MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission

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MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission Page 4

by J. J. MacGuire

  "Kneel, Baby." I knelt. I was out in the light of day, naked as the day I was born, but it was all black to me. I heard birds singing in the distance; the gurgle of the pool pump; the smell of bacon. My stomach grumbled once and I tightened my muscle in the hopes of quieting it.

  A momentary thought flashed back to over a year and a half ago. Would I have dreamt I could or would allow myself to trust someone as much as I trusted Master? No, that was a given.

  Master was seated to my left and Stan to my right. Kitten was bringing out the last of the food when Master petted my head. "Baby, open your mouth," which I did immediately. He placed a grape on my tongue and I held still, mouth open wide, wanting to bit down. This was a test – Master knew I wanted it. At this moment I didn't need it as much as I needed him to know I would listen.

  I tasted the sweet nectar of the grape as it set on my tongue. Master was still petting my head, working his way down the back of it to my neck, to knead the muscles there.

  Master knew I needed his contact, his touch. To me, Master was my rudder in a storm. In the living room, Master and I had made our peace with each other. I was still under punishment but I had been forgiven. My heart was hammering again. The grape on my tongue was heaven. This was going to be child’s play. I giggled to myself.

  Master wanted to show Stan how well behaved and well trained I really was. Master always said I was the best subbie he'd ever had. I was going to do my best to be all that Master thought I could.

  I remained in that position while Master ate his meal. I will admit, in time my mouth got dry and I was so close to licking my lips. Just when I thought I could not take another second Master said, "Good girl, Baby, you can eat the grape now." I wanted to snap my jaw shut and chew away on that luscious grape, but that’s not what Master wanted. Master wanted me to savor this grape. This was our future.

  Could I live up to Master's standards? Would I be all he thought I could be? Knowing right at the very moment my will power was about to give out, told me Master knew what I could and couldn't do. All that was asked of me was to trust Him.

  Master fed me a few more grapes as he and Stan discussed some of the different bondage techniques. Master had done a few on Kitten and me, perfecting the breast bondage and the Oriental rope dress. I remembered that one well, by tying the ropes just so it would hold the lips apart, rubbing them at every twist and turn. I went wet, and I know I blushed.

  Oh, great. Master is going to take one look at me and know I'm hot. Okay, I told myself, don't move a muscle. Hot is okay, just don’t give into the want. I chewed slower on the grape. I felt the change in Master's rubbing of my neck. It had gone from a gentle caress to a deeper firmer one. Master was hot too.

  I finished that grape and asked, "Master, may I have a sip of coffee?" Weekends I was allowed a cup of coffee. I will admit, I was a caffeine addict, until Master. Some of everything, but in moderation, that way you enjoyed it more.

  Master brought the cup to my lips. It was perfect, but I never doubted that for a moment. Master and Kitten both knew my weakness, next to Master, was coffee.

  I felt Master tug on my leash for me to stand as he asked, "Stan you see the grape arbor over past the pool? Let’s take our conversation over there."

  "Great," said Stan as he moved back his chair.

  Master was leading me around the pool. I was walking almost on the edge. I wanted to move away from it so there would be less chance of me tripping and falling in. Still blind folded and with the bar firmly between my legs I was at Master's mercy.

  We came to the grassy area before the arbor. I knew it well. Many afternoons Master and I had sat and played here. The grape arbor was covered in ivy so no bees or wasp came to visit. There were thick four by fours holding it up, and on the poles were eyehooks, positioned to Master's exact specifications. Each one had a job to do. In the middle of the arbor was a bench about six feet long. There were also those Georgian style wood lounge chairs with big comfy cushions you could lose yourself in, placed strategically for their view.

  Master led me to stand at the far end of the arbor. Unhooking my left hand from the collar, he raised it out and slightly above shoulder level and snapped it on an eyehook, then did the same to the right. The bar was already spreading my feet apart. I didn't have to think about the rule of keeping my feet apart, no less then a foot and a half together, the bar had me stretched so much more.

  Master moved one foot with his then the other so that my arms were straight and taut and attached my ankles to two eyehooks on opposite posts.

  I was spread eagle and wet. With every action Master had touched some other part of my body – tracing my collarbone with his finger, brushing my nipples with his knuckle, rubbing the palm of his hand down my stomach to my heat, tweaking my wet swollen lips with his thumb.

  I was already breathing hard. Master was priming me. I was slowly being brought up to a full state of arousal. Each caress was placed where Master knew I was vulnerable.

  Master left me there and went to sit down next to Stan. Out of no- where, Kitten was in front of me, rubbing lotion into my breasts, over my arms and belly, only to stop and move to my back. Covering my whole upper body, I could feel my pores drinking it in.

  "Good, Kitten, now on your knees in front of Baby. Work the cream up her legs, Kitten, but do not touch Baby’s heat with it. I have a special surprise for Baby." I felt my juices trickling down over my thigh. "Kitten, do up to the knees only, okay love?"

  "Yes, Master."

  "How wet is baby now, Kitten? Remember don’t touch it with the cream."

  Oh, cruel Master flashed across my mind. He had just told Kitten to lick me and find out. I braced myself. I was growing hotter by the second. When Kitten's tongue touched my lips I closed my mouth hard. If I moaned, she'd stop. I knew her game. She would enjoy me until I moaned. How long could I hold it in? Her tongue flickered over me.

  Then she did a long slow lap from right at the edge of my vagina up to my mound. My muscles started trembling half way through that lick. Her tongue was the volume control to my lust. The higher she went the hotter I got. I was a flame as she planted a soft kiss right below my belly button.

  "She is perfect, Master."

  "Good, Kitten, here is the special oil I want you to use on Baby."

  "Mmm," I heard Kitten say, "Almond oil." My mouth went dry. The smoothest of all the oils – and edible too. Kitten began rubbing the oil into my thighs, moving slowly upward to stop just shy of my heat, then on to the other leg.

  "Master, do you want me to do her mound first or her ass?"

  "Her ass, I think, Kitten. Make sure it’s good and covered."

  Kitten moved behind me and began rubbing both cheeks, pulling and tugging on them, kneading closer and closer to the plug, slowing her movements closer to the of rim my anus and the edge of the plug, with the oil. Around and around her finger went. I caught myself holding my breath and I exhaled I bit too loud to my ear.

  Pressing my lips together I tried to hold back a smile of pleasure.

  I know Master was enjoying my expressions. He could read me like a book. He had told me the faces I made when I was excited, were the faces he loved the most. When we were together like this I was in a state of excitement till the end, and if Master had his way the end would be a long way away.

  Kitten kissed one cheek and then the other. "All oiled back here," piped up Kitten as the plug started to vibrate.

  "Ahhh" rolled over my tongue as my legs lost all control and I sagged in the cuffs.

  "Did you think I forgot about this, Baby?" asked Master as the pulsating continued in my anus. Gulping air I started to whimper. It was too soon, no, I couldn't start begging already. I would disappoint Master, but my body didn't agree with my mind. It screamed out its wants, tightening every muscle with a steady shaking.

  "Please Master may I cum?" I begged. I had been at a high level of arousal for some time now. I wouldn't come without his permission. A sharp firm "No" was my answ
er as the vibrator went off and I slumped in my restraints.

  "Kitten there is a little treasure chest under the bench, bring it here."


  "Thank you, Kitten. Let’s see what we have in here. Yes, this I think will work well. What do you think, Stan?"

  "On yes, I think that'll be just right. How does Baby usually react to that?"

  "To tell you the truth, I don’t know. Kitten recommended it, said you had some good results with it."

  Agh came to mind, kitten and her experiments.

  "Kitten, would you like to show me how it’s done?"

  "Certainly, Master." With that said, Kitten was again in front of me. What could she do to me that Master had not before? Then it hit me or I should say brushed me.

  Feather like strokes pelted my heat. She was painting my pussy in oil. No two strokes were the same. I wondered if the oils were colored. It seemed as if she had a picture in mind. I tried to follow, to see if there was a pattern, a method to her madness; 'cause madness this was. Not ten strokes into it and I was awash in a higher level of want. Wanting her to go faster. My body tried to move in anticipation of the next stroke she would make.

  I strained in the cuffs. The brush stopped, the vibrator came on and I bucked. My stomach muscles did the barrel roll as I cried out.

  "Baby, if you keep moving like that, Kitten will never finish," Master said as his lips brushed mine, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth and letting it go.

  "Baby," Master whispered into my ear, "I want to see how still you can remain while Kitten finishes her artwork. If you move again I will be force to tell Kitten to stop until you have calmed yourself. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, Master, I understand." Yes, I did understand, Master was telling me I'd be left here like this until a much later date, if I didn't behave. My mind wanted to obey, but my body didn't want to cooperate. I tossed my head back and let out a loud groan as Kitten started painting again, but my head was the only thing to move.

  The vibrator was on full and I could feel my ass cheek muscles twitching, no help for that – I couldn't stop them if I wanted too.

  With one last long stroke Kitten said, "Finished." My body was trembling and I was awash in passion.

  "Baby, on the count of five I want you to cum. One." I felt my whole being tense. "Two." I inhaled. "Three." A sheen of sweat broke out. "Four." I was on the edge. My body was posed to explode. I was hovering there ready for five. Please, Master, give me five.

  "Stan, I do like that picture Kitten did," Master said. I started to whimper. I wouldn't cum till Master gave me the word. We had worked on this many a night. I could take the pleasure and pain of being there, or almost there, for a little bit. Master would let Stan see that I was well trained, that I would not cum before he let me. He would wait, as with the grape, until my will was about ready to break, and then he would let me.

  Time passed I had almost reach the point of no return when I felt Master behind me, holding my hips. He lifted me and slid into me. "Five," Master whispered into my ear and I flew over the edge. My body constricted around Him and I came. Lightening bolts of pleasure shot through my body.

  Pure white-hot pleasure was all I felt, until I felt Master moving in me. In and out he pumped, keeping me going long and hard. I continued to cum. I was slick from head to toe. Master's hands were slipping. I felt him cum into me and he wrapped his arms around me to hold me close as I continued to cum. I begged him to stop, I begged him to continue. On and on it went, till I was spent.

  I hung there with Master in me for some time, before he pulled out.

  Kissing me on the back of the neck, he said, "Thank you, Baby. I'm going to clean up and take a swim. You'll stay here for now and think about why you're here. Stan, Kitten, let's leave Baby." With that he swatted my keester and was gone.

  Silence and the anticipation of things to come were what I was left with. That and the satisfaction, I had pleased Master, not only physically, but I had shown I was trained as well.


  Time past and my muscle began to tighten. Spread eagle standing up was starting to get uncomfortable. I still felt slick all over from the cream and oil. A mixer of Masters and my juices had trickled down both of my inner thighs. I listened to birds in the trees around me but I still couldn't see anything because of the blindfold.

  Voices in the distance drifted to me. I could hear Master, Stan and Kitten in the pool, splashing and laughing together. I wanted to be there with them.

  I tried to shift in my bonds but it was useless. I listened to the frolicking in the pool and was so intent that I let out a squeak when someone touched my nipple.

  "Shhhh, Baby it’s just me," Kitten's voice purred in my ear. "Master sent me with a drink for you, and wanted me to make sure you were okay."

  "My legs are a bit stiff, Kitten, but I'm okay." She ran her hands over my calves and kneaded the muscle and I relaxed.

  Smiling to myself, it was great having Master look after me. He knew instinctively when and what I needed. As Kitten worked up my legs she kissed my heat, spreading the lips to expose my clit more.

  Moaning at the pleasure of her month on me I arched into it. I was dripping wet in seconds. I could feel it running down my leg already.

  Then the plug began to vibrate again and I tensed all over. Kitten continued to lick and suck me. I was on fire.

  "Step away, Kitten," Master said. Groaning in frustration I wanted to scream, No, Master please just a few more, please, but I held my tongue. Then it hit me, ice-cold water, a steady mist of the hose. I was being watered like a plant. The spray began to grow in intensity the radius of the spray shrinking; working its way to a jet on my heat.

  "OHHHHHH" I screamed as it pelted my clit. "Please, Master may I cum?" I begged.

  "Yes, Baby, you may," replied Master and I toppled into an orgasm. On and on it went. Just when I thought I was coming down, up I flew again, my body whipping in my bonds as I did so. The spray moved lower and was at my vagina. Master was cleaning me out. He never believed in those smelly douches, he wanted only the natural smell of us.

  The plug had stopped in my ass as Master said "Kitten, take out the plug and let’s get Baby cleaned up."

  "Yes, Master," Kitten said as I felt her hands on my ass. She rotated the plug it was tight in me. She tugged once, nothing. She wrapped her arm around me and inserted her finger into me. I relaxed a bit. Tugging again the plug slipped out. Removing her finger and kissing the back of my neck with a giggle she whispered, "Baby, you have so many buttons, it’s always a pleasure to find one."

  I know I blushed red at that comment. What did she expect, between Master and her, I was always on the edge of orgasm. Always ready to please or be pleased. Master had trained this body well. I had not had a will of my own for a long time, it belonged totally to Master.

  "Kitten, undo baby’s legs and attach this"

  "Yes Master," Kitten replied as her fingers caressed down my calf to my ankle. My foot was free and I wanted to move it in just to stretch the muscle, but I held position. I knew better than to move a muscle without Master's permission.

  She did the same to the other then attached something to each of the wrist cuffs. I felt it slide along my back and she clamped it to my ankles. It was the mesh sling. I knew what was coming.

  "Stan, would you mind giving me a hand here, I will lift baby if you will attach the quick links." Up I went and I was now in the sling, my heat open wide for all to see. "Baby does make a pretty picture, doesn’t she?"

  "Oh, yes, Master she sure does."

  Ice-cold water from the hose was again being misted over me. I was trembling, not so much for the cold water – it was hot enough out that it didn't bother me. It was what I knew was coming next.

  How could Master do this, I felt so embarrassed. It was one thing when he did this with just him and Kitten around, but to let Stan watch too. I was starting to pant already. The water temperature was changing degree by degree, gettin
g warmer.

  "Kitten, undo Baby’s right leg and attach it to the left."

  "Yes, Master," Kitten said as I was moved on my left side.

  Master was starting to knead my ass, and rub around my rectum. The tip of the rectal tub was slid into my anus. I tightened. Smack!

  "Relax, Baby." He separated my buttocks and inserted the tube so that it pointed towards my belly button. It was about three inches inside me. He was being very careful not to scrape the walls with the tube.

  I was shaking like a leaf already. "Kitten, is the bag ready?"

  "Yes Master, 101 degrees exactly."

  "Good girl. Attach it to the chain there." I felt the fluid enter me. It was warm. Slowly it continued. I knew the whole processes would take about ten minutes and I knew I'd get the entire quart of fluid.

  Master was kneading my ass as I heard him say, "Stan, would you and Kitten please take care of Baby’s breasts. Sucking on them always relaxes her.

  Relax? Not having someone other then Master suck on my nipple would not relax me. I had embarrassed Master and this was my humiliation. That he would cause me to defecate in front of someone was so embarrassing. I remember when I first came to Master and I was not permitted to go to the bathroom without him.

  "Nothing is private between us, Baby, remember that always," was what he had told me then.

  Even now I found myself worrying I'd offend Master there. Smack! On the right cheek.

  "Baby, tell me what you're feeling. I want you to voice this. You understand, Baby?"

  "Yes, Master." Why did he insist I talk now? "I feel Stan’s and Kitten's mouths on my breasts."

  "Good, and how does that make you feel? Remember, Baby, I know what you're thinking so if you lie, I will know."

  "Yes Master," I felt what, "violated Master. You rarely let others touch me."

  "True, Baby, but Stan trained Kitten, so she is an extension of him."


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