Fall From Grace

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Fall From Grace Page 17

by Wendy Soliman

‘Quite. He feigned ignorance but I put pressure on him and he eventually revealed that Warburton, as a young man from the middle-classes had excellent prospects with the Company. During his time in Bombay he met and fell in love with a young lady whom, it transpired, was the daughter of a baron. When the girl’s father learned of the attachment, he sent his daughter straight back to England and forbade the couple from ever seeing one another again. He threatened to end Warburton’s career with the Company if he presumed to associate with a lady so far above him in the social order.’

  ‘Everything seems to revolve around social acceptability, or lack thereof,’ Olivia said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

  ‘But times are changing, Olivia,’ Charles said, ‘and there’s nothing that my stuffy lot can do to hold back the advance of the affluent middle-classes. The cost of maintaining crumbling estates riddled with debt leaves us with no choice. Taxation, crippling death duties and the cost of maintaining appearances are bleeding many upper class families dry. They are having to embrace the changes and allow marriages outside of their class whether they like it or not.’

  Jake paused to sip his drink, consumed by his thoughts, and merely nodded. Olivia’s attention was distracted by the flickering of the gas light immediately outside the drawing room window. Green returned with the coffee and Olivia had him close the curtains.

  ‘And that, I assume,’ Olivia said, pouring coffee for herself and Megan, ‘is the basis for Warburton’s dislike of England and the reason why he is so determined to take money from the upper classes to fund the railway. If it fails it is they who will lose the most. If it succeeds, I dare say he has arranged it so that he will receive a healthy portion of the profits.’ She lifted one shoulder. ‘Perhaps he intends to ensure that it does fail. He sounds like a man who knows how to bear a grudge and can afford to do so.’

  ‘He sounds despicable,’ Megan said, with a shudder. ‘He arranged Luke’s murder when Luke had done absolutely nothing to offend him, other than to be born into the aristocracy, which was hardly his fault.’ She dashed impatiently at an errant tear with the back of her hand. ‘He and my father deserve one another.’

  ‘I wonder if Warburton knew Joseph was acting without Luke’s authority,’ Charles mused.

  ‘The same thought occurred to me,’ Jake replied. ‘We must assume that he was able to forge credentials easily enough. Perhaps that’s why he made a point of sticking so closely to the old earl. I saw them several times together at White’s, if you recall. He could have told Warburton that Luke was in Bombay, and having just married was reluctant to leave his bride.’ Jake shrugged. ‘It sounds plausible and besides, Warburton would have already known it was true.’

  ‘It could have been the Raja rather than Warburton who was responsible for Luke’s death,’ Charles pointed out. ‘It was he who arranged the hunt.’

  ‘Warburton would have been there too,’ Jake said. ‘Besides, I don’t imagine the Raja would consider Luke’s supposed change of heart about the railway scheme sufficient reason to have him killed. Warburton, on the other hand, had reasons aplenty to feel aggrieved. We already know that he resented the entire English aristocracy and Luke then sealed his own fate by having the audacity to marry the girl that Warburton had settled upon for his son. You had succeeded in a similar situation to the one in which Warburton failed years previously, Lady Cantrell, and that would have been sufficient to infuriate such a bitter man.’

  ‘We need to decide what to do about Mardon’s revelations,’ Olivia said. ‘Do we actually believe him?’

  All heads turned towards Megan.

  ‘I think I do,’ she replied slowly. ‘I know the way his mind works, or thought I did. His logic makes a twisted sort of sense.’

  ‘He was trying in his own way to protect you,’ Olivia said, glancing at Jake as she spoke. ‘He knew you would be cut by large numbers of society’s elite if your married Luke, and he wanted to save you from the pain of being made to feel inferior.’

  ‘Your husband would have ensured your eventual acceptance by cutting anyone who dared to be discourteous to you,’ Jake replied, returning Olivia’s steady look until she was the one who lowered her eyes first.

  ‘Well then, if we are agreed that he spoke the truth,’ Charles said, ‘then we need to draw Joseph and Arabella out and expose their deception. Megan and Sebastian will never be safe until we manage it.’


  Megan put her cup aside as she asked the question and looked up at Charles with total faith in his abilities reflected in her eyes. Olivia wondered if she realised just how comprehensively she had come to rely upon him for advice. That was natural, she supposed, given that Charles had gone to her aid when she had been in desperate need of a shoulder to lean on. Charles seemed very willing to provide that shoulder and was in no particular hurry to return to his duties in the Foreign Department.

  ‘How indeed?’ It was Jake who responded. ‘Any suggestions?’

  ‘I think we should go on the offensive,’ Olivia said contemplatively.

  ‘You have a devious look in your eye,’ Jake replied with a warning smile. ‘What are you plotting in that quick brain of yours?’

  ‘Well, since returning to England Megan has been hiding herself away, as though she had something to be ashamed of. As Mardon just pointed out, her connection to Charles is known and we cannot keep her whereabouts a secret indefinitely, especially with all the callers I must endure following the announcement of our wedding plans. Someone will spot her, especially if they have been asked to look out for her.’

  ‘I agree,’ Charles said. ‘You can be sure that society knows of her existence by now. Word is bound to have leaked out since gentlemen are back and forth to India all the time nowadays and such a salacious en dit could never remain secret for long. What I am trying to say is that by hiding herself away it looks as though she has something to be guilty about.’

  ‘My point exactly.’ Olivia shared a smile between them all. ‘It’s beyond time that Lady Cantrell claimed her place in the society that she married into.’

  Jake fixed her with an admiring look. ‘Lady Garmin’s ball?’ he suggested.

  ‘It would be the ideal occasion. The Cantrells won’t miss it and if Charles kindly escorts Megan‒’

  ‘It would be a privilege and a pleasure.’

  ‘Well then, he won’t allow them to bully her.’

  ‘All well and good,’ Charles said, ‘but how will Megan showing herself force Joseph and Arabella to admit what they have done? They both run the risk of being hanged if found culpable, even though the murder happened in a different part of the Empire and they didn’t commit it with their own hands.’

  ‘They will be more anxious than ever to get their hands on Sebastian,’ Olivia replied calmly. ‘Especially when Megan goes to that ball and talks about him to anyone who will listen. It will make his existence harder to deny and, by appearing with us, it will also make Megan’s position harder for the rest of Luke’s family to dispute. Those factors will make them incautious.’

  Megan gasped. ‘I will not take any risks with‒’

  ‘Sebastian is at risk every hour of every day until we can resolve this matter,’ Jake pointed out gently. ‘Olivia’s idea has merit, but then her ideas normally do. Pray continue, my sweet. You were about to tell us how we can draw the schemers out. I presume that will require you and Lady Cantrell to call upon Lady Garmin in person tomorrow and accept her invitation, thus giving our suspects advance warning of Lady Cantrell’s planned attendance.’

  ‘Exactly so.’ Olivia inclined her head, a capricious smile forming on her lips. ‘Since Megan has not been invited, although I assume that you have been, Charles…’

  ‘Bound to have been,’ Charles replied with a doomed expression. ‘I haven’t looked through my invitations recently.’

  ‘Well then, I’m sure Lady Garmin will be delighted to have tempted you away from your bachelor rooms.’ Olivia laughed outright at his horrified expressi
on. ‘You will be quite safe from the matchmakers, just so long as you don’t leave Megan’s side.’

  ‘A comforting thought,’ Charles replied drolly.

  ‘Anyway, I shall introduce Megan to Lady Garmin, explain who she is and that she has just returned from India with her infant son.’

  ‘I am in mourning,’ Megan pointed out. ‘I cannot dance.’

  ‘It has been over a year since Luke’s demise and some widows do choose to wear full mourning and eschew the dance floor for two years,’ Jake responded. ‘But others do not.’

  ‘Megan loved Luke and wants her child to be accepted as his rightful heir, so is reluctant to do anything that will attract criticism. The rest of the Cantrells will waste no time in poisoning opinion against her and so her behaviour will be subjected to microscopic inspection.’

  ‘It will give the tabbies something new to gossip about,’ Olivia said mulishly.

  ‘She can still attend the ball,’ Jake added calmly. ‘All that matters is that she should show her face, hold her head up high and let society see that she has nothing to feel ashamed about.’

  ‘My thoughts exactly,’ Olivia said with satisfaction. ‘Megan, you will tell Lady Garmin— who just happens to be on friendly terms with your mother-in-law, the dowager countess—that you have made her acquaintance but were overset because you were not made to feel welcome. You are hoping that her ladyship will have had a change of heart when she’s had time to recover from her grief at Luke’s death. Give every indication that you understand her dilemma and are more than willing of offer an olive branch. But in the event that she does not accept it, you have the law on your side since you can prove both the legitimacy of your marriage and of Sebastian’s birth. You might also let slip that Luke made specific arrangements with his lawyers before his death to ensure that Sebastian accedes to his rightful title.’

  ‘But that is not precisely true,’ Megan wailed. ‘Sebastian’s birth certificate was stolen from me during my visit to Cantrell Court.’

  Olivia’s smile widened. ‘But there is nothing to say that you don’t have another copy, or other means of proving that he is Luke’s legitimate heir.’

  Megan’s eyes widened. ‘True,’ she conceded warily.

  Jake nodded his approval. ‘During the course of your conversation with Lady Garmin, I would suggest that you say how upset you were when Sebastian was separated from you in a busy market. Thankfully he was safely returned and seems none the worse for his ordeal. Give no indication that you are aware the abduction was deliberate.’ He smiled at Megan. ‘Your husband’s relations clearly think you are dull-witted so let’s not disabuse them of that notion.’

  ‘Perhaps I am dull-witted,’ Megan replied. ‘I ought to have made the connection to the railway project long since.’

  ‘You have had more pressing matters on your mind.’ Charles’s words were soft with understanding. ‘Besides, you didn’t know until recently that Luke had been killed deliberately, so there was no reason for you to think of it.’

  ‘You intend, I suppose, to let drop to Lady Garmin that Lady Cantrell is residing here with you and that the baby is secure in your nursery,’ Jake said.

  ‘Naturally.’ Olivia treated Jake to a sunny smile. ‘Everyone knows that I only keep one elderly manservant.’

  ‘Needless to say, the house will be teeming with my men, ready to catch whoever tries to snatch Sebastian,’ Jake said, giving Megan a reassuring nod. ‘I’ll wager that this time Joseph Cantrell will send someone directly connected to him. Someone whom he trusts absolutely. There will be insufficient time for him to hire anyone else. Besides, he will have learned his lesson after the debacle with your father’s failed attempt.’

  ‘You look unsure, Megan,’ Olivia said. ‘If you would prefer not to do things this way, we will think of something else.’

  ‘I fear so much for my son…for Sebastian,’ Megan said. ‘To use him as if he was bait for some trap seems…’

  ‘I can assure you that he will be safe,’ Jake interjected. ‘He shares the nursery with Olivia’s own son and neither of us would consider this plan if we were not certain of both children’s full protection.’

  ‘I’m perfectly sure you would not,’ Megan replied, looking reassured. She gave a small laugh. ‘But if fears for Sebastian’s safety weren’t enough to give me pause, the thought of stepping into Lady Garmin’s ballroom, and everyone staring at me…’ Her words trailed off and she dropped her gaze to her folded hands, looking terrified.

  ‘You’re frightened that you will be scorned,’ Olivia said softly. ‘And I can empathise, I do assure you. But I have learned that the only way to overcome your fears is to confront both them and your critics with your head held high. You have as much right to be in Lady Garmin’s ballroom as anyone else who is likely to grace it.’

  ‘But for the fact that I have not actually been invited.’

  Olivia dismissed that fact with an airy wave of one hand. ‘An oversight that we shall rectify on the morrow.’

  ‘Are you absolutely sure?’ Megan asked in a dubious voice.

  ‘Absolutely,’ Olivia replied with conviction. ‘You don’t seem to realise quite what a draw you will be. If words leaks out that you are to attend, and it will, then not a single invitation will be declined, assuring a triumph for Lady Garmin. Everyone will be keen to catch a glimpse of the lady who stole Luke’s heart.’ Olivia grinned. ‘And some will be equally keen to witness the dowager countess’s discomfort. She has made as many enemies as she has friends with her rigid standards and unbending opinions. And the prospect of observing her get her comeuppance will be too tempting for many to resist.’

  ‘Goodness,’ Megan said faintly.

  ‘If you would prefer time to think about it,’ Jake said, ‘we will accept your answer in the morning. You have learned a lot this evening from your father and probably need time to consider it all. The decision is yours alone to make and we shall not be offended if you would prefer to take another path.’

  ‘No.’ Megan shared a resolute look between them. ‘You are in the right of it. We must do this, if only for Sebastian’s sake. I cannot abide hiding away. My conscience is clear, and society will soon know it.’

  Olivia beamed at her. ‘That’s the spirit!’

  ‘What about Papa?’ Megan asked. ‘What is to happen to him?’

  ‘What would you like to see happen?’ Charles asked guardedly, as though he had been anticipating the question.

  ‘I cannot decide, but as things stand I have no wish to speak privately with him. Not now, and perhaps not ever. I am disgusted by his self-interest and pathetic attempts to justify his outlandish behaviour.’ She sat a little straighter, firm resolve reflected in her expression. Her attitude confirmed Olivia’s opinion that she would find the necessary courage to attend her first society ball and face down her detractors. Olivia and Eva would both be there to ensure that she did. ‘As things stand, he will certainly not be meeting Sebastian. He has forfeited that right.’

  ‘Then I will arrange for Mardon to be taken back to Grosvenor Square,’ Jake said. ‘We can keep him there under lock and key until this business is resolved and then, unless you want to charge him with abducting your son‒’

  ‘No,’ Megan replied without conscious thought. ‘I would not do that to him. I actually believe that he really was trying to help him.’ She paused. ‘I must believe it,’ she added, so quietly that Olivia barely caught the words.

  ‘Well then, he has broken no other law in this country. But his agreement with Warburton over the exotic animals and whatever else he doesn’t declare to the Company is another matter.’ Jake glanced at Charles. ‘More your area than mine.’

  Charles nodded. ‘I doubt whether he will receive anything more than a rap over the knuckles from the Company, not if he and Warburton are in bed together. Warburton can do no wrong in the Company’s eyes and all the sycophants within its ranks are keen to cultivate his goodwill. However, I’ll have a quiet word wi
th the appropriate people in the Foreign Department and see what they wish to do about it.’

  ‘Fair enough.’ Jake stood. ‘I think we agree that Mardon told the truth but I’m not prepared to take any chances about where he might turn now if we grant him his freedom. He will be a guest in the cellars at Grosvenor Square until we have drawn Joseph Cantrell out, and then we will consider what to do with him. Now, if you will excuse me, I shall make arrangements for Franklin to take him back to the Square.’

  ‘I will come with you,’ Olivia said.


  Charles smiled at the confusion reflected in Megan’s expression, momentarily distracted by the discordant sound of an organ-grinder passing the house. Several young men who sounded as though they had spent the better part of the day in the tavern on the corner of the street made disparaging comments about the grinder’s performance as they staggered along in his wake. Charles tried to recall if in his younger days he too had behaved with such obvious disregard for the needs of others to make an honest living. If he had, he’d blocked out the memories.

  ‘Now tell me what you are really thinking?’ he invited, taking the seat beside Megan that Olivia had just vacated.

  ‘That I am very fortunate to have such good and loyal friends.’ Megan’s expression had turned incredulous. Charles didn’t think he would ever tire of watching the kaleidoscope of emotions that passed across her face with each shift in her mood. She would not thank him for pointing out that those expressions gave him a clear indication of her thoughts, robbing her of mystique. He reminded himself that he would have to deprive himself of that pleasure and return to his own affairs just as soon as they had resolved hers. His heart lurched at the prospect. ‘Even though I am barely acquainted with Olivia and don’t know Lord Torbay at all, they are both being very considerate and generous with their time. It quite restores one’s faith. And as for you…well, I owe you more than I can ever hope to repay.’

  ‘We have discuss this before. You owe me nothing.’

  ‘We shall never agree on that but what I do know is that you don’t deserve to have your good name sullied by appearing with me at Lady Garmin’s ball. In fact, apart from Sebastian’s safety, that is my main concern about the entire plan.’


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