Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set

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Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set Page 38

by Abella Ward

  "You're her mate. You're the father of her child—"

  "The child that was conceived when I was lying to her. The child that I have now put in jeopardy for the safety of my own skin. I don't deserve Veronica. I don't deserve to be a father."

  A long moment of silence answered him. Dievca rolled to her side. "Stop thinking. Try to rest. We're going to need our strength tomorrow when we save them."

  Chapec lay with his eyes open, trying to relax his muscles. Eventually, all he could do was close his eyes and pray for the morning to come quickly.


  As soon as it was light enough to see the path, they headed off again. Weariness dragged at Chapec's limbs, but there was also a strong beating in his chest – a feeling of power and energy that propelled him swiftly through the trees, his eyes searching the ground for bright glimmers of light to show he was on the right path. Dievca scrambled to keep up with him.

  He was beginning to tire when he heard voices ahead. His instinct was to speed up and charge them, but Dievca caught his arm and pulled him back.

  "Ambushes work better than a full-out charge," she whispered. "I'll go around them. You get as close as you can without being seen. I'll do a whistle-lark call and we attack together."

  Chapec nodded reluctantly. Dievca disappeared into the trees on his left. As he crept forward, he heard Veronica's voice, high-pitched with fear, and he drew his broadsword. His fingers tightened on it, imagining cutting down the people who dared to frighten her.

  When he saw the first aliens through the trees, he dropped and inched closer, being careful to avoid rustling the branches around him.

  "I don't care if we can get more for a live human. We'll still get something for her body," a furious female voice said. "Kill her."

  Chapec's blood boiled. With a roar, he sprang forward, driving his sword at his enemies. They would not harm Veronica!

  Chapter Eleven – Veronica

  The night was difficult.

  The aliens didn't have any sorts of lights and they were forced to stop, which Veronica was grateful for. If Chapec and Dievca managed to fight off the thugs the Rlabek said had been hired to kill them, they could be coming to rescue her. This would give them time to catch up.

  But the Rlabek had only let Ava wake up enough to eat before she was sedated again. Veronica had spent the whole night with her baby cuddled in her arms, terrified that she was going to stop breathing because of the drugs in her system.

  The morning was a relief. Ava stirred, and Veronica was able to feed her again while the kidnappers picked up their camp. She worked another sequin free from her top as Ava finished eating.

  The Rlabek came over, her face pinched with irritation, and pulled out her injector again.

  "Please, can't you just wait for a little while?" Veronica twisted her body, shielding Ava. "She's hardly awake. You're going to—"

  "What's wrong with your shirt?" The Rlabek stared at her midsection.

  Veronica felt the blood drain from her face as she looked down. She had been trying to work the sequins off in a random pattern so they wouldn't be noticeable, but right at her navel was a bald patch the size of her thumbnail.

  "It's always been like that."

  The Rlabek struck her across the face. Pain traveled across her jaw and down her neck, making her cry out. Veronica staggered backward, fighting to hold Ava upright.

  "You think I'm an idiot, girl? You've been leaving a trail, haven't you?"

  Veronica shook her head, but she could see the Rlabek didn't believe her. The alien cursed and pulled her blaster out. Veronica's head spun. Her body went cold. How could she get out of this now? Two of the other aliens grabbed her arms, holding her in place.

  "Our buyer doesn't want a dead human," one of them said.

  The Rlabek hesitated.

  "Please. I wasn't leaving a trail. It's an old shirt."

  The Rlabek scowled more fiercely. "I don't care if we can get more for a live human. We'll still get something for her body. Kill her."

  Veronica opened her mouth. Whether to scream or beg, she didn't know. One of the aliens holding her drew a knife. She struggled uselessly against their grasp.

  And then a roar broke through the trees. A streak of red charged towards them. Chapec!

  The kidnappers released her at once. Two energy blasts came at Chapec from opposite directions. The T'shav slid forward, slicing at the legs of the nearest kidnapper. One of the blasts that was meant for him went wide, impacting a tree. The other hit the shoulder of another kidnapper; the alien dropped, screaming.

  Veronica dodged behind a tree, cradling Ava close. Chapec roared again as a blaster bolt hit his sword. It spun out of his hand, but that didn't stop him. He grabbed the nearest kidnapper, using the alien as a shield against the Rlabek, who was now firing at him with a twisted expression on her face. Another kidnapper crept up behind him, a wicked knife in hand.

  "Behind you!" Veronica screamed, heart in her throat.

  Chapec dropped his shield. He twisted, grabbing the wrist of the alien that was almost on him. He jerked the kidnapper forward, jabbing two stiff fingers into his throat. Another blaster bolt shot past Chapec's head. Veronica looked around wildly, searching for something to help her T'shav with. She seized a branch. But did she dare put Ava down so she could help him?

  When she looked up again, Chapec was throwing the kidnapper over his shoulder, twisting the knife from his hand. And Dievca was standing over the Rlabek's body, fury radiating from her body. Two of the kidnappers went at her. Chapec threw his knife, hitting one of them in the back while he snatched up his sword again.

  Dievca dodged a blaster bolt and slapped the kidnapper nearest Chapec across the back. The alien turned towards her, and she jumped back, drawing him and the one already attacking her away from her brother. He charged the last kidnapper with a blaster. Veronica turned, huddling behind the tree. She didn't want to see anymore. Ava was stirring, her big black eyes blinking blearily. As the grunts and cries from the battle faded, she began to cry.

  Moments later, Chapec was beside her. He gathered her up into his arms. Veronica leaned against him, her body beginning to tremble. Tears poured down her face as he clung to her. Soon her whole body shook with sobs.

  "I'm sorry," Chapec whispered. "I'm so, so sorry."

  Veronica shook her head. She didn't want him to apologize right now. She wanted him to hold her and never let her go.

  Dievca cleared her throat. "If we're going to get to the Sanctuary again, we have to get moving. We don't know how many others are out there."

  "The Sanctuary?" Veronica's head jerked up.

  Chapec brushed his lips against hers before jerking back, as though remembering that they weren't together. He pulled away, looking at the ground. "It's the only place you'll be safe."

  "But… if you go…"

  The T'shav twins both looked resolute. Chapec helped Veronica to her feet. She stared at him, trying to decipher what was going through his mind. But he didn't look at her as they started back through the forest. Veronica's stomach twisted. She had to go back to the Sanctuary, for little Ava's sake. It was too dangerous otherwise.

  But what would be waiting for the twins once they got there?


  Veronica yawned as she paced the floor of the kitchen. They had been traveling for several days now and were almost at the Sanctuary. Anxiety twisted through her gut every time she thought about what might happen once they arrived at their destination.

  If it wasn't for Ava, she would have told Chapec to just turn the ship around. Despite the fact that he had lied to her before, she didn't want him hurt. She didn't want to see him locked up forever. She didn't want that for Dievca, either.

  What she wanted was to find a way to make it work – to be a family. As much as there was all this stuff between them that needed to be worked through, the fact remained that they had a child together. And whether or not it was smart… she loved him. And she regretted freezing
him out so much during the time they were away from the Sanctuary. If she hadn't been so hard-headed, she would have been able to see that he really did love her. And maybe things could have worked out differently.

  The door to Dievca's room opened. The T'shav woman rubbed her eyes and jumped a little when she saw Veronica. "Can't sleep?"

  Veronica shook her head. "Would you mind looking after Ava? I want to talk with Chapec."

  A smirk slid over Dievca's face, but she nodded. Veronica handed the baby to her aunt, then went down the corridor to Chapec's room. She hesitated before knocking. He answered almost immediately.

  "Can I come in?"

  He nodded and held the door wider for her. Veronica slipped in, noting with relief that Chapec closed the door behind her. They faced each other awkwardly. A million different things to say shot through Veronica's mind, but nothing sounded right.

  Eventually, Chapec cleared his throat. "Veronica… I know that it's too late to say I'm sorry, but—"

  "It's not too late." She stepped closer to him. "I just wish… I wish things could have been different. You and I really had a shot together. I don't know what's going to happen, but Ava is going to know what a brave man her father is."

  Her T'shav brushed his hand through her hair. "Thank you. I know I don't deserve—"

  She couldn't stand it anymore. Her body drew itself forward, pressing against Chapec's. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. Chapec responded instantly. He grabbed her tightly, hungrily exploring her mouth. A budding warmth started between her legs. It burst into flame when Chapec moved to her neck, nibbling at her sensitive skin.

  "I want you," she whispered, tracing her hands down his muscled back. "I want you right now."

  He yanked at the sleeveless var'kin she wore. It slid easily down her body, leaving her bared to him. Veronica moaned as his hands captured her two overly-sensitive breasts. He fondled them for a moment before seizing her around the waist and throwing her onto the bed, falling on after her. Veronica clung to him, her nails digging into his back. Then she grasped a handful of his var'ki. She pulled the kilt-like garment off his hips, not wanting anything between them.

  A moan escaped his mouth as he ground against her, stoking the fire that was already burning within her. His movements hit her just right, sending spots of black and white pleasure splashing across her vision. Veronica kissed every inch of him that she could reach. Her hand slid down his back, grasping his rump to pull him tighter against her.

  Chapec moved back to her neck as he grabbed both her thighs, pushing them up until her ankles were around his ears. The stretch burned the back of her thighs, but she didn't care as her T'shav looked her in the eye. Her body shuddered as he entered, slowly, and began his rhythm. She reached for him. Their hands interlocked together, eyes locked on one another. Courses of pleasure burst through her.

  This was bliss. Veronica gasped for breath as the pleasure built hotter inside of her. A feeling of connectedness she had never experienced before shot between her and Chapec. In that moment, it was like she could see a billion stars and every one of them sung for her. The feel of his body, the look in his eyes – it was more than she could ever imagine. And she wanted it to last forever.

  Eventually, Chapec's motions turned jerky. He pushed her legs back to the bed so he could lie over her, kissing her deeply. The kiss undid her. The fires inside her burst and swayed, filling every inch of her until all she could do was writhe and scream in pleasure. By the time it was over, her throat was raw. Chapec laid over her, panting for breath, his weight comforting.

  "You're my mate," she whispered. "Whatever happens at the Sanctuary, I will stand with you. I love you."

  Chapec rose his head. His eyes were wide, wondering. "You do?"

  She nodded.

  "But… how? After I treated you so badly—"

  "I love you," she repeated. "And I was so angry, but I can forgive you. I love you. I don't want to ever leave you…"

  Chapec kissed her again. "I love you, too. But you need to do what is best for our baby."

  Veronica sucked her lip between her teeth, fighting tears. He was right, of course. If it was just her… But she had their daughter to think about, too. But no matter what happened, she wasn't going to leave him alone. She would find a way to be with him.

  Even if Zon demanded the worst.

  Chapter Twelve – Chapec

  Dievca shivered in the prison cell, though it was a decent temperature. Not too cold, not too hot. Chapec didn't blame her for trembling, though. It was nerve-wracking, being here in the Sanctuary, waiting for judgment to fall.

  The nerves weren't as bad as they could have been for him. He was reconciled with Veronica, and she had come to see them often since their arrival and trial. Ava was growing quickly, and just the previous day she had given him her first smile.

  "It's going to be okay," he told his sister, squeezing her hand. "Whatever happens. You're not alone."

  "You're only saying that because you don't know what's going to happen," Dievca muttered. "I heard Zon. It's up to Gylden to decide our fate. He's the one we tried to kill, so he's the one who decides if we die."

  That did it. Their fate rested in the hands to the man they had wanted to kill – the man whose child they had threatened. Chapec shuddered. If it was Chapec, he never would have forgiven them. He could only hope Gylden had a more magnanimous nature.

  The door to the cell opened. The twins jumped to their feet as the man they had just been talking about stepped into the room. Chapec instinctively stepped in front of Dievca, protecting them. Gylden looked at the two of them with a blank expression.

  Chapec took a deep breath. What could he say to convince this man to let them live? He didn't even consider freedom as an option. Not after what had happened.

  "Did we hurt your daughter?" Dievca asked, her voice subdued.

  "No," Gylden said. "She's fine. But will she stay safe if I decide to let you live?"

  "Yes." Chapec hung his head. "I never would have let Dievca do what she did if I had known… But it's not her fault. She has been grieving for years. I didn't see just how badly she was hurting. I take it all on myself."

  Gylden stepped forward, gaze intent. "What was your father's name?"

  Dievca stepped a little closer to Chapec. Her voice wobbled. "Ontzag."

  "I'm sorry."

  Chapec's head jerked up. That was the last thing he had expected to hear. They were the ones that threatened his family, but he was apologizing to them? The older T'shav's shoulders were slumped, his face creased with sadness.

  "I don't remember all the people I've killed. I don't remember your father. As a gladiator, I tried to forget the faces I saw. If it weren't for my Bianca, I don't think I'd have the sanity to go on every day. I was put in the games as a child after my parents were killed. It wasn't something I chose for myself."

  And we were going to kill him. Chapec was surprised to feel his eyes burn. If it wasn't for Veronica coming into his life, making him question his path of vengeance… This man didn't deserve death.

  "But I am so, so sorry for taking him from you."

  "I'm sorry," Dievca whispered. "I'm sorry for hating you. I'm sorry for threatening your child—"

  "Forgiven." Gylden put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't carry guilt. Acknowledge it, but don't let it crush you."

  It was the sort of thing their father would have said. Chapec felt his lips twitch into a smile despite the situation. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest. No longer crushed by the desire for revenge or the heavy feeling of not knowing how to ever make things right. But he knew that he would have to keep working to prove to himself he was worthy of Veronica.

  Gylden looked at him now. "As for you… Don't let go of that mate of yours. She has visited me every day to plead your case. She's a rare one."

  "I know. And believe me, I am not going to take that for granted again."

  "Good. Because I have decided on yo
ur punishment."

  Nerves churned in Chapec's stomach. Dievca clutched his hand.

  "You'll stay here in the Sanctuary. Veronica tells me that you have decent farming skills. So you'll be placed with the farmers. After you have worked twice as long as you held Veronica captive, you'll both be given assessments to see where the best fit for you really is. And you, Dievca, will not be allowed to drink alcohol for that time, either. Veronica told me how you have been overindulging."

  Dievca swallowed and nodded. "But is that it? We'll work and… that's it? We're forgiven?"

  "Not exactly. You will be kept under watch until you can prove that this isn't some sort of complicated plot so you can try to kill me again."

  She shook her head. "I don't want to anymore. I… I want to learn how to find my own life."

  "I know what that feels like. Good luck. To both of you."

  With a gentle smile, Gylden left again. The twins stared at each other. Chapec didn't know what to say. This was better than the best scenario he had dared hope for. Freedom. A place at the Sanctuary. Farming wasn't necessarily his strongest talent, but he didn't care. They weren't prisoners.

  It wasn't much longer before Veronica came to see them. A grin spread across her face and she threw herself into Chapec's arms. She kissed him fiercely, making him chortle in delight. Dievca groaned and turned away, making gagging noises.

  "Stop it!"

  Veronica pulled away and shot her a half-annoyed glance. "Forgive me for being happy. But I heard the news. It's fantastic! You're both free. And we'll get our own little plot of land, and Ava will grow up with her father, mother, and aunt all looking out for her."

  Chapec's heart swelled with happiness as Veronica nestled his arms. Dievca smiled at the two of them before murmuring that she was going to go find out more about the plot of land they were going to farm. Chapec and Veronica also left to go to her apartment, though it didn't escape the T'shav's notice that they were followed by a couple of guards. He didn't mind. After what had happened before, it was only logical. The Sanctuary had to maintain its security, after all. And they'd be gone soon enough.


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