All I Want for Christmas is Big Blue Eyes

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All I Want for Christmas is Big Blue Eyes Page 18

by Claire Ashgrove


  Hidden in the bathroom, Amanda braced her hands on the sink and leaned over, pulling in a deep breath. She’d almost made herself sick fretting over Josh. She didn’t know what she’d do if something happened to him, had never considered that possibility. Confronted with the fear of losing him, all her feelings rose to the surface.

  Why in the world was she digging her heels in and insisting for more, when he offered her a chance at forever? His version didn’t necessarily have all the bells and whistles she’d dreamt of, but it might be the closest she ever came to eternity with Josh.

  Was a piece of paper worth that? Those three words she’d yearned to hear—would they really change anything? He told her where she fit into his life every time he looked at her, every time he held her close. Did she need words to justify her own feelings?

  If she didn’t, why did giving up on the dream feel so…disappointing?

  Confused, she reached for two thick, terry towels and a washcloth. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should just go to Kansas City, let Emma have a real father figure even if he wasn’t legally a guardian. After the initial big-city shock wore off, Emma would love it there, and she was still young enough that leaving her friends behind wouldn’t be too upsetting. She’d make new ones, probably pretty fast once school started.

  Mulling the idea over, Amanda wandered into the kitchen for a bowl of hot, soapy water and the bottle of hydrogen peroxide she kept in the cabinet with her other first-aid supplies.

  Leave Lexington and Lucas? Uproot Emma? Let Sandra win this cruel game of control? Amanda’s pride revolted against the idea. But eternity with Josh…that filled her with so much happiness she couldn’t write the idea off. Not after she’d had a taste of how empty she’d feel if he weren’t a part of her life.

  She returned to the living room, determined to think about the matter later. Right now, all she wanted to do was take care of the man who’d scared the hell out of her and insure his seeping head injury wasn’t severe.

  After she set her items down on the floor, she turned the nearby lamp on low and knelt at his side. “Does it hurt?”

  “It itches.”

  “Well, this might sting.” She dunked the washcloth into the water and wrung it out. “Do you remember the night you got stitches in your arm?”

  Josh chuckled. The sound went straight to her heart, stuttering it.

  “That was your fault.”

  “It was not.” She dabbed the cloth to his cut and wiped away a few lingering particles of tempered glass. “You’re the one that tried to tackle me. I just dodged.”

  He turned his head to look at her, but quickly righted it when she frowned. “Who was the one that left a water glass on the floor after the movie?”

  “Who tried to tickle me so I’d forget it was there?” She dabbed at his hair, moistening the clotted locks until her cloth came away clean.

  “Fine, you win,” Josh conceded with a grin.

  Rinsing out the washcloth, she wiped at his skin, and the cut began to bleed a little more.

  “Ouch!” He flinched as she pressed the rag to the wound. He tried to twist away.

  “Sit still. I made it bleed.” Intent on distracting him, she returned to their reminiscing. “You thought you’d get away with not going to the emergency room. Refused to listen to me. Mom won though, promising you chocolate chip cookies if you let me take you.”

  He let out a defensive snort. “Those stitches hurt worse than you trying to pull out the two pieces of glass and missing three times.”

  She checked the wound. The cut filled with a thin line of blood, but it didn’t trickle down his temple, and as she bent forward, gently fingering through his hair, she nodded to herself, satisfied she hadn’t missed another wound. She picked up one of the thick towels and folded it into a small square. “Lift up.”

  Josh lifted off the throw pillow.

  Amanda situated the towel behind his head. “Okay.”

  As he leaned back onto the pillow, she opened the bottle of peroxide. “Close your eyes, handsome.”

  When he did, she set the other towel over his eye and pressed on the edge to keep it in contact with his skin. Tipping the bottle, she doused the cut liberally. The way Josh tensed almost made her laugh. Big, strong, tough-guy hated pain. As peroxide didn’t burn, she debated telling him it was all in his head, but before she could get the witty remark out, he relaxed.

  Convinced she’d cleaned it the best she could, Amanda blotted the cut with the end of the towel and carefully tugged the one out from under his head. “Be right back.”

  She gathered up her supplies, returned the bowl and peroxide to the kitchen, and tossed the towels down the clothes chute in the closet floor. She’d deal with the stains tomorrow. Tonight, she wanted to relax.

  A quick stop in the bathroom yielded a Band-Aid, then she returned to Josh and took a seat on the floor by his head. Careful not to aggravate the wound and start it bleeding once more, she covered it with the bandage. With a playful grin, she leaned on his chest, her arms folded beneath her chin. “All better.”

  “I feel better,” he answered with a mischievous smirk as he slid his fingers through her short hair.

  “You’re full of it, Josh. Even Emma knows when exaggerating works in her favor and when it’s just wasted breath.”

  He cocked one eyebrow and assumed a look of false offense. “You think I’m wasting my breath?”

  Grinning, Amanda nodded. “Not think—know. Flattery won’t get you anywhere.”

  “Hm.” Humor lingered in his eyes as he raised himself to one elbow and gave her a thoughtful look. “How far will kisses get me?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Holding back her own amusement, she shrugged her shoulders, hoping the gesture looked as nonchalant as she imagined.

  His hand slid behind her neck, and with gentle pressure, he brought her closer. “What do I have to do to get you naked?” he whispered near the base of her ear.

  A shiver rolled through her as his warm breath lifted the downy hair on her skin. She closed her eyes, resisting the urge to turn her head and seek his mouth. “Carry Emma to bed,” she murmured.

  “That’s all?” Taking her earlobe between his teeth, he tugged gently, then flicked it with the tip of his tongue before he pressed his lips to the side of her throat.

  She tipped her head, allowing him room to dust her neck with light kisses. “Mm-hm.”

  “Come with me?”

  The tickling of his whisper where her neck joined her shoulder had her pulling in a sharp breath through her teeth. “I’m right behind you.”


  As Josh scooped up Emma and took her to her room, Amanda wriggled out of her clothes and slid beneath the heavy, hand-made quilt that had been her grandmother’s. If it weren’t for the chill that hung in the air, a product of the many old windows throughout the house, she’d have stretched out atop the covers. It wasn’t like they’d serve any purpose shortly.

  Strictly for Josh’s entertainment, she left her panties on, aware of how he enjoyed taking them off. But the anticipation of knowing he was about to make love to her dampened them. It felt almost shameful how easily he turned her on and how fiercely her body reacted to him. Not that it was surprising—he’d always had that kind of fascinating power over her. Yet it never ceased to amaze.

  His footsteps tread lightly down the hall, and her pulse accelerated. She’d get to watch him peel off his clothes and reveal every inch of his powerful body, witness the way his muscles bunched and pulled with the task of undressing. And being unable to touch would make her want to squirm.

  She pulled the cover off, lifting up on her elbow and resting her head in her palm. Waiting.

  He stepped into the room and eased the door shut behind him. Turning around, he stopped halfway between the entry and the bed and stared. In the soft lamplight, his green eyes gleamed bright with desire, and the way his gaze swept over her
body sent heat fanning through her veins. It pooled between her legs, sparking a hollow ache. There was an animal quality in his look, something wholly wild and untamed. Hungry. Dangerous.

  With a quick jerk, he pulled his shirt off and dropped it to the floor. She skimmed her gaze over his broad chest, the rippling muscles of his abdomen, and followed his hands to his waistband.

  His fingers dipped into the elastic, and he paused. “Amanda, stop staring or this is going to be over in a minute,” he scolded on a chuckle.

  She didn’t care if it was quick or took all night, so long as he touched her. With a smile, she shook her head. “Don’t spoil my fun.”

  Letting out a soft mutter, he pushed the cotton fabric down his hips and kicked it off. She stared at the evidence of his arousal. Hard, swollen, and edged with thick veins, his erection bobbed against his abdomen as he moved toward the bed. Perfection. A classic example of male beauty, and every last inch of that sinful body belonged to her.

  Tingles spread over her skin.

  As he set one knee on the mattress, she slid her gaze up the wide expanse of his chest, paused to linger over the tenderness of his mouth, and met his quiet stare.

  His eyes burned dark with desire.

  He crossed the bed on his hands and knees, hovering over her. She reached one hand up to trace her fingertips across his check, then drew her index finger over his lips. With a grin, he caught her finger between his teeth, closed his mouth around it, and sucked before he let it slide free.

  Stretching out beside her, he mirrored her position and brought his hand between their bodies and trailed the back of his hand from the base of her throat all the way down to her navel. She closed her eyes, shivering with the goosebumps that broke out behind the searing caress.

  “Baby, you don’t know what you do to me,” he whispered.

  “I know what you do to me,” she answered softly as she splayed her palm over his chest.

  Josh leaned in closer, nuzzling her shoulder while he traced lazy circles over her abdomen. “What do I do to you?”

  “Mm…” Turning her face to his, she pressed kisses along his strong jaw line, seeking the intoxicating pleasure of his kiss. “See for yourself.”

  As he settled his lips against hers, he moved his hand lower, brushing beneath her panties and through her intimate curls to slide a solitary finger through her moist folds. Reflexively, her hips pressed closer. Bending a knee, she flattened her foot on the mattress, opening to him. God, she wanted him. The pleasure that came with his touch coursed through her with such ferociousness, her skin felt like she’d been thrown into an open fire.

  His tongue swept in, catching hers with lazy strokes that mimicked the caress of his hand. The faint taste of beer danced against her taste buds, his musky cologne flooded her nose. She skated her hand to his abdomen, but as she tried to move lower, he twisted his hips, blocking her destination. With a little sound of disappointed protest, she curled her fingers into his side.

  His palm cupped her mound as he slid two fingers inside her slick sheath, and her body arched toward his, chasing shocks of ecstasy. But Josh refused to give her what she craved. Instead, he put his weight into their kiss, edging her onto her back, pressing into her more deeply. She arched into him, finding a sensual rhythm, working against his thrusting fingers, craving more of the sweet friction.

  His mouth turned hard, claiming her with savage abandon as he stroked her with tireless, tender caresses until she came, floating on a never-ending ribbon of sensation. He worked his hand up her belly to cup her breast and drew the kiss to a lingering close. His gaze smoldered into her. A slow smile that crept across his face.

  Before she could fully catch her breath, Josh dipped his head and caught a nipple between his teeth. With a gentle tug, and a sharp bite, he brought her back off the mattress. But as he swirled his tongue over the sensitive bud, he soothed the pinch of pleasure-pain, and she sank into the bed with a contented sigh.

  Her fingers speared through his hair, and she held his head as he laved her breasts, nibbling, licking, suckling and driving her insane all over again. She wriggled beneath him in a desperate attempt to wedge herself beneath his comfortable weight.

  A low chuckle rumbled in his throat. “Not yet, baby,” he whispered against her ribs.

  “Josh, please…” The plaintive request got lost in her gasp as he nipped his way along her side, over her navel, and tugged her panties down over her ankles. He slid his hands up the back of her calves, spreading her wider as he settled between her legs.

  Fractions away from her slick, heated, femininity, his breath teased her. “It’s been entirely too long since I’ve tasted you.”

  Oh, God.

  The intimate whisper sent a fresh ache of longing surging through her. She clutched at his shoulder, giving in to a low moan as his tongue swirled over her clit, then dipped lower, returning to her bundle of nerves in one, never-ending, hot stroke.

  She lifted up into him, and his other arm came down over her belly, fastening her in place. His mouth worked sheer magic between her legs. She writhed and squirmed, her thighs clamping against his head as she gave in to delirious sensation.

  With slow, deliberate thrusts, his tongue delved inside her, pushing her over the edge into frenzied need. She cried out, fisting her fingers through his hair, and bucked up into him. “Josh…” She tugged on his hair, wanting to feel him deep inside, trying to coax him into giving her the pleasure of all of him.

  When he refused and sucked at her sensitive nub, sensation zinged through Amanda from head to toe. Gliding, thrusting, and licking with such deliberate devotion, he loved her as if he had all the time in the world and never intended to stop.

  It was too much. Her world exploded, consuming her in a fiery climax that stole her breath and left her weightless. She went limp with the pulsing bursts of pleasure.

  Josh kissed his way along her abdomen, slowly working his way up to dust light kisses at the corner of her mouth. She pulled in a long, ragged breath, and opened her eyes, fighting off a surprising ringing in her ears. The smile he gave her melted her. Her heart swelled, and she looped her arms around his waist as he covered her body.

  In one painstakingly slow stroke, he slid deep inside her and stilled. He gazed down at her with a look of such tenderness she questioned the reality of what was happening to her. Josh had made love to her a hundred times or more, but never like this. Never like his singular purpose was to see to her pleasure and hers alone.

  He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, never moving, never doing a single thing about the throbbing in his body that his tensed muscles revealed. It took effort to hold still, to not seek his own fulfillment, something that wasn’t lost on her.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked quietly.

  “You,” he murmured against her lips.

  He traced the tip of his tongue over her lower lip. Slanting his mouth, he delved inside to give her a long, demanding kiss that reached into her soul and pulled another spark from somewhere deep.

  With one roll of his hips, he caressed her clitoris and pushed himself deeper. She opened wider, locking her legs around his calves, arching into him, welcoming all his hard length. He pulled back, nearly extracting himself completely then thrust in again. Slow. Deliberate.


  She moved against him, the sensations building, bringing her back to ecstasy she didn’t know was possible.

  “You feel so perfect.” His whisper hung between them. His eyes held hers as he withdrew, then slowly closed as he sank inside once more.

  Amanda wanted to speak, wanted to tell him how good he felt, but she couldn’t find the words. Instead, she glided her hands down to his buttocks, squeezing as she lifted up, into him.

  Josh let out a low moan and froze, every inch of his powerful frame rigid. He sucked in a sharp, hissing breath, and swallowed hard.

  The evidence of his restraint snapped
something inside of her, and she wriggled against him, unable to stop the surge of need that burned through her veins.

  “Baby…slow…down…” he managed through clenched teeth.

  She couldn’t. She wanted him to let go, needed to feel him lose control as he’d made her do. She couldn’t take another climax without feeling his, and she was so close, so amazingly close.

  Pulling her hips back until the mattress thwarted her retreat, she slid along his hard length. His ragged gasp intoxicated her.

  “God,” he murmured in a ragged whisper. In the next heartbeat, he surrendered, driving into her with abandon.

  She reveled in it, meeting his quick, hard thrusts with equal fierceness. The sensations stacked on top of each other, building, surging and crashing with each pump, each glide, each incredible thrust that brought him as close to her as he could ever be.

  White-hot heat burst, and little sparks of light washed behind her eyelids. Her climax claimed her with fury, and she sank her teeth into his shoulder to stifle a cry.

  Josh joined her, slipping his arms behind her back to gather her against him as he slammed into her in one final, breathtaking plunge. His head fell to her shoulder, his shoulders shook. She held on, wrapping her arms around him tight as he spilled himself.

  He lay still a long while, the sound of their shared short gasps echoing through the dimly-lit bedroom. At length, he lifted his head and kissed her softly. He worked his way to her chin, bringing his hands out from beneath her to cup her face. Tenderness filled his expression as he stroked her cheeks with the pads of his large thumbs.

  “You’re so precious, baby,” he whispered.

  “I love you,” she answered.

  With a slow nod, he smiled and eased off her and rolled onto his back. He tucked her against his side. She set her head on his chest, listening to the drumming of his heart.

  As she lay in his embrace, feeling the little twitches that pulled at him as sleep called, a strange sensation washed over her. Distantly familiar, yet wholly indescribable. Almost like something settled into place, but filled with restless energy.


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