Anything?--A Kinky BDSM Bondage Short Story from Steam Books

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Anything?--A Kinky BDSM Bondage Short Story from Steam Books Page 1

by Dara Tulen

  Table of Contents

  Anything? Title Page

  About Dara Tulen

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  - A Kinky BDSM Bondage Short Story from Steam Books

  Dara Tulen

  Copyright © 2014 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

  “Shit,” Ailssa Murphy swore. “Shit.”

  She stared at her checkbook as if she could change the figures through sheer willpower. Her rent was due today, and she didn't even have enough left in her bank account to buy real groceries. She'd be eating generic mac and cheese until she got paid next week, and that was only if she didn't have another week like this past one.

  On Monday, she'd gotten a call from her younger brother asking to borrow fifty bucks to pay for school books. Tuesday, her roommate had moved out without paying back her half of the previous month's rent. Wednesday had been uneventful, but on Thursday, her car had gotten two flat tires, one of which was her spare. The result of said flat tires had been purchasing a new one as well as being two hours late for work, which came out of her already meager pay.

  Then there was yesterday.

  After working a twelve hour shift at Sully's Bar & Grill, she'd arrived back at her apartment only to find that her asshole ex had broken in and stolen her emergency cash, as well as her ancient television and—for reasons she didn't want to dwell on—all of her clean underwear. There was no doubt that he'd done it, since he'd left her a note saying so, but she knew the cops probably wouldn't catch him since it turned out that he'd been running from them for a while already. And even if they did catch him, her things were long gone. Except possibly the underwear and she didn't want those back.

  Her eyes burned with unshed tears, but Ailssa refused to let them spill over. She knew if she started crying, she'd never stop. She'd just started getting things back together after the school she taught at closed, and that’s when she'd caught her boyfriend ass-fucking a toothless hooker on their kitchen table. That had been nearly four months ago, and even though she was still working a shit job and hadn't gone out on a date that had lasted longer than a cup of coffee, she'd felt like she was doing okay. It had been a struggle, but she'd been managing to pay all of her bills, and had even been thinking about maybe splurging this weekend and going out to do something fun. Instead, she was sitting on her couch, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do when her super inevitably came around to collect the month's rent.

  The knock at the door made her jump. She stood.

  “Just a minute,” she called.

  She glanced in the old mirror that hung over the place where her television had been, wanting to make sure she didn't look like she'd been trying not to cry. Long ebony waves, dark violet eyes, creamy skin... she knew she was attractive, but all she could see was failure. She forced a smile, hating how plastic and forced it looked, but was unable to conjure a real one. She looked down, checking her jeans and peasant top shirt for any embarrassing stains or tears. If she was going to have to suffer the embarrassment of asking for an extension, she could at least be presentable.

  “Shane,” Ailssa said as she opened the door. “Please come in.”

  She stepped aside to allow the young man inside. Shane Detten was only a few years older than her, she knew, not even thirty yet, and far from what one usually pictured when they thought of a building superintendent. He was under six feet tall, five inches or so taller than her five foot five, but had a solid, muscular build. His bronze hair was a little longer than she usually liked on men, but it suited his rugged good looks. His eyes were a startling green, a shade Ailssa had thought of as 'fern green' ever since one of her kindergarteners had explained the different shades of green on his art project. It was still hanging on her refrigerator.

  For the past three years, she and Shane had been giving each other admiring glances, but neither of them had progressed even as far as flirting. Today, Ailssa was ready to take that on, and hoped that she could charm her way into an extension for her rent. If he said no, she would be royally screwed.

  “May I offer you a drink?” She tried for her best smile, but wasn't sure it worked.

  “No thank you,” Shane said. His tone was polite, but nothing more. “I just need to collect the rent and move on.”

  Ailssa took a deep breath. So much for softening him up. “Look, the thing is, I had some things come up this week, and I need a bit more time. Just till the end of next week.” She fell silent, unable to look at him as she waited for him to respond.

  “I don't know,” Shane began. “Mr. Jameson is pretty adamant about people paying on time. The contract says that you only get an extension if you have a medical excuse or a death in the family, both of which need a note.”

  “Please.” Ailssa heard the pleading tone to her voice and hated herself for it, but she kept going. She didn't have much of a choice. “I'll pay a little extra, whatever I can afford. If you want, I'll sign something promising to pay.” She looked up at him then. “Please, I'll do anything.”

  His eyes gleamed. “Anything?”

  That single word twisted something deep in Ailssa's belly. He couldn't mean what she thought, could he? Granted, she'd been willing to flirt with him for the extension, and it wasn't as if she found him unattractive. If she was to be completely honest, she'd even fantasized about him a time or two. But, what she thought he was suggesting... she wasn't sure she could do that.

  “Mr. Jameson told me the other day that he had five people on a waiting list for the apartments here.” Shane's voice was matter-of-fact, but Ailssa knew why he'd offered that particular piece of information.

  Ailssa believed him. While small, her apartment was beautiful, and, best of all, it was rent-controlled. Her grandmother had added her name to lease as soon as she was eighteen, and when her grandmother had passed away two years later, the apartment had become hers. It was no secret that Mr. Jameson would use any excuse to get rid of the half a dozen people whose places were rent-controlled, so something like this didn't surprise her.

  “I'm not going to force you to do anything,” Shane said. “But you have to understand that I have a job to do.”

  Ailssa was torn. What was she supposed to do? Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't think twice about fucking Shane, but doing it this way just seemed... dirty.

  “You know,” Shane spoke again, his gaze running over Ailssa's curvaceous body. “It just so happens that I came into a bit of a windfall a few days ago. Enough to cover your rent for the month.” He took a step closer to her. “You're free to say no, but if you say yes, you'd have options about how far you wanted to go.”

  “What would I have to do?” Ailssa told herself that she was just asking, but there was a throb between her legs that was steadily growing at the thought of fucking Shane, under any circumstances.

  Shane seemed to consider the question for a moment before answering her. “A blowjob for an extension. A straight fuck for half.”

  “And for all of it?” She barely believed the words were coming out of her mouth. He gave her a smile that promised so many bad things and her stomach tightened.

  “How free is your afternoon?”

  * * *

  Ailssa was trying not to panic as Shane tied her wrists to the head
board of her bed. She wasn't sure which freaked her out more, the fact that she'd agreed to spend the afternoon with him in exchange for him paying her rent or that he was tying the knots with an ease that suggested he'd done this often.

  He hadn't said much, only asked her to take off her shirt and pants, and told her that if she said 'red' he'd stop. That had been five minutes ago and now she was stretched out on her bed, wearing her last pair of clean panties and a matching white strapless bra that could barely contain her large breasts, while Shane moved to the end of the bed and tied her ankles, spreading her legs wide.

  When he was done, he pulled his shirt over his head. Ailssa's eyes widened slightly, her previous arousal returning to overshadow her panic. His body was so much better than she'd imagined it. His torso was solid, muscled without an ounce of fat. An intricate pattern of black ink circled the right side of his chest, and as he kicked off his pants, Ailssa caught a glimpse of something that looked like wings across his shoulder-blades. Then her eyes were drawn down to his waist and she forgot about her previous concerns, even forgot about her curiosity regarding his tattoo. The only thing she could think about was the thick shaft curving up out of a nest of reddish-brown curls. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad, after all.

  Shane climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. He ran his hands up her legs, leaving her skin hot and tingling. His thumbs brushed at the insides of her thighs, but he didn't stop there, moving up over her ribcage to her breasts. He reached behind her and made short work of the hooks. His eyes darkened as her breasts fell free.

  “Your tits are just as pretty as I'd imagined,” Shane said. His voice was soft, but it sounded loud in the silence of the room. “I've been waiting a long time to do this.”

  He grabbed her breasts, his hands unable to cover them completely. Her pale rose-colored nipples were large and he ran his fingertip around each one. She shivered at the sensation and arched her back, wanting more.

  Shane chuckled as he grabbed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He began to tug at the sensitive flesh, and it hardened under his ministrations. As he rolled the wrinkled flesh, Ailssa felt a flood of juices rush to her overheating pussy and she moaned. The sound turned into a yelp as Shane's grip tightened, pleasure joined with pain. He pinched her nipples and Ailssa cried out, yanking against her restraints.

  “I thought you might be noisy.” Shane grinned as he climbed off of the bed.

  Ailssa blinked, trying to wrap her head around the sharp little ripples of pain running across her nerves, mingling with the heat inside her. Before she could finish processing, he was back, another scarf in his hand. She started to ask what he was going to do with it when he tied it around her mouth.

  “That's better,” he said. “Now, if you want me to stop, snap your fingers twice.” He started to move, then paused for a moment, the expression on his face serious. “Are you okay with this?”

  Part of Ailssa screamed at her to tell him no, to take back her agreement and damn the consequences. Another part of her—smaller, but getting louder—suggested that it might be fun to see where things went from here. Surprising herself, that was the part to which she listened. She nodded.

  There was that smile again, the one that had made her agree to do this in the first place. Ailssa's head wasn't sure about that smile, but her body had no such doubts: it liked that smile, and thought it might actually like the faint throbbing that was slowly fading from her nipple.

  Now that she couldn't speak, Shane seemed to want to talk. He returned his hands to her breasts, his touch surprisingly gentle. “I could tell by the look on your face that no one had ever tied you up. I'm guessing that means you've only had vanilla sex before. You're going to be amazed at the things your body will respond to.”

  Ailssa was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on what Shane was saying. He seemed to have an uncanny knack for knowing just how to touch her breasts to make her body react. When he lowered his head and wrapped his lips around her nipple, she moaned, the sound muffled by her gag. His fingers never lost their rhythmic tug and roll even as he began to suck.

  She wanted to swear, to cry out, to make some sort of noise to convey how each pull from hand and mouth sent pleasure running down through her body. Then Shane's teeth clamped down on her flesh and her limbs went rigid, yanking at the scarves holding her back. His tongue laved over the sore nub, soothing it until Ailssa's muscles started to relax.

  “That's it,” Shane murmured against her breast. “Just let yourself feel it. Pain can be pleasure, with the right combination.”

  He scraped his teeth over the pink flesh and Ailssa twitched. He slid his hand down her stomach and over her panties. As his fingers brushed against the crotch, she shivered and he chuckled.

  “I'd hope you'd like teeth. You're soaked.”

  Even if Ailssa had been able to speak, she knew she couldn't have denied it. Shane was running his tongue over and around her nipple, and she could feel her stomach tensing in anticipation of that sweet, sharp pain. She writhed as his fingers first rubbed over the wet cotton, then slipped beneath the elastic to delve between her lips. This time, when he bit down, he shoved his first two fingers into her pussy.

  Ailssa screamed – or at least tried to – her body arching up off of the bed, her climax exploding over her without warning. She could feel everything with vivid clarity. The silk scarves biting into her wrists and ankles. Shane's teeth and tongue and lips working over her aching nipple. His fingers thrusting in and out of her pussy almost too hard, too rough. Her body was a cacophony of sensation, all of them conflicting and harmonizing and merging.

  Then it all vanished and she was left trying to gasp, her hands clenching and releasing, legs trying to close.

  Ailssa's head had been back, eyes unfocused. As she started to come down, the world came back into focus and she raised her head. Shane was sitting back on his heels, a smug expression on his face. One hand was on his hip, the other was wrapped around his cock, slowly stroking it as he watched her.

  “My first day here, I saw you coming up the sidewalk, carting that huge bag and looking like the teacher every teenage boy wants to fuck.” He stretched out on his stomach, peering up at her with lust-filled eyes. “Do you have any idea how often I've jerked off over you? Imagining you on your knees, me coating your face with my cum. Bending you over my knee and spanking you when you were wearing one of those cute little skirt suits.”

  Ailssa felt her pussy throb at the thought. What would it feel like, she wondered, to be spanked? Would he use his hand? A belt? Would it just hurt or would it turn her on as much as this was? She'd never considered herself particularly inventive in the bedroom, but with the exception of the last bastard she'd been with, she'd never had any complaints. Now she was starting to think that there was something she'd been missing.

  Shane nipped the inside of Ailssa's thigh, bringing all of her attention rocketing straight back to him. His nose nudged against the crotch of her panties and then she felt his fingers brush against her. She raised her head. It didn't feel like he was trying to touch her. What was he doing? The moment she heard the sound of ripping fabric, she understood. He'd just torn a hole in her underwear and she didn't have many to spare.

  Then his mouth was on her and she didn't care about her ruined undergarment anymore. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, holding her in place as he licked her from bottom to top. She'd never had anyone go down on her with such enthusiasm. He thrust his tongue into her pussy as if he were kissing her, exploring the hot, wet channel as she struggled to move. When he moved up to her clit, she clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms. The suction was immediate and almost unbearable, shocking her into an orgasm that made her eyes roll back and every muscle in her body tense. Even as she shook, Shane continued to work over the little bundle of nerves until Ailssa thought she was going to explode, and then he was gone, leaving her wet and open.

  Dimly, she heard the fami
liar rip of a condom wrapper and then felt Shane's hands on her hips, but nothing was really registering on any sort of higher level. Then he drove into her and her eyes flew open. She tried to scream, the air rushing from her lungs in a soundless wail that needed no gag. The stretch was immediate, too much too soon. Her body struggled to cope with the sudden intrusion as Shane pounded into her, the force of his thrusts sending her headboard slamming into the wall. Every stroke filled her, reaching deep inside her.

  He leaned forward, changing the angle so that the base of his cock rubbed against her overly sensitive clit, sending spasms through her body. When he took her red, swollen nipple into his mouth, tears began to stream down Ailssa's cheeks. She wanted to say the safe word, wanted to snap her fingers and stop the agonizing ecstasy tormenting her, but her body couldn't obey her. Deep in the pit of her stomach, there was something inside of her that knew what she truly desired, that the painful pleasure running rampant through every cell was responding to a need she hadn't known existed.

  Her body went into overload as she ceased being able to tell when she'd started coming again, or even if she’d ever stopped. Her limbs went limp, her jaw slack. Tears dripped from her face into the tangle of her thick hair, and she felt darkness creeping towards her. She welcomed it, craving the respite. Shane’s teeth sunk into her flesh and the world went black.

  Her hands and feet were tingling, and the sensation drew her from the darkness. Slowly, she was able to regain sense of her surroundings, but she kept her eyes shut, giving herself a minute. She was curled on her side, and she could feel fingers moving lazily up and down her arm. Her breast throbbed painfully, and she could feel the heat from her nipple radiating against her arm. Her pussy was sore and her clit felt like it was swollen twice its normal size.

  Then she felt something hard and hot against her ass and knew that Shane was laying behind her. She opened her eyes, turning her head to find him staring down at her.


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