Broken Wings (Cruel and Beautiful World, Book One 1)

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Broken Wings (Cruel and Beautiful World, Book One 1) Page 11

by Stoddard Hancock, L.

  Xander nodded. "It was my mom's. An old perfume bottle. I kept it around because it still sort of smelled like her. Strange, I know. A grown man longing for the scent of his mommy."

  "It's not strange," she said with a soft smile. "I still remember what my dad smells like, and I would give anything to experience that again."

  The two of them stared at each other for a long moment.

  "You should try to get some sleep," said Xander with a small gulp.

  Deryn nodded and lay down in her bed, pulling the covers all the way up to her neck. Xander had just stood up to leave when she called his name. He looked back and, when their eyes locked, hers shifted slightly to the side.

  "Will you stay for a little while? I'm not ready to sleep yet."

  He looked hesitant. "You want me to stay?"

  Her eyes locked back on his and she gave a shallow nod. "Just for a little while."

  Everything in Xander's mind started screaming at him, telling him to say no. There was no reason for him to stay with her. But, in the end, he still heard himself say, "Yes."

  He took off his coat and holster, climbed on the bed and lay down beside her.

  Deryn turned to face him and slowly closed her eyes.

  "For what it's worth, I don't think your mind is as damaged as you believe," he said.

  "You don't?" she asked, her eyes opening slightly. "Why?"

  "Well, leaving tonight was pretty fucking stupid and I hope the old you would've known better, but you keep recalling things like it all just happened yesterday. Even I barely remember that I used to hang around Dougal."

  "Really?" Her eyes widened to their full size.


  There was another moment of silence. Xander turned his head and the two of them gazed at each other. Before long, both of their eyes began to close.

  As Deryn slowly drifted off to sleep she found herself asking, "Ruby ... are you sure I'm not crazy?"

  "Positive," she heard him answer before falling into her first peaceful sleep in years.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Xander awoke to someone knocking on his front door. It started out soft enough, but quickly became more urgent. His eyes opened slowly and it took him a moment to recognize his surroundings. He was not in his bedroom, as he expected, but in the guestroom instead. Feeling something in his hand, he turned his head and found a delicate female one placed inside of it, and, beyond that, the serene face of Deryn, her eyelashes fluttering as the knocking grew louder.

  Xander grunted and yanked his hand out of hers, wiping it on his sweater. Which one of them had made that terrible mistake? He could not for the life of him remember, so it must have been her.

  Xander groaned as he climbed out of the bed and left the room. He shut the door behind him, went to the front door and shouted, "Who the fuck is it?"

  "It's Bronson! Let me in!"

  Xander groaned again and opened the door a crack. "What the hell do you -"

  Bronson pushed the door all the way open and let himself inside. His face was glowing as he held a piece of paper in his hands. "I knew it! I fucking knew it, Ruby!"

  "Knew what?" asked Xander, rubbing his groggy eyes.

  "I knew I recognized your little houseguest when she came here the other week and I thought it was weird when I never heard her leave. But, hey, I know how this works. Don't ask questions, right? But then, last night, I just knew! I fucking knew she wasn't just any girl. She was someone. And now I have proof!"

  Bronson held up the piece of paper, revealing an old wanted poster for Godfrey and Talon Leon with a photo of them in its center, an old family portrait confiscated from their home. And there, between her father and brother, was a young Deryn, no older than twelve but seemingly unchanged.

  Xander went white.

  "Don't you dare tell me it's not her because I know! I know , Ruby! You're hiding Godfrey Leon's daughter in your apartment! I mean ... damn . That's intense."

  "Why do you still have that old thing?" asked Xander.

  Bronson grinned. "Is that a yes then?"

  "I didn't say that. Now answer." He took the poster from Bronson.

  "Quigley keeps a scrapbook of every wanted poster he comes across."

  "You told Quigley about this?" Xander turned red in the face. "I thought I told you not to!"

  "Relax, Ruby. Quigley isn't even home. Stayed at some new broad's place last night. I haven't seen him."

  "Get out of here, Bronson." Xander slammed the wanted poster against Bronson's chest and turned away.

  "No!" Bronson said firmly. "Some weird shit has been going on here for a while now and I want to know what it is! You know you can trust me. I've never once given you a reason not to."

  "Until now. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, 'less you want to get yourself killed."

  "Yeah, well, I risk my life every day by living here, don't I? Just tell me."


  "Come on!"

  "No! Get the fuck out -"

  "Dammit, Ruby! I want to know what -"

  The door to the guestroom opened and Deryn walked out. She went right over to Bronson, whose jaw had hit the floor, took the wanted poster out of his hands and looked closely at the photo. She sighed.

  "Bronson, is it?" she said, looking up to meet his eyes.

  "Y-yes." He paused. "Holy fuck. I was right?"

  "Leon, what the hell are you doing out here?" asked Xander, looking livid.

  "He already saw me, Ruby."

  "Well, he obviously didn't get a clear view of you, or else he wouldn't be here questioning it."

  "Clear enough that he recognized me in a photo taken over a decade ago."

  Xander took several deep breaths, through his nose and out his mouth, to calm himself. "I was taking care of it," he said through gritted teeth.

  "Yes, because your 'get the fuck out' approach was working really well." She rolled her eyes.

  "Stop fucking doing that!"

  "Doing what?"

  "That fucking eye roll thing! You do it all the time and it's annoying!"

  Deryn crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Well, maybe if you stopped giving me reasons to roll my eyes then it wouldn't bother you so much!"

  "Stop. Fucking. Doing. It."

  "I'll stop rolling my eyes just as soon as you stop using so many obscenities."

  Bronson chuckled, which caused Xander to glare at him. He quickly shut his mouth.

  "Why are you being so snippy?" asked Deryn.

  Because you were holding my hand , thought Xander.

  "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?"

  No, I woke up in your bed . "No. I'm just ... fucking annoyed that you came out here."

  Deryn let out a deep, frustrated breath. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could -

  "Do you mind if I put this little tiff of yours on hold for a moment and ask a really important question?" asked Bronson, stepping between the man and woman who had begun to edge towards one another.

  "What?" they both asked, snapping their heads to look at him.

  "Perhaps this isn't the time for this, but I just have to know."

  They waited.

  "Are you the cupcake girl?"

  Both Xander and Deryn's brows furrowed, their lips sneering as they stared at Bronson like he was the biggest idiot in the world.

  "Is that a yes?"

  Deryn could not help but roll her eyes again. She gave Xander a sharp look before he could say anything.

  "Look, Bronson, let me level with you," she said, now focusing her sole attention on him and trying to ignore the annoying prick also in the room. "I really didn't want to go down this road, but your incessant need to meddle in our business has given me no choice."

  Xander cocked an eyebrow.

  "Ruby told me about what he did for you."

  All color drained from Bronson. "He did -"

  "So I need you to know that if you ever blab about m
y being here, he's kept virtual copies of your real identification information -"

  Bronson's jaw dropped dramatically.

  "- and he will not hesitate to turn you in if you ever decide to betray our trust. Do you understand?"

  Mouth still agape, Bronson nodded slowly.

  Unable to resist the urge, Deryn finally looked at Xander. He was smiling with pride shining in his eyes. Of course it wasn't true. Keeping evidence like that lying around would be idiotic and dangerous for everyone involved, but Bronson didn't need to know that.

  "Alright then. I'm glad we're all on the same page." Deryn looked back at the wanted poster she was holding and frowned. "It was a pleasure meeting you." She headed to her room -

  "Umm ... I sort of need -"

  - and shut the door.

  "- that back."

  "When you get the chance, I'm also going to need the wanted poster of Dakota Triggs!" she called through the door.

  Xander laughed. "I don't believe you'll be getting it back, mate." He took Bronson's shoulder and guided the flabbergasted man towards the front door. "She's a piece of work, I know. And really hard to get used to."

  "How ... here?" Bronson pointed at the floor.

  "You walked here just now. Do you not recall?"

  Bronson glared at him. "You know what -"

  "The fewer questions you ask the better." Xander opened the door and used Bronson's shoulder to push him out. "And remember, tell no one." He slammed it.

  "So is she the cupcake girl?" Bronson called from the other side.

  Xander didn't answer. He went to the guestroom door and opened it without knocking.

  Deryn's head shot up as he entered. She was sitting with her legs crossed on the bed, the wanted poster held in her lap. "What if I'd been changing?"

  "Into what? Different pajamas?"

  "Funny," she said, frowning as she looked down at the poster.

  "You alright?" he asked, taking a step into the room.

  "Fine." Her frown deepened. "I just miss my dad and Talon. It's been so long I'd almost forgotten what they looked like. I wonder how different they look now, especially Talon. Have you seen him at all?" She looked at him hopefully.

  "No," he said honestly. "He stays hidden a lot."

  "That doesn't sound like him," she said, looking at the poster again. "And Dakota?"

  "I've seen Trigger several times. He looks the same." Xander thought about this. "Angrier."

  "Hmm." Deryn stared at the poster for a moment longer before standing and propping it against a lamp on the dresser. "Do you have Guardian duties today?"

  Xander cringed at the way she said that. So casually. "Yes."

  Her eyes moved to the small clock he had given her. "You're running late again. Should I make breakfast while you shower?"

  "If that's what you want."

  "I suppose I'll take that as a yes," she said, eyeing him curiously. "You're acting strange."

  Xander was taken aback. "No, I'm -"

  "Is this because I asked you to stay last night?" Deryn blushed as she avoided his eyes.

  He blinked. "Uhh ..."

  "I'm sorry if that was weird or inappropriate in any way. I just ..." She sighed. "I needed someone last night and ... well, you were here. That's all."

  Xander's lips tightened. That hurt more than expected. "It's fine, Leon. No need to get your panty's in a twist."

  Deryn lifted her eyes.

  "I know what a fucking vulnerable girl looks like. How do you think I get so many back here?"

  She raised her eyebrows.

  "I'm just saying, I know the signs and I wasn't going to leave you alone if you didn't want to be. No need to read so much into it. I'm not acting weird."

  "But you kind of are."

  "Am not!"

  Deryn blinked several times before smiling softly. "Fine, Ruby. You're acting completely normal." She looked at the clock again. "If you get in the shower now you'll still have time to sit and eat. I'll make pancakes." She walked forward and pushed past him, heading for the kitchen. "Shower, Ruby!" she called when she noticed he hadn't moved.

  Xander grunted and went into the living room. He took a moment and watched her moving around in the kitchen while humming to herself. Less than two weeks there and she already knew where everything was, like she belonged.

  The thought filled him with dread, and he slipped into his room before she was wise to his watchful eye.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Xander got home that evening, he was not surprised to find Deryn sitting on the couch, twiddling her thumbs. How she wasn't going insane was beyond him. He walked right up to her and tossed a book he held onto her lap. An actual book, not one of those electronic items that merely projected a hologram. He knew she liked to actually hold her reading material. She had certainly voiced it enough.

  Deryn lifted it and read the title. Complex Conundrums . "What's this?" she asked, looking up at him.

  "It's a book of riddles and brainteasers meant to challenge your mind. I thought it might help you sharpen yours a bit. To get you back to where you were."

  Deryn tilted her head. "You bought this for me?"

  "Obviously," said Xander, taking out his pack of cigarettes and readying one between his lips. "My mind's still solid."

  Deryn smiled and looked back down at the book, running her fingers across the spine and cover. It was one more thing that was hers. "Do you think the next time you buy me something, you can pick me up some new underwear? I'm really sick of wearing whatever it is those women you bring home leave behind."

  "I refuse to let you wear granny pants, Leon. The underwear stays." Xander winked and headed for the balcony. He used his wristband to activate a soundproof shield around the space outside, knowing very well that she would be joining him.

  Deryn frowned as she wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and followed him out. Sitting down in her usual corner, she opened the book to the first page. This chapter was titled, Bogglers for Beginners .

  "Let's hear it," said Xander, lighting his cigarette.

  Deryn cleared her throat and read the first one aloud, "I am lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold me for very long. What am I?"

  "Breath," they both answered. That was easy enough.

  "Feed me and I live, give me something to drink and I'll die. What am I?"

  "Fire," they both said again.

  "Skip a few chapters, Leon. Your mind's not that fucking damaged."

  She flipped through the pages until she came across chapter five, Medial Mysteries . That sounded all right. For the most part, Deryn didn't have a problem with the riddles. Occasionally, it would take her a minute and Xander would get frustrated waiting for her to come up with the answer, but he always waited. And then Deryn came across one she didn't like.

  "Until I am measured I am not known, yet how you miss me when I have flown." She slammed the book shut.

  "What? Don't know the answer?" asked Xander, taking a drag of his cigarette.

  "No, I know the answer is time," she said. "I just ... don't like it. It's a bit of a harsh reality."

  "That time is missed when it's gone?" He cocked an eyebrow. "How is that harsh?"

  "I was thinking more along the lines of how quickly it can be gone. Like, five years." Deryn fidgeted with one of the corners of the book.

  "Time hasn't flown yet, Leon. You still have plenty of it." Xander leaned back in his chair and took another drag. "So, listen."

  She lifted her head.

  "I have to head to my father's tomorrow."

  She tried hard not to react to the mention of Atticus. If Xander noticed, he didn't let on.

  "To pick something up after my Guardian duties are complete. Unfortunately, one of the new restrictions the president has put into place prohibits me from using my hover-bike after dark, or transporting it between cities and there's no way I could make it back in time for curfew."

  "Meaning, I'll be on my own for the night," she said.

  "I was actually going to have Bronson stay over."

  Deryn furrowed her brow. "To babysit me?"

  Xander smirked. "If you hadn't pulled a runner last night -"

  "I'm not going to do that again! I'm fine on my own, Ruby. I don't need -"

  "I would feel more comfortable leaving if I knew someone was here. Who can protect you, you know? In case of emergencies."

  "I'll be fine on my -"

  "I already asked him on my way up here," said Xander. "He's ecstatic. Can't wait to spend time with the famous Deryn Leon."

  Deryn frowned and hugged the book to her chest. "I loathe you."

  "I'm starting to consider that a compliment."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Deryn sat on the couch with her arms crossed while Bronson sat on the other end, all smiles as he watched her. He had so many questions and it was starting to give her a headache.

  "So where have you been since you disappeared? How'd you end up here with Ruby? Are you the reason there are all of these restrictions lately? What's your favorite color? Do you like pasta? Do you like cupcakes? Are you the cupcake girl? If so, why didn't you like Ruby's cupcake? What's your dad like?"

  She answered none but the last, stating, "The less you know, the better." But that did not stop her from talking about how good and kind her father was, making her miss him even more, if at all possible.

  "Oh, I almost forgot!" Bronson grabbed his overnight bag from beside the couch and unzipped it. "Quigley will kill me if he ever finds out any of his stuff is missing but, I assume, this is the wanted poster you were talking about?"

  He handed her a piece of paper. Deryn's heart skipped a beat when she came face-to-face with Dakota, a photo that must have been taken during some altercation with the Guardians. His father Piz and brother Laramie could even be seen in the background. A tear slid down her cheek. She was quick to wipe it away before it could drip onto the paper and smudge the ink.

  "Yes, it is," she said with a smile.

  Bronson watched her curiously as she continued to stare down at the photo. "How long has it been since you've seen him?"


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