Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set

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Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set Page 48

by Abella Ward

  “He’s the one who brought you here, My Lady.”

  Oh, so he’s the handsome stranger.

  Renaya slowly got up from the bed. But again her head spun and she sat back down. Ayana helped her to the table, encouraging her to eat. Renaya took a few sips of the soup. It tasted delicious, making her mouth water. She was suddenly hungry as she devoured the soup and sandwich. The food was similar to that back on Earth but still the taste varied. It was as if the spices and the flavors were alien to her, but still it was mouthwatering. Maybe because she had not tasted anything so fresh in so many days, that it seemed heavenly. Ayana went toward the wall in front of her and tapped a hidden panel there. It slid open without a sound. A row of clothes, mostly suits, in colors of blue, green and white hung there. Ayana pulled out a blue suit for her and pumps that blended perfectly with it.

  “This will fit you,” she said as she laid the suit on her bed.

  “How do you know it will fit me?” Renaya asked perplexed.

  “The computer picked this size for you. It will fit, My Lady,” she explained while Renaya finished her food. “I will show you the bathroom. It’s this way.” Renaya followed her to another shaft in the wall which she hadn’t noticed before.

  The bathroom was small and simple. It had an oval mirror, oval toilet, and a sink. The shower was oval too. Ayana showed her how to use it. Instead of water, there was ionized steam, she explained. The steam particles would thoroughly clean the body, Ayana reassured when she saw the doubtful expression on Renaya’s face.

  Renaya felt much better after the shower. Ayana was right, she thought. The suit was close-fitted and clung to her in the most exquisite way. It had a V neckline that beautifully accentuated her small breasts and subtly showed off the delicate curves of her body. She looked at herself in the large oval mirror that appeared on the wall and was surprised at her own reflection. She looked different. Ayana had let her hair loose so that it flowed down her back. She looked simple and elegant, with a little blush on her cheeks and a soft pink hue of lipstick.

  Ayana then led her outside the room. They stepped into the dimly lit passageway that curved to their left. Warm white lights lit the gray pathway as Renaya followed her, taking in the white walls. She would never be able to find her way around here, she thought. Her stomach knotted at the thought of seeing Lord Aurzac. What did he have to say to her? She was his slave. Would he set her free?

  Chapter Five

  The door to the Lord's chambers opened noiselessly as Renaya entered. With a bow, Ayana left them, closing the door behind her. The room was large, decorated in colors of white and gray. A desk with panels was on her left, while on her right, the wall was a huge screen.

  Lord Aurzac sat on a chaise lounge, one leg across his knee, holding a glass of wine. He was seated in the far corner, partially hidden in shadows. He tilted his head as he took in the woman in front of him. She was petite, and the suit clung to her lithe body in a seductive way. Her lush hair flowed down her tiny waist. She was beautiful, he thought as his eyes rested on her softly rounded breasts. And then he caught her intoxicating scent. He inhaled deeply.

  “Renaya,” he called in his deep voice. Her name sounded strange on his lips.

  She felt her blood burn as his penetrating gaze seared through her. She was a bit surprised on hearing him say her name. She didn’t remember telling anyone her name. He sipped his wine and then stood up. He slowly strode towards her, stopping only inches away. He was too close. She could smell him, the heady scent of a man.

  “How do you...?” she began, as her eyes swept over him. He wore a dark linen shirt that was open at the front, showing his muscular chest.

  “Know your name? I know a lot about you, Renaya.” He pronounced her name with an unusual accent, which sounded oddly nice.

  “Where did you get that?” he took her hand in his and felt the emerald ring on her finger as his steely gray gaze bore into her dark eyes. Again, she felt that weird sensation she had felt when she first saw him. His platinum blonde hair was tied at the nape of his neck and she noticed his ears. They were pointed, she observed. He reminded her of one of the Tolkien elves, Legolas.

  “My grandmother gave it to me,” Renaya said, gazing at the beautiful ring. “Those monsters destroyed my home,” she continued in a voice ever so soft while she fought back tears. No, she didn’t want to cry in front of him. She wanted to show him that she was strong.

  “Earth has survived. It's not in too good a condition, but it has survived,” Lord Aurzac replied, his voice nonchalant. And then his chest tightened as he saw her tear filled eyes. What was happening to him? He had never reacted this way to anyone, ever. Let alone a slave woman. Get a grip Aurzac, said the dark voice inside him. She’s nothing but a slave woman. Focus on what needs to be done.

  “Really... it has? Are there any survivors?” she asked earnestly looking up to him, hungry for information.

  “We don’t have much data on that yet. But we will soon.”

  She seemed sad all of a sudden, as the light that had lit up her beautiful eyes went out. He noticed that her ears were different. They were rounded at the tip. Interesting, he thought.

  “It’s true then... I am the last human,” Renaya said, her voice low.

  “Maybe you are,” he answered, looking deep into her sad, sad eyes. And that makes you even more precious, he thought.

  “From now on, you will work for me.” His tone turned serious.

  “No. I will not work for you,” she said, challenging him.”Where I come from there are no slaves.”

  “You dare defy me?” Lord Aurzac boomed, in a voice so cold it made her shudder. “You are in my world now. You are my slave and you will do as you are told.”

  “I want my freedom!” she insisted, looking him in the eye. He would definitely kill her. But she had to take a chance. She knew how slaves were treated, the Zorg had taught her that.

  Lord Aurzac raised a perfectly arched brow, eyes softening a bit. He was amused by her resilience. He took another sip and put the glass down.

  “You don’t have a choice, woman.”

  “Kill me then. I don’t care,” said Renaya, her dark eyes glinting. There, he could kill her now.

  She disobeys and dares to dictate the powerful warlord? Kill her. She will bring nothing but trouble, his dark side whispered cynically.

  “Oh, but that would be a waste. I could make better use of you,” he scoffed, ignoring the dark voice inside his head. There was something unusual about this woman. What was it about her that made him lose his strength? He needed to find out.

  “You either set me free or kill me. I will not be your slave!” Renaya persisted, her voice almost choking. He should get it over with. What would be the point of staying alive anyway if she was the last living human and would be nothing but a slave?

  “You want freedom? Well, there’s a way,” he mused, as his gray eyes darkened to a deeper gray. “But there will be conditions.”

  “I’ll accept them if they are reasonable,” she gasped, blinking a few times.

  “You will wear this, at all times,” he said, taking out a blood red teardrop stone pendant, hung by a delicate silver chain.

  “It’s the Aramith, a rare sacred stone passed down from our ancestors. It’s been in the family for centuries,” said Lord Aurzac, his penetrating gaze heating her blood. “Do you agree to wear it and never take it off?”

  She was confused. It was just a pendant. What was the fuss about not taking it off?

  “I do,” she agreed, sounding a bit impatient. She would agree to anything that would set her free.

  He put the necklace around her neck. The instant the stone touched her chest, it glowed bright red for a few seconds and then turned back to normal. She saw a smile tugging at his lips.

  “And you agree to come with me, to my world. Forever.”

  “Wh... What? Why...?” she asked.

  In a swift move, his firm but rather gentle lips were on hers as his
hand slid across her tiny waist. He pulled her close. Taken aback by his intensity, she gasped, her breasts pressed against his hard muscular torso. His lips were eager, gently prying hers apart. Then his tongue slid into her mouth, urgent, demanding, as she yielded and wrapped her arms around his strong neck. Desire set fire to her blood, which pooled deep inside her belly. Her heart racing, she pulled back for a second with a glazed look, catching her breath and saw the stormy shades of gray reflected in his eyes. With one hand he grabbed her behind, his hip grinding into hers and once again he kissed her deeply.

  It was some time before they pulled apart. His softened gaze was so intense that tears welled up in her eyes. She shuddered and sobbed into his chest, clinging to him. He held her in his strong arms until the warmth of his body calmed her down. His fingers ran through her tangled hair as he took her face in his hands and wiped away the tears.

  “Renaya, I have to go,” he said awkwardly. His expression was unreadable. “There is some business that I need to attend to. We will be landing in a day. If you need anything, Ayana will be at your service.”

  Without another word, he pulled away and tapped his wrist twice. The door slid open and revealed Ayana standing there. Lord Aurzac took Renaya’s arm and led her outside. She followed Ayana back to her room, dazed, her emotions fluctuating.

  Chapter Six

  Renaya felt she had won her freedom. Starship Sorion had landed on Terrgius sometime back and Renaya was waiting with Ayana for further instructions. She wore a long, sleeveless figure-hugging dress with a V neckline in pewter gray, her hair tied in a chignon. With her fingertips, she felt the stone around her neck. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry, unlike any she had seen on Earth. She wondered why it was so important for Lord Aurzac that she never take it off.

  Ayana checked her wrist and tapped on the device attached to it.

  “We should leave now, My Lady,” she stated.

  They left the chamber and stepped into the hallway. Renaya had not had a chance to explore the ship, except for visiting the Lord’s chambers. The Starship Sorion was huge. They walked down the long, curving passageway until they reached a wall. A door slid open and they found themselves in a large room where Lord Aurzac and Lady Shanra were waiting for them.

  “Renaya, this is Lady Shanra, my second-in-command,” Lord Aurzac said. Lady Shanra was dressed in a sleek black dress cut off around her knees, with high black boots. Her straight red hair was tied up in a ponytail. She looked absolutely stunning, Renaya observed.

  Renaya nodded toward Shanra and smiled. Shanra simply nodded without smiling back. Her shrewd amber eyes swept over Renaya, her thin eyebrows rising as she noticed the necklace.

  They all left as the main ship’s gateway opened. Lord Aurzac walked beside Renaya, and Shanra and Ayana followed them.

  Terrgius's terrain was similar to that of Earth's. The ground was red-brown, the trees had green leaves and the sky was blue with two suns. She saw no buildings. To her left, the crew of the ship had gathered. There were sleek cars that awaited them. A team of two warriors greeted Lord Aurzac. Renaya took a deep breath as she inhaled Terrgius's air.

  He took her hand and led her toward their car. The others followed. The journey wasn’t too long. Renaya was intrigued by the landscape outside. The planet must once have been beautiful with lush grass and trees and flowing water, she thought.

  The cars took them to the grand Durlan Palace. They entered the stone gate and onto the stone pathway that led up to the palace grounds. On either side of the road were graying empty grounds with rotten and dried tendrils stuck to stone walls. It seemed to be a forgotten land where there were once beautiful gardens and fields.

  There was a weird feeling in her stomach as she stepped on the ground. It was the same kind of feeling when she first saw Lord Aurzac. She closed her eyes and then it happened.

  The planet was burning. She was standing under a night sky as it was filled with drones that were attacking them. Then suddenly it was a day again and the Argarian warriors were fighting with the Zorg. Swords clashed as bodies fell and the ground filled with dark blue blood. Screams ripped through the air until suddenly she was standing in a field of green which withered and died. And then she was in a marketplace surrounded by people with gaunt faces, pulling at her clothes and saying something she didn't understand.

  Renaya snapped open her eyes and staggered backward as she grabbed Lord Aurzac's arm to steady herself. The throbbing pain began to drum between her temples as she looked at him, a worried expression on her face.

  “Renaya, are you okay?” Aurzac asked in a concerned voice.

  “I... I had a vision,” she said hesitantly.

  “What did you see?” he demanded.

  “I saw the destruction of this world,” Renaya replied, fear showing in her eyes.

  “The Terrgius’ spirit has connected with you. We must see the Elder tonight,” he said almost to himself.

  The vehicle stopped in front of the palace's entrance, which consisted of heavy wooden doors. They went inside and the grandeur of the lobby took Renaya's breath away. The floor was white, made of exquisite marble similar to that on Earth. The lights were a beautiful warm white. The light here was a different kind of light, somewhat ethereal. The ceiling was domed with arches all around and had a mosaic made up of pieces cut out from a mirror. The walls had paintings of the Durlan Lords and Ladies. The lights were a beautiful warm white, reflected in the mirrors on the walls. The white columns which supported the arches had a pattern made up of gold leaves bunched together.

  To their left, two giant carved doors revealed a hall where a banquet was waiting. Lord Aurzac, Renaya and Lady Shanra entered the hall which was filled with guests.

  An elderly man with white hair and white eyes stood in the corner. Renaya felt she was being observed.

  “Lord Aurzac, do you know who that man is?” she said, motioning toward the man standing.

  “He’s the Elder. He is the one with the oracle. Come, let me introduce you to him,” Lord Aurzac explained as he led Renaya toward him.

  “Elder,” he said, as he nodded in greeting.

  “Lord Aurzac. Welcome back,” said the Elder in a sober voice. He then turned toward Renaya.

  “Elder, this is Renaya,” Lord Aurzac beamed, introducing her.

  “Renaya. A rare one you are,” the Elder replied, looking at her and the stone around her neck. “You have found your mate at last. I say you have chosen wisely.” He turned toward Lord Aurzac again and continued, “You must announce it.”

  Mate? What did he mean by mate? She hoped her translator was working adequately. She looked at Aurzac but he ignored her and went toward the center of the hall.

  “Ladies and gentlemen... your attention please,” he called to the crowd. “I would like to introduce to you Lady Renaya, my wife.”

  “What?” Renaya gasped as everyone in the hall applauded and congratulated them.

  “Lord Aurzac! What is going on?” Renaya asked furiously, demanding an explanation.

  But he did not seem to hear her. The feast began as the guests settled around the huge table. Renaya was seething inside. The sheer intensity of the betrayal weighed down on her. She trembled with rage, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright. Lord Aurzac came over and pulled her aside in a corner.

  “Calm down, Renaya. I’ll explain later,” he said coolly.

  “Calm down? You want me to calm down? You lied to me!” Renaya’s voice grew hysterical, tears brimming in her eyes.

  “You agreed to come. The Aramith you wear is the sign that you are my mate,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “ me!” she choked, “I didn’t know what the amulet meant!” Tears streamed down her face. “I wanted freedom!”

  Lord Aurzac looked at her for a long time. She wasn't going to be an easy one. He pulled her into his arms and whispered in her ear, “You are free. The only way I could have freed you was by taking you as my bride. This may not be the r
ule in your world, but here, this is the way it is,” Lord Aurzac said, gently.

  She looked up and held him at arm’s length. “I am no better than a slave. You gave me no choice.”

  “What choice did you have? Your world is almost destroyed. You don’t know if there are any survivors. You should be grateful that I got you out of that Zorg mess.”

  “You arrogant bastard! You could have told me what I was getting myself into,” she said, disgusted. “You didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted to be your mate!” And with that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the hall. Ayana followed.

  Lord Aurzac stood there, staring as if she had slapped him. No one dared abuse him, ever. Let alone a woman. He was the powerful Durlan Warrior and this woman was unbelievable. A sense of weariness overtook him. This woman wasn’t going to be easy. She was unusual and different.

  She’s being difficult... you can teach her a lesson, the dark voice inside him whispered. Ignoring it, he grabbed a glass of wine from the table and gulped it down. What was she doing to him? It seemed as though he was losing his strength. Nobody had that effect on him. He didn’t want to succumb to his dark side and punish her. He couldn’t do it. The Spirit had connected with her and that was a sign. He must find another way.

  The Elder came and stood beside him. He sensed Lord Aurzac’s agitation.

  “She is different, My Lord. You must be patient with her.”

  “I am trying to,” he said, “Elder, she had a vision when I brought her here. She connected with the Spirit.”

  “You must believe. If the Spirit welcomed her, then she will be our savior,” the Elder said softly. “Be patient. Give her time. Maybe you need to approach her differently.”

  The Elder’s words were true. She didn’t know their customs. She didn’t know why she was important to them. He would try and explain it to her in the morning.

  Chapter Seven

  Renaya was furious. She ran out into the hallway wanting to shut herself into her room.


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