Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2) Page 6

by Amber Flora

  Algon thought about his daughter and how he had spent her entire life watching over her, always in the shadows and never able to have the relationship he desperately wanted. Then after twenty-eight years he finally was able to have a conversation with her. It was the greatest experience of his life. One brief moment together that was all they had before she was once again ripped away from him. He would not lose her again. He didn’t care whom he had to hurt or what he had to do, he would rescue her and try to make up for all those years they lost.

  “Why would I do such a thing? She is my daughter, Cody. You barely know her. I have watched over that girl from the day she was born. She is my responsibility, not yours.”

  “With all due respect, Algon, you are the one she barely knows. We may have only spent a few months together, but I know more about Ashtyn and who she really is than you ever could.”

  Cody knew it was a low blow, but Algon would never be father of the year. He knew why Algon did the things he did, but the truth remained: Ashtyn didn’t even know she had a father until a couple months ago and even when he did reveal himself, at the first sight of trouble he disappeared again. It was difficult to believe that Ashtyn was his main priority. It seemed his precious rebellion always took precedence over his own daughter.

  “Didn’t your mother tell you it’s not the best of idea to anger a wizard? We have short tempers.”

  “Apologies, Algon. I do not wish to fight with you. If you would just hear me out before you make a decision.”

  “I’m listening, but I warn you, Dakota, you are here because my daughter trusts you not because I do.”

  Cody had to remind himself that there were more important things then establishing favor.

  “Talk to Ashtyn. Find out where she is, anything you can about her location. How many guards might there be? Is the Credo there as well? Why did Damon hire Herrick? We let the others believe the original plan is still in play. I believe the traitor is keeping a close eye on us. If I were to enter the council’s vault and make an attempt to steal some of the funds I have a sneaking suspicion they will be watching. If I can draw out the spy and capture them then you could use your people skills to force them to give up Damon’s whereabouts. We might even be able to pull off a trade, depending on how much the traitor knows. Damon could want this person more than he wants Ashtyn. If not, a least we would have her location.”

  It was a decent plan. Ben didn’t have to steal, Gloria didn’t have to fabricate documents and none of them had to trust the assassin. Flushing out the double crosser was just icing on the cake.

  “You really think this a better plan?” Algon asked cautiously.

  “I think both are long shots but at least this way no one puts themselves in danger.”

  “Except you, you're still going to try and catch the informer. Not to mention lie to all of your friends.”

  “My father was Elias Mass. I can handle a snake. As for my friends they can hate me as long as they’re safe.”

  “Very well, I will agree to do this your way, but know now that my daughter is my main concern, not the safety of your friends.”

  Cody knew Algon meant what he said. Part of him hated the man. The guy supposedly spent his life fighting for injustice, but he was willing to sacrifice his friends to save one person. The other part of him grudgingly understood. Ashtyn was his daughter and the only thing he had left of his beloved Deandra. Who wouldn’t sacrifice it all for their children?

  Cody looked around at his ragtag group of friends. Who would have thought they would all come together for the same goal? Ben the hardcore general, Gloria the spunky librarian, Mac the ladies’ man and Katrina the sheltered healer. It filled his heart with joy to think about how one girl with no knowledge of her heritage and all odds against her managed to bring them all together. He knew Lori would be right there with them if she were able to travel realms, but being that she was human someone would have to fill her in later. Cody sat back in his chair listening in on their conversations. He had known these people his entire life — Gloria even babysat him as a child — but he couldn’t remember one occasion when they all gathered together for dinner. There was just one thing missing: the Phoenix. His plan had to work. It was time for Ashtyn to come home where she belonged. They needed her, even if they didn’t know it. The table would never be complete until he could look across it and see her bright smile.

  Chapter 7

  My night ended like any normal day in the Damon penitentiary. After my training with Herrick I took a scalding shower, spent two miserable hours making small talk over dinner with the warden and headed to bed. There was, however, one small difference to my day: For the first time since being under Damon's thumb, when I closed my eyes I began to dream. I found myself standing by the pond of my uncle’s farm. I turned and saw the cottage I grew up in through the trees. Tears formed in my eyes. I suddenly realized how homesick I actually was. I missed sitting on the porch in the morning drinking a cup of coffee, reading a good book on the bench and watching the ducks splash in the pond. I wanted to go home. I wanted to forget about being a dreamwalker, the false savior and my obligation to Damon. I understood in that moment the power of the saying “There’s no place like home.” No truer statement could be spoken.

  “Hello, daughter.”

  I turned to see my father standing behind me. How did he get here? I haven’t dreamed in weeks. Was Damon's magic wearing off?”

  “Algon, how is this happening?” I wanted to be excited but I was afraid. What if this was just one of Damon’s tricks?

  “Damon’s spell keeps you from having your own dreams. You are inside one of mine. With a little help from your grandmother, I had enough power to push through his barrier. I thought it best that we met in a place that was familiar to you.”

  Without a second thought I ran into his arms, squeezing him in an embrace. I had felt so alone for so long, I needed his comfort. Even if it was for just a moment. I needed to believe someone cared.

  “Oh, child, come now. Everything is going to be all right.”

  “I’m so glad you are here. Have you seen the others? Cody, is he alive? Did Mac make it back safely?”

  I had heard Damon and Grison arguing about someone burning down the castle and assumed it had to be the boys, but I needed to hear it for myself. I needed confirmation that they had survived.

  Algon walked me over to the bench, sitting me down. I tried to stop my trembling hands, but I was so overwhelmed.

  “Everyone is intact. They are all with me in Cardician awaiting news on you. I must say you have very loyal friends, my child. They have been beside themselves with worry.”

  I let out a huge sigh of relief. They were safe. Damon had kept his word. I had spent so long wondering what had become of Mac and Cody. I wondered if Damon had actually allowed Mac to return home, if the Credo had killed Cody. Knowing they had survived took a huge weight off my shoulders.

  “What about you, my darling daughter? How are you holding up? Has he hurt you?”

  Oddly enough Damon hadn’t. Sure he was holding me against my will and had a very dysfunctional idea of creating a family, but he hadn’t laid a hand on me since the first night we met. Grison on the other hand was my current problem, but I couldn’t tell my father about my attacker. There was nothing he or anyone could do about it. Besides, he would be dead soon enough. I would make sure of it.

  “You mean the hybrid with a god complex? Not really. I get three meals a day and my own room and he even hired someone to teach me how to fight.”

  Why was I making it sound like I was at summer camp? Damon was a ruthless killer with a one-track mind. All he wanted was to destroy the realms and he didn’t care whom he hurt to make that happen.

  “Yes, I have heard of him. I believe he goes by Herrick?”

  I nodded.

  “Have you ever heard of a vibrant?” I asked in excitement.

  Algon’s face went rigid. “How do you know about vibrants, Ashtyn?”
br />   “Herrick, he’s a vibrant. I didn’t even know they existed. Why has no one told me about them?”

  I managed to get over the shock of learning about dreamwalkers, wizards and vampires. Vibrants seemed like a cakewalk compared with them.

  “Ashtyn, listen to me very carefully. Vibrants are the most dangerous of races. They have no moral compass. They don’t care about anyone or anything. Even animals have some understanding of emotions. You cannot under any circumstance trust them.”

  I knew Herrick didn’t feel. He even admitted the only reason he didn’t tell Damon how I really felt was because he had his own agenda when it came to me, but he had protected me from Grison more than once. He didn’t back down when I asked him to teach me everything he could about fighting. I couldn’t be ignorant enough to say he cared for me but based on my current situation, he was the closest thing to a friend I had in that house.

  “I know what he is and what he is capable of. I just said he was training me. Relax.”

  “Do not tell him anything he could use against you. Never reveal this meeting to anyone.”

  Why was he so concerned? He had never even met the guy. It was a little harsh to judge someone based on their race. I would have thought he was more tolerant than that seeing as how he had a child with a dreamwalker.

  “All right, I hear you! My lips are sealed.”

  Father or not he needed to lay off. I had managed to survive twenty-eight years without his parental guidance. If he actually knew me like a father should, he would know barking orders at me wasn’t the way to gain my compliance.

  “Do you know where you are? We haven’t found a trace of you since you left Damon's castle in Scotland.”

  “We’re in an estate in Finland. I don’t know the name of the town, but we’re on a small mountain by a large body of water.”

  Damon was pretty good about keeping our actual whereabouts under wraps. It wasn’t like he was getting mail delivered there.

  “There are only mountains in the far north of Finland, it shouldn’t take too long to pinpoint a location.”

  “You're coming for me? Don’t do that. Damon is more powerful than you could imagine. He will kill you.”

  I couldn’t endure all I had just to permanently lose the people I love. I had to do this on my own. Whatever plan they had formulated they could just forget it. I was not going to let one more person get caught in Damon’s web.

  “What did you expect us to do, Ashtyn? Sit around twiddling our thumbs while you endure God knows what under the roof of a monster? We are coming for you. Now you can help us by telling me how many reside in the estate and if you have noticed any weaknesses in the security, or you can let us let go in blind and take our chances. It’s your choice.”

  Damn him. I wasn’t sure if he was bluffing, but I knew Cody and Mac and they would come. There would be nothing I could do to stop them. The second Algon told them I was in Finland they would scour the countryside until they found me. I wanted to shout my objections until I lost my voice, but I was only delaying the inevitable.

  “It’s mostly just me, Damon, Herrick and Grison. Damon keeps about twelve of his best men patrolling the estate at all times, but they're good. I rarely see them and they never speak to me. He doesn’t need a lot of physical protection because his magic is so strong. It’s like we're in some kind of protective bubble. No magic in, no magic out. The only place I’m really ever allowed to go alone is the greenhouse and even there I’m sometimes followed.”

  “Ashtyn, I need you to tell me the deal you made with Damon to get him to release Mac.”

  Where would I even begin? That he had no intention of finding his uncle? How he wanted me to sleep with him? Or give him a dreamwalker/wizard son who would destroy the realms? None of that seemed like a conversation I should be having with my father even if we did have a normal parent-child relationship.

  “I promised him I wouldn’t try to escape” was the best I could come up with.

  Algon eyed me suspiciously. I figured he wouldn’t buy it, but I wasn’t ready to reveal the truth to him or anyone just yet.

  “Let me get this straight: Damon took you to try and find Ser’ie yet he has made no attempt to do so even though you have been with him for weeks, and to top it off he released someone he could have used as leverage against you just because you told him you wouldn’t run? What’s that human saying? I wasn’t born yesterday.”

  “I don’t know what else to tell you. I guess I’m a pretty persuasive person when I want to be. He trusts me so much he’s throwing me a party.”

  “A party? Like for your birthday? That isn’t for three more months.”

  A small smile crept across my face. I didn’t know my father remembered my birthday. It was such a little thing, but it warmed my heart.

  “Well he said it’s more of a ball, but he’s inviting a lot of people.”

  “That’s it! This is how we will break you out. When is this party?”

  I gave him a “you can’t be serious” look. I thought my father was smarter than this.

  “Are you mad? Half the Credo will be there, not to mention dozens of other people loyal to Damon.”

  If this thing went south not only would Damon probably kill my friends but he would never let me out of his sight again.

  “Damon will be distracted. With so many people gathered in one place it will be easy to blend. Ashtyn, do you think you could make it to the greenhouse during the party?”

  “I don’t know, maybe. If Damon is caught in conversation I might be able to sneak away. It would be difficult and I might only get minutes before he notices I’m gone.”

  Hope started to rise inside of me. Maybe this would work. I could actually escape my fate. I would have to take care of Grison first. He would be the first person to notice I was gone and he would know where to find me.

  “When is this party to be held?”

  “Next Saturday. I think it starts around eight.”

  “At nine-thirty, make your way to the greenhouse. One of us will be waiting for you. Make sure you aren’t followed.”

  “What if I can’t? What if he catches me or, worse, one of you?”

  Algon wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace.

  “Deandra would be so proud of you. Such a strong yet gentle soul. You can do this, Ashtyn. I know you can. Now what time will you be in the greenhouse?”

  “Nine-thirty,” I said trying to have conviction.

  “Good girl. Now tell me about your newfound fighting skills.”

  My father and I talked for a few more hours. He told me about Lori learning the truth, which I was going to strangle Mac for. I laughed when he told me how against their better judgement Gloria wouldn’t let them do anything without her. It caught me by surprise when he mentioned Kat was with them. To my knowledge she had never stepped foot in magic realm before. I wondered how she was liking the strange makings of Cardician. I told him about my training with Herrick and how I was getting pretty good with a dagger. We went over the plan multiple times as I detailed the layout of the house and their best point of entry. I didn’t want to wake up and go back to my reality. Before my dream came to end we sat and watched the ripples dance through the pond. I rested my head on his shoulder and imagined what it would have been like to grow up with a father. My uncle Ken was the best kind of father any girl could hope for, but it wasn’t the same. Nothing replaces the feeling of a father's love. I closed my eyes and tried to make time stand still. When I opened them I was back in my bed in Finland.

  “For feck’s sake, did ya take a detour after your chatter with Ashtyn?”

  Algon rubbed his head. Dreamwalking was exhausting enough for a wizard to accomplish. With the added energy of breaking through Damon's spell he was experiencing some serious jet lag.

  “That was the second time I have ever had a conversation with my daughter. Forgive me if I wasn’t keen on leaving her.”

  “Well, what did she say? Is the lass goi
ng to ask Herrick to break her out?”

  Algon looked at Cody who was trying hard not to make eye contact. He wasn’t going to like what he was about to say. Algon had agreed to lie to everyone and follow a different plan with Cody, but Herrick changed the game and they had no choice but to scrap that plan and come up with a new one.

  “I didn’t ask her.” Cody pushed off the counter he was leaning on, briskly walking toward Algon.

  “Herrick is a vibrant.”

  Katrina gasped. She looked horrified.

  “Damon is allowing a vibrant to sleep in the same house as Ashtyn?” she said with a mortified look.

  “As you can guess, the plan changed after she divulged that little piece of information.”

  Algon eyed Cody hoping he would understand why he deviated from the plan.

  “So what now? How are we going to get Ashtyn out of there?” Gloria asked, wrapping her arms around herself in defeat.

  “Ashtyn is somewhere to the north in Finland. If we can find out their location I have another idea for getting her out of there.”

  They needed to find the traitor; he or she would know Damon's location. If they could find it in time they would be able to scope it out before they made their move. They might even be able to use him or her as leverage. Whoever was on the inside feeding Damon information would have to know something about his plans.

  “How exactly are we supposed to find a needle in a haystack?” Ben questioned.

  “That’s where you come in. We need to sniff out the traitor on the council and get them to lead us to Damon, and we have four days to do it.”

  “Four days, why four days? You realize that’s a near impossible feat.”

  “Damon is holding a ball for Ashtyn on Saturday. That would be a golden opportunity to get in undetected. There will be too many people for him to keep track of. We get in, grab Ashtyn and get out before he even knows what happened.”


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