Broken Wings (Cruel and Beautiful World, Book One 1)

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Broken Wings (Cruel and Beautiful World, Book One 1) Page 20

by Stoddard Hancock, L.

  Watching closely as the girl stroked the crest with her fingers, Xander couldn't help but find it curious how the one thing that made so many women desire him, beg for him even, was the same thing that made Deryn push him away. The one woman he actually wanted to have in his bed that night.

  Thinking of Deryn sitting alone in his apartment with whatever dinner she had prepared made Xander sick. He stood up and pushed the girl off of his lap, which she had been straddling.

  "You outta here, Ruby?" asked Luka as a different girl than the one he had disappeared with earlier sucked on his neck.

  "I did my time," said Xander, taking a large swig from the bottle of whiskey on their table and then heading for the door.

  He was practically outside before he realized the girl who had been so intrigued by his wristband was following him.

  "What are you doing?" he asked when they got to the curb.

  "I'm coming with you," she said, grabbing his arm and stretching up to kiss him.

  Xander turned so she hit his jaw. "I'm not interested."

  "I bet I could change your mind." She moved her hand downwards and began rubbing at the cloth of his coat, just over his groin.

  He pulled back. "I don't know what you think you're going to get out of this, but you should know that no one gets more than one turn in my bed."

  The girl moved towards him again and cupped him in her hand. "I'm not looking for more than one turn," she whispered seductively in his ear.

  "Get the fuck off -"

  "Evening, Xander. Leaving so soon?"

  Xander glanced over her head to see Veli standing there with his own girl clinging to his arm. He had seen her with him before. A girlfriend of sorts.

  Xander's nostrils flared as he stared back at him and nodded. "I have other plans for my night." With your brother's attempted murderer and object of lust , he thought. For some reason he found great satisfaction in that.

  "Yes, I can see," said Veli, his eyes drifting to the girl still clinging to Xander. "Would the two of you like a ride?"

  Right on cue, a long hover-car turned onto the street and stopped in front of them.

  "No, we're -"

  "Oh, yes, please!" said the girl excitedly as she pulled an unprepared Xander into the back of the car with her. He tried to jump out, but Veli was behind him now, prodding him in.

  Once inside, Xander could see that they were not alone. Soren was sitting in the far corner, his chin on his palm as he stared dazedly out the window. His slave was sitting next to him with her hand stroking his thigh.

  While Xander stared, the girl he was with pulled him into a seat across from them.

  "Thanks for this," she said as soon as Veli was in and sitting beside his brother's slave, pulling his lady friend onto his lap. Xander noticed her slip her hands beneath his coat and then heard the sound of pants being undone. His face recoiled in disgust.

  Veli signaled the driver and the car drove off.

  "Is there any particular reason for your generosity, Veli?" asked Xander. "I have a hard time believing, after our encounter earlier, that you have any interest in doing me a favor."

  "You're right. I don't," said Veli, his eyes rolling back in his head as the girl on his lap so obviously stroked him. "You and I are long overdue for a talk, young Ruby."

  "You will not speak down to me, Veli. I am your superior and you will call me Ruby alone or nothing at all. You understand?"

  Veli smirked. "I don't want to fight with you, Xander."


  "Fine. Ruby . I'm not sure when this animosity between us began but -"

  "Three years ago. You filed a petition to have my father executed for his failure during a raid on the Outsider villages. I'm sure you recall."

  "I would have an easier time believing that's where this all began if you actually liked your father."

  "You're right, I hate the bastard. But he's still my father and, thanks to his wife -" He pointed at Soren, who finally looked at him. "- he's the only parent I have left."

  "Yes, that would truly be a shame if you lost your only parent," said Veli.

  Xander narrowed his eyes. "Are you threatening -"

  "Of course I am! You've left me no choice."

  "You've had plenty of choices -"

  "Shut your mouth, you annoying fuck!"

  Xander raised his eyebrows.

  "I've worked too hard to get in the president's good graces to be pushed out by a child on a power trip!"

  "Child? What are you, five years older than me?"

  The car pulled to a halt and Xander looked out the window to see his building.

  Veli stretched across the car while he wasn't looking and swiftly pulled his keys from his pocket. He dangled them in front of the girl who was still on Xander's arm.

  "I'm sorry, my dear, but I must request a bit more of your male companion's time. Top floor, only apartment there. These keys will get you in and he'll stop any alarms from sounding. I'll make sure to send him up shortly."

  The girl happily took the keys and jumped out of the car. Xander tried to follow her but Veli grabbed him and tossed him back in, causing him to hit his head hard against the side window.

  His wristband vibrated, letting him know the girl had made it into the building. He shut off the alarm before it could sound.

  "These threats don't go over well with me, Veli. All you're doing is making me angrier," he spat. "If you're not careful, I just might -"

  Veli pushed his lady friend off of his lap and set her on her knees in front of him. He threw his long coat over her head while simultaneously pulling something out of his pocket.

  "What's that?" asked Xander, eyeing what appeared to be a small computer chip, no larger than a thumbnail. The right size to be easily installed in a wristband.

  "Several of us have been talking and we all agree that it's time for your reign to end."

  "Is that so?" Xander smirked.

  "Yes, it is, and we've also agreed that sacrifices must be made to keep you under control."

  "I don't understand what that has to do with -"

  "I'm sure you recall when the president ordered his Weaponry Development Team to create a mind control software that could be implanted into his citizens' wristbands a few years back."

  Xander went white as he stared at the small chip between Veli's fingers. He gave a shallow nod.

  "Well, they succeeded, but there are still a few bugs to figure out so I've asked the head of the project not to inform the president until it's absolutely perfect." Veli looked into Xander's eyes and smirked. "But it does work, and several Guardians have samples, all of which are very unsatisfied with how you've been running things. Including Eamon, who just happens to live very close to your beloved father and could easily install it while he sleeps."

  Xander furrowed his brow.

  "Like I said, you've left me no choice but to threaten you," said Veli. "I've compiled a list of everyone dear to you and I plan to dispose of them all if necessary. One by one. A short call to Eamon and the first one's gone. That's your father, who just might tragically fall out of a third floor window or something. If we're feeling generous, at least. I personally would like to make that piece of shit's death much slower and much more painful." He grinned wickedly. "Second is Luka. His father's already agreed to take care of it. Anything for the greater good. Third. Wyatt's father's agreed to the same thing. Need I go on?"

  "You're bluffing," snarled Xander.

  "Am I? Well, what do you say, brother?" He turned to Soren. "Shall we test it out then?" Veli pressed a button on his wristband. "Call Eamon."

  It rang. Xander's heart beat fast.

  It rang again. Then there was a click. "Is it time -"

  "Stop!" shouted Xander, holding out his hand.

  Veli smiled triumphantly and said, "Never mind, Eamon." He pressed the same button and the call ended.

  "You certainly went to a lot of trouble," said Xander. "Dare I ask what it is you want?"

p; Veli looked at his brother and motioned for him to continue. Soren pressed the button on his collar and said, "Find the Leon girl. She needs to be punished for the embarrassment she has caused our family."

  "I believe that embarrassment is on you," quipped Xander. "You both know as well as I do that even if we go door to fucking door there's practically no chance we're going to find her."

  "Then torture everyone until you find someone who knows where she's gone!" shouted Soren, his face turning crimson. "I don't care how you do it, just fucking find her!"

  Soren released the button and rubbed his throat. He had strained it with the yelling. His slave gave it a kiss and, for once, he let her try to please him.

  "You're both fucking pathetic," said Xander, moving for the exit and having to step over the girl under Veli's coat to get out the door. He slammed it behind him and watched as the hover-car rode off into the night. "Fucking bastards."

  Right then his wristband buzzed, signaling the alarm being triggered in his apartment. He turned it off before it could sound and hurried inside.


  Deryn was sitting in her room, still holding the rapidly decreasing bottle of whiskey as she flipped channels on the radio. Xander hadn't come home and she just knew something had happened to him. She began to hyperventilate as the static continued, crying as she took another sip out of the bottle. She didn't know what she was waiting for. Perhaps some notification that there had been a battle and Guardians had been killed. Of course, they would never say the names. No members of the Resistance cared about such things, but maybe it would give her some idea, some indication that he was not all right.

  What if he was dead? What would she do? Leave? Hide underground or in Bronson's bedroom and act like none of this ever happened? She could not just forget about Xander like that. He deserved more.

  Finally, Deryn heard the front door open. She jumped off of her bed and ran for it, but stopped when she realized the footsteps were lighter than usual.

  Deryn brought her ear to the door and listened as someone walked leisurely through the apartment, pausing every few moments to - what she assumed - look at something. And then they started humming. A high-pitched, sweet sounding, female hum.

  Deryn went red as something inside of her burned.

  The woman walked through the apartment, and opened a door that Deryn immediately recognized as the bathroom. She shut it just as quickly before heading to the next one, which was Xander's room.

  There was a loud, "Oh," followed by a fit of giggles. Deryn listened as the woman's footsteps headed inside.

  She stepped back from her door, nostrils flaring as she realized what was going on. The reason Xander had not come home was because he was out picking up some ... some hussy ! He had her worried sick for nothing! And, more importantly, he had missed her dinner! Something she had worked really hard on for him!

  Deryn froze.

  For him ? When had her wanting to make dinner for the first time become about him ?

  The front door opened again, the familiar sounds of Xander kicking off his shoes and hanging his coat entering her ears.

  Then the sound of him walking across the apartment to his bedroom set a fire off in Deryn that she had not felt in years. Oh, he was not going to get away with this! Bringing some hussy here tonight!

  She ran over to a bag she'd been storing everything Bronson picked up for her in, and dug through it, completely ignoring the voices coming from the other side of the wall. It was time for her to put Xander fucking Ruby in his place!


  Noticing his bedroom door was open, Xander went right to it after kicking off his shoes and hanging his coat. He was glad to see there was no bloodshed, and that Deryn had most likely been in her room when this pest who would not go away came up here.

  "Ah!" Xander screamed as he found her lying half-naked on his bed.

  "Is your business all finished?" she asked, not the least bit fazed by his reaction.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" he asked, picking up her clothes from the floor and tossing them at her. "How many times do I have to say I'm not interested?"

  "What? But you brought me here!" she said, throwing her clothes back down.

  It was only then that Xander noticed her shoes by his dresser. He went and picked them up. "Did you wear these across my white fucking carpet?" he yelled, his eyes bulging out of his skull.

  "They're just shoes," she said, climbing off the bed and taking them from him. She threw them beside her clothes. "Now, I believe you are wearing far too much clothing." She reached out and pulled at his shirt, but Xander pulled back.

  The two of them were in the midst of this wrestling match, and Xander was just about to pick her up and carry her outside of his apartment in nothing but her underwear, when they heard the door to the guestroom click open. They both stopped.

  "What the hell is this?" called a voice Xander knew far too well.

  He turned to see someone who looked an awful lot like Deryn, only her hair was honey-blonde, for some reason, and her eyes were blue. His forehead crinkled.

  "Who are you?" asked his guest, who had finally let go of his shirt.

  "Who am I ?" said Deryn. " I am his wife!"

  Xander cocked his head. Funny. He didn't remember having a wife.

  "Who the fuck are you?" his 'wife' demanded, looking heatedly at the other girl.

  "Oh. I'm sorry," she said, holding her hands up defensively. "I didn't realize you were married."

  "Well, he is! Now, get out!"

  The girl paused, putting her hands on her hips as she stared Deryn up and down. "I don't suppose you two would be up for a three-way?"

  Xander raised his eyebrows. Well, that sounded intriguing. He looked at his 'wife' just as she rolled her eyes.

  "Get out!" she demanded again, pointing at the door.

  "Okay, okay.” The girl grabbed her clothes and shoes, and headed for the front door. She put everything on quickly and gave the weird couple one last scan before exiting.

  "Leon?" said Xander as soon as she was gone.

  Deryn crossed her arms in a fashion he had become quite accustomed to. "Obviously."

  "What are you doing?" he shouted. "And where did you get that fucking hair?" He grabbed at the honey-blonde locks, easily pulling them off of her head. A wig.

  "I asked Bronson to get it for me," she said, grabbing it back. "So I can change my appearance quickly, if necessary."

  "And the eyes?"

  "Drops that change the color. It lasts an hour."

  "And why the fuck are you using this shit now?" he demanded. "Why'd you do that? Saying you were my wife!"

  "Because you should not be rewarded for worrying me!"


  "You didn't come home, Xander! You didn't come home and I was worried! Not once in all of my time here have you not come home when you said you were going to be here! What was I supposed to think?"

  "I worried you?" repeated Xander, in a bit of a daze as he searched the strange blue eyes for Deryn.

  "Of course you did! I thought you were dead!"

  "I ... I'm sor -"

  "But then I come to find that you're perfectly fine, and you sent some hussy up here to prepare herself for you! What if I'd been in the living room?"

  "I'm not the one who sent her -"

  "I mean it's all so ridiculous!"


  "You're nothing but a selfish, inconsiderate, spoiled, ass!" shouted Deryn, turning bright-red.

  Xander could feel his heart begin to slow. Those were harsh words coming from her wholesome mouth, and he hated that they were directed at him.

  Staring into her flaming, unfamiliar eyes, Xander took a deep breath. "Sounds to me like you're jealous." He immediately knew that this was the wrong thing to say.

  Deryn's eyebrows rose to her hairline. "What?"

  "You heard me," he said. The words were already out. He might as well stand by them. "If you were paying any fucking attention then you'd
know that I was trying to get her out, but you were too distracted putting on that getup. If you were that worried about me then shouldn't you just be happy to find out I'm alive?"

  "I ... I was," said Deryn, blushing.

  "Then admit it."

  "Admit what?"

  "Admit that this non-Deryn, rash thing you did is because you're jealous. Just like the last thing."

  "The last -"

  "The fucking email, Leon! The email you sent Finley! We both know that was not just about your scars!"

  "Well, what else could it possibly be about?" she said, standing up straight and holding his firm gaze.

  "You know ! You fucking know! Just admit it!"


  "Admit it!" he repeated louder.

  "No!" she repeated, matching his tone. "I'm not jealous, Xander! I love Dax! And you and me ... this whole twisted arrangement is just a matter of convenience! It doesn't mean anything!"

  "Really?" said Xander, crossing his arms. "So me sleeping in your bed every night, that means nothing?"


  "And the night I held you during the thunderstorm. Also nothing?"

  "That's right."

  "And that kiss in my bathroom. It really meant nothing to you?"

  Deryn finally tore her eyes away from his, letting them fall to the floor. "You said yourself that you feed off of vulnerable girls, Xander. And that night we were both vulnerable."

  Xander took a step back as he felt like someone had punched a hole in his chest. Deryn had his heart in the palm of her hand and she was literally squeezing the life out of it. "You're saying I took advantage of you," he said in a strained voice.

  "No," she said quickly. "I'm saying we took advantage of each other. We're both lonely and we're stuck here. Together." She gulped. "In these close quarters it's easy to misconstrue feelings. We just need to learn to recognize them for what they are."

  "And what's that?"

  Deryn finally found the courage to stare back at him, her borrowed eyes looking sad but firm. "Nothing. They're nothing, Xander."


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