huh?” She blushes to the roots of her hair.

  “Very funny. Now, how about we leave so you can get some sleep. You can barely keep your eyes open. We’ll be back in the morning, and I already let Dr. Daniels know what happened. I ran into her downstairs in the cafeteria, and she said for you to take the rest of the week off.”

  Camryn’s right, I’m fading fast. We say our goodbyes and Mallory gives me my phone before she leaves, with instructions to call
her if I need anything. I tell her just something to wear home and my toothbrush. Once they leave, I put the phone down and go to sleep.

  I’m being chased. First by Josh, then by the blonde. Then the both of them as they laugh at me. Tormenting me. Darkness. A hooded figure. The flash of a knife.

  I wake up in a cold sweat, but I finally know who the blonde is. Stephanie, Derek’s cheating ex. I know that Derek had some issues with her after their breakup, with her not wanting to let him go, but he hasn’t had any recent problems with her that I know of. So why? Why is she coming after me? She can’t know that I’m with Derek. Only a few close friends know about us, and none of them would talk to her. We don’t exactly run in the same circles, so how on earth does she know? And why would she come after me like this?

  Chapter 30


  I’ve had a bad feeling all night, but I’m not sure why. I didn’t get a text from Kristen saying to call her, so I don’t think it’s her, unless she can’t text me. Damn, I’ll drive myself crazy if I overthink this. I haven’t received any new videos, pictures, or texts of Kristen. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I think about checking in with Denny to make sure everything’s okay, but it’s too late, and it’s time for us to go on. We head out onto the stage to rock out with our fans, but I can’t shake the feeling.

  We’re finally done for the night, and we rocked the house, just like I knew we would. It’s such a rush on nights like these. We’re off tomorrow night. We have one more concert, then we’ll be home. Thank God. I miss Kristen. I miss hugging her and hearing her laugh. And, of course, I miss fucking her. I’m horny as hell. My right hand and I can only take so much time without her. But mostly, I just want to lay my eyes on her, and not through Skype. Her actually being in front of me before I get inside her.

  We head off the stage, back to the green room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and see that I have a text from Kristen. Love you! Talk to you tomorrow. Xoxo. Just reading her text brings a smile to my face, no matter how tired I am.


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