MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission

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MASTER AND BABY : A Tale of Erotic Submission Page 6

by J. J. MacGuire

  I wanted a cigarette, now. Zack had been bugging me to quit smoking; that and coffee were the last of my vises. I did fine for a few days then puff, I was smoking again. He said that true subbies were strong people and I was one. Why was I letting them control me, did I respect them? I wanted a cigarette, now…


  We reached the end of the road, and looming in front of the car was a rather awe inspiring set of iron gates. In the center of the filigree on each was a disk with ASS in gold letters. I glanced at Zack as he rolled down the window,

  "It stands for The Academy for Subbies and Slaves."

  "Oh", I said with a giggle.

  "Baby, this is it, you’re last change to back out. Once we're inside and the gates close you're committed for three months. Are you sure you want to do this."

  "Yes, Zack I am sure."

  With that he pushed the button on the mic and a voice asked for his name. The gates swung open wide and down the oak lined drive we went. The canopy of leaves blocked out the noonday sun. Flickers of lawn flashed between tree trunks.

  We approached a split in the road where there was a fountain. The watered ringed it, shooting upward into the middle. It slowly lowered to reveal a larger then life statue of two people, one on his knees, his head bowed in submission, the other standing over him, one hand on his head and the other holding a coiled whip. We circled to the right of the fountain, catching only a glimpse of the house before coming to a stop under an awning. Two people came down the ramp from the front door. Both were in loin clothes only. She had dark black hair that hung just below her shoulders and he was a dusty blonde. They smiled as they approached the car.

  "Baby." I almost jumped out of my skin when Zack whispered my name, whipping my head around to stare at him. "Open the glove box please," I fumbled for the latch and finally got it opened. Nestled in it was my collar, the one Zack had used on me since the very first time we were together. "Hand it to me, Baby."

  With leaden fingers I took up the collar, never before had it felt so heavy, so solid. I wanted to cling to it, my lifeline.

  Zack slipped it around my neck and fastened it. "Strip, Baby." Without hesitation I reached for the zipper in front and slipped off the top. The two outside had stopped short of opening my door. Both remained where they were. I lifted off the seat and slid out of the pants. Folding both I handed them to Zack and he laid them on the back seat.

  "Show me what you've learned, Baby," he said as he shifted a bit toward me and I undid his pants. Pulling out his cock, my mouth went down on him, taking him all the way in and gagging just a little when he rose to meet me.

  I sucked and licked and caressed him, as I knew he enjoyed and I tasted his juices in my mouth when he came. I swallowed it all down and licked every nock and cranny as he pulled out of my mouth. I didn't want to let go. This would be the last time for us for a while, if not forever. I knew he wanted me to go on this journey without him, and I knew I had to do it for both of us.

  Reaching for my hand, Zack brought it to his lips and kissed my palm. He stroked it with his thumb. "Baby, this is it the next stage of your life. Take it, embrace it, be it." His other hand cupped my chin. "You are my last, Baby, my crowning glory. If I were twenty years younger I wouldn't be letting you go. Mistress Bergenia will be here to help you, but don't expect special treatment. You've learned a lot in the last two years, but you have far to go before you're the submissive I know you can be."

  "Yes, Master," I said as he kissed my forehead.

  "Come, Baby, let's go in."

  I moved to get out of the car to come around to open his door, but the female door person was there already. Zack reached my side and attached the leash to my collar.

  "Crawl, Baby." I dropped to all fours and crawled up the ramp to the interior of the house. The plush carpet was easy on my knees.

  As we entered the foyer, a lady approached Zack and threw Her arms around him.

  "It’s about time you got your ass back here you old goat," she said and she continued to hug him. "Your visits have gotten to be few and far between."

  "I know, Bergenia, but health problems are the only things that have kept me from your side."

  "Oh, don’t give me that line. It looks like this one," she placed her hand on top of my bowed head, "might have had something to do with it also."

  "Yes, Baby has kept me very busy over the last two years." Zack, too, patted the top of my head as they continued to hold each other.

  She stepped back from his embrace and he scooped me up into his arms and held me close, whispering, "Make me proud, Baby. Remember, you represent me here." With that his hand slipped to my collar.

  Tears streamed down my face; I did not want him to take it off. I was his. I didn't want to leave him. As his collar was removed another took its place. He stepped back.

  "Go with Janice, Baby. You have a bit of paper work to fill out as well as a physical. I won't let Zack leave before you have completed them. You'll see him before he goes." Handing me a tissue Mistress Bergenia finished with, "Now dry your eyes and take care of business. You don’t want Zack to think you don't wish to stay with us, do you?"

  I looked at Zack, his eyes, too, were a little misty. I nodded and said, "No, ma’am, this is where I need to be."

  Janice gave a slight tug on the leash and I followed her out of the room.


  I was led from the main office. Janice explained that the doctor would do a complete physical to make sure there was nothing that could potentially hurt me during my training. That was done after I finished up a bit of paper work.

  As I crawled along next to her I looked about. The walls were dark wood inserts. We had gone about half way down the hall when Janice took me in to a small cubical that had a desk and chair. On the desk was a folder with my name on it. I sat in the chair and opened the folder. There were my medical records from Dr. Connie, and the x-ray of my mammogram.

  "Baby, there's a questionnaire that also needs to be filled out. Please be as specific as possible. It's self-explanatory."

  I pulled out the questionnaire, and found it to be similar to the ones I had seen in the Screw the Roses, Send me the Thorns, and even a little like Ms. Abernathy’s Training Workbook.

  While I was reading over and answering the questions, Janice was getting out some cuffs and anklets. When I saw them a sensation started in my nether regions. I tried to concentrate on what I was filling out, but I seriously believed they had turned up the heat.

  Janice’s short white nurse's top with thongs showed just enough to tease. She encircled my left wrist in the soft lambskin cuff and buckled it tight running her finger around the inside to make sure it wasn't cutting off my circulation. Moving around to the other side she had me stop writing and did the same to my right. She knelt in front of the desk and placed the new cuffs on my ankles. She made no move to caress me; it was all done with quiet professionalism.

  I finished up the questionnaire and looked through the rest of my stack of papers. There was a consent form, and contract. Skimming over the legal jargon, it was a standard D/s contract:

  I, ______, am here of my own free will, and of sound mind and body, to learn the ways of BDSM. I am bound by the rules of the Academy and I will follow said rules…

  I looked up at Janice.

  "The rules are on the back of that affidavit."

  I flipped it over, sure enough there they were.


  no animals

  no children

  no cuts (accidents do happen)

  no burns

  no breathe play

  no smoking or drinking on the premises

  no other rules, but that of your assigned Dom/Dommie. Tell your Dom/Dommie the truth at all times, immediately.

  Well that seemed simple enough. I flipped the page back over and finished reading. As I signed my name to the paper, Janice pulled the leash.

  "Down, Baby. The doctor will see you now."
  I went back to my knees and crawled out the door following close on her hells. We came to a frosted glass front door and entered a standard examining room. I was weighed and measured from head to toe. She checked my blood pressure and noted that in my folder.

  She led me over to the table and told me to get on it, then put my feet in the stirrups and clipped the cuffs into them. Coming up to my head she attached my wrists together to a bar above my head. I thought that was a bit much for an exam, but, well hey, I guess it was a fantasy they liked to live.

  The strap was laid across my midsection and cinched tight. I was immobile. I tried to shift under the strap, but it was not letting me move a hair's breath. I noticed the ceiling; it was mirrored. So were the walls except where the cabinet was.

  Janice pulled up a tray table next to me and got out some sort of jelly and applied it in various places on my body, then little white discs with wires were placed on the jelly circles. I panicked. What were they thinking here? I wasn't into electricity play. This was too much.

  Janice noticed my distress right away and asked, "Well, Baby?"

  "I need to know what's happening here, please."

  She giggled a little, and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I’m sorry, Baby, we're going to be running some stress tests on you – nothing that will hurt. We need to see what you are physically able to do. We monitor your responses in here so we can give your Dom/ Dommie an idea of your strong points and shortcomings."

  With that said the door flew open and a man entered wearing a white lab coat, mussed salt and pepper head and a stethoscope. Picking up the file from the tray he plopped it down on my stomach and opened it and shuffled through the papers.

  Janice finished attaching electrodes on two of my fingers then connected the ends to a monitor, just like a lie detector test.

  "There's no faking it at ASS, Baby," the doctor said as he touched my chin. "Okay, let’s begin. Janice, is everything hooked up?"

  "Yes, Sir".

  "Alright, state your name please."


  "Date of birth?"


  "Mother's maiden name?"


  Looking over at Janice the doctor asked, "How did her responses record?"

  "Good Doctor."

  "I see you just had a mammogram," he pat my chest, "good girl. Everything looks complete here, lets just have a look see for ourselves." He examined my neck, listened to my heart, and pressed around my abdomen. He re-examined my breasts for any unusual lumps.

  He then put on rubber gloves and parted my labia and I found myself catching my breath. This was just an exam – I'd had plenty in my time, I shouldn't have felt so flushed.

  "Tell me, Baby, about your birth control".

  "My tubes are tied," I said, my voice going up an octave as something cold slowly entered me and I knew it to be a speculum into my vagina. He opened the jaws wide, locked them, and proceeds to poke and prod (only thing I could equate it to) for a few moments.

  Moving down he did a rectal exam. He had to have dipped his finger in something because it slid right into me. Zack had teased me there but never entered me. I bucked hard on the strap and found my self, straining to be released.

  The Doctor placed his hand on the file still on my stomach. "Easy, Baby."

  I could feel him way up inside me then he was out and removing the speculum. He pulled off his gloves and tossed them in the trashcan.

  "Baby, everything looks good here. Janice has a few things to do to get you ready to be presented to the school. Enjoy your stay with us. If you need me my door is always open." He turned to Janice saying, "A C, with a medium." And was gone.

  Janice went to the cabinet, pulled out some things and came back to me. Her rubber gloves stroked the inside of my thigh. One of her little fingers was circling my anus and entered stroking the lubricant in gently, hen slid in a plug. It stretched me and I whimpered. My hands had uncurled and were in the stop sign position. Janice stopped only to wiggle and press on again. Relief flooded my senses once it was all the way in. Janice held up a short fat device about three inched long and two inches in diameter. She placed it in my vagina, pushing it inside past the opening. Janice must have clicked a button because it started to move, rolling around the walls of my vagina, then she turned it off. Moving away from me, I thought she might be done. But she was back with what looked like a wax pot. Oh great, she's going to de-hair me now, was the first thought that came to mind, but she went to my nipples and started to roll one between her fingers.

  "Baby, I am going to be putting on a type of clear rubber casting in places. These cannot be peeled off. Only witch hazel can remove this. Don't try to remove it; you will only cause yourself, unnecessary pain. Furthermore, you are not to touch it unless told to." My nipple was a hard bud as she circled it with that stuff. It dried almost on contact and as it dried it shrank like someone pinching my nipple. She did the same with the other one.

  Wow, invisible nipple clips, amazing. What would they think of next? Oh my, I would have to be thinking that as Janice moved down to my pubic area, pushing the labia away from my clit, and smearing that stuff around down there. It too dried in a heartbeat. I was spread open and glued that way, my clit was sticking way out. I could see it clearly in the mirror overhead. With that dried and harden, Janice tested my clit, wiggling it back and forth, I guess to check to make sure it couldn't hide.

  She undid the strap, released the cuffs and helped me to stand. I felt the pressure on my nipples and my pussy was being pulled further apart as I stood. I reached down to kind of move it more in place but it was glued solid.

  "I said not to touch it, Baby." Janice said as she slapped my hand away.

  The little white discs were unplugged from the machine and the wires were gathered and tied into a knot under my arm.

  "Come, Baby, its time to go back to Mistress Bergenia." She said and pointed to the ground. Back on my hands and knees, I crawled out the door and toward my destiny.


  Turning to the right, we moved down the hall, passing several people in various states of dress. Janice stopped at a big double door. On either side were two women, naked and glued as I was. Both were chained to the wall with spreaders between their legs. Janice reached over and flicked the clit of one saying, "So Cathy, been up to your old tricks again I see."

  "Yes, Ma’am."

  Turning to the other she let her eyes roam up and down. She led me over to her. "Baby this is Christina, Cathy’s not so identical twin sister. I want you to lick her clit now."

  I moved between Christina’s legs and licked her clit once and looked back at Janice. Amusement showed in her eyes.

  "Oh, you are a literal one, Baby. I want to see you licking Christina’s clit. I want to see you make her shake with need. Christina, you may not cum. Proceed, Baby."

  I turned back to Christina’s clit and did two very slow flat tongues up and down, then I sped it up to flicker over it. I could smell her arousal and she was beginning to tremble all over when the leash around my neck was tugged and I was pulled back.

  "Enough, Baby. Christina is after all, human. How long have you been here Christina?"

  "Since right after breakfast ma’am."

  "Stand, Baby, and let’s see what you can do to her nipples." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Cathy arching as Janice said that. I stood, and leaned in to take Christina’s nipple between my lips. The rubber was around her nipple too, it had no taste and the tip was exposed to my tongue. I sucked and licked raising my hands to cup and squeeze both breasts, moving my thumb over the other nipple. I could feel Christina’s heartbeat increasing as I continued to lick and suck. Her panting had a little mew to it. Again the leash was tugged and I let go and dropped back to the floor.

  "Good girl, Baby. Girls, I will see you both later," She said as she pinched Cathy's nipple hard. "Come, Baby, Mistress Bergenia is waiting." She knocked twice and opened the door to a l
arge office.

  As I crawled in I saw Zack again. I had to stop myself from running to him and begging him to hold me. Janice stopped in front of the desk and placed the leash end on it.

  "Mistress Bergenia, Doc said all is a okay. Baby is in perfect health and ready to learn." On top of the leash she laid my file, turned and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

  My eyes were feasting on Zack. His strong hands, resting on his knees beckoned me, but I stayed as Janice left me.

  Mistress Bergenia picked up my folder and opened it, leafing through the pages until she came to my questionnaire. A smile spread across her face as she handed it to Zack. She came around the front of the desk and picked up the leash.

  "Zack, are you ready to see how this thing works?"

  Zack looked up from his reading. "Of course, Bergenia. It sounds interesting and most enlightening."

  Mistress Bergenia gave a slight tug on the leash for me to follow her. The carpet underneath my hands and knees was soft and full. It ended with a small slope down to white tile flooring. She tugged on the leash for me to rise to my feet. Taking my hand in hers, she raised it to a chain hanging from the ceiling. Kicking at my feet to spread them further apart she did the same to the other hand. She bent down and popped a D-ring out of the floor and attached it to my anklet. Then another D-ring appeared and I was fastened tight, spread eagle style. She moved a cart to the side of me. Undid the knot of wires under my arm and attached them to a machine on the cart. I could not believe my eyes, it was a lie detector.

  Zack had pulled a chair up in front of me next to the machine and watched as Mistress Bergenia turned it on. Then for the first time she acknowledged me. "Hello, Baby, welcome to The Academy for Subbies and Slaves."

  "Hello Mistress Bergenia."

  "Zack has been telling me a little about you and how you two met. It's funny how something we have looked for all our lives can be right under our noses," she said as she smiled at Zack. "What we're going to do here is test your basic reactions to different stimuli." There were drawers under the machine in the cart and she pulled out a piece of fur. She said, "Zack, there's a grease pen there, will you note on the paper, fur. With each item I use will you please mark the paper." She began rubbing the fur over my body.


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