Chances Aren't

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Chances Aren't Page 19

by Young, Luke

  "Wait, don't tell me, I don’t want to know. I don't want to know any of it."


  "Yeah, it would be like spoiling a movie. I mean nothing really bad happens, right?"

  "No, nothing really bad."

  He turns on his back and looks up to the ceiling. "I don't want to know then. I think I know too much already."

  "I understand." After taking a deep breath, I feel like the room is spinning and rub my hands over my face. "Wow, I think I drank a little too much."

  "Me too."

  "Wait, um, can I tell you just one thing? One little thing."

  "All right."

  "In two thousand five, I think it was... anyway promise me you won't go up on the roof to fix this piece of trim that falls off during a storm."


  "Like an idiot you fall off and break your arm. Hire someone to fix it."

  "Oh. Okay, I promise."

  "Great at least I can say I stopped you from doing that." Smiling, I bask in the satisfaction of my small victory.

  "Goodnight Ben," Young Ben says.

  "Goodnight Ben," I reply and we share a chuckle.

  "Would you two assholes shut the fuck up?" Alan yells over from his side of the room.

  Chapter 29




  "What?" I whine.

  "You're definitely going to class for me today right?"

  "Yes. What time is it?"


  "What are you doing?" I ask.

  "Karen called me. They need someone for the lunch shift, so I'm switching with Molly."

  "Great." I close my eyes and quickly drift back asleep.

  "Why don't you sleep in the bed?"

  "What?" Turning over, I cringe looking up to young Ben's sunshine morning face.

  "You can sleep in the bed."

  "Oh, okay, cool."

  Groggily, I reach for the mattress and hoist myself off the floor with my head pounding from last night's activities. I slip between the sheets and wrap my hands around the pillow and sigh. God, I miss having a bed, I should totally get one of these. Seconds later, I'm out cold.

  Hours later I'm jarred awake when the bed moves and I find Emily sitting next to me, smiling.

  "Hey," she says.

  Struggling to open my eyes, I sit up pulling the covers up over my bare chest. It's the first time I've seen her since I've been back, so to speak and I haven't seen her look this young in forever. God, she's pretty.

  I'm sure I'm giving her some weirded-out look and she makes a face, holding back a laugh. "What's wrong?"

  "Oh, sorry, I just had a bad dream and, uh, what are you doing here?"

  "I got off early from work and wanted to surprise you."

  "How'd you get in?"

  "The door was open."

  "Cool, just give me a minute and I'll get dressed and we can, um—"

  "You don't have to." She gives me a sexy smile.

  "What?" Moving an inch further away, I'm suddenly self-conscious about being so close to her.

  "You know..." She playfully nibbles on her index finger. "...I would have slept with you that first night."

  "I know, you told me," I mutter.

  She narrows her eyes. "What?"


  "I told you that?"

  "Um, I..." My head is spinning as I say, "But the first time we do it is in your paren…" I pull the plug on that thought and find she's giving me another strange look. I explain, "I mean, it's just… who wants to be the girl who gives it up on the first date."

  "Exactly." She places her hand on my forearm. I stare down to it and swallow hard. "At least I can say that I made it through a few dates without pulling your pants off."

  "Yeah, that is, um…" I pull the sheet up a little higher.

  "Ben, I really wanted to wait until we knew each other at least two weeks before we…"

  "That's very smart of you because—"

  "Would you let me finish?"


  "I don't think I can wait. I think we should do it today… now." Leaning down to me, she gives me a kiss. I can feel that I'm already hard, and this is making me painfully so.

  "Gee, I, uh, great, but I really…" Sliding further away from her, I slip off the bed to the floor landing on my ass. Quickly I turn away to hide my boxer short covered erection. "I need to pee. Can I just… I'll be right back."

  Shaking her head, she giggles. "Okay, but hurry up."

  I pull on some shorts and rush out of the room. Once inside the bathroom I look into the mirror. Fuck, shit… this is not good. Do I have time to retrieve Ben from work and get him back here? Maybe since he's only five hundred feet away, but I'm not wearing anything except a pair of shorts. I can't very well go back to the room, grab some clothes and excuse myself again. Not to mention the logistics of me slipping into the restaurant and somehow trading places with him. Shit, I'll just have to go back and talk to her. I'll convince her we need to wait. Yeah, I can do that.

  When I return to the room, I find Emily under the covers with only her bare shoulders showing. "Oh, hey, there." I stand a few feet from the bed gazing down to her with what must be a perplexed expression on my face.

  "What are you doing?" she asks.


  "Come here. I missed you." She lifts the covers up and I see her naked body. I haven't seen it that tight and toned in a long time. She looks exactly like that picture I have of her in that little bikini in one of those beach scope things. The one she would jokingly show me whenever it reappeared amongst all the other crap in our kitchen junk drawer.

  Drinking in her beauty, I don't move. I stand frozen, indecisively going over the options in my head. Run. Fake being sick. Tell her I'm a virgin and want to wait until I get married. Have sex with her, amazing hot sex with her. "Um, I... you—"

  "It's so hot in here." She pushes the covers off her completely and my eyes wander up and down her young body. Fuck it, I rip down my shorts and underwear and slide in next to her. She feels so warm, so soft, so cute.

  We adjust positions until we are lying facing each other with our heads on the same pillow and we share a smile simply looking each other in the eye.

  After a few moments, I say, "Are you sure you don't want to wait?"


  "You know, sometimes if you really like someone, um, I've heard that—"

  She presses her lips to mine and kisses me tenderly. Somehow only our lips are touching while no other part of our bodies are in contact. My one hand is by my side while my other is up over her head on the pillow. She's not touching me either, but I don't know where her hands are. As I ponder that inconsequential thought, her tongue slips deeper in my mouth and I suddenly know where at least one of her hands is as I feel it wrap around my erection.

  "Oh, God…" I groan. "I've missed you."

  Rolling on top of her I slide down and kiss her neck. She arches her back and wraps her arms around me pulling me closer to her. I move down to her breasts, taking a nipple in my mouth as she runs her hands through my hair and lets out a soft moan. After moving to the other breast, I spend a long time alternating between the two before returning to her lips and kissing her deeply. She spreads her legs and I slide higher, feeling my erection pressing into her stomach.

  Taking my face in her hands, she kisses me once more and asks, "Do you have a condom?"


  "Do you have a condom?"

  Something tells me this isn't the time to tell her I don't need one. I nod breathlessly before getting out of bed and retrieving one from the drawer. My twenty-year old erection feels like it could stop a train. I want her so badly; I've missed for so long what we had years ago— when life was simpler and carefree. I would hold her and we would laugh and enjoy each other's company and the sex was amazing, mind-blowing. Maybe, just maybe we could have that again at least once.

  Returning to the bed, I sit on the e
dge facing away from Emily looking down at my unwavering boner. If he wants this so badly who am I to deny him. She's your wife or future wife or something like that… If you can't have sex with your future wife, then who can you have sex with? In the scheme of things this can't be all that wrong.

  She's gently touching my back as I slip on the condom. Standing, I turn to her and look her over once more shaking my head. "God, you're beautiful."

  Grinning, she extends her hand to me and when I take it she pulls me toward her. Lying on top of her, we kiss as I slip inside. She lets out a groan and her eyelids flutter closed as I pull my lips from hers and gaze down to her face.

  She pulls her knees up and coaxes me on with a smile and by gently stroking my hips with her fingers. As I drive deeper into her, I lean down and kiss her harder. I slip my tongue into her mouth and she moans louder.

  Seconds later my climax is upon me and for some reason I softly say, "Oh Emily, I Love you."

  Suddenly I stop moving completely. Oh, fuck! "Sorry, Sorry, I, uh—"

  "I'm falling…" Smiling, she's gazing up at me wide-eyed. "…in love with you too."

  I return an uneasy smile.

  "Are you done?" she asks with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

  "Not really."

  "Good." She shimmies her hips under me and I'm still hard, incredibly hard.

  "Just give me a minute."

  I pull away from her and dispose of the used condom, then replace it with another. I rush back to her and slip inside again. It feels amazing and she moans as her eyes roll back in her head. "Don't stop, you feel so good."

  I start pumping again, closing my eyes tightly. "So do you."

  I'm moving faster now and she's bucking her hips up and down. We're in this incredible rhythm, one that I can't remember we've ever been in before. We're gazing into each other's eyes and kissing and fucking and it goes on for something like ten minutes. Then finally she climaxes, crying out first and digging her fingernails into my ass. Focusing with everything I've got, I move faster still and seconds later I grunt, flopping down over her, panting and spent. We lay there in a heap for a long time with her kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear.

  Taking a deep breath, I roll off of her and rub my head. "Oh, man... wow."

  "I knew you would be good."

  I smile and look at her. "Yeah, that was, uh, fun..."

  Fuck, what have I done? Young Ben is at work and he should be here, right. I've taken this from him— this first time with her. And it beat the shit out of our real first time. This is not good on so many levels. Not good at all.

  I roll onto my back staring up to the ceiling as Emily lays her head on my chest and kisses me. I ask, "What time is it?"

  "Almost one."

  "Shit, I have class."

  "Do you want me to wait for you here?" She gives me a sexy smile.

  "What, um, no, it's like a three hour deal and—"

  "I don't mind."

  "Oh, and after that I have to work so..." I climb out of bed and pull on my underwear.

  "That's right. Will you call me later?" She asks hopefully.

  "Sure, but let's not talk about this whole, uh…" I wave my hand between us wearing a sour look.


  "Um, we should pretend that we didn't sleep together yet, just because it was too soon. Yeah, that's it, you know?" I struggle to pull on my shorts then pick her bra off the chair and toss it to her.

  "What are you talking about?" She chuckles.

  "I, uh, I have this crazy… religious thing so it might be better if we just stick with your original plan— your two week plan."

  "Okay." Rising off the bed, she narrows her eyes as she slips on her bra. "You're silly, but okay."

  "Yeah, that way we get another first time." Now I'm narrowing my eyes. What the hell does that mean? "I mean, not that this wasn't great, but—"

  She pulls her shorts up her legs and sighs. "It was amazing."

  "Yes, yes it was, but this way, if we don't talk about it, we can experience it again."

  "Whatever you say, crazy..." She shakes her head and grins. After slipping on her shirt, she moves to me and kisses me. "Call me."

  "I will." Smiling, I nod like a moron as she heads out of the room.

  When I hear the door close, I fall backward onto the bed, pull the pillow from under my head, cover my face with it and attempt to smother myself.

  Chapter 30

  After rushing across campus, I'm fifteen minutes late for class and give the professor an apologetic nod then spot Carrie, give her a smile and sit in a seat next to her.

  During the lecture I find it nearly impossible to focus and on the break I hang out with Carrie, but I'm unable to put two sentences together. I do hold it together enough to confirm our plans to meet at eight later at the bar.

  When I return to the room, neither Ben nor Alan are there so I turn on the television and mindlessly flip through the robust offering of twelve channels while barely paying attention. It's hot in the room, so I kick off my tennis shoes, pull off my shirt and flop on the bed. My first thoughts are that Ben won't find out that I had sex with Emily before he did. After realizing that is extremely unlikely, I tell myself he will most certainly find out, but he won't be too upset. I decide to go with that and fight to suppress any other thoughts based in actual reality. Flipping the channel once more, I discover that Moonlighting is on and Cybil Shepherd looks pretty good, and it’s one of my favorite episodes where they have sex in the backseat of the car, so my mind is, at least for the moment, sidetracked.

  Suddenly the door busts open and young Ben steps into the room winded and glaring at me wearing his white shirt and black pant waiter outfit. "You asshole."

  I guess he knows.

  "What?" I rise to my feet. "Just take it easy, I, uh—"

  "I'm going to kill you." He lunges toward me with his fist raised.

  Quickly stepping aside, he misses me with the punch and in my lame attempt to block him, I sorta knock him off balance and he falls to the mattress with one knee on the bed and the other on the floor. Obviously, neither of us can fight for shit— last night's victorious bout notwithstanding.

  I step backwards toward the door with my hands raised. "Look, I don't know what this is about, but let's just talk it out."

  Craning his neck, he says, "You prick. You slept with her."

  I spot my tennis shoes on the floor and quickly bend down to pick them up. "Yeah, but I can explain. I mean, I had no choice, I…"

  He takes an angry step toward me and I take off out the door and into the hall. I rush down the steps and I can feel him close behind. I fly out the front door, turn to slam it closed and lean back against it hard as I slip the shoes onto my feet. I feel him struggling to get out. Keeping my ass against the door, I reach down in an attempt to tie the shoes. A loud bang on the door knocks it open a few inches and I stand upright abandoning my attempt at securing my shoes, putting more of my weight on the door as I go through my options.

  After making up my mind and counting to three, I rush off the porch and turn left heading onto campus. I hear the door slam against the side of the house and hear his footsteps behind me.

  "You pussy," he shouts at me.

  Glancing back, I see him gaining on me. "Shit, leave me alone you ass."

  Picking up speed, I climb a hill then head off through a cluster of dorms. He's only steps behind me as we run past a handful of people who look at us like we're crazy. A shirtless guy being chased by his identical twin who's wearing a button down shirt and black dress pants. I'm sure it's a bizarre scene.

  Passing lecture halls, I head toward McKeldin Mall, the large open area in the center of campus, with him right behind me.

  "You dick," he yells.

  Sunbathers bolt upright and gawk as I rush past and onto the tree lined four-football field area with paths crisscrossing from every angle. One shoe flies off my foot but I keep going. I'm awkwardly running until I step on a rock w
ith my bare foot and yelp in agony. I slow and out of the corner of my eye I see him execute some sort of half dive, half trip thing where he tackles me. We tumble onto a grassy area between two concrete paths.

  We're both panting like lunatics as he climbs on top of me, holding me down by pressing my shoulders into the ground. "You came all the way back here… to keep me from seeing her and telling me how I should stay away from her and then you fucking sleep with her?"

  "Uh, she sorta raped me," I lie with as much conviction as I can muster.

  "Raped you!" Raising his fist, he glares down at me. "I should beat the shit out of you."

  "Wait a second. I really didn't have a choice."

  "Right." He closes his eyes and sighs. "Heh, you're not worth it." He relaxes a moment, then suddenly the anger returns to his face and he punches me right in the jaw.

  My head slaps on the ground and I look up in shock, shaking my head, dizzied. "What the hell?"

  "I'm going to do what I should have done when you first showed up." Nodding his head, young Ben wraps his hands around my throat.

  "Waaa…iiit," I struggle to say.

  With my eyes bugging out and through my peripheral vision, I see a handful of people are standing around watching us.

  "Knock it off dude," says a guy in the crowd.

  Young Ben looks seemingly surprised by his audience and I take this opportunity to knee him in the balls. Male onlookers cringe and the two girls standing nearby shake their heads in disgust.

  "Ohhhh…" His eyes roll back in his head and he slumps to the ground next to me. Rolling away from him, to protect my own parts, I rub my aching chin.

  "You… asshole." Young Ben flails a foot back and kicks me while he struggles to recover.

  I roll twice more to get away and turn back to look at him with my mouth wide open as I continue to gasp for breath. "You could have… you could have killed me."

  Rolling to face me, he opens his eyes and groans. "Yeah, technically… it would have been a suicide," he says in a voice three octaves higher.

  I raise my eyebrows in agreement, glancing around to see the crowd has returned to their own lives. I roll onto my back and gaze up to the trees, letting out a long slow breath. "Ouch."


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