74. Robert P. Moses and Charles E. Cobb, Radical Equations: Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2001), 5.
75. See also Moses and Cobb, Radical Equations. The Algebra Project began in Boston but quickly developed strong ties in Jackson, Mississippi, under the guidance of Bob Moses and connections at Brinkley Middle School.
76. Lisa Deer Brown of the McComb Young People’s Project, conversation with Jon Hale, July 2, 2012; “Baltimore Algebra Project Stops Juvenile Detention Center,” Umar Farooq, The Nation, January 24, 2012; and “Algebra Project mobilizes students to protest in honor of National Day of Action to Defend Education,” Erin Sullivan, The Nation, March 4, 2010. See also Charles Payne, “Organizing: The Youth Shall Lead Them,” in Quality Education as a Constitutional Right, ed. Theresa Perry, Robert P. Moses, Joan T. Wynee, Ernesto Cortés Jr., and Lisa Delpit (Boston: Beacon Press, 2010), 3–32.
77. Howard Zinn, popular activist and historian, was a Freedom School teacher in Jackson briefly during the summer of 1964. Lisa Deer Brown, conversation; and http://mccomblegacies.org/blog/. The Howard Zinn Education Project was founded to honor his legacy and to continue the struggle to honor and learn from the perspectives of those who historically struggle for equity. The group in McComb connects with the Howard Zinn Education Project and a Teaching For Change grant.
78. Anonymous student quoted in CORE Freedom School brochure, Box 1, Folder 6, Goodman (Jill Wakeman) Civil Rights Collection, USM.
79. Bob Moses quoted in Dittmer, Local People, 131.
80. Pam Parker, Freedom School Report, July 18, 1964, Box 17, Folder 6, MFDP Papers.
81. Wally Roberts, interview with author, June 23, 2008; Wally Roberts, “Teaching Freedom,” in possession of author, also on www.crmvet.org.
82. David Halberstam, “Rights Workers Embitter Delta,” New York Times, July 19, 1964, 52.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Adickes, Sandra
African American history
Alexander, Bryce
Algebra Project, The
Allen, Louis
Allen, Richard
American liberalism
Amite County School District
Anderson, James
Atlanta, Georgia
Attucks, Crispus
Ballis, George
Baptist Town
Bates, Gladys Noel
Bill of Rights
Billups Service Station
Black Radical Congress
Blanche, Bruce
Block, Sam
Bonds, Charles
Bowie, Harry
Brinkley High School
Brown, Doris
Brown, Dorothy
Brown, Joyce
Brown, Wilson
Brown v. Board of Education
Bryant, C. C.
Burgland High School walkout (McComb, Mississippi)
Burns, Robert
Campbell College
Cardoza, Thomas
Carter, Melvin
Chaney, James
Chestnut, Jerry
Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)
Cinques, Joseph
Citizens’ Council
Citizenship Schools
City Café
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil Rights Movement
Civil War
Clark, Septima Poinsetta
Cobb, Charles
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Connor, Peggy Jean
Constitution of 1890
Coopwood, Sam
Cornish, Samuel
cotton chopping
Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)
Crawford, Mary
Crawford, Willie
Dahmer, Vernon
Day, Noel
Declaration of Independence
Democratic National Convention
Democratic Party
Dennis, Dave
Diven, Jessie
domestic work
Douglass, Frederick
Downtown Motor Inn Dining Room
Drew, Mississippi
Drew Freedom Meeting
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dunbar, Paul L.
Eastland, James
Edelman, Marian Wright
educational activism
educational inequality
Edwards, Len
Ella Baker Child Policy Training Institute
Ellin, Nancy
Eubanks, Bernell
Eubanks, Thelma
Evans, Albert
Evers, Medgar Wiley
Evers, Myrlie
Fairley, J. C.
Farmer, James
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
First Union and St. John Baptist Church
Flakes, Rebecca
Flakes, Vinson
Fleming, T. A.
Floyd, Curtis
Foreman, Jim
Franklin, Marvin
Freedmen’s Bureau Schools
freedom (meaning of)
Freedom Day
Freedom House
Freedom of Choice plan
Freedom Registration Forms
Freedom Road (Fast)
Freedom School newspapers
Benton County Freedom Train
Drew Freedom Fighter
Freedom Carrier
Freedom Flame
Freedom News (Holly Springs)
Freedom News (Palmer’s Crossing)
Freedom Star
Freedom’s Journal
Hattiesburg Freedom Press
Ruleville Freedom Fighter
Student Voice of True Light
Freedom Schools: Benton County Freedom School
Citizenship Curriculum
Declaration of Independence (Freedom School)
Independence (Freedom School)
Drew Freedom School
Freedom School (McComb)
Freedom School Convention
Hattiesburg schools
Holly Springs Freedom School
Meridian Freedom School
Mississippi Student Union (MSU)
modern programs
Mt. Zion Freedom School (Hattiesburg)
New York conference
Philadelphia Freedom Schools
political influence
Ruleville Freedom School
Shaw Freedom Schools
St. John’s Methodist Church Freedom School
Freedom Singers
freedom songs
Freedom Summer
Freedom Training School
Freedom Vote
freedom workers
Funchess, Glenda
Ganz, Marshall
Gathright, Dorothy
Gathright, T. S.
German, Aaron
Golden Rule
Goldwater, Barry
Gray, Victoria Jackson
Green, Freddie
Greenwood, Mississippi
Haberman, Karen
Hale, Nathan
Hamer, Fannie Lou
Harlem, New York
Harring, Bossie Mae
Harris, Anthony
Harris, John
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Hayes, Curtis
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Henderson, Delmas
Highlander Folk School
Holly Grove Church
Holly Springs, Mississippi
Honey Theater
Hopson, Clint
r /> Horton, Myles
Howe, Florence
Indianola, Mississippi
influence of religion
Jack, Nathaniel
Jackson, Denis
Jackson, Gloria
Jackson State College
Jenkins, Esau
Jim Crow laws
John’s Island, South Carolina
Johnson, Aaron
Johnson, Alan
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Paul B.
Jones, Matthew
Jones, Roscoe
Jones, William D.
Jordan, Cleveland
Kennard, Clyde
Kennedy, Bobby
Kennedy, John F.
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.
Klunder, Rev. Bruce
Ku Klux Klan
Lamb, Martha
Landess, Ira
Lea, Barbara JoAnn
Ledbetter, Lillian
Lee, Robert E.
Levine, Allan
Lewis, John
Litwack, Leon
Lomax, Louis E.
Lynd, Staughton
mass meetings
Matthews, Willie Thomas
McComb, Mississippi
“McComb Legacies”
McCord, Don
McDow, Charles
McEvans High School boycott
McLaurin, Charles
Meredith, James
Meridian, Mississippi
Meridian Star
Miner, Luther
Mississippi Education Association
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Mississippi History Day competition
Mocca Drive-In Restaurant
Montgomery, Isaiah
Moore, Jacqueline
Moore, Paula
Moore, Phil
Moses, Bob
Mount Zion CME Church
Nat Turner Revolt
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Council of Churches
Neblett, Chuck
Negro Revolt, The (Lomax)
New York City, New York
New York Times
Old Brick Kiln
O’Reilly, John Boyle
Palmer’s Crossing, Mississippi
Patterson, Georgia
Pike County
Pleasant Plain Missionary Baptist Church
political education
poll tax
Priest’s Creek Missionary Baptist Church
public busses
Quality Education as a Constitutional Right (QECR)
racial equality
Randolph, A. Philip
Ratliff, Jimmie R.
Revels, Hiram
Revolution of 1875
Rich, Marvin
Richard, Ruby
Robert E. Lee Hotel
Roberts, Wally
Robinson, Bernice
Rubin, Morris
Ruleville Central High School
Ruleville Student Action Group
Russwurm, John B.
Rust College
Sachar, Jeff
Sarter, Marilyn
Savio, Mario Roberto
Scolaus, Sue
Seeger, Peter
separate but equal
Sephus, Steve
Sephus, Sue
Shaw High School
Shaw Mississippi Student Union
Smith, Ernest
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Southern Documentary Project
St. James Church
St. John’s Methodist Church
Stennis, John C.
Steptoe, E. W.
student boycotts
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Sugarman, Tracy
Summer Project. See Freedom Summer
Sunflower County
Sunflower County Summer Project
Tate, Donald
Taylor, Malcolm
Thirteenth Amendment
Thompson, Sandra
Three Missing Workers (Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman)
Tolsen, Melvin
Travis, Brenda
Travis, Marionette
True Light Baptist Church
Truth, Sojourner
Tubman, Harriet
Tunica County School District
Turner, Nat
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
understanding clause
United Federation of Teachers (UFT)
Vassey, Denmark
Vick, Dorothy
W. T. Sims High School
Wade, Daisy Harris
Walborn, Judy
Walton, Janice
Washington, Booker T.
Waterhouse, Lelia
Wells, Ida B.
Western College for Women
Wharton, Vernon Lane
White, Shirley
Wilkins, Roy
Williams, Viola
Williford, W. O.
Wilson, Mattie Jan
Woolworth sit-in (Greensboro, North Carolina)
World’s Fair
Zibulsky, Stanley
Zinn, Howard
To Write in the Light of Freedom Page 21