Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms Page 65

by Guanzhong Luo

  Chou had to confess the reasonableness of this.

  It is now time to speak of Liu Pei. He had ordered his nephew Liu Ch’i to hold Chianghsia while he and the bulk of the army returned to Hsiak’ou. Thence he saw the opposite bank thick with banners and flags and glittering with every kind of arms and armour. He knew then that the expedition from Wu had started. So he moved all his force from Chianghsia to Fank’ou.

  Then he assembled his officers and said to them,“K’ungming went to Wu some time ago and no word has come from him, so I know not how the business stands. Will any one volunteer to go to find out?”

  “I will go,” said Mi Chu.

  So presents were prepared and gifts of flesh and wine, and Mi Chu prepared to journey to Wu on the pretext of offering a congratulatory feast to the army. Mi Chu set out in a small ship and went down river. He stopped opposite the camp and the soldiers reported his arrival to Chou Yu, who ordered him to be brought in. Mi Chu bowed low and expressed the respect which Liu Pei had for Chou Yu and offered the various gifts. The ceremony of reception was followed by a banquet in honour of Mi Chu. Mi said,“K’ungming has been here a long time and I desire that he may return with me.”

  “K’ungming is making plans with me and I could not let him return,” said Chou Yu.“I also wish to see Liu Pei that we may make joint plans, but when one is at the head of a great army one cannot get away even for a moment. If your master would only come here it would be very gracious on his part.”

  Mi Chu agreed that Liu Pei might come and presently took his leave. Then Lu Su asked Chou Yu the reason for his desiring Liu Pei to come.

  “Liu Yuan-te is the one bold and dangerous man and must be removed. I am taking this opportunity to persuade him to come, and when he shall be slain a great danger will cease to threaten our country.”

  Lu Su tried to dissuade him from this scheme but Chou Yu was deaf to all he said. He even issued orders for half a hundred executioners to be ready to hide within the lining of his tent if Liu Pei decided to come and arranged to drop a cup as a signal for them to fall on and slay him.

  Mi Chu returned and told Liu Pei that his presence was desired by Chou Yu. Suspecting nothing Liu Pei at once ordered them to prepare a fast vessel to take him without loss of time. Kuan Yu was opposed to his going saying that Chou Yu was artful and treacherous and there was no news from K’ungming.

  Yuan-te replied,“I have joined my forces to theirs in this attack on our common enemy. If Chou Yu wishes to see me and I refuse to go, it is a betrayal. Nothing will succeed if both sides nourish suspicions.”

  “If you have finally decided to go, then will I go with you,” said Kuan Yu.

  “And I also,” cried Chang Fei.

  But Yuan-te said,“Let Kuan Yu come with me while you and Chao Yun keep guard. Chien Yung will hold Ohsien. I shall not be away long.”

  So leaving these orders, Liu Pei embarked with his brother on a small boat. The escort did not exceed a score. The light craft travelled very quickly down the river. Liu Pei rejoiced greatly at the sight of the war vessels in tiers by the bank, the soldiers in their breastplates and all the pomp and panoply of war. All was in excellent order.

  As soon as he arrived the guards ran to tell Chou Yu.

  “How many ships has he?” asked Chou.

  They replied,“Only one; and the escort is only about a score.”

  “His fate is sealed,” said Chou Yu.

  He sent for the executioners and placed them in hiding between the outer and inner tents, and when all was arranged for the assassination he contemplated, he went out to receive his visitor. Liu Pei came with his brother and escort into the midst of the army to the Commander’s tent. After the salutations Chou Yu wished Liu Pei to take the upper seat, but he declined saying,“General, you are famous through all the country, while I am a nobody. Do not overwhelm me with too great deference.”

  So they took the positions of simple friends and refreshments were brought in.

  Now by chance K’ungming came on shore and heard that his master had arrived and was with the Commander-in-Chief. The news gave him a great shock and he said to himself,“What is to be done now?” He made his way to the reception tent and stole a look therein. He saw murder written on Chou Yu’s countenance and noted the assassins hidden within the walls of the tent. Then he got a look at Liu Pei, who was laughing and talking quite unconcernedly. But when he noticed the redoubtable figure of Kuan Yu near his master’s side he became quite calm and contented.

  “No danger,” said he, and he went away to the river bank to await the end of the interview.

  Meanwhile the banquet of welcome proceeded. After the wine had gone around several times Chou Yu picked up a cup to give the signal agreed upon. But at that moment he saw so fierce a look upon the face of the trusty henchman who stood, sword in hand, behind his guest, that he hesitated and hastily asked who he was.

  “That is my brother, Kuan Yun-ch’ang,” replied Yuan-te.

  Chou Yu, quite startled, said,“Is he the slayer of Yen Liang and Wen Ch’ou?”

  “Exactly; he it is,” replied Liu Pei.

  The sweat of fear broke out all over Chou Yu’s body and trickled down his back. Then he poured out a cup of wine and presented it to Kuan Yu. Just then Lu Su came in and Yuan-te said to him,“Where is K’ungming? I would trouble you to ask him to come.”

  “Wait till we have defeated Ts’ao Ts’ao,” said Chou Yu,“then you shall see him.”

  Yuan-te dared not repeat his request, but Kuan Yu gave him a meaning look which Yuan-te understood and rose, saying,“I would take leave now; I will come again to congratulate you when the enemy has been defeated and your success shall be complete.”

  Chou Yu did not press him to remain, but escorted him to the great gates of the camp, and Yuan-te left. When he reached the river bank they found K’ungming awaiting them in their boat.

  Yuan-te was exceedingly pleased but K’ungming said,“Sir, do you know in how great danger you were today?”

  Suddenly sobered, Yuan-te said,“No; I did not think of danger.”

  “If Yun-ch’ang had not been there you would have been killed,” said K’ungming.

  Yuan-te, after a moment’s reflection, saw that it was true. He begged K’ungming to return with him to Fanch’eng, but he refused.“I am quite safe,” said he.“Although I am living in the tiger’s mouth, I am as steady as Mount Tai. Now, my lord, return and prepare your ships and men. On the twentieth day of the eleventh month send Chao Yun with a small ship to the south bank to wait for me. Be sure there is no miscarriage.”

  “What are your intentions?” said Yuan-te.

  “When the southeast wind begins I shall have to return.”

  Yuan-te would have questioned him further, but K’ungming pressed him to go. So the boat started up river again while K’ungming returned to his temporary lodging.

  The boat had not proceeded far when appeared a small fleet sweeping down with the current, and in the prow of the leading vessel stood a tall figure armed with a spear.It was Chang Fei, who had come down fearing lest his brother might be in some difficulty from which the strong arm of Kuan Yu might even be insufficient to rescue him.

  Of the return of the three brothers nothing will be said. After Chou Yu, having escorted Yuan-te to the gate of his camp, had returned to his quarters Lu Su soon came to see him.

  “When you had cajoled Yuan-te into coming, why did you not carry out your plan?” asked Lu.

  “Because of that Kuan Yu; he is a very tiger and he never left his brother for a moment. If anything had been attempted he would certainly have had my life.”

  Lu Su knew that he spoke the truth. Then suddenly they announced a messenger with a letter from Ts’ao Ts’ao. Chou Yu ordered them to bring him in and took the letter. But when he saw the superscription “The First Minister of Han to Commander-in-Chief Chou,” he fell into a frenzy of rage, tore the letter to fragments and threw them on the ground.

  “To death with t
his fellow!” cried he.

  “When two countries are at war their emissaries are not slain,” said Lu.

  “Messengers are slain to show one’s dignity and independence,” replied Chou.

  The unhappy bearer of the letter was decapitated and his head sent back to Ts’ao Ts’ao by the hands of his escort.

  Chou Yu then decided to move. The van under Kan Ning was to advance, supported by two wings. Chou Yu would lead the remainder in support. The next morning the early meal was eaten in the fourth watch and the ships got under weigh in the fifth with a great beating of drums.

  Ts’ao Ts’ao was greatly angered when he heard that his letter had been torn to fragments and he resolved to attack forthwith. His advance was led by Ts’ao Mao and others of the Chingchou officers who had joined his side. He went as hastily as possible to the meeting of the three rivers and saw the ships of Wu sailing up. In the bow of the foremost ship stood a fine figure of a warrior who cried,“I am Kan Ning; I challenge any one to combat.”

  Ts’ai Mao sent his young brother to accept the challenge, but as his ship approached Nan King shot an arrow and Ts’ai Hsun fell. Kan Ning pressed forward, his crossbowmen keeping up a heavy discharge which Ts’ao’s men could not stand. The wings also joined in.

  Ts’ao’s men, being mostly from the dry plains of the north, did not know how to fight effectually on water and the southern ships had the battle all their own way. The slaughter was very great. However, after a contest lasting till afternoon Chou Yu thought it more prudent, in view of the superior numbers of his enemy, not to risk further the advantage he had gained. So he beat the gongs as the signal to cease battle and recall the ships.

  Ts’ao was worsted, but his ships returned to the bank, where a camp was made and order was restored. Ts’ao sent for his defeated leaders and reproached them saying,“You did not do your best. You let an inferior force overcome you.”

  Ts’ai Mao defended himself saying,“The Chingchou marines have not been exercised for a long time and the others have never been trained for naval warfare at all. A naval camp must be instituted, the northern men trained and the Chingchou men drilled. When they have been made efficient they will win victories.”

  “If you know what should be done, why have you not done it?” said Ts’ao Ts’ao.“What is the use of telling me this? Get to work.”

  So Ts’ao Mao and Chang Yun organised a naval camp on the river bank. They established twentyfour “Water Gates,” with the large ships outside as a sort of rampart, and under their protection the smaller ships went to and fro freely. At night when the lanterns and torches were lit the very sky was illuminated and the water shone red with the glare. On land the smoke of the camp fires could be traced for three hundred li without a break.

  Chou Yu returned to camp and feasted his victorious fighting men. A messenger bore the joyful tidings of victory to his master in Wu. When night fell Chou Yu went up to the summit of one of the hills and looked out over the long line of bright lights stretching toward the west, showing the extent of the enemy’s camp. He said nothing, but a great fear came in upon him.

  Next day Chou Yu decided that he would go in person to find out the strength of the enemy. So he bade them prepare a small squadron which he manned with strong, hardy men armed with powerful bows and stiff crossbows. He also placed musicians on each ship. They set sail and started up the stream. When they got opposite Ts’ao Ts’ao’s camp the heavy stones that served as anchors were dropped and the drums and trumpets began while Chou Yu scanned the enemy’s naval camp. What he saw gave him no satisfaction for everything was most admirable. He enquired whether any one knew the names of the admirals and they told him Ts’ai Mao and Chang Yun.

  “They have lived in our country a long time,” said he,“and are thoroughly experienced in naval warfare. I must find some means of removing them before I can effect anything.”

  Meanwhile on shore the sentinels had told Ts’ao that the enemy craft were spying upon them and he ordered out some ships to capture the spies. Chou Yu saw the commotion on shore and hastily gave the order to unmoor and sail down stream. The squadron at once got under way and scattered, to and fro went the oars and each ship seemed to fly. Before Ts’ao’s ships could get out after them they were all far away. Ts’ao’s ships took up the chase but soon saw pursuit was useless. They returned and reported their failure.

  Again Ts’ao found fault with his officers and said,“The other day you lost a battle and the soldiers were greatly dispirited. Now the enemy have spied out our camp. What can be done?”

  In eager response to his question one stepped out, saying,“When I was a youth Chou Yu and I were fellow students and pledged friends. My three-inch tongue is still good and I will go over and persuade him to surrender.”

  Ts’ao, rejoiced to find so speedy a solution, looked at the speaker. It was Chiang Kan of Kiukiang, one of the secretary staff in the camp.

  “Are you a good friend of Chou Yu’s?” said Ts’ao.

  “Rest contented, O Minister,” replied Kan.“If I only get on the other side of the river I shall succeed.”

  “What preparations are necessary?” asked Ts’ao.

  “Just a youth as my servant and a couple of rowers; nothing else.”

  Ts’ao offered him wine, wished him success and sent him on his way.

  Clad in a simple white robe and seated in his little craft, the messenger reached Chou Yu’s camp and bade the men say that an old friend Chiang Kan wished to see him. The commander was in his tent at a council when the message came, and he laughed as he said to those about him,“A guest is coming.” Then he whispered certain instructions in the ear of each one of them and they went out to await his arrival.

  Chou Yu received his friend in full ceremonial garb. A crowd of officers in rich silken robes were about him. The guest appeared, his sole attendant a lad dressed in a simple blue gown. He bore himself proudly as he advanced and Chou Yu made a low obeisance.

  “You have been well I hope since last we met,” said Chiang Kan.

  “You have wandered far and suffered much in this task of emissary in the Ts’ao cause,” said Chou.

  “I have not seen you for a very long time,” said the envoy much taken aback,“and I came to visit you for the sake of old times. Why do you call me an emissary for the Ts’ao cause?”

  “Though I am not so clever a musician as Shih Kuang, yet I can comprehend the thought behind the music,” replied Chou.

  “As you choose to treat your old friend like this I think I will take my leave,” said Chiang.

  Chou Yu laughed again and taking Kan by the arm, said,“Well, I feared you might be coming on his behalf to try to persuade me. But if this is not your intention, you need not go away so hastily.”

  So they two entered the tent, and when they had exchanged salutes and were seated as friends, Chou Yu bade them call his officers that he might introduce them. They soon appeared civil and military officials, all dressed in their best. The military officers were clad in glittering silver armour and the staff looked very imposing as they stood ranged in two lines.

  The visitor was introduced to them all. Presently a banquet was spread, and while they feasted the musicians played songs of victory and the wine circulated merrily. Under its mellowing influence Chou Yu’s reserve seemed to thaw and he said,“He is an old fellow student of mine and we are pledged friends. Though he has arrived here from the north he is no artful pleader so you need not be afraid of him.”

  Then he took off the sword which he wore as Commander-in-Chief and handed it to T’aishih Tzu, saying,“You take this and wear it for the day as master of the feast. This day we meet only as friends and if any one shall begin a discussion of the questions at issue between Ts’ao Ts’ao and our country just slay him.”

  T’aishih Tzu took the sword and seated himself in his place. The guest was not a little overcome, but he said no word.

  Chou Yu said,“Since I assumed command I have tasted no drop of wine, but t
oday as an old friend is present and there is no reason to fear him, I am going to drink freely.”

  So saying he quaffed a huge goblet and laughed loudly.

  The rhinoceros cups went swiftly round from guest to guest till all were half drunk. Then Chou Yu, laying hold of the guest’s hand, led him outside the tent. The guards who stood around all braced themselves up and seized their weapons.

  “Do you not think my soldiers a fine lot of fellows?” said Chou.

  “Strong as bears and bold as tigers,” replied Chiang Kan.

  Then Chou Yu led him to the rear of the tent whence he saw the grain and forage piled up in mountainous heaps.

  “Do you not think I have a fairly good store of grain and forage?”

  “It is quite true as I have heard that your men are brave and your supplies ample.”

  Chou Yu pretended to be quite intoxicated and went on,“When you and I were students together, we never looked forward to a day like this did we?”

  “For a genius like you it is nothing extraordinary,” said the guest.

  Chou Yu again seized his hand and they sat down.“When a really great man has found his proper lord then, in his service, he relies upon the right feeling between prince and minister outside, and at home he is firm in the kindly feeling of relatives. His words must be obeyed, his plans must be followed out. He is independent of good or evil fortune. He takes as his models such men as Su Ch’in, Chang I, Lu Chia and Li Sheng so that they seem to live again. His words pour forth like a rushing river, his tongue is as a sharp sword. Is it possible to move such as I am?”

  He burst into a loud laugh as he finished and Chiang Kan’s face had become clay-coloured. Chou Yu then led his guest back into the tent and again they fell to drinking. Presently he pointed to the others at table and said,“These are all the best and bravest of the land of Wu, one might call this The Meeting of Heroes’.”

  They drank on till daylight failed and continued after lamps had been lit. Chou Yu even gave an exhibition of sword play and sang this song:—


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