Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance

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Head Hunter: A Virgin Billionaire Reverse Romance Page 118

by Alexis Angel

  Oh. My. God.

  It’s Ethan’s office.

  And that’s me. At his computer.

  “Walter, his terminal looks similar to what we went through, but I’m going to need you to walk me through it,” I hear myself saying on the video.

  I don’t know about you, hun, but I’m starting to get really worried every time I see myself on a screen. First it was whatever went on in Times Square. Taking a glance at the television, which is on mute right now; the crowds are chanting and celebrating and cheering and lining up to buy Illicit Escapes. Wicked Wear is most likely out of this market for a very, very long time.

  It’s almost as if this whole thing were…

  “Planned?” Ethan asks me, and I snap out of my reverie.

  “That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?” he asks me with a smirk.

  On his tablet, I look at myself furiously clicking at the keys and talking to Walter through my earpiece.

  He knew!

  He knew this whole time! And yet he kept me around. He knew I was betraying him as he made love to me. He knew my goal was to deceive him the entire time.

  “Yeah, babe,” Ethan says to me. “That day I left the prototype on the table…I thought you’d take it to Simon,” he tells me.

  “You played me?” I ask him, all my sorrow at deceiving him starting to melt away. “You’ve been fucking playing me the whole fucking time?!”

  Yeah, I’m pissed. He’s been lying to me the entire time. While I’ve been falling in love with him and feeling sorry for deceiving him!

  My hand raises up and I know where it’s going.

  I’m going to slap that fucking smirk off his face right now.

  And I would have too, if his hand hadn’t raised up and caught mine. With the strength of ten men, he pulls me closer.

  “No, I don’t fucking think so, babe,” he says as he pulls me to him and I smell his cologne mixed in with his man smell and I realize that he’s won. “And yes, I fucking knew. But I had to make a decision as to what was best for you. And for us.”

  He’s tamed me. The Man Chaser.

  He pushes me against the back of the couch and presses himself on me. His mouth finds mine.

  He’s rough, his hands running over my body, claiming what he’s won. What he owns.

  That bastard!

  I’m sorry. I can’t get over the fact that Ethan Kane knew this whole time.

  That he let me make such a fool out of myself so he could have a laugh. Why would he do that?

  This is all I can think about, but my body is already responding to his kisses, pressing up against him and kissing back as I find the nooks and crannies on his body and wiggle into them. My hand travels to his crotch and I can tell he’s already hard. A few good squeezes in, I let myself feel indignant again.


  I need to know one thing!

  Pushing him off me slightly, I look at him.

  “How long did you know?” I ask him. “And did you have to decide?”

  Ethan is almost about to jump me again, but I see him think better of it and sigh.

  “I knew you were somehow trying to steal the device from the moment you were in my office,” he tells me. “I didn’t know it was Simon till you told me. I knew it could potentially have been Simon, but I didn’t want to rule out maybe it was someone else. Maybe you were working for Arsen Hawke or someone else.”

  I’m silent as he continues. “When you didn’t take the device and you actually brought it back, I began to think that you weren’t actually trying to steal on your own, but someone was either paying you or forcing you to do it,” he says and I nod. “Which is basically what you confirmed ten days ago.”

  “And then?” I ask.

  “I knew that eventually if you were being forced to do this, there might come a day where you’d have to fucking choose between yourself and us,” he tells me, his eyes deep and soulful and even through my anger, I can see full of love. He shrugs as he continues. “I didn’t want you to have to make that choice. So I made it for you. I prepared the Trojan Horse script that would stay hidden and only run upon command if needed. As it turns out, it saved us from each other.”

  My head is spinning, babe.

  I need to sit down.

  To think of what’s going on.

  How Ethan has just saved me from Simon. But I know you by now, and I know you’re wondering about Simon. He doesn’t seem like the kind of person that takes kindly to being made a fool of. He’s definitely going to retaliate.

  All of a sudden the anger is replaced by fear.

  Am I going to have to run again?

  “Once you mentioned Simon, I knew exactly how he’d try to coerce you,” Ethan tells me as he picks up his tablet and turns on the video call option. He looks at me and smirks. “You might be interested to know that Cheryl is in California right now.”

  My heart leaps up into my throat and Ethan recognizes the look.

  “Yeah, don’t worry,” he says. “It’s not that hard to figure out where you used to live in California and that your agent was Robert McIntyre.”

  I don’t have a chance to explain or even question because that’s when Cheryl comes on the screen.

  “Hey there, Cheryl,” Ethan says with a cheery voice. “What’s the status?”

  “Robert McIntyre never got a chance to see Today USA,” Cheryl says into her phone, her expression blank. She glances at me and even across the country, I can tell she’s sizing me up. Seeing if I’m any threat to Ethan. “He’ll never catch the reruns of what happened either.”

  Ethan nods. “Do I want to know why not?” he asks.

  Cheryl doesn’t answer. She just shakes her head.

  There’s a moment of silence.

  I don’t even know what to say. Is Cheryl saying that he’s dead? Did she have something to do with this?

  “Thank you so much,” Ethan says and without any further ado, pushes the END button.

  He looks at me.

  “You’re free,” he says.

  “Ethan?” I ask, going closer to him. The prospect of being free of having to look over my shoulder is insane. “What happened to him?”

  “Sometimes porn is still a dirty fucking business, babe,” Ethan tells me, his voice and face serious. “If we don’t ask questions, we never have to lie.”

  It sends a small chill. The power that this man wields.

  But it makes me feel safe. Because with everything Ethan knows, and with everything it turns out he can do, what he wants most in the world right now…is me.

  “Free,” I say to him, smiling.

  “Free,” he repeats, pulling me closer. “It’s time to fucking celebrate.”

  I feel his mouth approaching mine and I’m about to give in to him. To surrender to this man who seems to have tamed me.

  But not so fast!

  Ethan Kane has played me very well. That’s for damn sure.

  “Ethan, wait,” I tell him, pushing against his chest with one hand. “One second.”

  He looks at me, puzzled.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks gruffly. I can tell he’s ready. He needs to be inside of me. And that makes holding him off even sweeter.

  I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m finally free. I want to celebrate by having filthy, dirty, sex.

  But I can’t let him win on every single front.

  “I have something to tell you as well that you don’t know,” I say, keeping a serious face.

  He looks at me, backing up on the sofa slightly. I relish the moment.

  Ethan Kane thinks he’s all that, does he? Thinks he’s so smart for pulling off this coup? Playing me?

  Watch me make him crumble.

  “I’m pregnant, Ethan,” I say to him softly. And then with a smile, “We’re pregnant.”

  It takes literally a minute for the words to go from his ears to reflect in his eyes and then his face.

  He smiles brightly. Then the smile transforms into a grin and there’s n
o stopping him – his arms are wrapped around me and he’s holding me close.

  He’s hugging me. He’s kissing me. He’s kissing my neck. My earlobes. My face. My ears.

  His cock is pushing into me.

  “That’s fucking fantastic!” he says, pulling back. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” he asks.

  I look at him as he asks again, “Why keep it a secret?”


  I roll my eyes and shrug, using his own words. “I had to make a decision as to what was best for you. And for us,” I say.

  He looks at me for a moment, digesting those words. And then he breaks out into a smirk.

  “Alright then,” he says. “It’s going to be fun keeping you in line from now on.”

  “Right back at ya, hun,” I tell him as we kiss.

  Before long, his arms are pulling off my shirt and I’m undressing him.

  It’s time to live freely. With the man I love.

  For the first day of the rest of our lives.

  Well, I guess I can do that.


  I’m finally free. Free from Simon, free from the shadows of my past. And, better yet, I found love. And we’re having a baby!

  When I came to New York, ready to start a new life, I never expected I would ever be this happy. But then Ethan happened.

  An hour after we just annihilated each other with the truth and realized how much we mean to each other, we’re back in Times Square, as Ethan finishes up the press conference.

  And no, it doesn’t look awkward with me standing there next to him. I’m the leading lady of the new virtual world we’re creating, remember?

  “Over the next several months, we’ll be rolling out the product to the widest number of people,” Ethan says. “Illicit Entertainment won’t rest until an I.E. is in every home in America.”

  The press shout questions to him, but Ethan waves them off.

  “Today was a matchup that showed that hard work and perseverance still count for something. I had a vision, and I worked to bring it a reality. It’s now time for me to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Thank you very much.”

  The press frantically try to get in a question, but Ethan’s statement has been made. He’s done.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he says, grabbing my hand and leading the way. All around us, journalists are shouting a thousand questions and trying to get a reaction out of him, but he just ignores the chaos in the room. He won the war against Simon, but he’s not interested in gloating; right now, there’s something else on his mind. And on mine as well.

  While the whole press is going insane with Simon’s failure and Ethan’s triumph, we sneak through the backdoor. Ethan already has a limo waiting for us, and smiling gallantly, he holds the door open for me.

  “Where are we going?” I ask him as I get in.

  “It’s just a short ride,” he tells me, sitting next to me. The driver revs the engine up, and soon enough, we’re cruising through NY’s traffic. I place my hand on top of his, and looking into his eyes, I feel happiness spreading its wings inside of me. I’m the luckiest woman on Earth.

  “Thank you, Ethan,” I whisper, squeezing his fingers on mine. “For everything.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. Not now, not ever. I love you, Brittney, and I’ll tear the whole world apart before I let anyone lay a finger on you.” His tone is a calm one, but he means what he’s saying. My heart melts, and as I lean in to kiss him, the limo parks right in front of the closest hotel, The Plaza.

  We stroll inside arm-in-arm, and Ethan just walks by the registration desk; he probably already has the key to the suite inside his pocket. Which makes me think, when did he start planning all of this? Finishing off Simon, taking care of my ex… He probably already knew how things would end. And now I do too; I get the happy ending I deserve.

  When we get inside the room, a suite overlooking Fifth Avenue, he doesn’t even give me enough time to appreciate my surroundings. He closes the door, and placing both his hands on my hips, he slams me against the door; his body is pressed against mine, and the moment I lock eyes with him, I feel my pussy growing wet.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he tells me with a smile, leaning into me and brushing his lips against mine. Then, his smile turning into a grin, he takes one step back. Loosening his tie, he pulls it out and looks at me with mischief in his eyes. A shiver goes up my spine as I feel his eyes roaming down my body, and I can’t help but look at his crotch. His cock is growing hard, pushing against the fabric of his pants, and I can barely wait to simply pull it out.

  “You’re everything, Ethan,” I tell him, a wide smile on my face. I’ve made it through… And with him by my side. When everything seemed lost, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light was Ethan. Whatever happens in the future, I know this: I’ll never stop loving this man. Never.

  “Am I?” he asks with a mocking grin on his lips. Then, his expression turns serious. “I know, Brittney. But you’re my everything as well… And from now on, we are one.”

  “One,” I repeat after him, the sound of it like honey on my throat. “Forever.”

  Smiling, he pulls the tie around his neck, and instead of simply letting it fall on the floor, he brings it up to my face. He lays it across my eyes, tying it on the back of my neck, and darkness swallows me.

  “For all eternity,” he says. With that, he leans into me and I feel his lips brushing against mine, his tongue sliding inside of my mouth and dancing around my own. Blind, I rest my fingers on his chest and feel my way to his collar; there, I start unbuttoning his shirt, baring his chest. While I undress him, he places his two hands on my hips and pushes me back until my knees meet the edge of the bed. He pushes me down and I fall on top of the mattress, untucking his shirt as I go down.

  I feel the mattress shifting under his weight as he climbs on top of the bed, and then he’s on top of me, kissing me again. I push his shirt down his arms, and then run my fingertips up and down his back; I feel the ropes of muscles in his back, moving as he kisses me, and my heart starts to drum a wild song of lust and decadence.

  “I want you,” I find myself saying, sliding my hand down his stomach and finding the way to his belt. Unbuckling it, I pull it out of its loops with a sudden movement and flatten the palm of my hand over his crotch; his thick cock pulses against my fingers immediately, straining against the fabric of his pants without enough strength to rip its way out. Without even thinking about what I’m doing, I lace his waist with my legs, and start to stroke him over his pants. My fingers are curled tight—perhaps too much—around his shaft, and I stroke him viciously.

  Moving like a tiger, he grabs my wrist and takes my hand off of his cock. Pinning both my hands against the mattress, he presses his body on top of mine, my dress hiking up to my waist. I thrust against him, pressing my drenched pussy against his cock, and start to sway my hips. Grinding, I feel his shaft pulsing with desire, and I wish I could simply will my clothes away.

  Luckily, it’s as if he can read my thoughts. With his mouth resting against my neck, he kisses my skin while, using only one hand, he pulls the straps of my dress down. The fabric droops over my arms, and slightly easing the pressure of his body on mine, he yanks on my dress as hard as he can. I hear a ripping sound, and then I feel the fabric sliding almost too easily over my skin. He goes to his knees, still between my legs, and tears the dress off of me, ripping it off as if he was a savage.

  In a fraction of a second, my heart starts to kick and punch against my ribcage, and I can’t help but undo the clasp on my bra hurriedly. I pull it out and throw it somewhere far off, the cool air of the room lapping at my hard nipples.

  I half-expect him to simply lie down on top of me and go straight for my tits, but that’s not what he does. He remains kneeling between my legs, and then brushes one fingertip against my thong. I shiver as he traces the contour of my underwear, and then his finger starts a hike over my stomach. He goes all the way up to between
my tits and then, after a moment’s hesitation, he lets his finger go up the hill of my right breast. Circling my nipple, he never actually touches it, preferring to make me go completely mad before he really does anything.

  What he doesn’t know is that I’m already mad and desperate for him. As such, I grab both his hands and force him to press them against my tits. Exhaling sharply, that’s exactly what he does, squeezing my mounds eagerly and then pinching both my nipples at the same time. He pinches them until a loud moan leaves my lips, and then he does it even harder; reacting by instinct, I grab his wrists, but I don’t stop him. I lay here, panting and moaning while pain and pleasure poke holes in my brain, the madness that fills my mind turning into pure insanity. I’m unhinged, through and through.

  “Fuck me,” I blurt out, and I can almost feel a grin dawning on his face.

  “You have to be a little more patient than that, Britt,” he chuckles, finally letting go of my nipples. I sigh loudly, and then he presses his mouth right between my tits. He lays gentle kisses on the curves of my breasts, and then finally wraps his lips around my right nipple. He nibbles at it with his teeth, gently, and circles it with his tongue. The more he kisses and sucks, the more I feel that familiar electric buzz crackling under my skin.

  Sucking on one nipple and caressing the other with his fingers, he drives me to pleasure’s cliff and throws me off of it. Like a whip, pleasure snaps at my mind and I simply explode. Arching my back, I let out one loud scream and it echoes in the room, bouncing off the walls and coming back to haunt me. My body is boiling, and my brain is melting away.

  Riding the wave, he slides his lips down my stomach, and with both hands, yanks on my thong. He pulls it against my outer thigh, and with one strong movement, rips it off of me. The outer string buries itself in my flesh and then, as if it were never there, it simply slides off.

  Now that I’m completely naked and ready to be served, Ethan places his hands on my inner thighs and forces me to spread my legs. I open them as wide as I can, and he starts to kiss the skin around my pussy; as he pulls back, my hands go straight to his hair and I try to make him dive into me. He resists at first, only allowing the tip of his tongue to part my drenched folds, but then he goes for it with a renewed spirit. Fitting his mouth against my pussy, he starts to suck on my inner lips, taking my fluids into his mouth; without wasting any time, he places two fingers against my clit and starts to rub me there at the same time.


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