Rescuing Halin: Hissa Warrior, Book 1

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Rescuing Halin: Hissa Warrior, Book 1 Page 20

by RK Munin

  “We left here,” he states slowly, as if waking up from a dream. “We left Bicoma. We were on our way back to Hissa. Why are we back here? What happened?”

  The Bicoma begin to withdraw, and Mian urges Halin toward the shuttle. “We need to leave. I'll explain it all when we are outside Bicoma space,” she promises. “But for right now, we really, really need to get out of here before I do something stupid and deck a creature that can make me disappear with a thought.”


  “You're not hunting raiders anymore,” Halin practically shouts.

  Far from being intimidated by his volume, Mian cocks an eyebrow at him and crosses her arms over her chest. “Aren't you tired of having this argument yet? I'll hunt if I want to. Besides, how are you going to stop me? Put me in restraints again?”

  An expression of shame crosses his face for a moment, and she feels guilty for using that tactic. “Come on,” she cajoles. “Going after raiders is what I do. It’s part of who I am. I wouldn’t know what to do if I wasn’t hunting.”

  “We just need to find you something else,” he declares stubbornly. In a flash his expression goes sultry, and his scale pattern flashes purple. “I can think of ways to distract you,” he points out and reaches for her. She dances away from him with a laugh.

  “Keep those hands to yourself I'm still sore from last night! Give a girl a chance to recover.”

  “You loved last night,” he says with a laugh and lunges at her, easily catching her because she isn't putting much effort into getting away. “Tell me where you hurt I will make it feel better,” he promises.

  She reaches out to him but pulls back when she feels a wave of nausea go through her. Clamping a hand over her mouth, she just manages to pull a trash receptacle out of the wall before she vomits up her breakfast. She feels Halin behind her, trying to comfort her as she retches.

  Once she's done, he draws her to the bed and insists she rest. “The shuttle to Hissa will be here soon, and you're going straight to the Menders once we are planetside,” he insists. She pushes his hands away and sits up.

  “I'm fine,” she promises, surprised to find she's telling him the truth. No sooner had she finished emptying the contents of her stomach then she felt fine again. “It's probably just a minor thing. Maybe one of those ration packs were bad.”

  “I hate that you eat those things,” Halin grumbles as he stands to gather a wet cloth and cylinder of water. He helps her drink and then bathes her face with gentle hands.

  She shrugs. “It takes too long to fix food, and those things are effortless. I like food well enough, but it’s never been that big a deal to me. I’d much rather just eat what’s fast and handy.”

  “It only takes minutes to prepare food and those ration packets are tasteless and apparently make you sick,” Halin retorts, gathering her into his arms.

  A series of sounds echo through the ship, telling them the shuttle has docked with Fortune. He stands, then picks her up, cuddling her to his chest. “Let's head down to the surface. The Menders will want to check on me as well anyway. Once we are both cleared from medical, I can show you my home. I think you’ll really like to examine my bed. I spent a lot of credits on it.”

  She snuggles against him with a chuckle. “But does it have weapons hidden in it?”

  “Maybe,” he responds. “You’ll have to do a thorough search to find out.”

  She doesn't object as he carries her to the shuttle. It feels too nice to be held, and her weight doesn't seem to be a burden to him. The shuttle pilot looks back and grins when he sees Halin sit down and settle Mian onto his lap.

  “Take your time,” Halin tells the pilot. “I'd like the ride to be smooth.”

  “This time,” Mian quips.

  “Very good, sir,” the pilot calls out as the hatch clangs shut. The shuttle vibrates slightly, but neither Halin nor Mian pay much attention. They're too busy touching and nuzzling each other to care. It comes as a bit of surprise to both of them when the shuttle sets down.

  Halin tries to carry her out of the shuttle, but she wiggles in protests. “It's one thing to carry me around like a kid when no one’s around, but there's no way I'm letting you to that on Hissa proper. Not when I’m sure there’ll be a ton of guys waiting to greet and escort us.”

  “Why not? You're not a burden, and you feel good in my arms,” he murmurs and gives her shoulder a little nip. She laughs and pushes until he reluctantly lets her slide down his body to stand on her own two feet.

  “Warriors don't get carried around and snuggled,” she retorts and he barks out a laugh.

  “Maybe they do,” he counters.

  She eyes him and grins. “When I see Sarin carrying around and cuddling Revin, you can carry me around as much as you want,” she challenges and hears the pilot chortle, making both of them laugh.

  “How about a compromise? Let me hold your hand?” he asks, and she grabs one of his hands in hers.

  “I would enjoy that,” she tells him, so they link hands to walk down the shuttle ramp.

  She stumbles to a stop as a small crowd breaks out in happy shouts and greetings. Revin, Sarin, and Dacon stride over from another shuttle to join the cheering crowd.

  “I feel like one of those entertainers on the fiction vids,” she mutters, and Halin gives her hand a small squeeze.

  “You're much better than one of them,” Halin assures her.

  Veran hurries up to meet them with a grin. “It's good to see both of you looking so well.” Leaning forward, he takes a deep breath; then his grin gets even wider. “And smelling so normal also.”

  “Are you saying I don't smell good anymore?” Mian jokes, relieved to get confirmation that her smell isn't overpowering any longer.

  “I'm stating you smell good but not irresistible,” Veran assures her.

  Halin gives him a mock scowl. “Keep your distance, Veran. This one's mine. Go find your own bounty hunter.” Veran pretends to pull away in fear, making them all laugh.

  “You’ll never know how much the sound of your laughter fills me with relief,” Sarin comments as he catches the last part of the conversation. The brothers tap between the eyes in greeting; then Sarin grabs Halin in a fierce hug.

  “You scared me, you idiot,” Sarin says, choking on the words a little.

  “I wasn't thrilled with the situation either,” Halin points out dryly and pulls away from the embrace. “At least the parts I can remember.”

  Mian notices several medical personal rapidly making their way to them, and she tugs at Halin and points them out. He sighs and nods. “It looks like we get to spend time at medical.”

  The crowd parts, and the medical personnel usher Mian and Halin into a waiting transport. Soon they’re sitting on chairs in an exam room waiting for the Menders to poke and prod them. Well, Halin is in a chair. Mian is settled in his lap and so comfortable she's almost asleep when someone comes bustling in through the door. Instead of a Mender or med tech, it’s Range Master Merin.

  “You're back!” he declares with a startling amount of enthusiasm. Mian watches as the staid Merin seems to vibrate with excitement. “I thought I might send a missive to you but decided to wait to tell you in person. Then I find out you were brought here, not taken to Halin's home. I had to call my cousin on the third floor to come down and distract the monitors so I could sneak in here, but I couldn't wait any longer. I really couldn't.”

  Smiling with amusement, Mian looks over to Halin and then back to Merin. “What's so exciting, Range Master?”

  “Raiders!” he crows eagerly. “Hunting raiders!”

  Halin frowns and shakes his head, holding Mian just a little tighter against his chest. “Mian shouldn't hunt raiders anymore,” he starts to say, but before she can argue with him Merin interrupts them both.

  “We hunt the raiders!” he announces with too much volume. At Halin’s wince he speaks a little softer but with no less animation. “We use them as practice! It's perfect! Real world examples for trai
ning. We have seasoned soldiers lead trainees and hunt down raiders. It’ll keep the experienced warriors on their toes and provide skills to our young recruits.”

  Wide eyed, Mian stares at him for a few moments as she digests his words. “You're suggesting Hissa declare war on raiders?”

  Merin almost dances with glee. “Not suggesting, doing. The Council has already agreed. Our forces will rotate through Raider Alley. We’re currently working on permission from the nearby systems and stations so no one thinks we are trying to invade. Domin, the Council member in charge of the diplomatic exchange, thinks we should have everything settled within a few months.”

  “That's brilliant,” Halin compliments Merin who shakes his head and points to Mian.

  “She gave me the idea. When she ran the range exercise and won the first time with no formal training but a great deal of real-world lessons. She made us realize how important that kind of experience is.”

  “You ran the range?” Halin asks, and Mian grins when she sees his astonished expression.

  “She ran a third-tier program with a circle entry goal,” Merin elaborates.

  “I got to the circle on my first go,” she brags.

  Halin chuckles and gives her a hug. “I have a feeling you'll never stop surprising me. And now you have no reason to go back to hunting raiders. Apparently Hissa is going to take care of that for you.”

  She gives a little non-committal shrug. “Perhaps.”

  “I'll leave the two of you,” Merin tells them. “I have so much to plan and arrange. The range is running at night now so trainees can practice in low light conditions. I need to go. The next group is scheduled to start soon.”

  “Thank you for bringing us this news,” Halin shouts out as Merin disappears.

  A small frown winkles Mian’s forehead. “It sounds like they are going to be utilizing the range all day and night. I hope I’ll still be able to get range time.”

  “I'm sure they will let you play with them any time you want,” Halin assures her. “But you don't need to stay battle ready. The fight is no longer yours.”

  “Perhaps,” she says again, and Halin drops the subject, talking instead about his house and the surrounding area.

  “I have exciting news,” Canil, one of the many Menders taking care of them, sweeps into the room.

  “More exciting news,” Mian laughs. “I didn't think this day could get any better. Are you here to tell us Halin is all better?”

  Canil looks momentarily nonplussed but recovers. “I haven't bothered to look at any of Halin's tests, I assumed by his ability to walk and converse without trying to drag you away in chains or hit me means he's cured,” Canil points out sourly. Mian raises an eyebrow at his tone, and the Mender has the grace to look mildly embarrassed. “Sorry, that was uncalled for. Let me start again,” he focuses on Mian, pulling a seat close so he can sit and look her in the eye.

  “You have young inside you,” he states, his eye gleaming with happiness.

  Mian freezes. “No.”

  Canil looks up to Halin with a puzzled expression, but Halin looks to poleaxed to respond. Canil returns his gaze to Mian. “Yes, there is a child growing in you. I'm guessing you've been pregnant for three weeks.”

  “No,” she says again. “I had myself sterilized. I can't get pregnant.”

  Canil eyes her suspiciously, “How were you sterilized?”

  “Chemical,” Mian explains. “I had it done years ago on Gleem Station.”

  Canil looks relieved. “Those kinds of sterilizations are easy to reverse,” he assures her.

  “But I didn't reverse it,” Mian points out. “It must be someone else’s results you looked at. It can't be mine.”

  Looking insulted, Canil sits back and regards Mian with exasperation. “You’re the only female on the entire planet at the moment so unless Halin is pregnant I’m not sure how I could have gotten someone else’s results mixed up with yours.”

  “I'm pregnant?” she whispers and suddenly feels lightheaded.

  “Easy, my little warrior,” Halin murmurs to her, drawing her back against his chest. “This is good news,” he assures her. She looks at his delighted, smiling face.

  “You did this!” she accuses, and he shakes his head.

  “I would never betray your trust,” he assures her quickly.

  “Except when you were under the influence of the Bicoma,” she retorts, and then a realization hits her. “They did it,” she whispers, looking down at her own belly. If they could mess with Halin’s body enough to make him shed his intellect, it would be easy for them to reverse her sterilization.

  For the first time in a long time, she feels like crying even though no one is bleeding or dying. She’s not in chains, and she isn't on a ship ready to explode.

  “I'm going to be a mother,” she mumbles in a shaky voice.

  “We would like to send home a medical technician with you to monitor you day and night,” Canil tells them, totally unaware of Mian’s emotional distress. “And we’ll want to run tests daily. And—”

  Halin cuts him off with a harsh voice. “I think Mian needs time alone to digest this news.”

  Canil looks up from his data pad and blanches when he sees Halin glaring at him. Remembering that it was only four weeks ago Halin was able to pull restraints apart and it took six men to hold the warrior down, the Mender hastily stands ups and backs away. “Of course, you both may go home. I'll arrange your schedule and for help to be assigned to you.”

  “No help,” Halin orders. “Mian is strong and a warrior. We’ll come in for testing when necessary, but she’ll want privacy in our home.”

  “But I really,” Canil starts to protest but snaps his mouth shut when Halin growls. “Yes, very well then.” He hurries out of the room.

  Mian doesn’t watch him leave, she's too busy staring uncomprehendingly down at her belly.

  Halin reaches out and places his hand on her stomach. “This child will know nothing but safety and love,” he vows. “We’ll all take good care of both of you.”

  “You can't know that,” Mian protests. “There are so many dangers out there. You can't make a promise like that.”

  Halin doesn't talk until she finally looks up and meets his gaze. She feels lost and knows the emotion must show on her face. But instead of bullying her, Halin’s familiar mischievous smile forms on his face.

  “You might be right, or I might be right,” he murmurs to her. “But if you want to know for sure, you're just going to have to bear this child and watch it grow surrounded by love. Protected not only by you and I, but all of Hissa. I think the odds are in my favor.”

  She relaxes against him, and for the first time since the death of her parents feels like she has a home. A real home. A place where she belongs and people who would miss her if she died.

  “I love you, Halin.”

  “I love you too, my little warrior,” he whispers. “Welcome home.”


  Mian absently rubs her swollen belly as she examines the holo star chart in front of her. Leaning forward, she pokes a finger into it and taps a small solar system. “That one looks promising.”

  Admiral Vorin leans in to see what she pointing to. “Why that one?”

  Mian taps the air three times so that solar system is enlarged and the planets are tagged with names, sizes, and other important statistics. “It's got everything hiding raiders might want.”

  “Please explain,” Lieutenant Diven requests as he and several other men crowd her against the table producing the holo star chart to get a better look. Mian gives a little grunt, and Admiral Vorin quickly pushes the men back with a small growl of warning.

  “Sorry.” Diven looks aghast as he gazes down at her eight-month pregnant stomach. “Are you well? Should we escort you to medical?”

  “Let's not go overboard,” Mian grumbles. “Just give me a little room here.” The dozen men standing at the holo chart all take a large step back, and she just barely keeps hers
elf from snickering.

  The entire ship keeps an eagle eye on her. At first the men tried to take her in hand themselves, escorting her from place to place when Halin wasn't around, and trying to drag her to medical any time she sneezed. It only took a few incidences, and one man being sent to medical himself to convince the men to keep their distance. Now, whenever any of them feel she’s being too stubborn they call Halin.

  She learned quickly to hide any discomfort the baby causes, only showing fatigue, irritation, or pain when she’s alone with Halin. She doesn’t want the entire ship to rebel out of fear for her health and send her back to Hissa, not when there were so many raiders to hunt down.

  Merin might have convinced the Council hunting raiders was the best way to train their warriors in real combat without having to actually wage war, but the Council fought tooth and nail to keep Mian away.

  As if she'd let them. It took months and a few massive arguments to convince not only Halin, but the Council as well to let her accompany the Hissa armada sent to Raider Alley. Merin argued on her behalf also, pointing out her skills and superior knowledge of raider tactics. The Council finally agreed as long as she remained on the flagship, safely away from combat and did everything the Menders on board told her to do. She obeyed, but it was getting to the point where she felt like she spent at least half her time in medical getting scanned, poked, prodded, and questioned about all her bodily functions.

  If even one more medical technician or Mender pats her on the head and tells her to be still, she might have to start shooting people. Or she would if Halin hasn’t locked all her guns away where she can’t get to them.

  “Perhaps I should contact Halin,” Diven says, drawing Mian attention back to the meeting.

  She glares at him. “No, you won’t. At least, not if you know what's good for you.”

  Diven grins at her, unaffected by the threat. He's been her escort often and is used to her dire warnings by now. “You promised you'd go back to bed after twenty minutes on the bridge. Your time’s almost up.”


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