Thug Passion 2

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by Mz. Lady P

  Light moans escaped her mouth as I took her to heights of pleasure she never thought possible. Tahari's legs began to shake uncontrollably. As she came all in my mouth and on my face, I licked her clean. When I was finished, it was if she had never even came. I rose up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brushed my teeth. I came back into the bathroom and Tahari was lying there sleeping like a newborn baby. I couldn't do shit but laugh. My baby was snoring and everything. I made that ass tap out with my tongue. What could I say I was a Thug with a mean ass tongue game.

  Chapter 10- Tahari

  Redemption and Revelations

  Today was Kelis' memorial service and it was the last place me or my husband wanted to be. However, we knew that we needed to be there for the twins. I told Thug he made a big mistake letting Ms. Brenda make all the arrangements. This bitch had ordered a horse and carriage to carry the bitch Kelis around the neighborhood and then to the cemetery in. Fuck outta here! We lived in Chicago not New Orleans. The cemeteries were extremely too far to get to after a service.

  I made Thug change that shit, mainly due to the fact she had insurance on the bitch and was trying to keep all the money for herself. She was not about to use my husband's hard earned money on that lying, conniving, bitch ass daughter of hers. Her ass was getting the basic package; a family car, a funeral, and a plot to bury her already rotten ass in. The last week, Ms. Brenda had been crazier than a fly on shit. Talking all types of craziness in regards to who could have killed Kelis.

  I knew that this was supposed to be about Kelis, but I couldn't stop looking at Thug. He looked so fucking good in his all black Armani suit with the matching loafers. If I wasn't so terrified of funeral home bathrooms, I would take him in there and fuck the shit out of him.

  "Girl, what the hell you over their smiling at?" Barbie said as she nudged me, getting my attention.

  "Thinking about how I'm a fuck Thug when we get home."

  "Keep on fucking the way you doing, your ass gonna be pregnant again."

  "I'm glad you said that. Did you tell Malik yet?"

  "I'm going to tell him tonight. I'm scared as fuck, though."

  "What y’all whispering about? Y’all know I'm nosy," Ta'Jay said from behind us. We started to laugh and when we did damn near the whole funeral home looked at us. I looked over at Thug, Malik, and Sarge and they were shaking their heads. I didn't care because all this damn crying was starting to get to me.

  I understood that Ms. Brenda had lost a child, but she was really putting on a show. I believe she kept falling out so that Thug could keep picking her big ass up off the floor. I wished Momma Peaches were here to see this shit. I couldn't wait to visit her next week and give her all the juicy details.

  The twins took the services quite well. They were so young, I'm quite sure that they really didn't know what was going on in the world. I was just ready for the healing process to begin for them. The services were wrapping up and we exited the church. As soon as we exited the church, we noticed the police out in full swing. The first one I noticed was the detective who harassed us when we were out to dinner. He was on some bullshit; I could tell by his demeanor. Thug and I were walking hand in hand and with both the kids holding our free hand.

  "Look at the happy family. I have a funny feeling you're the reason that girl in there is dead." He blew cigar smoke in Thug's face. I watched as Thug clenched his jaws together. The veins in his neck started to pulsate. I squeezed his hand as tight as I could so that he could focus on something else.

  Sarge and Malik was also staring the detective down. All three of them had murder in their eyes. I knew that it was taking everything inside of Thug not to say anything. I was glad he held his composure and not give that fat ass detective what he wanted.

  We decided to attend the burial and go straight home. I knew Thug was pissed, so I didn't say anything to him. Once we arrived home, he went straight to his office and slammed the door. All I heard was shit breaking and him yelling on the phone.

  "Daddy is pissed off again."

  "Watch your mouth, Ka’Jairea! Both of you go take off your dress clothes and put on your swimming clothes. I'll let you get in the pool for a while.”

  Since it was so hot outside, I decided to chill out by the pool and throw some steaks and Shish Kabobs on the grill. I gathered all the kid’s toys they loved to play with and put them inside the pool. I went up to my bedroom and changed into my all red high waist two-piece swimming suit. Before heading back downstairs, I stopped by Thug's office to check on him. I knocked on the door and waited until he gave me permission to enter.

  "Hey, Baby, come outside and get in the pool with us. I already got the grill going." I sat down on his lap and I rubbed my hands through the waves in his head.

  "I'll be out in the minute, I just need to finish this call. Just put my trunks on the bed." I got up, but Thug pulled me back and bit me on my ass.

  "Ouch! That shit hurt nigga." I mushed him in the head and I ran out of the room. As I headed back to the pool area, I saw that we had mail on the floor in the foyer. I picked them up and thumbed through them. I almost fell out when I saw a letter from Khia. I didn't know why, but I felt a pain in my stomach as I had a flashback of her stabbing me. A part of me said tear that shit up, but the other part of me was interested in what she said. I sat down on the couch and opened the letter.

  Dear Tahari,

  I know that I am the last person you want to hear from. I'm just taking a chance in the hopes that you will read this letter in its entirety. As I lay here on this bunk, I keep thinking about our friendship and my actions that ended it. I remember back in the day I wanted to be everything you were. Everywhere we went you had the niggas’ full attention. Me on the other hand, I could only get attention by giving up my pussy. I have always been jealous of you, but I loved our friendship. No matter the obstacles that stood in your way, you were able to overcome anything that came your way.

  I guess my jealousy went further when you met Nico. I never was able to understand how you was able to get in a relationship when I had already sucked his dick for money on several occasions. I'm sorry I never told you that. I was so mad he was buying you all that nice shit and had you living in his house. When y’all first got together, he never paid me attention. All of sudden out of the blue he showed up at my house. We fucked and it was like that until you caught us that day.

  I know all this shit I'm saying means nothing to you. I totally understand. I'm just trying to make shit right with you and God before I make my transition. I hate that I let Nico come between us. He whooped my ass day in and day out. Mainly because I wasn't you. It fucked him up that you got with Thug. That nigga is everything Nico would never be and he couldn't deal with that. As I sit here and think about it I'm glad that he's dead. I know what happened to Nico. His phone dialed out during his murder.

  I hated you because yet again you found a way to take away my happiness and still have a thousand reasons to smile while I could do nothing but cry. I fucked up Tahari; my son is in the Foster Care System. I ruined his life. He has nothing left in this world. I'm so sorry I stabbed you and ruined your wedding day. You didn't deserve anything we did to you. I pray that you forgive me and God does as well. Please if you can from time to time check on my son he's named after Nico. I understand if you choose not to.

  Oh yeah, before I end this letter, on several occasions I was with Nico when he was doing business with this crazy ass motherfucker named Venom. I'm not sure what Thug did to him, but he wants him dead. He also talked about how he wanted to get you away from Thug and his family. Please be careful that nigga is not working with a full deck. I guess I will end this letter here. I can't take it in here Ta-Baby. I'm seriously thinking of ending it all. I don't deserve to live anyway. P.S Your husband is crazy as hell about you. I know for a fact if he could have got his hands on me for hurting you, I would not be writing this letter. I wish you guys the best.

p; Khia

  I had tears in my eyes as I finished reading the letter. I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I gave less than a fuck about the way she felt, but she was looking for redemption. It was hard knowing that someone you considered a friend envied you. It sent a chill down my spine because I was so naive that I never picked up on the fact that my best friend hated me. Khia said a lot in her letter, but the thing that stuck out to me most was what she said about Venom. Why would Venom want to hurt Thug? I thought to myself. I heard Thug coming down the stairs so I hurried up and hid the letter in between the pillows of the couch. I'll get it later before I went to bed. If Thug knew that letter came to the house; he might go to the prison and kill her suicidal ass himself.

  Chapter 11- Barbie

  Mother Knows Best

  "I'm not ready for marriage and I'm not ready for kids right now." Those were the words I kept hearing over and over in my head. Recently, Malik and I had a conversation about our future. We had been shacking up since we were teenagers and I wanted more out of this relationship. I was happy that he came home at decent hours and was being more respectful towards me.

  We spent a lot of time together and it felt so good to be with him. I wanted to be his wife, especially since I would soon be the mother of his child. I was terrified of telling him because I didn't know what his reaction would be. It was going to kill my soul if he wanted me to get an abortion. Times like this I wished my mother were still alive. I needed that motherly advice right now.

  It'd been a minute since I visited Momma Peaches, so I decided to take the drive down. I didn't tell anyone I was going because I wanted to be able to spend time with her alone. The drive wasn't as long as I thought it would be. As I waited in the visiting area, I grabbed us some Snacks to eat during our visit. About thirty minutes later, she was being escorted out to the waiting area.

  "Hey, Momma Peaches, how are you doing?" I hugged her and noticed how thick she had gotten.

  "I'm good, Barbie. What brings you out here alone? You never come without Malik."

  "I just wanted to talk to you alone that's all."

  "What has that muthafucka’ did to you now!" Momma Peaches gritted her teeth as she spoke. No matter our differences, she hated it when Malik did me wrong.

  "He hasn't done anything. Malik has been on his best behavior. A couple of weeks ago we were having a conversation about our future and he informed me that he doesn't want to be married or he doesn't want kids. I'm seven weeks pregnant and I'm scared to tell him about it." I let the tears fall because I really was scared to lose him. I wiped my eyes and looked up at Peaches and she was crying as well. "I'm sorry Momma Peaches I didn't mean to make you cry.

  "You didn't make me cry. I always had a soft spot for my baby Malik." Her statement threw me off because all she did was curse his ass out.

  "Listen to me and listen to me good, Barbie. Malik is a delicate man. He has been through so much in his young life. What I'm about to tell you, you cannot let him know that I told you this. He is very sensitive about the situation. I know that you are aware of Snake raping Ta'Jay, but he raped Malik, as well." I cupped my hand over my mouth to hold the scream I wanted to let out. I couldn't believe this shit. "He fucked my son up in the head and the only one who could help him was Thug. That's why they have a bond that can't be broken. In his eyes, Thug is more than a big brother to him; he’s the father that Malik never had. I know that you think Malik cheats because he's hoe, but that's not the case. He does it to prove that he is all man. It's a male ego thing. Getting raped and touched by another man is enough to have any man questioning their sexuality."

  "Momma Peaches, I'm so mad at myself for spazzing out on him all the time."

  "Don't worry about all that. Just listen to me and listen to me good. Malik worships the ground you walk on. Barbie, you balance him out. Please understand it's not that he doesn't want a future with you, he is just scared of the future. He's afraid that he will fail at being a husband and a father. It's up to you to assure him that he is going to be a great father and husband. Sometimes a man needs reassurance from his better half. I know that y’all love each other, but all the fighting and arguing get in the way of what y’all really mean to one another."

  "I'm just so scared of his rejection." Momma Peaches grabbed my hands and gripped them tight.

  "Go home and give him that reassurance I was telling you about. I'm going to call the house tomorrow, so you can tell me what happened. Stop stressing my granddaughter out.”

  "How do you know it's a girl?"

  "Trust me baby, Momma Peaches knows all."

  After another hour of just catching up with her, I left and headed home. I couldn't wait to get there so I could talk to my baby. I couldn't believe Malik was molested. I was starting to understand his behavior and just wished he would have come to me and told me. We had been together since we were fifteen. He knew my life story and I considered him my best friend because I didn't hang with bitches outside of Ta'Jay and Tahari.

  I was going to follow Momma Peaches advice. She had never been wrong when it came to her kids. I used to have a love and hate relationship with her, but this last year I had really grown fond of her and I couldn't wait until she came home. We all missed her so much. This family went to shit without her being here to keep us in check.

  Chapter 12- Malik

  Let Me Cater To You

  It'd been a long ass week. I had been staking out Detective Arnez's house since the funeral. For this nigga to be a cop, he lived a boring ass life; out in the field and right back to the crib. He was so comfortable that he left his fucking doors open. I didn't know why these white people thought shit was sweet. He would be the easiest kill yet; Sarge and I were just waiting for Thug to tell us when to move on his ass.

  I was tired as ever and all I wanted to do was go to the crib and chill back. I hoped Barbie was at home because all I wanted to do was lay up under her. Before heading home, I stopped and grabbed some Chinese food. Lately, her ass has been eating like a damn horse.

  Walking into the house, it was black as hell, but red candles were lit up all over the house. I looked on the floor and rose petals were all over the house.

  "Hey, Baby, how was your day?" Barbie was looking like Black Chyna. I loved her blond hair and jaw piercings. She was rocking a red bustier with thongs and matching garter belt with stockings. The Red Bottoms she rocked made her legs look sexy as fuck. I didn't know what I did to deserve all of this, but a nigga could get used to coming home to shit like this. Barbie took the bags out of my hand and led me up the stairs to our bedroom.

  "What did I do to deserve all of this?" Barbie handed me a blunt and started to undress me. Before I knew it, I was asshole naked.

  "You deserve all this because I love and I appreciate everything that you do for me." Barbie grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. The tub was filled with water. I stepped in and she began to wash my body from my head to my toes. I couldn't believe it, never in all of our years of being together had we ever did anything like this for one another.

  I kind of felt like shit because a man was supposed to do shit like this for his girl not the other way around. Once she was done, she dried me off and led me to the bed. She started to rub Shea Butter all over my body. I swear that shit was feeling so good that I started to feel like a bitch.

  "Baby, I just wanted to let you know that I love you with all my heart. If you ever have to question yourself—don't. You're a wonderful man and a great provider. Despite our differences in the past, I forgive you and I want us to grow old and be fruitful. You are all man and you show me that each and every day that we are together. You're the best and I wouldn't trade you for nothing in the world." Barbie placed soft kisses from my head down to my growing erection. She kissed the head of my dick and flicked her tongue back and forth over it. She placed my entire dick into her mouth and made love to it. I felt myself coming, so I grabbed the back of her head and released my seeds down her throat.

  I p
ulled Barbie down on top of me and I immediately ripped her thong off of her. She slid down on my dick without hesitation and she began to ride my dick in true cowgirl fashion. Before I knew it, I was bussing a nut. I didn't know what had gotten into her, but I wanted her to stay like that.

  Once our love making session was over and we both laid in bed. I was smoking another blunt and Barbie had her head on my chest. This shit felt good. I remembered when we couldn't even sleep in the same room because she hated my guts from all the cheating I was doing.

  "I'm pregnant, Malik." I damn near choked on the smoke I had inhaled.

  "Wow! Really, Ma?"

  "You heard me, I'm pregnant." She had sat up now and was looking at me.

  "Do you think we have what it takes to raise a child?" I asked her because I doubt that I was capable of handling something so small and precious.

  "Of course we do. Stop thinking you are not worthy of being good father. I can't see myself having a child with anyone else. We can do this, Malik. As I matter of fact, I went out and purchased you something today." Barbie hopped out of the bed and went over to the dresser and grabbed a small bag. She climbed back into the bed and stayed on her knees.

  "I have never loved somebody the way that I love you. You complete me. Malik. We are about to be parents, so it's only right we make this shit official. Malik Jamell Kenneth, will you marry me?” I sat there in silence because I was speechless. The massive ass ring in the box had me blinded. I couldn't believe Barbie just proposed to me.

  "This shit isn't right, Barbie. I should be doing this shit for you not the other way around. We can get married, but let me buy you a ring and do the shit the right way. I can't believe I'm about to be a father. That explains all the fucking eating you've been doing lately."

  "I love you, Malik." Barbie slid the ring on my finger and kissed me.

  "I love you too, Barbie." Now I have to go and out do her on the ring side. I looked at my finger and that shit was nice. It warmed a nigga's heart when his bitch can go out and buy him an expensive gift.


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