Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance

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Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance Page 51

by Alexis Angel

All night he whispered compliments in my ear, and I must say they were well deserved. My Dolce and Gabanna gown was beautifully simple.

  "Thank you… For the compliment and the dress," I smirk over my shoulder as he watches me walk to the bathroom.

  The tub fills quickly, thanks to the rainfall faucet, and Thomas helps me out of my bra and panties before following me into the warm water. Settled behind me, he wraps his arms around me as I relax on his chest.

  "I didn’t think this bath could get any better," I sigh deeply, completely content and Thomas leans to kiss my shoulder.

  "I’m glad you like it. I’ve never used it," he reminds me of a fact I just can’t wrap my head around. To have such a luxurious tub and never take advantage.

  "I’m not even going there tonight," I giggle and he kisses the top of my forehead.

  "Did you have a good time at the state dinner?" He asks, his head tilted so he can catch a glimpse of my face as I answer.

  "It was so nice. I like all of the events actually. I really just like getting to spend time with you," I say matter-of-factly.

  "Good. You’re the only reason I would actually go," he says, confirming my suspicions.

  "How could you not love all of this? It’s like a dream." I look around the bathroom in awe. I thought his bathroom in New York was something, but it doesn’t even hold a candle to the decadence of this place.

  "It gets old, baby. Trust me, it will all fade as time goes on," he sighs.

  I want to tell him that it won’t for me, since I won’t experience it for long, but I decide against it and instead just take a deep breath and relax on his strong chest. His hands move from resting on my arms to massaging my breasts, and I smile looking over my shoulder. His sexual appetite is through the roof, but luckily so is mine.

  "Is this why you wanted to take a bath with me?" I wonder aloud and he grins mischievously.

  "Well, this was going to happen regardless. I just didn’t want to wait," he clarifies, and I brush his hands aside to turn around and face him. Lifting up, I move my legs to straddle, him as he leans his head back to get a good look at me.

  "Like what you see?" I ask.

  "I love it," he says, and my heart feels like it stops.

  That’s just a figure of speech and I know it, but my mind is racing with the possibilities. We haven’t had a conversation about that before and although its been insinuated, Thomas has never out right admitted his love for me.

  "Oh, well…" I stammer, trying to find words to fill the space, but my mind is too cluttered to gather my thoughts.

  "I love you, Nicole," he says clearly and I feel as though the world stops around me. It’s just me and him, and nothing or no one exists as I strain against him, my sex wanting to slide down his erection, which is poking into my stomach as he grows beneath the water.

  "You do?" I mutter in a shocked whisper.

  "Of course I do, baby," he says, leaning up to press his lips against mine.

  "I love you too," I say definitely, pressing my lips to his before the words in his mouth can meet the air.

  My tongue slides along his as our bodies press together in harmony, my sex calling for him. With his hands on my hips, he lifts me up so that the head of his manhood is lined with my opening, before sliding me onto his hard shaft. A slow moan escapes me, and my hips begin to wave, as Thomas look at me with that in awe look that I now know to be love.

  Our bodies move slowly together, as he slides and sits up so that his hand is cradling my neck, guiding me on and off of his length. As always, he feels incredible, but this time it's even more special because we’ve finally said what was so obvious between us. Of course Thomas loves me, and of course I loved him. We both knew it, but to hear it from his lips just feels amazing.

  "Just like that, baby," he begins before adding, "Nice and slow."

  I do as he instructs and continue to lift my body, waving my hips, and lowering onto him. Seeing his expression of pleasure gives me the energy I need to continue, increasing my pace, as he moves to cup my breasts, massaging me while lifting his hips to press further inside of me.

  "Mmm…" he moans when I lean down and kiss his neck with my tongue.

  "Yes! Oh, Thomas, baby," I moan, my orgasm already brewing deep within me.

  "I know what you like," he says, gripping my hips to guide me, and move my body to and away from him in a rhythmic way.

  He’s telling the truth. He does know what I like, now even more than before I left New York to chase after him. The water splashes around me, but I can’t begin to care about the floor of the bathroom getting wet, I’m too focused on my release, which is building rapidly in the pit of my stomach.

  With my knees pushing me up, as my hips grind and twirl before lowering onto his cock, taking him deep inside of me, as I whimper with both pleasure and pain as he stretches my sex to fit him perfectly. I can see the pleasure on his face, as his eyes darken, hooded by lust. The sensations flow through my body as I grip onto his shoulders for leverage, helping me power on.

  Thomas rises in the tub, lifting his hips with one of his hands on my ass, pushing me downwards in harmony with his thrusts. It makes all of him enter me, smoothly and overwhelmingly pleasurable. When I gasp at the fullness, he holds me in the position, stilling so I’m forced to slide forward and backward for any relief.

  "Just feel me, baby," he groans, his head back against the edge of the bathtub. I know he’s losing himself because he tries to look away when he fights his orgasm; the looks of my satisfaction turn him on too much.

  Thomas always dominates the sex, and I love it. Unlike me, he doesn’t need to outwardly show he’s in control; rather he likes me to think I’m in charge although it is never truly the case. He is topping from the bottom as he dictates the pace and the stroke, even the rhythm is left to his discretion, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  "Oh, God! Baby, you’re so deep," I whine, my pussy clenching around his hardness, begging for penetration.

  Sitting up, he holds me in his arms, pulling me against his chest as he pumps me hard, my nails digging into his skin as the water splashes out of the tub.

  "Yes! Oh, baby, yes!" I yell, my orgasm building with every movement.

  "Ungh! Fuck! Nicole, baby," he groans.

  There’s nowhere to go, no escaping him as he entrances all of my senses. With his mouth pressed against my ear, grunting with her plunge deep into my velvety sex, my stomach muscles tense with anticipation at the sounds and feels of the warm breath from his lips.

  His aroma has always been alluring to me, and with my nose pressed against his skin, I inhale deeply before licking and sucking his neck, the saltiness of his sweat tingling against my tongue.

  "Ungh, Nicole. I love you so much, baby," he growls, and his declaration pushes me over the edge as I spiral into an all encompassing orgasm, my soul racked with intensity while he bucks into me, knowing I’m climaxing for him.

  "Yes! Thomas! I love you!" I scream, happy to finally have spoken the words I’ve known to be true for so long. It’s a release in more ways than one and the admission on both of our parts only makes my orgasm that much stronger.

  "Cum for me baby!" he roars, his fingers sliding against my slippery body as he struggles to grip me in the water.

  His impending release is the sole motivation for his movements now, as his hips lift fast and swift, our bodies colliding in splashes of warm water until he growls loudly, pulling me into him with an extreme force, burying his length inside of me as fast as he can manage until his body explodes, oozing inside of me.

  "Nicole! Baby! Oh, God!" he moans softly, his manhood oozing inside of me and I squeeze around him, wanting to feel his ultimate pleasure.

  Gripping him as tightly as I can, in as many places as possible, I lift myself and slide down, clenching my muscles as he spasms uncontrollably. His hold on me is tight, as he groans with his face pressed into my shoulder.

  "Milk me, baby. It’s all for you," he moans against my ear
and my eyelids grow heavy with appreciation and erotic admiration.

  Lifting and lowering myself, I feel him twitch inside me until there’s no more to give me, and my body rests against his, as we hold each other while the aftershocks pass through us. My heart is beating so fast, so hard, I know he can feel it as our chests both heave in sync to our unique rhythm.

  Moving to face me, he presses his lips against mine, hard and desperate, kissing me like he never has before. More than passionate, our kiss is a confessional, a release in its self. We’ve finally told each other how deeply we feel for one another, although our actions have pointed to this conclusion for a while.

  With my hands tugging his hair, I press my body against his, kissing him with all of the deep love I feel for him as a tear rolls down my cheek. When we finally pull away, in need of air, he tugs at my lip and I smile in giddy joy.

  "What’s wrong?" he frowns, his brows furrowed as he notices my tear, gently wiping my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "Did I hurt you, baby?"

  "No, no. I just… They’re good tears," I try my best to smile, and I can tell he understands.

  There was so much built up, so many things left unsaid, and now that we’ve put everything on the table, and I know for sure he loves me the way I love him, a rush of relief floods me. There are no words I’d rather hear from his lips than his confession of love. My heart feels full and complete, and in that moment, like many with him, I never want it to end.

  "Please don’t cry," he whispers and I try to grit my teeth to stop the onslaught of tears begging to fall from the corner of my eye.

  "You’ve known how I feel about you," he whispers on my lips.

  "Yes. It’s just different to hear it, that’s all," I poorly try to explain my reaction.

  "Different?" He questions, tilting his head like he’s studying me.

  "Better," I correct myself, his lips curling into a smirk.

  "Come on, let me get you out of here," he lifts me, his manhood sliding out of me, it’s absence leaving me empty and in need. We both stand together, helping each other as we carefully make it through the bathroom, holding onto counters to avoid falling on the slippery floor.

  House keeping will have a fun time cleaning that place up. It’s such a change to not worry about messes like I used to. Thomas always tells me it's someone else’s problem, but that is all new to me. Everything in me says I need to go get a mop, but instead I walk into the walk in closet, draped in Thomas’ arms as he nibbles at my shoulders.

  Opening my drawers, which Thomas cleared for me the day I moved in, excited to make this a home for the two of us. And as different as it is, this place does feel like home, although I bet any place with Thomas would have that effect on me.

  Slipping on a silk nightgown, I pull my hair into a top bun, and walk into Thomas closet, which connects to mine, but he’s gone. Making my way into the bedroom, I see him on the phone; he looks up and smiles at my appearance before covering the phone to turn to me.

  "Are you hungry?" he asks and I scrunch my nose contemplating his question before deciding I am.

  Although we’d left the dinner only a few hours ago, it was very fancy and half of the courses were so small I barely got full. My stomach growls as if trying to tell me how to answer, and Thomas smiles before returning to the call.

  "Yes, let’s have two lobster and steak meals… Garlic mashed potatoes are fine… And asparagus… Yes… No… Of course. Also, bring strawberries and champagne. Good. Thank you," he finishes and hangs up the phone before turning to me.

  "Lobster and steak?" I ask in bewilderment. That’s such a huge meal, and much to ask someone to make in the middle of the night.

  "Do you want something else?" he panics, reaching for the phone as I make my way toward him.

  "No, silly," I begin, placing my hand over his to stop him from dialing anyone. "That’s a lot to ask in the middle of the night, don’t you think?"

  "Nicole, you have to stop worrying about that," he chuckles softly, lifting his hand to move a few stray hairs from my face before continuing, "you’re gonna have to get used to this, you know?"

  His questions like this always leave me feeling a mix of emotions. It’s like he’s insinuating our future here together, but it’s just too much of a fairy tale for me to even consider. My mind is constantly warning me not to go too far off the deep end with possibilities of a life of luxury with the man that I love, but it’s hard not to dream when my reality is so unbelievable.

  "This is a dream life. You’re my dream man," I whisper, looking up into his eyes.

  "I’ve never felt that way about any of this until I had you to share it with," he pulls me close to him, and the wind catches in my throat, preventing me from responding to his continuing romance.

  Dinner arrives a little while later, and we eat at the small dining area in the living room. It’s remarkable how a child could have his own quarters, as this is the room he was raised in. To him it’s quite ordinary, the ornate décor and custom artwork scattered across his walls, but to me it's nothing short of remarkable.

  "Why did you ever leave?" I ask as we finish our meal.

  "Leave home?" he asks.

  "Yeah. Your country is so beautiful, the people so nice. Everything is laid out for you, I don’t understand why you’d ever want to go anywhere else," I reason.

  His lips twist as his brows move to together, and I’m sure he’s thinking deeply. He first looks up to the ceiling, and then looks back at me. A shadow of a smile crosses his face as his eyes sparkle, and I feel myself melting just from his glare.

  "I always felt like there was something out there for me. Something I couldn’t get from inside this palace, or Elanda altogether. I wanted to go find out what it was, but in school and just living in New York I never seemed to encounter whatever it was. I feel like I was searching for a while and then I quit in frustration. I just began to resent the mystery, and so I was reckless, living wild," he begins, referring to his playboy past.

  "And then what? What changed?" I take a sip of my drink, looking up to him with curious eyes.

  "You," he says flatly and my heart flutters.

  "Oh, Thomas," I cover my mouth, bashfulness sweeping over me.

  "I’m serious, Nicole," he extends his arm across the table and I place my petite hand into his strong grasp.

  "I was living with no purpose, no passion, just existing. Sometimes I felt like a prisoner to my title, it was daunting. Now, I’m grateful to have it because I can shower you with everything you deserve. You were what was waiting for me. I traveled across the world to find you."

  Words won’t do my feelings any justice, so I quickly jump from my seat, racing into his lap as our lips crash against each other. There’s so much urgency and passion between us, and it all pours out into our embrace, my fingers rushing to his hair as he yanks at my bun until my hair spills down to my shoulders.

  Standing, he lifts me with ease, our kiss never pausing as he makes his way to the bedroom, lowering me gently onto the four-poster bed. Backing away, he looks down at my body with hunger and desire pools between my legs watching him pull his shirt over his head with one hand.

  Crawling on to me naked, his ten inches of manhood press against my body while he kisses my neck, and then moves down to my breasts, tugging at the soft silk to free my body. With his tongue circling my nipple, my back arches, my arousal growing.

  Moving quickly, he lowers between my legs, inching my nightgown up to taste my sex. Gasping loudly as he runs the flat of his tongue down my slick opening, I feel my body overheat. I am so affected by him; it often leaves me in shock. The slightest touch can send me into overdrive, and when he slides his tongue inside of me, I shriek with overwhelming satisfaction. He feels incredible, and has always been able to drive me up a wall with the way he pleases me with his tongue. You’d think I was his favorite meal the way he devours me with his mouth.

  "Oh God! Thomas," my back arches further, shamelessly pushing my pelvis
towards him, begging for more pressure, and as always he gives me just what I want.

  Once he’s got me aroused to his liking, he slides a finger inside of me, moving to focus on my clitoris as I wither beneath him in ecstasy. With my most sensitive spot in his mouth, he sucks gently as his finger slides in and out of my sex.

  Drenched with arousal, my juices seeping onto the bed, I beg him to give me what I want, what I really want – to feel him inside of me. It’s been less than thirty minutes since we left the bathtub, but I’m craving him like its been weeks. There’s never enough, as I am always seeking more from him.

  "Please! Thomas, let me feel you, baby!" I plead and he sucks my clit harder. The waves don’t even build, I cum instantly and the rush to climax takes me by surprise, leaving me breathless.

  Before I can comprehend just what’s happened, Thomas is climbing my body, and slamming into as my orgasm continues to rock my body. His length thrusting into me, pumping me at a fast pace, only extends the vibrations until a new set of waves take on a life of their own.

  "You’re so good. God, you feel amazing. I could fuck you all day," he growls, his body moving like a wave as he holds himself on his elbows, rocking into me.

  "I’m yours, baby!" I cry, the sensations too great to bear as I roll into another explosion rapidly.

  "That’s right. Don’t fight it, baby. Give it to me," he growls, plunging into me as I wrap my legs around his back, crossing my angles to keep him close.

  "Oh God!" I gasp, my arms wrapped around his shoulders to hold onto him as he moves so swiftly and purposefully, hitting the spot he knows sends me over the edge every time.

  "Fuck, Nicole! You’re squeezing my cock," he groans, and I haven’t even realized I’m doing it, but my body has yet to recover from my intense release.

  "Thomas! I’m gonna… Oh, God," I moan, knowing this is an explosion that’ll leave me shattered in pieces. Whenever he makes me climax back to back, and he does quite regularly, it has such an intense effect, and I know it’s coming at me full speed.

  "Yeah, baby! Fuck yeah!" He growls, digging faster and deeper. His muscular body is raging him forward as he pumps me hard and fast, his pelvis surging forward without rhythm or finesse. He’s ready to explode himself.


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