How Sarah Became a Nudist

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How Sarah Became a Nudist Page 15

by NTS

  "Hey Fleur," Kierra said, walking up to her friend at the receptionist's desk. "Did you see how famous our Nubbly is?"

  Fleur just stared at Kierra with a deeply confused look. It was all Sarah could do not to laugh. "Kierra..." Fleur began, but seemed unable to express whatever was on her mind.

  To be sure, that was the reaction of most everyone else in the room too. Everyone kept an eye on Kierra, with looks of surprise, confusion, and curiosity. They'd all gotten the notice in their inboxes this morning; it was clear that Kierra hadn't checked hers yet though.

  "What?" Kierra said, oblivious to the looks of the rest of the room and clearly annoyed with Fleur.

  "Well, why on Earth did you... and why aren't you... we were expecting..."

  "Um, Kierra," Seth Robinson interrupted. Seth was relatively new; he'd been hired a few weeks ago as the new head of human resources, but he already had a reputation as a strong law and order type who and a stickler for the rules. "We have to enforce your lifestyle in the office, you know."

  "Huh?" Kierra answered, clearly without a clue as to what was happening. Sarah lifted the magazine over her mouth to hide her smile.

  "The registration notice came through this morning," Seth explained in a dry tone. He opened a manila folder, showing Kierra the document held within. A look of horror crossed Kierra's face.

  "We all got the email this morning, Kierra... " Fleur said quietly. "That there'd be a new nudist in the office."

  "But I didn't," Kierra said meekly, staring at the form. "It's impossible. A mistake. I didn't register!"

  Seth looked at her. "Well, that's not what the Federal Bureau of Lifestyles seems to think. If it's indeed a mistake I'm sure you can have it corrected, but in the meantime you're legally a nudist, and as your employer Matthew's and Grant is obliged to accommodate and protect your lifestyle choice. Now, if you'll please remove your clothes."

  Kierra stood shocked, and made no move to undress.

  Seth added, "Kierra, if you don't, I'm going to have to call the police. A nudist employee wearing clothes is a liability we don't need."

  Kierra had that deer in headlights look, but the threat of being arrested seemed to motivate her to action. Trembling, Kierra began to undo the buttons of her blouse, and slowly took it off. Seth picked up the garment after it landed on the floor. "All of them, please," he said.

  Kierra undid her skirt next, unzipping it and then letting it fall to the floor, leaving her in just stockings and underwear.

  Sarah knew exactly what was going through Kierra's head right now. She felt empathy for Kierra, but it's true what they say about revenge. Maybe that made her evil, but at the moment Sarah felt no moral qualms and thought it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

  This whole thing had been Yukiko's idea. Sarah had objected initially - it seemed wrong, and possibly illegal... but given what a bitch Kierra was, it really hadn't taken much convincing to try. Sarah justified it by giving Kierra a chance to save herself. The plan did require getting Kierra's signature, after all. It turned out, Kierra barely glanced at the paper when Sarah said she needed her signature, nor did she ask for specifics about what it was. She did, however, use the opportunity to parade Sarah around the office and have her bend over in front of some new clients. In Sarah's mind, Kierra sealed her own fate.

  Kierra fumbled with her bra clasp, but finally managed to undo it. A moment later, and she was exposing her ample chocolate colored D cups, capped by big dark nipples. Kierra crossed her arm across them in a lame attempt to maintain modesty. Sarah giggled to herself - she knew how fast Kierra would learn that such modesty would be impossible to hold on to.

  With her other arm, Kierra slid her matching white thong down. It hadn't been covering much, but now it covered nothing as it lay on the floor. Sarah had a good view of Kierra's shaved pussy lips, which had just a little bit of pink showing through - all the more visible because of the stark contrast against her dark skin. Sarah was surprised to see a piercing through her left lip. She wouldn't have pegged Kierra for the type.

  In a movement made awkward because Kierra tried to cover as much of herself as possible with her hands, Kierra stepped out of her heels and removed her thigh high stockings. And thus Sarah's worst enemy and tormentor stood stripped and humiliated in the middle of their workplace.

  Seth collected the rest of her clothes and walked off with them, leaving Kierra standing stark naked in the middle of the lobby. For once, no one was looking at Sarah... all eyes were on the new office nudist, who was standing embarrassed and in a little bit of shock. Sarah couldn't help it, she laughed.

  The noise seemed to grab Kierra's attention, and the shock was instantly replaced by anger and rage. "You! Somehow, you did this. Nubbly, you're so gonna pay..."

  Kierra lunged for Sarah. Sarah was ready for her though, as soon as Kierra got close enough she reached out and grabbed the black girl's exposed nipple, and twisted it hard. This stopped Kierra in her tracks, her knees buckled and she yelped in pain, feebly striking at Sarah's arm to release her grip.

  Sarah held the nipple for a moment, contemplating the change of fortunes. Naked, Kierra looked helpless, small, vulnerable, and weak, incapable of tormenting or humiliating anyone. Sarah felt no fear of her anymore. She released her pinch, leaving Kierra shocked and rubbing her sore nipple.

  "My name," she said to Kierra using a slow, deliberate tone as she looked her former nemesis in the eye, "is Sarah."

  Epilogue – Twenty Years Later

  Sarah walked down the steps of the Supreme Court, having just argued her third case before the nine judges on behalf of the ACLU. Not bad for someone who hadn't even hit forty yet.

  An early may heat wave had finally broken today, giving way to an almost picture perfect 70 degree day. The slight breeze felt great on Sarah's breasts, teasing her nipples ever so slightly. In short, it was a great day to be naked. Despite having been that way for the better part of two decades now, she still found that she could appreciate the myriad of sensations that came from having bare skin. She was happy it was still exposed she'd worked hard to take care of her body over the years. No one would mistake her for a teenager anymore, but she was frequently mistaken for someone ten years younger. Regular diet, exercise, and good genes meant that people still loved to look and she still loved to show.

  She reached the bottom of the stairs and was about to hail a taxi, when she was stopped by a young girl. "You're Sarah Mariano, aren't you?"

  Sarah looked at the girl who'd stopped her. She was perhaps 18, with bright red hair and wearing big red sunglasses, flip flops, and nothing else, save for two nipple rings on her small breasts and a tattoo on her ankle.

  The girl smiled. "I'm Amy Smith. Not that that would mean anything, but, I just spotted you here and I figured you must be Sarah and well... I wanted to say how much I admire you. And, well, could I maybe get your autograph?"

  Sarah laughed. "Tell you what - I don't have a pen on me, but it's a nice day - how about we go for a walk instead?"

  Amy beamed, nodding her head. Together, the naked woman and the naked girl walked around the capitol building and down the national mall. It was about three miles back to Sarah's office at the ACLU, but she was in no particular rush. Amy talked fast and excitedly as they went, telling Sarah how much she'd inspired her and how much of a role model Sarah had been to her. Sarah still blushed at hearing all that - despite her status as a mini-celebrity in certain circles, she still didn't think of herself as famous, let alone a role model. It turned out Amy was a freshman law student at GWU, and had become a nudist on her 18th birthday largely because that's what Sarah was.

  "Of course," Amy was quick to add. "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think it was right for me. It's important to be true to yourself, I know. But I read that article you wrote in The Nakedist, and I just realized, yeah, that was me."

  Sarah grinned. As time had gone on she'd become somewhat of an evangelist for the nudist lifestyle, owing mostly
to the positive impact it had had on her own life. She didn't think she'd have come this far in life if she hadn't been challenged by being naked, which is what she'd written about in that article. "How are you liking it?" she asked Amy.

  "It's been a big adjustment - it's still embarrassing, sometimes. I'm not nearly as confident as you are," Amy confessed, looking sheepish. However, she quickly added: "But mostly it's been amazing."

  Amy went on to ask Sarah all about her work and her experiences. She had an impressive knowledge of Sarah's career, from her brief stint as a public defender to her practice in New York and current work as a civil rights attorney with the ACLU, and she even asked about the S-Mart discrimination case from back when she was just an intern at Matthews and Grant, hardly older than Amy herself. Amy was clearly a smart girl with a lot of passion, and impressed Sarah a lot as they talked. She was especially keen on the case that Sarah had just argued, relating to a high school student's right to join lifestyle-related student groups without parental consent. It had become an issue when some evangelical parents sued a school for allowing their daughter to join a polyamory group on campus. Parents, Sarah had argued, had a right to influence the lifestyle decisions of their offspring, but students had the right to learn about and associate with people who lived differently, and that schools had a mandate to be neutral towards all student groups and their membership.

  Sarah noticed Amy's shy mannerisms as they walked and gathered all the ogles and stares one would expect two naked women to attract. Sarah felt a little bit of pride about them; she liked knowing she could still turn heads, and she enjoyed the attention more than a little bit. Amy still showed self consciousness as she walked with Sarah, though she thought the younger girl was handling herself quite well.

  "So where are you from, Amy?" Sarah asked, as they passed by the White House and began walking up Connecticut Ave.

  "Wisconsin. I'll be going back in a few days, after finals."

  Amy told her about growing up in a small town, how she'd become passionate about civil rights after seeing firsthand how some people could be treated. "I haven't been back since becoming a nudist, actually," she confessed.

  The conversation continued right into Sarah's office. There they were greeted by Yukiko, who'd been camped out there waiting for Sarah. Naked save for her wedding ring and the laptop on her lap, Sarah was still smitten by her beauty after almost twenty years of being together.

  "Hey lover, how'd it go?" Yukiko asked with a warm smile.

  "Good, I think we'll win this one," Sarah answered. "Amy, this is Yukiko. Yukiko, Amy."

  "How do you do?" Yukiko asked.

  "Really, great, thanks! I love your blog, and your last book was great," Amy said.

  "Amy, tell you what, my main office is in New York City. I could use a summer intern. Would you be interested?"

  "Really?" Amy was ecstatic. "That would be awesome - thank you!"

  Sarah gave Amy a business card. "I have to catch a train in a bit, but why don't you give me a call later and we'll work out the details?"

  "Thanks, I will!" Amy was unable to hide her enthusiasm - Sarah was surprised she didn't do cartwheels out of the small office.

  "So who was that?" Yukiko asked.

  "Me, about twenty years ago," Sarah answered. She gave Yukiko a kiss before gathering up some papers to bring back to New York with her. As she did, Sarah noticed the framed Time magazine cover hanging behind the desk, with her naked on the cover. It had been a present from one of the ACLU staffers when she'd been given this office last year. Sarah thought about the girl smiling in that photo. She'd grown so much since that day. When that photo was taken, she was embarrassed and unsure of herself, craving the normalcy of clothes. That first summer had been so difficult for her, but now she wouldn't trade that experience for that world.

  Because that's how Sarah became a nudist... and there was no other way she'd want to be.

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