Rescuing Halin: Hissa Warrior, Book 1

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Rescuing Halin: Hissa Warrior, Book 1 Page 9

by RK Munin

  He brightens, “Good point.”

  “We need to head back to the Fortune,” she murmurs and leads him unerringly through the maze of corridors back to where the worm hatch still connects the ship to Fortune.

  As they walk, Mian tells him a little more about the current alliance of planets that pay the bounties, but he’s only listening with half an ear.

  Mostly he’s thinking about the recent battle. Two of them just took down over twenty raiders. It’s true, none of the raiders were as well armed as either he or Mian, but they still held plenty of weapons. Surprise played a large factor in their success, but even with better weapons and the element of surprise, the entire battle could’ve gone against them.

  What are these battles like for Mian when she’s alone?

  They are just entering the room to the worm hatch when he breaks the silence. “You do this by yourself, with no backup?”

  She waves off his concern with a careless swipe of her hand in the air. “I rarely have to board ships, but yes, I’ve done this alone.”

  “You’re an exceptional warrior, but even one as skilled as you needs back up. What would you have done if I hadn’t been there to distract the raiders when they had you pinned down on the ramp?”

  “I had another shock grenade,” she tells him. “I didn’t want to throw it down because it might have killed some of the Fozin. They’re pretty tiny, and there were children. But if you hadn’t been here, I’d have tossed it and then changed position and started picking them off again. I’ve handled more raiders than this by myself. They aren’t organized, and they tend to be shit fighters when things get chaotic. As long as I keep my head and stay methodical, I win.”

  “You’re very brave and determined,” he says finally, and Mian barks out a laugh.

  “Is that your diplomatic way of saying stupid and stubborn?”

  Halin grins back at her. “Maybe.”

  With a shake of her head, she wiggles herself into the worm hatch and across to the Fortune. He follows right behind her. It doesn’t take long to apply a temporary patch to the other ship’s hull. Then they close the iris, retract the worm hatch and unlatch the ship.

  The moment they’re floating free from the other ship, he grabs Mian and starts stripping her out of her armor. She doesn’t fight him and once the armor’s gone, he runs his hands up and down her body, making sure she’s whole and unharmed. Assured she isn’t wounded in the slightest he strips out of his own armor and drags her into a crushing hug.

  “You’re a warrior of skill,” he murmurs to her.

  “You’re pretty good yourself,” she whispers back, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I still can’t believe you bum rushed a raider holding a modified ship cannon.” He gives a coughing laugh at the memory.

  “It’s a good thing the controls were poorly wired or he might have been able to fire before I got there. Were you keeping the others from getting to me while I ran?” he asks.

  “It seemed like the least I could do for you.”

  “Do you find me an acceptable warrior?” He knows she can’t possibly understand the significance of his question, but he finds himself holding his breath anyway.

  “You’re not just an acceptable warrior,” she states in a husky whisper. “But the finest damn partner a bounty hunter could dream of.”

  It’s not the formal words a female Hissa might say to a male when she’s ready to co-habitat with him in preparation for potentially forming a Family Pact, but the meaning is there. She finds him worthy.

  “Let’s get underway,” he urges. “The sooner we are traveling the sooner we can pay attention to other things.”

  She laughs as he drops her back down to her feet and grabs her hand, pulling her down the corridors of Fortune to the cockpit.

  “And what other things might those be?”

  He gives her a wicked grin. “Very pleasurable things.”

  Her response is to shove him aside and sprint to the cockpit.


  The moment the ship piloted by the Fozin is within the protective range of Wint's defensive satellites, Mian turns Fortune around and starts back toward Bicoma. The trip back to Wint only added two full days of travel time. He should be concerned at the further delay to his mission. But instead, he considers that the extra time means more time he has to convince Mian to come back to Hissa with him after the Bicoma mission is complete.

  “Course locked,” she sings out and then jumps up and starts stripping out of her armor. He watches with interest as she pulls the chest piece off, then rips off the arms and legs, leaving the armor in a messy pile right next to the pilot’s chair. Once she's down to a set of the soft clothes he bought for her she turns to him. Striding over, she doesn’t say anything, just starts pulling off his armor. The moment his groin isn't protected anymore she reaches a hand down and cups his cock through his pants, making him groan. Apparently, she's eager.

  Could this female be any more perfect?

  “I've been thinking about what you said, the first time we had sex.”

  He tilts his head, trying to think of what he said that would make her ruminate for so long. “I like how you taste?”

  “That’s good,” she chuckles. “But not that. You said I could fight with you a bit. You know, struggle against you if I wanted to. I’ve been thinking a lot about that.”

  His eyes widen a little at her words, remembering that conversation now. She enjoys being restrained and the bite of pain with sex. He has no issue with that. There are some species that need those things to even become aroused and the few times he’s played with the females of those species he enjoyed himself a great deal.

  “I’m willing to do anything you want,” he tells her, trying to keep himself still as she rubs him.

  “I like the sound of that. Anyway, after thinking about it, a lot, I've decided on some ground rules,” she announces softly in his ear. He nods quickly. Rules are fine. Everyone has rules.

  “Of course,” he murmurs back as he closes his eyes and enjoys the feel of her hands on him. “Tell me the rules.”

  “No permanent damage,” she tells him, and her words make his eyes fly open with confusion.


  “Right, no permanent damage to my person, and I'll extend the same to you. I'm assuming we are both going to end up with some bruises, so that's fine. It all stops if I yell raiderbait or pass out.” He’s not sure about giving her bruises, but her next words drive out any concerns he might have harbored. “You can put your dick anywhere as long as I'm enjoying it. I promise not to bite.”

  He gives a little groan at the thought of her warm mouth on his throbbing cock, making her laugh. “I think I want it rough,” she confesses after giving him another kiss. “I'm pretty sure I'd really enjoy it if I could put up a fight.”

  He remembers her reaction when he pushed her against the wall of the cleansing unit. The smell of her arousal when he smacked her backside. Her climax when he covered her body with his, holding her head still with his hands tangled in her hair.

  All thought of gentle love making flies out of his head, and he succumbs to all the impulses he's been fighting for days. With a growl he reaches out to grab her, only to find empty air.

  “I'm not making it easy for you!” she calls out as she dashes out of the cockpit. With a roar he jumps up to give chase, almost tripping to the floor as his feet tangle in the amor scattered around the cockpit.

  She’s out the door and down the hall by the time he’s recovered. She's fast, but his longer legs catch up with her quickly and just as she's about to leap over a box of ammunition he grabs her around the waist and lifts her off her feet. She brings her legs up and pushes hard against the wall of corridor, flinging them both backwards.

  He grunts as he hits the opposite wall, and his hold eases slightly. It's just enough for her to fling an elbow back into his gut. She's able to break away from him, but he manages to catch an ankle and trip her.

e lands with a startled sound, and he moves quickly to cover her with his body. He uses his weight to keep her down, grabs both of her hands, and drags them behind her back. She struggles under him, but he has all the leverage and the strength.

  He looks around for something to use to bind her but doesn't see anything. Then, looking down at her shirt, he grins. He lets go of her wrists, and she stops struggling.

  “Giving up already,” she says with disappointment. “I thought you'd—” Her sentence ends with a gasp when he rips her shirt down her back and pulls it off her.

  She starts struggling, but and he keeps her pinned with his weight on her lower back. Held belly down like she is, there isn't much she can do, and it's easy to tear the soft scarlet fabric into several strips and use it to secure her arms behind her back.

  He shifts his body and ties her ankles together. Standing, he hauls her up and throws her over his shoulder, careful to keep her head clear of the corridor walls. She wiggles and bucks on his shoulder, trying to unbalance him and he clamps one hand around her thighs, bringing the other one down hard against her ass. She gasps and goes still. For a moment he’s afraid she’s “gone limp.” Did he take things too far?

  To his relief she gives a little moan, and he can smell her arousal.

  “Struggle and you will be punished,” he tells her and loves the little sound of excitement she makes. The threat of punishment makes her start struggling again.

  This time he spanks his hand down twice in rapid succession, and she squirms against him. “I'll behave,” she gasps out and stops struggling.

  “Good, little human,” he says and rubs the spot he just struck. He makes quick work of the journey to her cabin and enjoys the squeal she makes when he tosses her onto the bed. Once she's done bouncing, she looks up at him with anticipation. He forces his face into a scowl.

  “You're mine. You know this, and yet you still ran from me. This is unacceptable,” he tells her, and her eyes darken with lust, but when he kneels on the foot of the bed, she brings her bound legs up to kick him in the chest. He catches them easily and uses that opportunity to rip her pants to shreds.

  “And now you've forced me to ruin perfectly good clothing,” he admonishes her. She tries to struggle, but he just lies down on top of her.

  “Damn, you're heavy,” she gasps and he lifts himself a little. He puts his face to one of her breasts and sucks the hard peak of her nipple into his mouth. She makes a strangled noise and strains against him.

  His erection is pushing against his own pants, demanding to be free. He pulls his legs up under him to give his straining cock a little relief and bring his hand up to cup her other breast, tugging at the nipple.

  When he lifts his head away from her, she protests. “More,” she demands.

  “I'll do as I wish,” he tells her coldly, enjoying the way her face spikes with both need and annoyance.

  He glances over his shoulder at her legs and gives himself a moment to ponder his next action. He wants her bound, but not with her legs together. He looks around the room but is loath to rip any of her fine decorative fabrics to tie her to the bed.

  Struck with an idea he gets up and peels his own pants off, easily hauling her back to the center of the bed when she tries to roll away. Tearing the pants in two he unties her legs and then uses his own ripped pants as restraints. He reties her legs spread open, using the heavy wooden frame of the bed as anchor points.

  She bucks and kicks, trying to get loose, but he just uses his bulk to hold her down until he's done. Then he settles down between her legs, desperate to taste her again. She struggles violently against the bonds as he nuzzles her clit, and then she gives a small strangled cry when he sucks it into his mouth.

  He stops before she can climax, enjoying her growls of frustration.

  “You’re a poorly behaved slave,” he tells her. “I think you need some training.”

  “Training?” she gasps out.

  “I’m going to put my cock in your mouth, but I want you to beg me for it.”

  “Never,” she declares even while she licks her lips and glances down at his erection.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asks and then dives between her legs again. He's careful to only tease her with his mouth, drawing away just as he senses she's about to climax, and then starting over again. When she screams with frustration, he raises his to look her in the eyes.

  “Beg,” he demands.

  “Please,” she whimpers, tugging restlessly against the bonds. “Please put yourself in my mouth.”

  “All you needed to do was ask, little pet,” he tells her with an evil smile. He pulls her upper body up and double checks her wrists are still securely bound behind her, only to find she's managed to loosen the knot. “Oh no you don't,” he murmurs and reties the knot a little tighter.

  She's panting now, and the way he's kneeling she has access to his face. She brings her mouth to his, demanding a kiss. He gives in for a moment then pulls away.

  “No, no, little pet, that's not what I want you to kiss,” he admonishes her. He rises up on his knees, drawing her head forward until she can access his pulsing cock. He hisses when her warm sweet mouth closes over him. He tangles his hand in her hair and grips her head, forcing himself further into her. She moans around him and sucks harder.

  Using his hold on her hair he pulls her mouth away from him. It's one of the hardest things he's ever done, especially when she gives a small sound of distress.

  “I'm not done,” she protests and he roughly pushes her back down on the bed.

  “I think you keep forgetting this isn't about what you want,” he reminds her and spears his fingers between her legs. He pinches her clit until she bucks under him and then starts stroking her. Soon she’s screaming, her body bowing off the bed with the intensity of her climax. He doesn’t stop until she’s jerking with discomfort, her sex swollen and oversensitive. He withdraws his hand, enjoying the way she's panting and sweating and then settles himself between her legs.

  “Beg,” he demands, putting himself at the entrance of her vagina.

  “Flush yourself out an airlock,” she growls back, and he barks out a laugh.

  He grabs her hips in a bruising grip, enjoying their interaction much more than he ever expected. “Beg,” he demands again. Suddenly it doesn't feel like a game anymore. He needs her to give in to him.

  She gives a little gasp and shakes her head. “Go fuck a minari!” she screams at him. He bares his teeth and does something he's never done in his life, he leans forward and bites her shoulder. She gives a strangled gasp, and he pulls back, appalled at his behavior until he sees her face.

  All lust and need.

  He can't wait any longer. He shoves himself in and feels her body tense. “More,” she moans.

  With barely suppressed violence he thrusts his hips back and forth, taking her harder than he's ever done with anyone else. He feels primal. He can't think past how good she feels. When she tightens around him and climaxes again, he's right behind her, roaring as he spills his seed into her.

  Shaking from the aftermath he manages to untie her legs. When he turns to untie her hands, she's already freed herself. She tugs at him, urging him to down to settle down next to her.

  “That was fabulous,” she pants as she snuggles against him, throwing an arm over his chest and a leg over his hips.

  “Go fuck a minari?” he asks, and she laughs and then reaches up to rub her shoulder. He sees the bite he left and winces a little. He didn’t break skin, but she will definitely be bruised. She catches his wince and winks at him.

  “You can bite me anytime. It felt amazing. The whole thing wasn't like anything I've ever felt before,” she admits.

  “It's never been like this for me either,” he confesses. His heart is finally starting to slow down and the sweat cooling on their bodies. He hooks the rumbled covers with his foot and kicks them up until he can reach them with his hand and draw the warm blankets over both of them. She gives
a small sigh of contentment and burrows her head into his shoulder.

  He drifts to sleep with the taste of her on his lips, the smell of her in his nose, and the profound desire to never let her go.


  Mian tugs at the neck of her armor for the hundredth time as they stand waiting for the Bicoma delegation to show up. The rest of the trip through Raider Alley was uneventful so they got to spend a lot of time just enjoying each other.

  Once they reached Bicoma, Halin turned all business. He asked her to don full armor and weapons and escort him planetside. He explained that now he's the only one left of his crew to participate, he has to go without armor or weapons and act as a diplomat. She would need to be his protection, an assignment she takes very seriously.

  She's currently wearing almost every piece of gear she owns, including the plasma rifle slung across her back. She knows he’s nervous but doing an excellent job of not showing it. She, however, seems unable to keep from fidgeting with her gear and glancing around, wondering what’s keeping the damn Bicoma.

  “Nice place,” she mumbles sarcastically as she sweeps her eyes over the area. The planet the Bicoma first evolved on looks to her like a desert wasteland. She doesn't see anything but rocks, gravel, and sand around them. Except for the perfect circle of stonework floor they are standing on, the place looks totally uninhabited by any kind of advanced species. Or anything alive for that matter.

  “At least we didn't just disappear the moment we entered their system,” Halin points out, also eyeing the barren landscape.

  “You make a good point,” she agrees. “But I don't understand why they're keeping us waiting. We've done everything exactly as they requested.”

  “It's probably about showing dominance,” he answers with a small grimace. “We’re at their mercy because they might have knowledge we desperately need and we probably don't have anything they’re particularly interested in. This is just a little reminder about who's in charge.”

  “It's stupid,” she grumbles and is surprised when he chuckles.


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