How Sarah Became a Nudist

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How Sarah Became a Nudist Page 6

by NTS

Sarah just listened in amazement, doing her best to summarize as instructed. Mayflower hadn't worn clothes since she was Sarah's age... it only added to the guilt Sarah was now feeling. To listen to a real nudist talk about it, it just sounded so alien... "natural" and "comfortable" weren't words Sarah would ever have used to describe her predicament. She couldn't imagine ever wanting to be this way - yet here was a person who clearly did, and had clearly made a sacrifice to do it. And Sarah had cynically taken advantage of a system set up to protect people who were genuinely just trying to live their lives in peace.

  The meeting went on all morning - Tom asked about every detail of her life at 19, her life after becoming a nudist, and then later about her employment as S-Mart. Sarah had had no ideas about the trials and tribulations of being a nudist; it was only now she realized what she could be in for by becoming one. Mayflower described how she'd been treated by men and even other women. She talked about not just the stares and attention Sarah was so familiar with, but all the negative ways human beings were capable of treating someone who was different than them. And Mayflower went through it as someone who had wanted to be naked all the time. Sarah could barely stand it under the best of circumstances.

  And, Sarah sullenly realized as they broke for lunch, she hadn't even been naked for two weeks yet - if Mayflower's life was any indication, what had happened to her so far was barely the tip of the iceberg.

  Chapter 8

  Sarah finished sorting the paperwork on her desk. With a sigh, she got up to go file it.

  So far, she'd adjusted well enough to being naked while at her desk. The constant busywork was enough to distract her from her nudity, mostly anyway, and it the desk she'd been given was in a corner of the office that saw little foot traffic except for a few of the other interns working in the same spot.

  But the trade off was that it was the most inconvenient spot in the office for just about everything (which explained why it was given to interns). So she found herself criss crossing the whole office every time she needed to get papers, file something, use the photocopier, or do anything else. She streaked by everyone on the floor at least once each already, and they certainly took notice when she did - it was amazing how many people coincidentally needed to use the photocopier at the same time she did.

  This was the one place where she absolutely couldn't let it get to her though, where she had to truly be a nudist and not let her shame and embarrassment show. It was hard, given the attention she received. Everyone in the office knew her name already - even those who worked on the floor above (which also belonged to the law firm) and rarely saw. She was "the nudist", something for every lawyer and employee to ogle. The other interns regarded her with a mix of bemusement and jealousy.

  She'd spent most of the first day with Tom. After the meeting with Mayflower he spent the afternoon showing her his workflow; it was clear that she was to be his unofficial assistant , helping with the S-Mart case. Yesterday had been more "normal"; she was shown around the office, introduced to other people, and given a desk. She was quickly assigned a huge amount of paperwork - mostly forms, filing, and organizational tasks. She collapsed on her bed at the end of both days - both from the actual work and the emotional exhaustion of maintaining her nudist facade all day long. She'd barely even seen Yukiko these last two days, despite living with her.

  Today wasn't shaping up to be much different. Tom had greeted her early and then left for the courthouse immediately, leaving her with another load of paperwork. So like yesterday, she was doing her best to absorb herself in the work and put any thoughts about being naked out of her mind. But that wasn't always easy - it seemed there was always something around to remind her she was naked, and her body seemed to always be in a mildly aroused state lately, adding to her shame.

  "Hi Sarah," said a stocky man in his mid 30's as Sarah bent over the photocopier.

  "Hi... " she said in reply. She had a vague sense she'd been introduced to him already, but his name escaped her. He was a lawyer, but not one of the senior ones. He wore an ill-fitting suit that betrayed his size - she suspected that the jacket would close over his waistline if he tried. His eyes crawled over her body as he stood waiting to use the thing.

  "Hope you're liking things so far," he said.

  "I am, thank you," she said, picking up the copies from the tray. "Back to work though!"

  She walked away, doing everything she could not to imagine him eying her ass as she did so. Before becoming a nudist, she'd never have guessed how many pervs there were in the world. Why did they all feel the need to ogle naked girls?

  She headed back to her desk, but froze when she who was waiting for her. Perched on the edge of a desk Sarah's desk sat Kierra, wearing a nice tan pants suit with heels, complementing her dark skin and long black hair. She was merrily chatting with the other interns when Sarah approached. Sarah had so far avoided running into her old high school nemesis since she'd started working here, which she'd managed to do so far in large part because Kierra worked on the floor above Sarah's. She'd hoped she could go the summer without actually seeing her, as unrealistic hope as that was. It seemed today was the day her good luck streak was destined to come to an end.

  Sarah briefly considered making a dodge for the bathroom, but she was spotted before she had a chance. "Nubbly!" Kierra shouted on spotting her. "How ya been? You haven't come to say hello!"

  "Sorry... been busy," Sarah replied defensively, finishing the walk to her desk and placing the photocopied papers down.

  "That's alright... getting to see so much of you makes up for it," Kierra said.

  Of all the people in the world who shouldn't ever have gotten to see Sarah naked, Kierra topped the list. Sarah desperately wanted to hide, to somehow shield her body from the other girl's view. But she couldn't - she had to not care, even in the presence of someone she hated so much.

  "Nubbly?" Dave, one of the other interns, asked inquisitively.

  "Oh yeah, that was her nickname in high school, didn't she tell you that? I forget who came up with it, but it stuck after that time she lost her top at that pool party," Kierra answered cheerfully.

  Sarah burned with humiliation at the memory of the event, and the relentless misery Kierra had orchestrated thanks to that one instant of half-nudity. She couldn't imagine what Kierra was thinking now that Sarah was totally naked.

  "Wait a second - she wasn't always a nudist? When did that change?" Dave asked.

  "It was a stupid name, doesn't even mean anything," Sarah interjected, avoiding Dave's question. "So Kierra, what are you doing down here?"

  "Wednesday is our go out to lunch day. You should come with us Nubbly, it'd do you good to get out of the office," Kierra said. Then she added: "You know. Out in the city, with lots of people. We have a lot of catching up to do."

  Evil, Sarah though, struggling to maintain her composure. But Kierra was the one person who could out her, so didn't dare voice how she really felt. "I don't think so, there's a lot to do, and I brought my lunch with me anyway..."

  "Oh come on Sarah, don't be ridiculous. You can afford to get out of here for an hour. That pile of papers isn't going anywhere," Kierra said forcefully.

  Sarah felt cornered. "Alright, I guess," she said tentatively.

  Kierra gave a wicked smile. "Alright - see you at lunchtime then."

  Sarah felt apprehensive as the rest of the morning went by, fencing off questions from Dave about nudism and tried to think of way out of her lunchtime engagement. She felt like fate was conspiring against her - she'd come so far since her days as a high school freshman being teased by Kierra, and now here she was all over again, only now she was naked and Kierra knew she wasn't a real nudist...

  Lunchtime came too quickly, marked by a visit from Kierra. "C'mon Nubbly, we're headed out."

  Sarah inwardly cringed as she stood up, yet again giving Kierra an unobstructed view of her body. What a contrast they made; Kierra in her suit and Sarah naked and exposed. Kierra was taller than Sarah as
well as being older, which all added to the feelings of being meek and vulnerable Sarah felt around the girl. The same things she'd felt as a high school freshman.

  She followed Kierra through the office and back out to the lobby. They were joined by Fleur and two other girls, who were introduced to Sarah as Betty and Wilma. ("If you make one Flintstones reference, I'll smack you," she was told jokingly). Sarah, of course, needed no introduction, being the only member of the group without any clothes. Together they headed down the elevator and out to the street.

  Any dim hopes that Sarah had that this trip was a genuinely friendly overture vanished as Kierra took control of the conversation. "That's a really great skirt Fleur," she said. "Where'd you get it?"

  "Macy's, believe it or not," Fleur replied. "It's great isn't it? I got it for the office but I think I'm going to wear it casually too."

  "Yeah, we're all jealous - except for Nubbly. She's got other things she'd rather show off."

  Sarah said nothing as they exited out onto the street, though the word "bitch" hung at the tip of her tongue. The group of girls instantly attracted plenty of looks and attention - no doubt it was directed at Sarah, but Fleur was quick to claim credit as she "looked hot today". The conversation between the other four girls continued to dwell on outfits and clothes as they walked down the street, a conversation Sarah took little part in. Which was fine with her, as she'd just as soon pretend she wasn't associating with them.

  They reached their destination a few minutes later. It was an English style pub two blocks from the office. The place was packed - Sarah wondered if they'd even get a table, but as it turned out they didn't have to wait more than a minute. The Maître d' led them to a large booth near the back of the restaurant - unsurprisingly, Sarah turned a lot of heads as they walked through the crowded space . Kierra sat next to Sarah on one side; the other three girls took the opposite.

  Her companions were still chatting amongst themselves, which pleased Sarah just fine. She took a menu and studied it closely, as much trying to hide her face from her co-workers as she was the rest of the restaurant.

  "Hi I'm, um, I'm Dave and I'll be serving boobs, uh, you today," stammered a hapless waiter who'd approached the table. "Can I get you drinks?"

  He was staring right at Sarah. More accurately, he was staring at her breasts, which hung just above table level. "Diet coke," Sarah said quietly, going first.

  The other girls quickly went around giving them orders, and Dave left the table (but not without nearly crashing into another waitress).

  "Gee Sarah," Kierra said. "Can't you stop showing off, ever?"

  Like I can help it if guys stare, she thought to herself. "I hardly even notice the looks anymore," she lied. "I'm a nudist... it's not like I care who sees me."

  "Of course not," Kierra smirked.

  Sarah smiled nervously, returning her attention to the menu.

  "I'd hate everyone seeing me naked all the time," Fleur stated. "I'd want to save something for my boyfriend."

  The other girls all agreed, except Sarah, who'd become keenly interested in the photo of prime rib. "I don't think it needs to be special," Sarah mumbled, not even convincing herself. "It's just my body."

  "You know what's weird," Kierra said, looking intently at Sarah. "I talked to Nubbly her just a couple of weeks ago, and didn't say anything about being a nudist then..."

  Sarah's cheeks burned. Luckily she was saved by the return of their clumsy waiter. Luckily, he managed to deliver the drinks and take orders without any further Freudian slips, though his eyes still never left Sarah's chest, much to the amusement of the others.

  "Look what you're doing to the guy, way to be a tease," Kierra said.

  Sarah felt humiliated and angry, but did her best to keep it buried. She just had to get through this, for the sake of appearances. After today she'd have "caught up" with Kierra and there'd be no reason to socialize with her anymore.

  "So what've you done since High School?" Sarah offered, hoping to change the subject to anything other than herself or her nudity.

  "Well for starters I've gotten dressed every morning," Kierra answered.

  Laughter. Sarah slunk back in her seat, wishing she could just disappear.

  Thankfully, Betty seemed bored of the topic, and turned the conversation to more mundane things. Sarah didn't quite let herself relax as they talked about upcoming movies, but she felt relieved that the focus had shifted from her. She nodded and offered quick comments to stay involved in the conversation, but other than that didn't pay much attention.

  Sarah let herself look around the restaurant. She was still getting a ton of looks and stares, and even a couple of pointing figures. She was clearly the subject of conversation for a group of boys a few tables over. Though she couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, it seemed obvious they were talking about her... or her body, at least. One of them noticed she was looking at them. He cupped imaginary breasts with his hands and then gave her a thumbs up. Despite herself, she smiled.

  "Okay, who had the veggie wrap?" Their waiter Dave had returned with the food.

  "Me," Sarah answered.

  Dave smiled, and reached across the table with the plate in hand. Sarah tried to take it from him, but it slipped, knocking over her diet coke and splashing the cold liquid all over her breasts and lap.

  "Eee!" Sarah yelped, jumping in her seat.

  If the whole restaurant hadn't been staring at her before, they most certainly were now.

  "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Dave said.

  "It's okay," Sarah said, regaining composure. "Just... let me get up and dry myself.

  Kierra slid aside with a smirk, letting Sarah out of the booth. Dripping wet and blushing furiously at the predicament, Sarah stood in the middle of the restaurant and tried to dry herself with some napkins. Dave offered her a handful of paper towels, which she accepted and used to dry her breasts, to the apparent glee of the boys she smiled at a few moments ago. She then cleaned the few drips that landed on her stomach, as well as her upper legs.

  It was only then that she'd noticed how wet she'd become between her legs... and it wasn't from the diet coke.

  She twisted and closed her legs, anxious to hide that particular detail from Kierra, but it was too late. She'd seen. And the grin was enough to send fresh chills down Sarah's spine.

  And the humiliation just made her that much wetter.

  Chapter 9

  Sarah walked back into her apartment with a huff. The whole afternoon had been a waste - she hadn't seen Kierra again after they'd returned from lunch, but she'd been too distracted to focus on her work. Her thoughts kept moving between Kierra, and her own reaction to the humiliations she'd suffered that day.

  Why oh why does it excite me so much?

  She threw herself onto the big sofa in the middle of the living room, exhausted, and let out a noise of frustration. This attracted the attention of Yukiko, who'd been in the kitchen.

  "Everything okay?" the Japanese girl asked.

  Sarah rolled over, exposing her naked front to her roommate. "Oh, yeah... just, rough day," she answered. "Didn't mean to bother you."

  Yukiko smiled. "It's okay... I was just checking out the food situation, that's all. I think tonight might be a pizza night."

  "Sounds good," Sarah replied. "I'll chip in."

  Yukiko looked concerned. "You look really stressed."

  "I - yeah, I guess I am," Sarah answered honestly. She felt it, no doubt.

  "Here, let me help," she said. Yukiko walked around behind the couch and put her hands on Sarah's shoulders, and began kneading her muscles.

  "mmmm... Yukiko, you really don't have to," Sarah said.

  "No, it's my pleasure. How else am I going to seduce my sexy naked roommate, if I don't ever get my hands on her?"

  Both girls laughed. Sarah knew the sexual innuendo was just a joke, and Yukiko was the one person in the world who Sarah felt comfortable with lately and trusted her implicitly. And besides, this fe
lt good.

  "Lay down," Yukiko said, and Sarah complied. Yukiko proceeded to expertly massage Sarah's whole back. Sarah relaxed for the first time all day, and felt her worries drift away. "So, do you want to talk about it?"

  "I don't even want to think about it."

  "Wow, you're tense," Yukiko said, not pressing it any further, and instead refocusing on the massage.

  "Thank you," the very grateful naked girl said.

  "Any time," Yukiko said. "Hey this might not be the best time, but your mom called... she sounded conciliatory."

  "Ugh," Sarah replied, sitting up. "I'll call her later. I'm still not sure what I'll say to her."

  "Alright, well I'm gonna order the pizza then hop in the shower," Yukiko said. "Had kind of a long day myself."

  "Oh I'm so sorry... I didn't even ask about it..."


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